Galleon Sails & Speed

  • I was just told by a PL on facebook, that he & his crew leave the mainsail up partially, so the helmsman can see ahead of the ship. His claim is that it does not effect the ship's speed.

    Is this true? Why is this true, if it is?

    If the Galleon was designed to force teamwork, and communication with the helmsman, then why do Galleons get to sail at full speed without being at full sail?

  • 22
  • @Wodyo This is untrue and not needed. A good captain gets off the wheel to see where he is going and relies on the help of his crew. Leaving the sail up is just a way to help some captains that choose not to get off the wheel. I'd prefer full billow and working as a team then a captain not wanting to get off the wheel. My captain would make me walk the plank if I did this lol.

  • As @Ve111a stated above me, Raising the sails does slow the ship down.

    I'm helmsmen of my crew and I'm reliant on moveing away from the wheel and to the little stairs on the galleon's upper deck to see what's going on under the sail.

    It annoys me to no end when someone joins the game grabs the wheel and demand the mainsail be raised for him. It's an insta brig.

  • @hynieth said in Galleon Sails & Speed:

    As @Ve111a stated above me, Raising the sails does slow the ship down.

    I'm helmsmen of my crew and I'm reliant on moveing away from the wheel and to the little stairs on the galleon's upper deck to see what's going on under the sail.

    It annoys me to no end when someone joins the game grabs the wheel and demand the mainsail be raised for him. It's an insta brig.

    cater to the games mechanics, Don't try to make it cater to you is my philosophy.

  • I raise the main and front because I’m my experience randoms on a Galleon don’t work well as a team. In the rare event that I am sailing with 3 friends that aren’t t***s I will go full sail but otherwise the minor loss of speed is worth the increase in visibility.

  • I smile when I see this in game. Let’s me know right away I’m dealing with a noob crew & im going to get some good footage.

  • Haha i do like How people write in this thread,

    Keep your sails down all the time If you like, but the speedloss you get on a gallion with Mid/front is minimum, (Tryed it out with a race with another gallion with full sails)

    I have mid/front up abit (just so i can see) with that help i can ram other gallions easyer, My crew can focus on the pvp and i Will save the ship, (No Ops i hit a rock) and i dont lock My crewmates up with sailing so they can gett resurses,

    The only sails My crew fix is mid/front and helping with angle them but backsail is mine.

    And If you know How to sail u dont need maximum speed (you catch up anyway) 😁

  • If that is the case, @AlzHeimeerS, then perhaps Rare should nerf the speed of Galleons who are not at full sail. It must not be balanced the way they had aimed for, if one person can pilot the ship and still manage catch up to another.

  • Haha i do like How people write in this thread,

    Keep your sails down all the time If you like, but the speedloss you get on a gallion with Mid/front is minimum, (Tryed it out with a race with another gallion with full sails)

    I have mid/front up abit (just so i can see) with that help i can ram other gallions easyer, My crew can focus on the pvp and i Will save the ship, (No Ops i hit a rock) and i dont lock My crewmates up with sailing so they can gett resurses,

    The only sails My crew fix is mid/front and helping with angle them but backsail is mine.

    And If you know How to sail u dont need maximum speed (you catch up anyway) 😁

  • I raise the sails if need be but like a few people had said if you are on a crew that doesn't care about the sails then I need to be able to see and among other things not run into rocks or islands. If I have a decent crew then I'll go 3 sheets to the wind but hard to get a decent crew when you are trying to help newer players. Just because people choose to raise the sails doesn't make then noobs or helm hogs, more like it's the ability to adapt to the crews playing level and style.

  • I loved the whole people raising sails are assumed to be noobs. What horse s**t.. Im far from being a noob, and I rarely get sunk with my crew. We raise the sails slightly, and it affects nothing.

  • All these people citing not having good crew mates as a valid reason to not be a good crew mate. If you need the sail up for visibility then you are the crewmate who isn't good. If you think it doesn't make a difference then you are just wrong. If you think it doesn't make a big difference you are right. If you think that because it doesn't make a big difference then it's worth the tradeoff then you are bad.

  • It wasn't my intent to start a "who's better than who." Lol. I'm just trying to get to the facts.

    @SemperLetalis That's perfectly logical.

  • @wodyo said in Galleon Sails & Speed:

    It wasn't my intent to start a "who's better than who." Lol. I'm just trying to get to the facts.

    Lol everyone will have an opinion and that's ok, The fact is yes it does lower your speed and relying on your crew is more beneficial for keeping full speed from destination to destination.

  • @thorshammer5051 en svensk lirare :) trevligt :)

  • @wodyo said in Galleon Sails & Speed:

    If that is the case, @AlzHeimeerS, then perhaps Rare should nerf the speed of Galleons who are not at full sail. It must not be balanced the way they had aimed for, if one person can pilot the ship and still manage catch up to another.

    Well all is not just sails u know, its about angle’s How you cut the other boat of, If your angled better to the wind and alot more :)

  • @alzheimeers if your sails are slightly up & full tilt to the wind & mine are down I’m going to outrun/catch you period end of story.

  • Pirate Legends say the darnest things.

    On another note, Pirate Legend title is a grind title. It doesn't mean you know the mechanics or that you're any good at the game.

    To address the subject, the Raising and lowering the sails is the equivalent of a "Throttle". If you raise up the sails a tiny bit, you will not notice a huge difference in speed but, ultimately, someone with the sails entirely down will be able to reach a higher top speed.

  • @admiral-greyjoy if we go in the same direction and yes you will, have i said anything else????

  • I've met people who grab the wheel, stick to it as if they were glued to it demand the sails be raised so he can see and not move to angle sails or anything.

    This all during a chase it fustrating seeing as we usually sail as one crew not as 4 individuals.

    A truely great captain and crew doesnt need the sail to be up. Sure it doesnt matter much but so does anchoring and raising it at an island. It's just something more advanced players often don't do.

  • Im sailing the galleon on my own under full sails, my crew can grab resources sink Ships do what they want...
    No crashes at Islands or Rocks, everthing fine

  • @dutchyankee said in Galleon Sails & Speed:

    Less sail is less speed. How someone decides to trim their sails is their own preference. Different situations call for different trims. But if it's speed you want then full sail!

    And it's as simple as that!

    good day, sir!

11 out of 22