[CLOSED] Shark Week Challenge Submissions

  • Ahoy!

    If you're taking part in our Shark Week Challenge, you're in the right thread! Please post your submissions below. If you've stumbled upon this thread and have no idea what I'm talking about, sail over to our announcement post and find out how you can get involved.

    Please remember that this thread is ONLY for submissions for the Shark Week Challenge. Anything non submission posts will be removed.

  • 89
  • Merrick warned his fellow pirates of a danger that lurked in the shadows of the ocean. For once he too sought to take down the beast that forever changed his life. Now, sharks from all over guard the ship for revenge on the monster who hunted their queen, for this...is the ship that started it all. alt text

  • The Hungering Deep

    A horror tale brought to you by Gloombeard, Captain of The Wailing Banshee.
    Inspired by real events on the Sea of Thieves.

    Jaws theme
    I recommend opening it up in a new window.

    alt text

    This screenshot is my pride and joy from the Campaign, and those air bubbles were my horrified screams at the scene. No photoshop or any other shenanigans, just my own intuition, timing and my PrintScreen button as a tool!

  • a simple treasure hunt, a drunken sailor dead in the cell to put the effects of the grog and my first master hunted by a shark!
    the captain does not abandon his men, so I dive to save his life at the risk of mine.
    the shark will finish carved with a broad smile ^^
    video ici

  • hey little fish it's time to eat !!
    Captain Freeman has a good full-bodied soup for you :)
    text alternatif

  • That face you make when you go below deck to grab bananas and your crew took the last couple. link text

  • (sorted, Katt)

    I am notoriously bad at linking things in these forums, and like a muppet I tweeted that too early, I'm hoping that works....

  • Ahoy Mates!

    Heres the first one out of many to come!

    Enjoy! Hahahaha

  • Ello there, little one!
    alt text

  • For your viewing displeasure:

  • (Cracks fingers) I've got this...

    • 1
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    • 2
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    • 3
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    • 4
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    • 5
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  • In the midst of a battle with a Galleon, Meg decided to give this scurvy solo Slooper a hand... err.. a mouth!

  • Sometimes if you yell at them, they will listen.

  • Arrrr, ya ready?

    Here's a link to my submission via Facebook - Sea of Thieves Shark Week Submission - Potted Petunia Crew

    Wooo, go Wilbert! :D

    Happy Sailing!

  • Ok Mates, Heres Number 2!

    Ill def be making a better one later this week!

    (Also i dont know why but when viewing the video here it gets choppy, on youtube it seems smoother, could be my phone lol)

  • Hey guys! Pretty much submitting my video on every platform I can.. Hopefully you guys enjoy it as much as I did creating it! #SharkWeek #SoTShot

  • Here's my shark shot!

  • The screenshot won't share in that link, this should work: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlbLpktarLJDlmueTaV61zrfG4gW

  • My submission for the #SharkWeek Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY8CVEbcLZo

  • Check out @Trixster13’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/Trixster13/status/1019952317737721856?s=09

  • @captain-faicore said in Shark Week Challenge Submissions:


  • My submission

  • The Megalodon beached himself in the middle of our voyage! https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ahs1rB120wz0gRUoohTm0libafap

  • The Megalodon beached himself in the middle of our voyage! I've attached a video from my Microsoft OneDrive account. https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ahs1rB120wz0gREFp5BhIJeL3QLj

  • My submission for the #SharkWeek Challenge: https://youtu.be/VvtwUvxrQ2o

  • Never before did the spawn of a Meg feel this Epic.

  • This be what Meg would av looked like on th' SNES back in th' day. On Blackbeard's cutlass I seen it with me own eyes I be tellin' ye! #SoTShot #SharkWeek

  • Ahoy Pirates!
    This was a Rare encounter of the elusive Land Shark! He decided to attack an outpost.

5 out of 89