Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update - July 31st

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  • Awesome find! And you somehow managed to beat @Musicmee.

  • @Musicmee did I really beat you to it?

  • @daposeidonguy said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update - July 31st:

    @Musicmee did I really beat you to it?

    You absolutely did - loads of information in here, thanks so much for posting, this is a MUST watch dev video.

  • Besides this flood of informations, i like that the galleon is replaced by the brigantine (already redesigned one too) in the background. :-)

  • @SirLiborius Didn't even notice that! Gotta love Rare's attention to detail :)

  • THAAAAANK YOU RARE!!!!! ive been waiting for this!!! much love!!!

  • I really love how transparent Rare are on these updates. Yeah, it's sad that the Kraken and Skeleton Forts are turned off temporarily, but at least we have a valid reason given.

    Can't wait to check out the Brigantine later with my buds. It's going to make planning our sessions (which vary from 2-4 of us) a lot more more interesting.

    Also, looking forward to seeing what that side quest is all about... that's piqued my curiosity! hmmmm

  • So they managed to completely prevent fort hopping with this update?

    That should cheer up a few salty sea dogs around here until they get it fixed.

  • I am happy Ken earned a vacation for the next few days. He’s taken a lot of abuse lately.

8 out of 10