Founder and Pioneer item

  • I see the founders received some founders items for helping in development. Is there a plan for pioneer rewards or we're the ones sent out for both.

  • 20
  • @lamag9 Do you have your founders Sail pattern yet? i could not find mine.

  • No word on if Pioneer rewards exist yet, but Founder rewards will be given out in the next two weeks.

  • @mr-anderson-486 They will message is in the next 2 weeks as it states in the email on how to redeem them.

  • @mr-anderson-486
    I quote SoT email i recieved today *You'll receive a message in the next two weeks with details on how to access your Founder bonuses. We hope you like it and feel a sense of pride every time you lower your sails and head for adventure! *

  • @mr-anderson-486 You should have received an email with information about that, at the moment it is not active in the game.

  • Hopefully us pioneers will a little something extra

  • @mr-anderson-486 no the email said it would take a week or two. I'm sure they have their hands full currently so I wouldn't hold your breath.

  • I didn't receive an email to tell me about the email :(

  • @lamag9 There is no plan for a Pioneer reward, only Founder currently.

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi said in Founder and Pioneer item:

    @lamag9 There is no plan for a Pioneer reward, only Founder currently.

    I was about to comment that I doubt we'll get anything and well youve just confirmed it.Cant see pioneers getting anything which I think is a shame especially when founder could be picked up by signing up during Dec iirc. Tbf its just an ingame item, im not fussed but I feel like they missed a thankyou opportunity there for whats supposed to be the most active playerbase but heyo doesnt stop my enjoyment

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi thanks for the update!

  • @mr-anderson-486 mine was in the chest on the boat or at the outpost if this helps

  • Hopefully one for each considering ones over and the other is ongoing :)!

  • @Deckhands another zombie risen from the dead

  • @j3wmerican

    Ahoy mate, we try to discourage bringing back old threads because often they contain information which is outdated or has been addressed.

    Resurrecting threads over one month old is also not permitted.

  • @katttruewalker its a forum. Discussion is meant to happen as for this post its still relevant considering pioneers still exist. Ty for enlightening me on the rules though. Probably wise to let rare be the ones to mention this to people.

  • @j3wmerican
    Community Moderators - The Deckhands

  • @j3wmerican necromancing (very) old posts is usually not allowed on any forum, its useless to do so as it usually brings back items that have changed in the meantime.

    Also the @Deckhands are here to try and reduce the chaos that can happen here.

    Anyway, founders have their sails, pioneers have nothing and they probably wont ever. Why ? Pioneer status is not something you just keep, it can be removed at any time.

    You can lose it due to not adhering to the NDA and it might also be stripped from you due to not actually testing and providing feedback. And maybe the pioneer program might stop alltogether again as it did when the game fully released

  • @callmebackdraft thank you :D
    Gonna drop anchor on this post as it’s old and has been answered.

18 out of 20