Who is leading the Forum today and in the Future?

  • i'm once again sorry since i have trouble to place the right topic in the right category...Some know me by now, that i simply ain't smart in determing with what needs to be placed in wich category...I'm more than sure that the people , Deckhands or Moderator with Forum Magic Powers may place this in the right category where it belongs ( * Careful, old fool...According to my intelligence network , Rare has decided to make a seperate category for all your topics and writings ...It's called ...The Bin...hihihihihi ,moron).

    Some of you may have read Mrs Truewalker Topic about the leaving of Miss Khaleesibot. In my eyes she counted as the Main Moderator of this Forum...She was as a matter of speaking the Helmswoman who steered this forum through all kinds of waters but ...She is gone...In the past , the Former Helmsman was Mr Optical but he is doing other important stuff for Rare today...So my humble question is : Who is leading the Forumship today or in the future? With all and my utmost repect towards every Deckhand , Moderator and Global Moderator ...nobody has actually told us who is the new " face " of the Forum...The leader, Captain, Helmswoman/man whatever you and me may call it , but who is leading this Forum now? Or will it be announced someday as a successor for Miss Khaleesibot has not been voted/ decided yet?

    This is not an upstirring question , this is just a question with full respect towards both previous Forum Helmsman and woman.They had both their personal style and i honestly just wonder who will be taking the Wheel today or soon...

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  • @clumsy-george honestly I'm not sure whether they have worked this one out yet.
    I'm sure Khaleesi had to work her notice, which means they had time to prepare a replacement. So in my mind it is telling that no one has been brought forward as of yet...

  • @sshteeve
    Does this not leave you with a feel that it is a bit ..." Leaderless" or " Steerless"?

  • @clumsy-george absolutely

  • I am kind of sad we didn't get one last goodbye post from her here. I know Katt had her post with the announcement she replied to but would have been nice to see something official.

    Maybe I just missed it...

  • @lifewcoke nope, you didn't miss anything. She did say her goodbyes to us on twitter and on the stream tho.

  • @sir-lotus Yeah, I understand. Just feels odd that there wasn't one last goodbye thread from her on here for her last day.

    But, I don't want to derail the thread with my sorrows. Who is our next CM? I in have the perfect gif waiting for em.

  • @clumsy-george Hey George!

    That’s a great question, and although we’ve lost an incredible asset and friend within the community who contributed so much to how things are now we’re still going to operate as normal going forward. As for a replacement, it’s hard to imagine a replacement but there will be someone new coming, as for when, we will have to wait for that announcement. As for the time-being it will largely be us Deckhands continuing what we do best and being here for the community. I know this doesn’t fully answer your question, but everything’s in great hands and not to worry!

    Also good to see you mate!

  • Hi everyone! Emma here, head of the Rare Community Team. Don't worry, @khaleesibot heading off to another adventure doesn't mean the Forums aren't important or that they'll fall into chaos :)
    Hiring someone great takes a little time and that process is underway. In the meantime we have our amazing Deckhands and Moderators alongside a team of Community Managers who will be keeping things ship shape. You can get to know them a little here: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/75838/forum-moderators
    Very thankful for having @khaleesibot on my team for the last year and a bit (HI DEE!) and we'll - of course - make sure to introduce you all to new members of the team.
    (Nice to see you here @Clumsy-George!)

  • @muse986 said in Who is leading the Forum today and in the Future?:

    Hiring someone great takes a little time and that process is underway.

    Why settle for just "great" when you can have someone AMAZING, @SirioNDB is ready to pack his bags and take the position. Ofcourse he didn't apply for the job as he believes his reputation is enough for Rare to come to him :)

    Good luck on the hunt!

  • @clumsy-george mate it's musicme

  • @fishst1ck said in Who is leading the Forum today and in the Future?:

    @muse986 said in Who is leading the Forum today and in the Future?:

    Hiring someone great takes a little time and that process is underway.

    Why settle for just "great" when you can have someone AMAZING, @SirioNDB is ready to pack his bags and take the position. Ofcourse he didn't apply for the job as he believes his reputation is enough for Rare to come to him :)

    Good luck on the hunt!

    I don't believe my reputation is enough... I'm just shy. :S

  • @closinghare208 said in Who is leading the Forum today and in the Future?:

    @clumsy-george mate it's musicme

    That's impossible, @Musicmee is too much of a rebel... doesn't follow rules, causes trouble, fights the ones in control :)
    He got a fancy new title as Quartermaster though, which already gives him a lot of power.

    Picture of MusicMee, 1 minute after he got the Quartermaster title

    They regretted it immidiately though, so they put @triheadedmonkey on him as supervisor. Monkey has been working fulltime trying to keep MusicMee in check. Such a brave person.

  • @fishst1ck aye mate

  • I think the main two for me are @Musicmee and @KattTruewalker with @khaleesibot taking shore leave until she decides to come back.

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