Plunder! At the Outpost! - a platforming puzzler

  • Maxed out on Athena rep and working towards legend commendations I found myself in a situation where I needed to complete Athena voyages, but had no need for the chest itself. I suppose I couldve just cashed it in, but I dont really need the money either. So I got the thought do something a little more elaborate. You see Im the sort who likes to get themselves where they really shouldnt and what would be better than to challenge others to do the same? Im talking a tavern roof filled with goodies all for the taking - if you manage to get up of course! So I grabbed some merchant crates and did a little test
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    The final product would look a little more extravagant but every creative project needs its first draft. With the knowledge I could pull off what I envisioned, I set off on my long trek. One Athenas voyage, a skull fort, a boat chase, and three kraken encounters later the roof and around the tavern started to look a bit more like proper magpie bait.
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    The pot consisted of the athenas chest, two mermaid gems, skull fort loot, a bunch of skulls, a grog chest, and two mauraders chests that were ah... lets go with "donated" by a brigantine that attempted to hunt me down. How gracious of them!
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    I didnt have to wait too long for people to show up after I scuttled my boat. I expected to have to wait for a crew to spawn in and have some time to burn. However as I was attempting to get onto the water tower to hide, a sloop started pulling in! I quickly scrambled and hid in a less than ideal spot. The pirates were so wrapped up in turning their chests and making purchases they didnt even notice the score on the tavern. Would I be forced to wait for another crew after they left? As if the ocean itself heard my thoughts, a brigantine pulled in right beside the sloop. They noticed the haul.

    Ive made a clip of what happened:
    Link to video

    The funniest thing to me is everyone kept assuming the meticulously laid out loot was left by a crew who was attempting to hide it. Could you imagine? "Hold on, a boats coming in. Stop selling, we gotta spend the next ten minutes placing everything just so in the most eyecatching manner possible. They'll never find it!" I guess its easy to not consider something an elaborate gift when its called Sea of Thieves

    Really pleased with how my little prize haul turned out!! It was exciting to see the crews work together to split it

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  • @r0guesquirrel thats brilliant, fair play!

  • I have edited your post to swap the video embed to a link, as per forum rules. :)

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    If you're sharing Sea of Thieves content that may include swearing, please do not embed the video into your post, add it as a link to view externally.

  • Amazing to see this fellow Pirate simply Amazing!

    (I'd like to see the next one on the Water Tower next to the Tavern, go on follow your nose)

  • @ixxolos Gave this a shot with a friend but unless you know something I don't, I dont believe its possible to get loot up there - as cool as that would be. Getting onto the watertower in the first place requires a sword charge from the roof, so you'd have to find some way to mitigate the distance. What we came up with was trying to hand it off or drop it on the little waterspout. The various techniques we tried didnt pan out because there just isnt a spot to get enough height/distance to make the pass off/drop.

  • @r0guesquirrel Darn i was sure the "pass off" technique would work for that admittedly i had not tried this myself only thought it possible.
    Huge Kudos to you nonetheless

    Idea for future testing: Maybe using a Keg placed below the gap between the Tavern and the Tower and have a crew member shoot it as you pass over for a height boost to either make it on or pass the item off to another or aforementioned crew member atop said Tower.

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