The skeleton ships need to be tuned a bit for sloop-sized crews.

  • on a sloop I have been having an issue where the crews are firing far too many cursed cannonballs for a one-two man crew to be able to handle.
    with the larger ships you have a bit of room for error before the ship sinks from you being hit with a jig ball or a slumber ball. ive had a poor run of being jigged or slumbered repeatedly on a sloop to the point that our crew danced until our sloop was done in slowly filling with water as we were stunlocked without any chance to save ourselves. I figure it is literally down to the fact that the sloop fills faster than the other ships due to the one deck. either way a little something needs to be done to keep the fights versus the skelly crews fun and challenging and not just getting spanked without a way to block the belt.

  • 28
  • @deadactionjones

    As a sloop you have to fight them different. I find putting the nose of the sloop into their sides and grinding them is the best way, you can avoid their cannons pretty well this way, and have your 2nd player board them and stop them from patching up holes.

  • Yes, Man o War Meche That is a great tactic . I sunk my 2nd fleet yesterday use'n that exact move.

  • @deadactionjones

    Sloops fill and sink slower than a brig.

    And about the tone down. If u manouver correctly. U can shoot the skelly ship without them shooting u.
    If u know how to sail next to them they cant even shoot u. Because of the range. Get more XP on them and go figure out.

    Skelly ships are not hard.

  • nah. be stocked with plenty of cannonballs, especially cursed cannonballs. I play solo more so and have zero problems sinking them tho every once in a while I'll encounter one that just sends a barrage of cursed cannonballs that leave me sleeping or vomitting, and I get sunk. they're completely fine, just keep playing and learn how to effectively take them out.

  • @tim-static you literally just said that you have the same issue with coming across the ones that stunlock you that I do and told me to "git gud" as a response? not helpful, and honestly unnecessary.

  • @weakdexx the skelly ships themselves are not the issue. the issue is with literally getting cursed cannonball stunlocked with jig or slumber balls until you sink. you cant outsail a ship if they pop up and stunlock you before you have a chance to dodge. i dont mind fighting them in a sloop. I dont even mind fighting them solo. i do however dislike having a ship show up and sink me with literally zero chance of escape or victory due to being stunlocked.

  • @deadactionjones They play their tune way before they pop up at all. Time to prepare you for the fight. Time to take cursed canonballs in your hand. And the ships don't man their guns the second they pop up. Time enough to handle it. Not as hard as you claim it.

    Furthermore, if one claims a situation was way to hard, answers of other players who tell you it is not as there are some ways to be successful, are helpful. Shut up and git gud is not allways the wrong answer, old sports.

  • @deadactionjones a dit dans The skeleton ships need to be tuned a bit for sloop-sized crews. :

    @weakdexx the skelly ships themselves are not the issue. the issue is with literally getting cursed cannonball stunlocked with jig or slumber balls until you sink. you cant outsail a ship if they pop up and stunlock you before you have a chance to dodge. i dont mind fighting them in a sloop. I dont even mind fighting them solo. i do however dislike having a ship show up and sink me with literally zero chance of escape or victory due to being stunlocked.

    Can't argue against that. Ghost ships aren't that hard to do solo but I agree that cursed cannon balls can be quite frustrating to fight against. And I think that they can also be pretty OP against Ghost Ship too, as anchorball, riggingball and helmball already helped me to sink a ghost ship before the skeletons could even shoot one canon ball back, more than once (and I was solo).

    Those ones aren't frustrating though. I find the green ones to be the worst. Especially the ones with the CC effect (Jigball and Wearyball). You just spends too much time dancing/sleeping and not being able to do anything else. You're still able to do something while affected by other green cursed canonballs at least. It's just more difficult to do any actions but you still can do them.

    I really think Jigball and Wearyball needs to get tweaked in some ways. They're too frustrating as of now.

  • No, if you can't sloop up a Skeleton Fleet solo, then don't go in there unless you have the skill or others to back you up.

    Now, all of you, please stop asking for nerfing everything in the game.

    • Devil's Roar is nerfed and now there hardly any dangerous eruptions.
    • Kraken has been nerfed and it's way too easy.
    • Shrouded Ghost's spawn rate is up and social media is blowing up with findings of the creature.

    No. The difficulty of solo'ing is already at groundfloor.

  • @deadactionjones

    Well sir that is not a problem either if u know what u do.
    Like i might have said before if u know how to sail they dont even shoot u. So no cursed canonball lock.

  • Some people shout that PvE encounters are hard and they yell. "Fix it!"

    When someone does that you just know they aren't open to feedback because they don't bring anything to the table.

    Here's a tip @DeadActionJones if you post on a feedback forum, please give and receive feedback like a normal human being. Don't go shouting this is bad and that is bad. Also don't go making up things. As stated by @WeakDexx the sloop isn't the fastest sinking ship. It's the easiest one to keep afloat.

    You chose to sail solo. With so many options to sail with others and having a easier and more fun time, you chose the hard mode. Can't really feel sorry for ya.

    An option to the stunlock problem would be: Have curse effects gain a diminishing returns. So 1st time sleeping would last 10 seconds, 2nd time 8, 3rd time 6 etc.

    But it's up to the developers, I've rarely gotten into any problems on my Galleon with a 4 man crew who all know what to do.

  • @goedecke-michel you literally just sound like a "greater than thou" jock type. Your "advice" is not needed. I mentioned an issue I didnt say that I wanted the game to go into baby mode. However since they are able to tweak the fights for different size ships I recommended making them fire less stunlock balls. because sinking and being unable to do anything is not fun
    "old sport".

  • @fractal-pitch This. exactly this is what I made this post to talk about and then out of the walls come the "stop complaining and git gud" squad. offering no advice and being quite contrary to the "most welcoming community" that rare states that we have amongst the seas. honestly alot of people on this forum need the extra peg legs removed from their afts and remember that this is a game and you are supposed to have fun. and help each other offer advice listen to the issue they are having and see things from their situation as your results may vary.... we should NOT shoot each other down and then cry out "git gud" like some sort of elitist jerk....

  • The Grog balls are the ones that kill me. If you're sailing alone, low on supplies, and just trying to cash in after a voyage, it really sucks when you can't even bail the water out of your ship because you're puking in the bucket. If I get outgunned by a skeleton crew, then so be it, I'm outgunned. However, when the cursed cannonballs come at you over and over and over again, it takes a lot away from the game experience. I agree with the idea that everyone should be able to defend themselves out there, but this experience is essentially having your head dunked into the toilet repeatedly by people bigger than you until you give up your lunch money. Maybe if I were more familiar with that experience in the real world, I might have avoided face to face social interactions and had more time to "git gud".

  • Solo slooping and getting knocked off the ship is really my only problem because in this instance the mermaid and black screen are absolutely useless and most times I arrive back on the ship only to hear that terrible sinking sound. Its slightly better and happens a lot less now that EoR knock back is gone thankfully.

  • I just got done solo'ing a ghost ship in a brigg. personally, I dont know what the point of a sloop is..being able to outrun in the wind and having a fast anchor doesnt seem like enough to justify a whole other ship class. solo'ing in a brigg is just as easy with more speed option and harder to sink hull... and once you get used to the timing, the slow anchor wont kill you as often.

    the worst is trying to solo repair with a grog ball ghost ship... it's just impossible... you just have to spam bail and pray you get a window to repair at somepoint

  • @dreadzepp grog slumber and jig are the stunlock balls of death when you are playing solo.

  • @timboagogo If i get knocked off of my ship by a ball then i take that as poor luck. I could have possibly done something to avoid it. dodge, go below deck, etc. but the stunlock balls there is no defense against once the first one hits.

  • @deadactionjones no reason to do so, lad. There is no issue to be fixed, IMHO. Furthermore no reason to behave as rude as you do. We all speak our mind, mate.

  • @deadactionjones said in The skeleton ships need to be tuned a bit for sloop-sized crews.:

    on a sloop I have been having an issue where the crews are firing far too many cursed cannonballs for a one-two man crew to be able to handle.
    with the larger ships you have a bit of room for error before the ship sinks from you being hit with a jig ball or a slumber ball. ive had a poor run of being jigged or slumbered repeatedly on a sloop to the point that our crew danced until our sloop was done in slowly filling with water as we were stunlocked without any chance to save ourselves. I figure it is literally down to the fact that the sloop fills faster than the other ships due to the one deck. either way a little something needs to be done to keep the fights versus the skelly crews fun and challenging and not just getting spanked without a way to block the belt.

    true this needs to be fixed

  • The cursed cannonballs are indeed a pain, but I actually find it worse on a brigantine since they don't have an 'upper' deck. I played a sloop with a new player yesterday, and we were able to successfully sink a skeleton galleon while being attacked by a meg at the same time. So it's definitely possible. As long as you have enough planks and cannonballs, it's not even hard. You can just have bad luck with the cursed cannonballs. A few days ago, I was hit by a wearyball so many times in a row, I slept for almost a minute. Ship sank. Nothing you can do about it...

  • Maybe change Skeleton Ship spawn mechanics so it's more likely for a Skeleton Sloop to spawn on a Player Sloop, instead of a Skele Galleon?

  • Practice makes perfect. I think with enough practice you both will get the hang of it and be sinking them constantly. My spouse and I sail a sloop a lot. We tackle skellie ships the exact same way no matter what ship we sail. We took on the skellie fleets back during Cursed Sails event repeatedly in a sloop. Skellie ship battles seem so easy now. We did the event as much as we could in each zone.

    On a sloop I usually man the wheel and sail as my main job. Have to control sail and manage your position and speed. I will line up our sloop so he can start off with good shots. Often circle the skellie ships. Evade their fire as much as possible. I will ram them. We dump buckets of water on them. He boards with gunpowder if necessary as I spin off and repair. I repair, bail, and fire cannons when he is busy. If you board a skellie ship, make sure you take out the skeletons who repair.

    Keep at it and you both will become a pro skeleton ship sinking duo.

  • @x-crowheart-x
    I absolutely agree. Skeleton ships have sent me to Davey Jone's Locker to see Ole Hobb more than I care to admit! I decided it was time to come up with a few tactics and strategies, so I grabbed me sloop, loaded it to the gunwales with cannonballs, planks, bananas and kegs then set sail on the hunt for the cursed! There's more than one way to skin a cat but once you find what works for you, you'll see what everyone else is talking about. With a little training you'll be sending them to the bottom in no time. Good luck shipmate!

  • No, no.

    Skeleton ships are one of the easiet enemies in the game. No matter the ship you're on, they can be taken down pretty quick.

    If you're having a hard time, adjust your tactics.

  • The only way a sloop can handle a skeleton ship is with 2 people (essentially a full crew) I can’t solo a skeleton ship to save my life.

    If you have ever done a skeleton ship battle, you would know that there are skeleton ship sloops. I would like to see a random skeleton sloop appear if you are on a sloop. The same thing for a brigantine. I think it would be a fair fight if you could match the skeleton ship cannon for cannon.

  • @coffeelight5545 sagte in The skeleton ships need to be tuned a bit for sloop-sized crews.:

    The only way a sloop can handle a skeleton ship is with 2 people (essentially a full crew) I can’t solo a skeleton ship to save my life.

    If you have ever done a skeleton ship battle, you would know that there are skeleton ship sloops. I would like to see a random skeleton sloop appear if you are on a sloop. The same thing for a brigantine. I think it would be a fair fight if you could match the skeleton ship cannon for cannon.

    Wow, the best pair for a sloop is to meet a skelly galleon, afaik. The most trouble is to meet a skelly sloop.

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