Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare

  • have you ever heard the term, "you can never find what your looking for when you need it, and when your not looking for it is when you find it?" just let it happen and sail on. it will show up and you may kill it, or it will show up and sink you haha!

  • heres a qustion tho if u do find the white meg and start fighting if the fog blows over will she return to the shroud or stay attacking the boat?

  • @txcrnr said in Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare:

    @zalavaaris What a naive thing to assume. I am just saying that by an estimate of statistics, this commendation for killing 50 or more is absurd and impossible, making it horrible for commendation hunters. I want them to either make it more common or adjust the commendation to be reasonable given the rarity of the Ghost Megalodon.

    How is what he said naive? He was just calling out the fact that you have presented made up statistics to support your claim, as others have done. No one is saying that you ARE WRONG or that the spawn rate is not low - it clearly is. I have yet to find one as well. However you have made a claim that the spawn rate is SO LOW that it makes earning the commendations IMPOSSIBLE. You have not provided enough evidence to support that claim and others have taken issue with it.

    Does @Rare-Ltd have a comment on the spawn rate of the Shrouded Ghost? @Deckhands @KattTruewalker

  • @txcrnr said in Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare:

    @zalavaaris What a naive thing to assume. I am just saying that by an estimate of statistics, this commendation for killing 50 or more is absurd and impossible, making it horrible for commendation hunters. I want them to either make it more common or adjust the commendation to be reasonable given the rarity of the Ghost Megalodon.

    Naive? What statistical software are you using? What's your sample size? What's the standard deviation? Where did you get your data set?

    You dont have anything other than impatient speculation

  • @zalavaaris Naive for you to assume that the only reason I am making this post is because, as you said, "What you [I] know is theres something you dont have yet and you want it." I am not making this post because I want to find the Ghost Megalodon- I am fine with it being as rare as it is if there are no commendations locked behind finding MULTIPLE. The issue that I do have is that it is basically asking you to find 50 or more of them to get 100% commendation completion, and that means that you will have to sail around for obscene amounts of time that might be tens of thousands of hours, while all other commendations are nowhere near this level of ridiculousness.

  • @jonaldinho I was calling him naive for assuming that the only reason I made the post was because I am impatient and wish to find one. As I said, I have no issue with rare things, but when a commendation is locked behind finding multiple of something that hundreds of thousands of players have only found a small handful of within days is ridiculous and makes 100% commendation completion statistically impossible unless you sail around for tens of thousands of hours.

  • @death-pilot37 And how long will it take to find 50 or so of them for the Pirate Legend commendation? It is just way too rare, even if it only takes 100 hours to find that is 5000 hours spent sailing in search of it and is unreasonable for a commendation based on Rare's stance on balancing ones such as the banana crate.

  • I don't understand the complaint. Stop trying to hunt for it putting aside your journey. It will come when she comes. I don't have my 1st kill either but I love how rare it is. It finally makes a title WORTH having.
    Go do something else in the mean time.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta Its not finding a single one, its the fact that we have a commendation requiring something like 50 of them.

    That is like asking for people to find 50 boxes of secrets, and it is way too crazy and RNG based to be a resonable commendation.

  • @txcrnr Then don’t do it and work on something else. This isn’t some boss you have to kill to unlock the next level in a linear game. Like PL, it will happen in time. Fretting over it or searching specifically for it will not make a difference. I do not want them to change it and I hope they won’t. But my guess is they will if enough of you scream about how unfair it is.

  • @ghostpaw My whole point is that it might not happen in time. The spawn of this thing is so rare that it could take 10,000 hours to find enough for the commendation, and that is just sailing time- if that is the case would you be ok with that? I mean, if you are, I guess there isnt an argument to be had, but unless you think its easier to find than everyone else does than it is a ridiculously tough commendation that isn't fair even to the most dedicated players.

  • @txcrnr In time? In time for what? And 10,000 hours? You are catastrophizing.

  • @txcrnr what's the problem of being rare and have commendations attached?
    You don't need to achieve the commendations yesterday, today or tomorrow... You have all the eternity to achieve, bc commendations, Doubloons or ghost Meg aren't going anywhere...

    Enjoy the other things. When it appear and you achieve the goal you feel way more rewarded.

  • @ghostpaw I mean "in time" as in gradually. It is as if they are asking you to find 50 boxes of wondrous secrets- even given a player that plays 8 hours a day every day of the week it is still going to take them years to complete, it is a ridiculously rare thing to base a commendation on finding so many.

  • I don't feel they are too rare. I've seen 2 so far. Never seen a box of wonders tho.

  • I like how rare it is. Haven't seen the shrouded ghost yet but when he finally shows up for me I'm going to be very excited. As for the commendation to kill 50 I'm a legend for as long as I keep playing the game so I'll reach it eventually and if not then oh well. Not everything is achieveable for everyone in all games and this may just be one of those.

  • @ant-heuser-kush i currently have 2 stolen chests ... and am almost done all the other meg commendations and have run across 0 ghost megs .. ive been playing 20 hrs sleeping 4 since this update released it is a little insane how rare this ghost meg is ..

  • @ant-heuser-kush No, the issue is that the White Meg is way too rare for having a commendation for killing 50. The other megalodon variants are actually what I based this off of- They are so much more common that the achievement for them can be done in a few months of regular play! On the other hand the White Meg is near impossible to find. You have to rely on RNG working in your favor... On the other hand you can just find a ship doing an athenas, make friends with them, and trade athenas chests when you finish your voyages... or just track them down and steal theirs!

  • @p0pc0rnh3mer01d Yeah people seem to think it is just kinda rare... No, its rarer than the Box of Wondrous secrets. Most people here won't even see one before they quit playing, most likely.

  • @soggybiscuit204 Don't get your hopes up, you might never have one show up. The spawn rate is abysmally low. There's a good chance you just wont ever run into one.

  • I love how you've made up some statistics and are now just blasting them about like they're facts, it's been a week. I have to say as much as I'd love to run into the Ghost I'm having so much fun with this update that it doesn't really matter to me if i see it tomorrow or in 4 years.

    Also seeing how Rare have been monitoring and changing this game since Day 1, there is no doubt in my mind that if they find the spawns to be too low when they look through their data they'll increase the rates.

  • I think that the shrouded ghost should be more common, not super common, not even very common. I would love it if they made it easier so that I and other people can feasibly get the title befor the end of the event. People do other stuff, just divert your cours to the dog if you see it.

  • If the spawn rate is as rare as the OP describes, that would be fine if the fight was by far the hardest and longest fight that any meg type provided, possibly with some ghost attacks added or some sort of fear effect similar to cursed cannonballs, or other boss fight mechanics, and there was just commendations for beating it 1-5 times, with the cosmetic unlocks/doubloons being the earlier ones and the last being a title.

    It may not have been long enough to know and the OP could just be more unlucky than the spawn rate being so bad, but if what OP describes is true i see the point and would prefer what i described above, but at the same time having an achievement where luck coinciding multiple times lets someone achieve what seems like an impossible goal, is what makes titles or cosmetics or mounts or any RNG based rewards in any game feel truly special and valued. Like recon armor in halo 3 days or the overachiever sail.

    Having an economy of tradable rare items and a category of persistent (not session based) stealable items in this game would also be amazing. Things like jewelery or trinkets and even interactable things with pve utility like movable grog kegs, and being able to gather ingredients and make all sorts of things from consumables to the portrait thing we heard about to using merchant crates to make valuable commodities, to then trade, sell or use yourself. Everything from grog to cannonballs and powder kegs.

    Rambling here, but this update gets me hopeful some of these things might still be possible.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo Thank you for this reply, its the most reasonable in the whole thread (including my own :P) I get what you are saying about having rare achievements and such but Rare has made it a point that they want all achievements and commendations to be doable within a reasonable frame of time, hence the changes to the banana crate commendation and the recent achievement rebalances. This current standard doesn't hold up- The ghost megalodon is much rarer than other things, it is on the same level as the Box of Wondrous Secrets yet we are expected to find 50 of them. Maybe I should have worded the thread as "The achievement for killing Shrouded Ghost Megalodons requires too many"? I don't know if it is actually 50, it could be 100, but from what I have heard from someone who claims to have killed it is that the second level is 5 kills like all of the other megalodon kill commendations for legends.

  • I have been legend since just after the hungering deep and yes I would love to see the shrouded ghost and yes maybe it is a tad bit on the low side for the spawn rate. But having done a large portion of the content in this game I don’t think it’s a terrible thing we have new megs loot from them as well as the kraken this game has come a long way. Isn’t part of the mystique of sailing the sea not knowing what you may encounter out there? The day my crew and I see her will be a day to remember the white whale so to speak of the sea of thieves a creature so rare it is revered among the crews that sail looking for her. Remember how the giant squid in the real world was so rare that for the longest time it was thought to be a myth even among the greatest oceanographers on the planet. Now imaging how they felt when they found one the sense of discovery must have been amazing! It’s out there let’s find it..... and kill it lol

  • @drooler103188 Oh the issue isnt finding just one. The issue is finding multiple and the fact that it will be nearly impossible to find enough to get the level 5 legend commendation. Like, we are looking at something asking for you to do something as rare as finding the Box of Wondrous Secrets... 50 or more times :/

  • @txcrnr Everyone understands what you're saying we just disagree.

  • @txcrnr said in Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare:

    @ant-heuser-kush You must be mistaken. I don't mean 4000 hours of on and off playing. I mean 4000 hours actually spent playing the game. Do you realize how much time that is? To find just one, the estimate there has you playing 4 hours a day for 3 years. And there is a commendation for finding multiple, possibly up to 50+.

    Your mathematical prediction is arbitrary and meaningless. It's one thing to suggest a thing is "too rare." But to then attempt to prove your argument with numbers you pulled out of your poopdeck is rather silly.

    What's the rush, anyway?

  • @txcrnr I just don't think that the people at Rare are stupid. They most likely have set the spawn rate to a value that allows at least those die-hard players to reach that goal within some months or maybe a year or so. And if not, they will adjust it in time. Your statistics is based on weak data. So this discussion is widely useless. (Why am I participating then? Beats me ...) ;-)

  • @ben-sharktooth said in Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare:

    Why am I participating then? Beats me ...) ;-)

    Welcome to the club. Often I ask myself why I am responding to something that I know will go nowhere.

  • @ghostpaw said in Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare:

    @ben-sharktooth said in Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare:

    Why am I participating then? Beats me ...) ;-)

    Welcome to the club. Often I ask myself why I am responding to something that I know will go nowhere.

    "Because it's there."
    -George Mallory on climbing Everest

  • @txcrnr said in Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare:

    Yes, it is supposed to be rare. Yes, I like rare things. But this is even more rare than the Box of Wondrous Secrets, and there are commendations locked behind it! Remember when people complained that the banana crate achievement/commendation was too hard? Well good luck completing the commendation for killing a bunch of Ghost Megalodons as a Pirate Legend when there have only been a small few spotted by the entire playerbase in 5 days!

    I don't think it is too rare. I think it should be like this, the commendations are not going anywhere, so people have plenty of time to get it.

  • Do we know grade 2 is the same as the other Meg's grade 2? Or are you just speculating that it's the same?

  • Personally I like it. I would like more extremely rare things that you hardly ever see. I play quite a bit, pretty much daily and have yet to see a shrouded ghost, or a box of secrets. Every time I log on I'm a little excited I may see or find one, gives me something to constantly be on the lookout for, and it's going to be exciting when it does happen. It's ok, just relax, enjoy the game and when it happens, it happens. Just like the grind to PL or Athena 10, you'll get there just enjoy the ride, no reason to rush. Long term goals to work towards are a good thing, IMO.

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