
  • Scottish, Pirate, Heavy Metal band. Anyone else listening to these guys while you play?


    I do use spotify myself to listen to them, but look them up on your fave streaming service 🧜‍♀️🎶🎵

  • 8
  • Sometimes I listen to them, but not while playing SoT. I can't hear when people are trying to board me with this music.

  • I dont listen music while playing, sometimes even shut off ingame music.
    If i hear music i stick to Carribean Pirate Music XD

  • @weedstar-deluxe

    Wenn ich mir so deinen GT ansehe und den like....

    we shall sail together :)

  • @pithyrumble
    You have a good taste of Music but i'm very glad with the Music and sounds that Mr Beanland and his Talented team have implemented in the game ...And no , that is not an offence towards you ...i just like a more classical music choice for this game and Mr Beanlands Music , which is sometimes as Bombastic as a rocketsalvo or subtle as the trippling of mice but whatever he purifies out if his instruments is just spot on...

  • @clumsy-george said in Alestorm?:

    You have a good taste of Music but i'm very glad with the Music and sounds that Mr Beanland and his Talented team have implemented in the game ...And no , that is not an offence towards you ...i just like a more classical music choice for this game and Mr Beanlands Music , which is sometimes as Bombastic as a rocketsalvo or subtle as the trippling of mice but whatever he purifies out if his instruments is just spot on...

    Agreed, music in this game is spot on. I wish more of the action tracks would play during adventure PVP encounters though. The forts captain music and arena tracks are so exciting!

  • @bugaboo-bill klar immer gerne,ich adde dich nachher mal oder bis spätestens morgen

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