Some small details and cool stuff from the Sea of Thieves: Anniversary Update Announce Trailer!

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    Ahoy there! The trailer we have all been waiting for dropped some hours ago and it is still fresh from the oven! Packed with a ton of new crazy stuff and features that are hard to count, but I have a keen eye and noticed some small details that not many of you might've caught. That's why I created this small topic, to let you know about them in case you missed out. So...get ready for a new, very promising, year in Sea of Thieves because I for sure, know its going to be great!

    First detail, right as the trailer starts, we see those hungry pirates at a camp near the beach. They made a fire to keep them warm and they also installed a frying pan so the hunter of the group can cook the fish that he caught! Besides that, you can hear the woman yell "YARRR" before raising her tankard.

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    And that is not it, I have seen those pans on certain outposts as well. Here is a picture from Plunder outpost that I took an hour ago:

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    Second detail comes right after our fellas got their stomach full of fried fish, we move on to this lovely couple opening a chest, but the interesting part is what the guy is holding in his hand. That is a very peculiar item, I must say so myself!

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    Right after this, we get a nice shot of the mighty galleon with some really interesting and classy looking Sails, Figurehead and Hull Livery, that are a great distraction placed by Rare to make you miss the third detail: the lady holding a book!! Could this be the ship's log book that many of us asked for? We will have to wait and see!

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    But there is not much waiting, as we move on right in the middle of a battle, with our fourth detail, that is: a broken, stationary galleon in the ocean, were pirates fight over those two new good looking chests. I'd sure be down to steal one if I see someone having it on their ship!

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    After battles are fought and treasures are won, we put on our Indiana Jones hats as we venture into unknown territory filled with secrets to be uncovered. Here is an interesting painting of a skull that I don't recall seeing it elsewhere, but maybe I had too much grog tonight. It was Sea of Thieves birthday after all! Give me a break.

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    More riches await those who dare, but also be careful for there are numerous ancient mechanisms that activate various traps. Here we have our fifth detail: this ancient looking spyglass that lets you see some kind of a pattern in the sky. Who knew? Maybe our destiny is written in the stars.

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    We can also spot our little crab friend that was featured in many videos from Rare, developer updates and trailers alike!

    As we are at the end of the trailer, I got one last detail for you, and I hope that you reached this point because I am too afraid to ask myself, but.....

    WHAT on earth is that pirate doing there?

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    I hope you find this article useful, and also hype you even more for what's to come, because....
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  • You have an keen eye, thx for the summary I missed a lot of these things I was too hyped as I watched the trailer :)

  • That's great, thank you!
    I didn't spot the guy above the hot tub, super creepy lol

  • This is really good, Showing everyone what they missed from the trailer. :D

  • A nice little summary, thanks! A couple things I noticed:

    1. That book might be one of the ones the Mysterious Stranger is posing alongside in the update post: alt text

    2. Notice the ship in the background of the trailer from 0:24-0:26 has not only toppled masts, but also a torn sail. You'll need to go fullscreen to get a good look.

  • @biostructr

    Thankyou Matey... I really like these break downs!
    Good work Sir... makes a Pirate more excited than ever!!!
    Can't wait.


  • @king-deka No worries! Heh, I see you are enjoying the new icons from Sea of Thieves! :D

    @JetOrchidee97 Yea I saw it and I was like what the...maybe he is too drunk, there is a grog barrel right near the jacuzzi, after all.

    @HisDarkestFear Aye, awesome that you spotted that, I haven't seen it until now. So...the books have something to do with the Tall Tales voyages. I'm really curious about them! Also the ship you are talking about, is it the one in the distance, with red smoke coming from the mast? That looks the same as this broken stationary ship that is closer to the camera. It has only one mast and also red smoke coming from the crow's nest! It might be some kind of point of interest, if pirates are fighting over loot on one of them.

  • @piratecraggy No worries! There are tons of new stuff that I cannot wait to come in the game. I'm really excited for all of this because together they will change SoT completely, in a good way, of course and it will make the game more immersive.

  • I'm really interested about everything. Can't wait to destroy some masts and explore dangerous caves!

  • @nic727 Hah, aye matey! I cannot wait as well, it is going to be even more fun to engage in naval fights!

  • Tall Tales - Shores of Gold... hmmm, well with that extra title in mind it seems there's going to be seasons of Tall Tales quests.

    The next season of quests will probably be called Shadows of Sorrow or something like that.

  • @sgt-palooggoo Aye, I'm excited for the Tall Tales voyages!

  • @biostructr

    This is a great thread!!

    Love seeing how we can pick it all apart and try and figure out the little clues in the trailers, we know Rare do love to tease us ;)

  • @katttruewalker Haha yes! I would figure it will help some people, also make you hyped even more and open it up for speculations. They do like to tease us with small things.

  • If you focus look on the dock of the broken gally in the arena a pirate is holding a chest maybe thats where you turn them in??????

  • Conquest game mode in arena?
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  • @bigbootysmack20 Could be, aye.

  • I believe those new chests are designed for the arena. If you look at the picture it would seem that they are fighting on that broken galley. I could be wrong, and I never noticed the dude above the hot tub. lol

  • @lldeadcenterll Haha, yeah that dude is creepy. Aye the chests could be designed for arena but I would like them to be available at Gold Hoarders, or even add more new cursed chests to the GH.

  • @biostructr

    Some additional information here as well as some dates when previews are scheduled to be shown -

    The Anniversary Update is a game changer that takes Sea of Thieves to a whole new level. Packed full of new content that’s guaranteed to have something for everyone, tune into a series of live streams on Mixer, Twitch and YouTube where we’ll share more details, insights and glimpses from behind the scenes on the run-up to April 30:

    17:00BST (9:00 a.m. PT)
    Wednesday, April 10

    Anniversary Preview: The Arena
    Find out more about the all-new competitive game mode that will let you and your friends test yourselves against other crews in fun and fast-paced matches to amass the most loot.

    17:00BST (9:00 a.m. PT)
    Tuesday, April 16

    Anniversary Preview: The Hunter’s Call
    The Hunter’s Call is a new trading company that gives you more ways to play and progress towards Pirate Legend. Find out more about what you can do, the company behind it and the rewards on offer.

    17:00BST (9:00 a.m. PT)
    Tuesday, April 23

    Anniversary Preview: Tall Tales – Shores of Gold
    This is Sea of Thieves like you’ve never seen it before. Tall Tales are a collection of story-rich quests that are played out in our shared world and can be fully experienced by yourself or with your crew. This first collection, ‘Shores of Gold’, invites you to embark on an epic adventure of love, honour and betrayal in search of the mythical Shores of Gold.

    Sea of Thieves Anniversary Update Celebrates the Start of Year Two on April 30

  • @biostructr
    I wonder why they are cooking those pirates in that big pot in the last picture. That's what I see, not sure what is supposed to be happening in there.

  • @katttruewalker Aye, thank you for this reminder. Things will get really exciting in April. :D

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