This game needs more actual content!

  • Ahoy there, pirates! First of all I love this game a lot: the art, the concept of PvEvP and the feeling in general. Thanks for tons of hours having fun!

    This game has so much potential but unfortunately I got burned out too fast due to the lack of actual content and that makes me sad. I have some general ideas, as how to fix that problem:

    I think one of the main issues this game has is the use of gold. In my first few hours I was sooo proud of getting just one or two simple chests for around 100g and I had never that much adrenaline in any game as when I did my first skull fort. Of course the more time I played the less exciting I got and that is totally normal.
    But my friends and I got burned out so quickly, because there is really nothing to work on but cosmetics. Cosmetics are cool for showing off but it should never be the focus of a game on its own!! I think there should be more "weight" to gold, something that makes is worth fighting for. So I can be scared again if I see that Galleon on the horizon.

    So my suggestion to fix this is adding some kind of progression with gold. I know that this game is based on everybody having the same tools available and that should never change. But here a few things that can be added:

    More alternatives (NOT ADDITIONS) to weapons or ships
    For example next to the normal sloop which is available for everybody and as good add a "Hunter Sloop and a "Tradesman Sloop":
    Hunter sloop has more fire power and agility but is slower (for PvP players) where the Tradesman sloop is faster and always has a rowboat at the start of the session (for PvE players). This could maybe implemented with a point system aswell just on the normal sloop, but when you add points in one category you have to lose some points somewhere else. That would have even more depth, but it would be harder to balance.

    Unlocking actual Content through progression
    In my opinion there should be more Content which is exclusive for players, who invest the time into the game. THE ONLY thing for now we have like that is Athena. Even that isn't new content! It is just more of the same: missions from the three main factions, even getting the Athena chest itself is just another treasure chest map! Except the Athena shop there is nothing new to it at all. In my opinion only a true pirate legend is worthy enough to go on tall tales for example. So make at least some content special. That is just my view..

    Although the feeling is already great I think there is still room for improvement. Each island has a unique look but not a unique feel to it. Every island is lonely and feels empty except for a few vulcanos and skeleton forts. For most islands that's totally fine, but I think some could feel more alive. So here my idea:

    A pirate city/housing
    I think it would be great to have a city where all pirates can come together and play games, fight duels etc. Add some NPCs, a tavern, a harbor, a market etc... It should be a resting place where no fighting is allowed, but nothing can be gained either.

    This also would be the perfect place to add things like housing. Purchase your own pirate hideout, where you can buy stuff to put into, this would be a great addition to cosmetics.

    At last, I just want to mention that I see a lot of other pirates disagreeing with my point of view and that's fine! But I want to remind everyone, that most people in this forum are still playing and enjoying the game as it is, but don't forget all the other people who quit really fast! I have 9 friends which I played with but all of them got bored quickly. The only one out of 10 people, who is still playing is myself. This is just sad, especially because all of them think it is a really great game just lacking things to do.
    What do you think? Please let me know and remember always stay sober out on the sea! ;)

  • 56
  • @pfnatsch Hi there and welcome to Sea of Thieves and the Sea of Thieves forums.

    As a new player I can't expect you to have been there for the massive content drops. Sea of Thieves has seen a lot of content and the SoT content teams are currently recovering from the massive content drop that was the Ana update.

    The Developers have gone on record several times now that they don't want any form of vertical progression, they feel (and I agree) that it alianates the playerbase.
    Also gating of content behind paywalls or other skinner box constructions is kind of against the design. Why can't we all enjoy the content from the moment we start playing?

    I see a lot of Ideas stemming from "My friends don't like this game unless it has X amout of grinding" Don't change a game for people who don't want to play said game. In stead improve the game for people who are already playing and liking the game.

    SoT isn't Ark nor is it Assasins creed 4. If you want those games, go ahead and play those.
    SoT is a sandbox designed to give players tools, not rules. It's designed to get players sailing as soon as possible.

  • @pfnatsch

    I have a way to build on that idea...

    What if you could get attachments you can buy for the ship, let's say a ram for example, this would create more holes on a ship if you ram it and make less on the front of yours where the ram is, but this will then make the ship much slower and harder to turn. Maybe add a new cannon type that fires a greater distance at a higher velocity making medium range engagements more easy but they shoot at a lower fire rate. All ships would be equal but slightly better at certain things adding more opportunities for tactics and more to spend money on.

  • @hynieth sagte in This game needs more actual content!:

    @pfnatsch Hi there and welcome to Sea of Thieves and the Sea of Thieves forums.

    As a new player I can't expect you to have been there for the massive content drops. Sea of Thieves has seen a lot of content and the SoT content teams are currently recovering from the massive content drop that was the Ana update.

    First of all thanks for sharing your thoughts. What makes you think I am a new player? I played this game for months and I am a Athena Level 5 and did all of the tall tales.

    The Developers have gone on record several times now that they don't want any form of vertical progression, they feel (and I agree) that it alianates the playerbase.
    Also gating of content behind paywalls or other skinner box constructions is kind of against the design. Why can't we all enjoy the content from the moment we start playing?

    I think that's great too, but a minority of content should be exclusive in my opinion, so there is some kind of reward. My housing suggestion could be accessable for everyone but just really expensive for example!

    I see a lot of Ideas stemming from "My friends don't like this game unless it has X amout of grinding" Don't change a game for people who don't want to play said game. In stead improve the game for people who are already playing and liking the game.

    As I already mentionted they really like this game, but it lacks content. I think these are good changes for poeple already playing aswell!

    SoT isn't Ark nor is it Assasins creed 4. If you want those games, go ahead and play those.

    Is Ark a pirate game? No. Is Assassins Creed a multiplayer game? Not really. Don't get your point to be honest.

    SoT is a sandbox designed to give players tools, not rules. It's designed to get players sailing as soon as possible.

    And that SHOULD NOT change. As I said the main principle of the game should stay. But give the non casual players something aswell! There is a way im sure.

  • @human-man-177 Great idea! I had the idea with the ram too, but didnt want to go in too much details ;)

  • @pfnatsch yeah man it's a great idea and will add so much, it will also appeal to alot of people who want more customisation that actually effects the ship.

  • @pfnatsch I assumed you were new because you have almost no posts to your name, and you're asking things rare has been doing for months now (and has a little break on since the ana update) and goes against the design principals of this game.

    I'll give you a great tip, follow Gregg Mayles on twitter. Read some interviews, a lot of community ideas have already been considered a long time ago and found wanting.

    Rare has tried progression systems and it worked negatively.

    Also ARK has a pirate DLC called Atlas and Assassins creed 4 is a pirate game.

  • Oh a thread by someone who make suggestions against the core design of the game and seem not to understand what SoT is about although he already played, eh wait worked it off so much?
    Nice, like something new on the table. YAWN
    wake me up when it's closed, derailed or discussed to death

    Who was the guy with that funny dead horse meme?

  • @bugaboo-bill a dit dans This game needs more actual content! :

    Oh a thread by someone who make suggestions against the core design of the game and seem not to understand what SoT is about although he already played, eh wait worked it off so much?
    Nice, like something new on the table. YAWN
    wake me up when it's closed, derailed or discussed to death

    Who was the guy with that funny dead horse meme?

    When you act like you're the boss of the forum, you're probably more annoying than hundreds of those threads. Threads are like games, if you don't like it, don't play/comment on it.

  • @jetorchidee97
    I'm a little bit tired of people suggesting vertical progression and stuff that is very much against core prinipals of the game.
    And who are you?
    The Sheriff of the forum to tell me what i should do or not?
    Maybe TS would have searched for his "suggestions" before and may you have ignored me, like you want me to ignore the TS. If you want to gimme "wise" advices, make sure you do the same and act as an idol, or not?
    Questions over questions, where will this adventure lead us to?

  • @pfnatsch
    I disagree with any progression. But the city and housing idea is good. I feel like it should be on a seperate server though. Maybe emporium could be this, and the cash shop can be in it.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    I'm a little hat tired of people suggesting vertical progression and stuff that is very much against core prinipals of the game.
    And who are you?
    The Sherrif if the forum to tell me what i schould do or not.
    Maybe TS would have searched for his "suggestions" and may you have ignored me, like you want me to ignore the TS.
    Questions over questions, where will this adventure lead us to?

    And I'm a little hat tired of people not being nice to others members of the community just because they suggested something you don't want or something that has already been suggested, or whatever.

    I'm no one, I appreciate you but I don't like this attitude and I feel I had to say it, maybe I shouldn't have.

  • I don't see any point to having player housing. The world is instanced so adding permanent components like housing means they have to take place on a separate server/instance from the main world. Essentially you would be loading into a separate area, so what is the point other than having something to look at (that no one else can see anyways).

    This doesn't really enrich the gameplay or the world lore in any way. We saw how many people begged for fishing and surprise, its super boring and is mostly used to kill time during more boring parts of the game (like sailing between islands). I can't see something like player housing doing anything other than remove players from the game world so they can sit around their houses and look at modeled cosmetics.

  • @d3adst1ck a dit dans This game needs more actual content! :

    I don't see any point to having player housing. The world is instanced so adding permanent components like housing means they have to take place on a separate server/instance from the main world. Essentially you would be loading into a separate area, so what is the point other than having something to look at (that no one else can see anyways).

    One way I could see it, that I read on this forum, would be to make it the start lobby. Instead of your pirate in the tavern, you would be directly in this house where all your achievements and commendations could be displayed as customizables in a Rare's way with the amount of money being displayed with chests, stock of golds, etc
    But I agree, it's not really necessary, though that could be a nice little addition in a long term (4-5 years).

  • @hynieth Im not gonna read all those posts and hope to find something, sorry. Already searched the forums but found nothing so I just posted it.

    But a progression system based on time will ALWAYS fail, that's just stupid. I have to agree that a vertical progression system maybe is not the right thing in this game, but my suggestions were also based on a horizontal system. I still think that would be great!

  • @d3adst1ck But that is what the game is currently about. Only cosmetics. So what is the point of that? I don't see any difference.

    It would provide content in a new way. Something new to work on. I think here are a lot more options given than just figure heads, hulls, sails etc. Also it gives the game more immersion.

    Maybe housing is not the #1 priority, but some content for non casual players would be great. As much I love this game, I am losing interest if i have nothing to do, so do others.

  • @pfnatsch All those other cosmetics you mentioned are visible to other players. Your clothes, your ship, etc... People want to look cool to other players.

    A housing system would have to take place in a separated instanced area due to the way the game is designed which means that hardly anyone outside of your own crew will likely ever see what you've collected. You might as well just have window dressing on the main menu or crew lobby as @JetOrchidee97 mentioned earlier.

    Just adding cosmetics doesn't necessarily translate to useful content unless it has some kind of effect on other players in some way and I doubt something like this would increase player retention at all over adding tons of new hats. The game needs content that requires players to participate and at times compete with other pirates in order to continue to be engaged.

  • @Pfnatsch

    I know that this game is based on everybody having the same tools available and that should never change. But here a few things that can be added:

    That's what you have understood, but then make these suggestion:

    For example next to the normal sloop which is available for everybody and as good add a "Hunter Sloop and a "Tradesman Sloop":
    Hunter sloop has more fire power and agility but is slower (for PvP players) where the Tradesman sloop is faster and always has a rowboat at the start of the session (for PvE players). This could maybe implemented with a point system aswell just on the normal sloop, but when you add points in one category you have to lose some points somewhere else. That would have even more depth, but it would be harder to balance.

    So the more you play the more options and power you have?
    Doesnt this support powergaming and hardcore grinding or does it even incentivice this?
    Do you think it's easy to balance and good to encourage people to hardcore grind gold to buy ships?

    Unlocking actual Content through progression

    Why split the playerbase?
    Why gate content behind progression?
    I dont see a good cause to do that.
    Ya a lot of games do that, i dislike it by heart for over 30years of playing games and actually many developers have understood that it is not good and create mechanics to bring people together again. Dynamic levels or whatever.

    In my opinion there should be more Content which is exclusive for players, who invest the time into the game.

    And the next term from a meritocracy/ performanced focussed view.
    Invest time...
    I do not invest time playing a game.
    I do waste time and i dont compensate with gaming and then tell others what great gamer i am.
    There is no meaning other than to be playing a game, what is completely senseless, has no meaning at all, is about wasting time and doing something for fun.
    Fun not meaning!

    THE ONLY thing for now we have like that is Athena. Even that isn't new content! It is just more of the same: missions from the three main factions, even getting the Athena chest itself is just another treasure chest map! Except the Athena shop there is nothing new to it at all. In my opinion only a true pirate legend is worthy enough to go on tall tales for example.

    Again this elitism and meritocracy aproach. It's segregrating and asocial.
    Maybe the Athena is especially no new content, because they didnt want to gate anything but cosmetics?!

    This game has so much potential but unfortunately I got burned out too fast due to the lack of actual content and that makes me sad. I have some general ideas, as how to fix that problem.

    Your Problem is that your only content is working off Levels, reputation and cosmetics.
    You seem to not immerse and roleplay a Piratelegend, you seem to lack fantasy to immerse into the world and contribute to it as a Piratelegend do self provided tasks like kill a Meg in a Rowboat, rob a Galleone at a fort solo, gift a ship full of treasure to a new sailor or whatever. This is a sandbox game, the levels mean not that much, but cosmetics and some titles.
    What SoT is more about is immersive gameplay, roleplay, the freedom to do what you want. Interact, cooperate, compete and there is a lot in the world you can do.
    Second thing you maybe ay too much and expect a videogame can entertain you 3+ hours every day for a year or more?
    Well i can tell you what games can do that. Games that make you addicted with slotmachiene mechanics and reward systems that keep ringing the bingo bell.
    If that is the sort of game you want then i wholeheartedly disagree.

    And here is the evidence you did not understand SoT design and the decision to have no vertical progression, but only horizontal about cosmetics.

    But my friends and I got burned out so quickly, because there is really nothing to work on but cosmetics. Cosmetics are cool for showing off but it should never be the focus of a game on its own!!

    So you have played it through?
    Delete character, buy another Account and replay or quit.

    Please do not ask to change the game, because those who have understood and are very glad a developer did so like it as it is.
    They maybe also have not that much exagerated on playing this gsme and had worked it off but just played and not focussed on progression, but focussed on simply playing, immersing, roleplaying, let thing happen by the way.
    Have focussed on their adventures are amazing memories and stories to tell while the level and rep came by the way and made it extra cool, because their stories underline their legendary status in a more valuable way than "working off" does.

    Of course the more time I played the less exciting I got and that is totally normal.

    Really, not true for me.
    Same fun setting sails like a year ago. Maybe even more fun, because i feel like "coming home" everytime when the wind blows into the sails.

    What do you think? Please let me know and remember always stay sober out on the sea! ;)

    I thibk you and youre friends didnt get the game right got bored very quickly because you focussed in the wrong part what is progression when the game says it's seconded and therefore horizontal and about cosmetics only.
    To me it was a strome of a genius or some genius to do that this way.
    It focusses on fun and freedom to play like you want and not on working off something.
    It does not separate players it keeps them all on equal foot forever.
    What is better than that?
    Why need someone be special because he grinded 10 hours a day for a year? He is more in need of a good psychologist tbh.
    Not more levels to grind off.

    @JetOrchidee97 @Pfnatsch
    I apologize for the first silly comment, but many of these suggestions offend a gamedesign what i've been waiting for for years.
    You made it again about achievement hunting and meaningless progression, Separation players, gating content and promote slot machiene mechanics, give powergamers and hardcore grinders the "meaning" they want to bragg around and tell others :" you havent earned to be a Legend."
    I have heard this a couple of times now, not only me bit also parts of my crew.
    This is compensating with levels what they lack in real life
    respect, recognition, maybe even love.
    You need not, you should not and you mustn't segregate yourself from fellow players you should instead take care of them and play together.

    All you wrote here let me doubt you had this in mind, but asking and supporting ideas what are completely against this attitude to play games together and instead make it more egocentric me or us against the others.
    It's a game meant to be played, not a serious sports competition, not a job or your career.

  • @d3adst1ck i agree with the last point. Tall Tales were really nice, it gives the game more depth, but it's short term content. We need something that lasts longer aswell, at least players like me.

  • @bugaboo-bill a dit dans This game needs more actual content! :

    @JetOrchidee97 @Pfnatsch
    I apologize for the first silly comment, but many of these suggestions offend a gamedesign what i've been waiting for for years.

    No worries, I apologize too, it was an impulsive and not very well thought comment and I understand your point. Here's to the crew!

  • @jetorchidee97 same for me
    I maybe partaked too much in the forums read the 5th thread i disagree with and made an offensive and silly comment. I also dislike this attitude and some here do it everyday but i mostly try to emphasize with where the others comes from.
    But still arguing and "defending" the concept and design of SoT as i believe that when you have a server full of people who do not care for progression, loosing and winning that much but are more fun orientated and dont take it all too serious, because they need not as progression is meaningless and seconded, then this the best playground you can have.
    There is a difference of how you can say: Arrrr, Attack, Revenge or whatever.
    The one is for fun he other is about anger.
    To me progression supports people compare themself and become jealous, it makes them rushing games, exploit, speedrun and not play together and have fun. It makes them more egocentric.
    It distracts from a playful aproach and make people feel serious about it and have a "meaning" when the meaning of playing a game together, especially competing is to both sides to have fun. Also the looser!
    Every child need to learn not to play to win, but to play for fun and participation. And that also need not get rewarded all the time.
    I taught my daughter this some years ago. She also get sour very much when she lost a game.
    And no i was not unforgiving but let she win sometimes of course.
    Until she let me win :-)
    I'm singleparent, i want her to be self confident and authentic.
    She needed to learn you cannot win always, but that's not what makes the fun. It's the extra tip and it's for sure more fun to win than to loose, but if you win all day you cannot appreciate it anymore.
    You need to learn to respect and appreciate loosing.
    To me achievers need constantly getting rewarded (win something).
    It's endlessly.
    You can add more levels, more this more that, they wont be ever satisfied.
    I'm sad that we have more gamers gaming systems, working off achievements, invest time to get rewarded a way to segregate themself, make them superior, have them in a special league or club.
    It's ok for several games who need this to match skilled players like Star Craft for example.
    But thats a completely different style of a game.
    SoT is a game about social interactions and fun playing a comic(al) Pirate.
    If you bring any form of vertical progression the whole thing wont work anymore.
    We need more players who understand that and stop gaming systems but instaed start playing games.

  • @bugaboo-bill sagte in This game needs more actual content!:

    So the more you play the more options and power you have?

    No. Just more options.

    Doesnt this support powergaming and hardcore grinding or does it even incentivice this?
    Do you think it's easy to balance and good to encourage people to hardcore grind gold to buy ships?

    Yes, I think there should be something for non casual players aswell. Maybe in a different way than mine, but more than just Athena at some point.

    Why split the playerbase?
    Why gate content behind progression?
    I dont see a good cause to do that.

    Well, at least it keeps players engaged longer. I'm not talking about splitting the player base and in my opinion more than 90% of the content should be open for all.
    It needs just something else than Athena and more variety in end game.

    The system of "all content for everyone" sounds really nice in theory, but I think there are two things a game like that should have to keep players engaged:

    A LOT of content. SoT doesn't have a lot of content (yet), to keep players long term with this principle. So you've just seen everything after a few hours and think "so what's next?"

    OR really paced gameplay which is present all the time. The sailing part in SoT can get really boring after a while. It is beautiful, but not fun.

    In my opinion there should be more Content which is exclusive for players, who invest the time into the game.

    And the next term from a meritocracy/ performanced focussed view.
    Invest time...
    I do not invest time playing a game.
    I do waste time and i dont compensate with gaming and then tell others what great gamer i am.
    There is no meaning other than to be playing a game, what is completely senseless, has no meaning at all, is about wasting time and doing something for fun.
    Fun not meaning!

    That is the difference between us and that's totally fine! You are a casual, I'm not. I don't see gaming as a timewaste, I enjoy (almost) every minute of it and it is one of the best things i can do. That is not, because I have to compensate anything, it's just my passion. So it has a meaning to me (and others too!) and I like to achieve something.

    About the last part I first of all want to make sure that I am against any kind of form of RNG or microtransactions (slot maschine)! I LOVE the sandbox approach and I AM creative in that way, but because I love this game so much, I played it a lot. So I've seen pretty much everything I am interested in so far.

    Most games are based on competition. So is Sea of Thieves. Doesn't matter if it are other players or bots. Different players, different approaches. We need to take all these together, so everyone can get their joy out of it!

    Addiotionally you made a few really unappropriate accusations! You don't know anything about me. Guys like you, that have to be toxic online, lack a serious amount of self esteem and are just cowards hiding behind a gamer tag. So please think about hurting peoples feelings beforehand.

  • @bugaboo-bill it is funny how you are telling me to not think I am better than others in a game, but at the same time act like you are better/smarter in this forum.

    I have to agree though, that a lot of players forget the fun in games and focus ONLY on the destination/winning not the journey.

  • @pfnatsch reported for the last part.

    I disagree with your aproach and i hope Rare will never cater to your sort of gamers and i also wish you quit like your friends because all you contribute here is Separation, elitism and a too serious maybe even addicted aproach playing games.

    If you call me a coward i say you are the one hiding behind a GT in the internet.
    Tell me that face to face.

    I havent accused you, my main arguments are general and not pointed on you personally.
    But you did.

    I'm 42 year old singleparent man.
    Keep your insults for yourself please.

  • @bugaboo-bill
    i see you discussing on the forum for months every post in a negative agressive way. you attack everyone.
    I stop writing and coming to forum because of so many people like you.
    Someone come with a good idea for game changing and you and others attack them imidiatly. Its not fun to talk here in forum anymore.

  • @pfnatsch said in This game needs more actual content!:

    @bugaboo-bill it is funny how you are telling me to not think I am better than others in a game, but at the same time act like you are better/smarter in this forum.

    I have to agree though, that a lot of players forget the fun in games and focus ONLY on the destination/winning not the journey.

    If it's only about thst you are better then i understand it.
    Your fun is not the journey, if so you wouldnt ask for more meaning of progression, exclusive content and such.

    You fun is getting rewarded and elitism for beeing better than others and therefore "earn" more.

    Performanced focussed aproach. Elitism. Meritocracy.
    Not mainly fun orientated!
    I will quit the conversations here.

  • @pfnatsch i agree with your mention and your suggestions. The game need more to do. The most i miss is the gold sink. I stop playing game now since i reach legend. Now i have to do the same what i did the last 6 months, only longer and harder.
    Its boring now. Dont mean that it happens to you, too. Make your own experience.
    Im sad, because i loved the game so much.
    And you are one who have examples or suggestions to make the game better and be attacked by people like bugaboo bill.

  • @bugaboo-bill Yeah fun is addictive! So what? Should we make this game less fun?

    Well, you commented on me and the things I was talking about, were in the same paragraph as your apology, so yes, I think you accused me. I would tell you that face to face.

  • @bugaboo-bill to me it is BOTH: journey and progression

    You clearly didn't get my point of view, sadly. But I think you are right. It is best for both of us to quit this converstion, because this leads to nothing contructive anyway...

  • @mrmalfor

    Because people make suggestions what are against core principles of the game and want to turn it into the next thing for exagerating gamers who work, invest, earn and then tell others they are noobs.
    This game is made of another wood and it's not only me, but many others who defend that what all the gamers want to destroy because they cannot understand it and constantly ask for more meaning and more progression and such when they are unsatisfiable.

    I in general have a lot of upvotes.
    If you cannot see that this game is not about to progress ot need that much more content and is anyway a game as a Service and continue to bring content tomorrow on a monthly basis i cannot help.

    If you dislike me so much just block.
    Problem solved.
    I also block people who claim they are here to break others will, make them ragequit or insult me.

  • @mrmalfor Same with me! The sad part is that there are A LOT of people out there like us, but they are not in this forum :(

  • @bugaboo-bill sagte in This game needs more actual content!:


    Because people make suggestions what are against core principles of the game and want to turn it into the next thing for exagerating gamers who work, invest, earn and then tell others they are noobs.

    This happens now too. There are a lot of toxic voice chat comments when I play. This has nothing to do with the game principle, but with people being a**holes.
    I don't feel better, because I have more in a game than others. I feel better, because I am further than yesterday.

    I in general have a lot of upvotes.

    As I mentioned earlier. Likes don't tell a lot tbh, because players like me (which are a lot) quit the game and are not on this forum.

  • @bugaboo-bill
    i dont have time and fun to play a game and have no progression. When i start dont starve and play 1 hour with only eating berries i have a hard start. then i build a cooking pot and log off.
    next time when i start game i can cook better food and this is a good feeling that i earning something for the hour i played. and so on.
    in sea of thieves i played 6 months and i earning nothing than titles and clothes. but im on same status then 6 months before and start the same run then 6 months before.

    its not fun to start a game every time with the same status. and thats what many players mean in discussions here. and they are right.

  • @mrmalfor
    No offense, but then you didnt get the game right.
    It said it has no serious progression, it's seconded and therefore horizontal and only about cosmetics and also sessionbased because of that.
    I play and love it especially because of this and all the progression based games arent for me therefore.
    It's as if i go to WoW and ask to remove item Sets and levels and make it about cosmetics only.

    I liked many games in general played them month over month until i realized i'm in a rush to not Fall behind, i grinded stuff i disliked, i became serious about it, got sour, became impatient here and there, neglected real life friends and even family maybe.
    That was not fun.
    I play casually and i know some make gaming their serious hobby
    and have a different aproach.
    I'd never try to compete in CS:Go although in 1998 iirc i was good at CS 1.6.
    I quit all the games i in general liked but asked me to spent more time I have or fall behind and cannot contribute, compete and habe fun anymore.
    99% of online games are exactly made for progression orientated gamers.
    And yes i dislike this when i understood why they are that way and how many gamers behave and treat their fellow players.
    Thinking of the quality of speach in games like LoL, Overwatch or even other social games like mmorpgs etc...
    Do i argue passively aggressive about that?
    Yeah maybe sometimes and i feel guilty.
    I apologized for the first comment here and i explained in detail why and what.

    Suggestions like this offend the game design im here for and would turn the game into something you like more, but drive me away

    And because we have very less games without gamechanging progression - btw i have no problem with it in singleplayer games - i just disagree with all suggestions who want to change it.

    Lets think this way.
    99% of online games had no serious progression, mostly every game is only about f... cosmetics only.
    Games who have vertical progression at best are C class Indie games that insult your gamers attitude, skill and passion for it.
    Then lets say you have found a game by a famous developer, a triple A game, beautiful and all that, you like it like no other for a decade of gaming and it has vertical progression. A dream comes true.
    You play, you like, you play further, you still like it, all is fine and as you wish. Butb other people come to the forums nearly everyday and ask to remove progression, make it about cosmetics only. Too much to do, decrease the amount of this or that.. etc...
    You would argue the same way like me i guess.

  • @pfnatsch said in This game needs more actual content!:

    @bugaboo-bill sagte in This game needs more actual content!:

    I in general have a lot of upvotes.

    As I mentioned earlier. Likes don't tell a lot tbh, because players like me (which are a lot) quit the game and are not on this forum.

    1. lets stick to agree to disagree and let it be as we said before ok?!
    2. This quote is out of context.
      @MrMalfor wrote i argue passively aggressive and i answered that i still have lot of upvotes, if you research other recent posts by me you can also read how i try to be diplomatic and convey between opposing opinions of people.
      Maybe Mr.Malfor did only read topics he agree with and i disagree with therefore think my argumentation is only and always toxic. I even agree that i did sometimes for sure, that i feel guilty and always try to self reflect and improve my comunication. Btw not my motherlanguage and even if it is ok or reads good that doesnt mean i have no problem to write what i want to say in english ;-)

    Options are good, things that favor powergaming in this game are not.
    Maybe all your friends and those who left have just accepted that this game seconds progression and it's more about that creative sandbox playstyle and such.

    It's not wrong that both kind of games exist, but we defend that what we have here, because imho it's genius and rare on the market.
    But more developers see this want and maybe try to establish new games with horizontal progression.
    Where it is more about creative sandbox and social interactions than themepark or achievement hunting and completion.

    Both style of games should be developed and played.

    Please dont try to turn this around.
    Many people who just play also dont partake in the forums.

    I liked a game very much and i tried to adapt to it's concept of endless progression, i really loved all about this game, but the endless vertical progression and the power gap it created spoiled it to me completely.
    I quit after a year and a lot if money i spent for this game. Not a few bucks, but more like thousands as i wanted to support it.
    In the end i swallowed the bitter pill.
    Progression games arent for me.
    I aproach games completely different.

23 out of 56