Community Discord

  • SoT Discord for Xbox and PC.

    ● Updated frequently - daily.
    ● LFG channel - look for squadmates here
    ● Four Squad voice channels
    ● General chat for everyone to talk in
    ○ General NSFW chat for fun
    ○ General voice chat
    ● Patch notes channel, where you can find links to the patch notes
    ● Feedback channel, where you can post your feedback about the discord back to the mods
    ● Report channel, have you seen someone toxic in-game or in the discord? Report them here.
    ● autorole, become a crew mate INSTANTLY!


    Tell your friends about this awesome discord channel, if you don't currently own Discord, download it for free at !

  • 16
  • @bre-salty Hi bre-salty,

    Not on your server now as I was complaining about a toxic player and got banned. I don't want an invite back as the community there seemed to support the cheating actions of the said player. However, so you're aware [Mod edited] Xbox Tag, was using an automated macro to stop him being kicked whilst he went AFK. He didn't say anything and just left the macro on ruining our whole Voyage and we had to reform. Three of us reported him via Xbox and the Sea of Thieves support so hopefully he will get banned soon. I just wanted to make you aware of the toxic player in your community so he can't ruin other peoples games. Best, Chris.

  • Hey there, @CRP-Xylo! Calling out users by name or gamertag is not allowed within our community per our Forum rules. If there is a problem user, please report them via the appropriate channels, and if it concerns a fan server, the owner can be notified by PM.

  • @lady-aijou
    Thanks for the quick response, good to see... I hope you're as responsive to the cheating report I made and the issue can be resolved. I love the game at the moment but cheating players need to be dealt with, I could write a code simple enough to check the logs to see if someone is using a macro or not i.e. repeating a function at the same time scale over and over again. I've noted the players name though and if I don't see any action taken I will presume this method of playing is accepted and abuse the game myself, hell if you can't beat them, join them, right?

  • As stated in our launch update post:

    "Beyond this, we are tracking a series of feedback points around spawn-killing, misuse of the brig and the potential for hacking. We will share an update on this and the other top feedback points with our thoughts on them as soon as we are in a position to. A lot of the conversations internally at Rare have been around the top bits of feedback we've received, and this is influencing what we are working on next."

    There are a lot of discussions going on behind the scenes, and we are definitely listening to all the reports coming in of behavior in game. If you see a player in game who is using a hack, cheat, or exploit, please report them in game:

  • Hey, I’ve been trying to find a Sea of Thieves discord for a while now and finally found out that you guys have made an official server. The only problem is everytime I click the link or copy and paste it into my discord app, it says the link has expired. Can someone help me with this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello, is there any way to appeal a temporary/permanent ban? Thanks!

  • @bre-salty For some reason, that link is showing as invalid for me. Is this link expired?

  • @bre-salty hay interested in joining but invalid invite

  • Its telling me the link has expired or is invalid

  • @l-hyce The following link should work matey!

  • U guys need to like put a PVE or a private sever for people so noone is there to kill u because i am so tired of trying to do the tall tales when people just come out of nowhere and ether stealing supplies from your ship, destroying your ship, and trolling. How can me and friends have a fun time on the game when it’s filled with idiots who just want to ruin your sea of thieves experience. I love sea of thieves I really do but it just ruins it when people like them are there. I just want earn rewards with my friends and level up and all that without people screwing u over. And I don’t care if u people think I just suck at the game because in the end all I want to do is to have fun at the game without people ruining it regardless if I suck at the game or not but I have play it since the beginning. And just today I was doing the revenge of the morning star with my friends took us soo long but when we final about to unlock the final chapter a gallon and a sloop took everything even the red stone for the story and u already know it’s has so much steps too do and it’s not fair that people just steal your stuff without working hard for them. Especially the red stone because it was for the story and they just took knowing that they can’t use it and knowing we can’t finish without it so we all had no choice but to start all over. I’m so disappointed all I want to do is have fun without players ruining it. Is that too much to ask to make a pve for people who want to enjoy the game with their friends and have the best experience of the game possibly cause in the end don’t we all want to be happy on this game.


  • Ahoy maties!

    As this thread was 6 months old, and revived today, it will now be locked. Please feel free to start a new discussion on this topic!

    A general reminder to all, please avoid reviving threads aged past 30 days, as it is considered a necro, and is against our forum rules.

    Bumping Threads
    Bumping threads with content that is not providing additional information to the original post is not permitted. Resurrecting very old threads is also not permitted. A warning will be issued and the thread locked. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @party-boy-458
    Sounds like you should say that in a pve post, not in a 6 month old post about a discord. Don't necro.

14 out of 16