Why Rare decides to keep this black loading screen (when teleporting on the boat or when dying)

  • 571/5000
    I was wondering why the developers of SoT continue to keep the principle of the black screen for any loading in the game. I find this principle outdated, and that greatly penalizes the player I find, especially during a fight. Die, have a black screen, then arrive on the ship of the damned and finally have another black loading screen after leaving the cemetery. The other players have all the time it takes to position themselves in the boat and therefore kill us more easily. I do not understand that another system was not found.

  • 10
  • Because it takes more effort than Rare is willing to put into it. This game was released WAY before it was ready. From my understanding, load times are one of the very last things that are tackled on games. Allot of people left playing don't seem to mind at this point and because they got SSDs(and think that it's ok that you have to buy an SSD to get reasonable load times). Load times are also a fairly sizable advantage for them compared to players that don't, so some of them actually don't want it fixed.

  • @betsill I have got a pretty good PC with an SDD, but I find this mechanic very disturbing, especially for such a recent game

  • @merevinh Especially for a multi player game*. Can you imagine if this design was in Halo or fornite or Apex or Battelfield or any other mutli game? In a single player game it's tolerable because the npcs obviously wait on you. In a multi game you have to design a system that keeps everyone equal. It's hilarious being in a game that claims it's "equal playing field"( which is at the expense of game-play), but has things like this that are completely broken and unbalanced.

  • @betsill I was wondering if xbox players have this black screen too

  • @merevinh Lol it's far worse than it is on PC. idk what HDD they used on the xbox one but it's much slower than the average pc HDD. When I last timed on xbox it was something like 35 sec average?

  • @betsill This is ridiculous, we are spending more time on this black screen than play the game

  • @merevinh It's not even close to as bad as arena lol

  • Decided? I doubt Rare had a meeting and agreed to just put in a loading screen, it’s there because it has to be. We’d all love to be without it but loading and processing takes time. Best (and perhaps only) thing you can do is buy an SSD to improve your load times.

  • You know what? You're right! The black loading screen IS terrible!

    It needs PICTURES! 😅

3 out of 10