Release Notes - 2.4.1

  • Release Notes - 2.4.1
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.4.1

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

  • 28
  • Finally: Figurehead of the Silent Barnacle! :)

  • "Firework Crates can now be sold back to the Merchant Alliance and Reaper’s Bones even when no longer full – but expect a reduced payout!"

    This is great, but can we also get this for wood, cannon ball and fruit crates too?

  • At long last the Silent Barnacle set is complete!

  • @illbushido305 That figurehead was possibly the most requested feature in the game after Captaincy!

  • more stable ? I launched the game I went to Lone Cove. Just by running lag more rise of ping 150!!!

    Video in evidence
    My setup is to calibrate I do not play on Xbox (I5 12 generation, Rtx 2070 super, 16 giga ram)

  • @fou-jackdbird said in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    more stable ? I launched the game I went to Lone Cove. Just by running lag more rise of ping 150!!!

    Video in evidence
    My setup is to calibrate I do not play on Xbox (I5 12 generation, Rtx 2070 super, 16 giga ram)

    Could the issue be in your end? I'm getting the usual 80 ping as always?

  • one day we will be able to switch crew size mid game to actually make it fun to play with friends

  • @drolikemine512 said in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    one day we will be able to switch crew size mid game to actually make it fun to play with friends

    Or unfair to feisty sloops trying to securely steal a delicious haul.

    For every good thing to an idea, you have to consider the bad and how much of an imbalance it can be to a very common and already imbalanced crew size in the game: Solo Sloops

  • The Lodestar ship set is so ugly and artstylebreaking, i cant belive that it actualy made it in the Game.

  • I don't know if it's just a bug coming from my PC or if it's because of this new update, but I cannot hear holes breaking my ship anymore. For example, when I run into a rock, scuttle my ship, etc... I see the holes appearing, I hear the water filling my ship and every other sounds of the game, but not the planks breaking.

    I tested with or without spatial sound enabled, in stereo or in mono, with every audio settings at 100%, etc... but nothing worked ^^'

    PS: I play on PC (Microsoft Store Build) and I use headphones in stereo mode and without spatial audio enabled

  • @nerelya a dit dans Release Notes - 2.4.1 :

    I don't know if it's just a bug coming from my PC or if it's because of this new update, but I cannot hear holes breaking my ship anymore. For example, when I run into a rock, scuttle my ship, etc... I see the holes appearing, I hear the water filling my ship and every other sounds of the game, but not the planks breaking.

    I tested with or without spatial sound enabled, in stereo or in mono, with every audio settings at 100%, etc... but nothing worked ^^'

    PS: I play on PC (Microsoft Store Build) and I use headphones in stereo mode and without spatial audio enabled

    Exactly the same for me on console.

  • @nerelya said in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    I don't know if it's just a bug coming from my PC or if it's because of this new update, but I cannot hear holes breaking my ship anymore. For example, when I run into a rock, scuttle my ship, etc... I see the holes appearing, I hear the water filling my ship and every other sounds of the game, but not the planks breaking.


    @karmec1446 said in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    The Lodestar ship set is so ugly and artstylebreaking, i cant belive that it actualy made it in the Game.

    I think it's pretty.

  • @nerelya said in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    I don't know if it's just a bug coming from my PC or if it's because of this new update, but I cannot hear holes breaking my ship anymore. For example, when I run into a rock, scuttle my ship, etc... I see the holes appearing, I hear the water filling my ship and every other sounds of the game, but not the planks breaking.

    I tested with or without spatial sound enabled, in stereo or in mono, with every audio settings at 100%, etc... but nothing worked ^^'

    PS: I play on PC (Microsoft Store Build) and I use headphones in stereo mode and without spatial audio enabled

    It's a bug according to sonicBob on the reddit patch update topic

    Thanks for the report - aware of this one and have a fix heading to Insiders.
    There should be sufficient audio effects to ensure players are clear that damage has been done to the ship but appreciate part of the wood cracking audio effect is currently muted.

  • @karmec1446 said in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    The Lodestar ship set is so ugly and artstylebreaking, i cant belive that it actualy made it in the Game.

    Look at my name and tell me if I love it. 🙂

  • @nerelya My whole crew noticed that too; can't hear the holes on the ships cracking open anymore. Pc & Xbox players

  • Is the end of alliance servers? In that case is the best update ever. GG guys

  • @galactic-geek said in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    @karmec1446 said in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    The Lodestar ship set is so ugly and artstylebreaking, i cant belive that it actualy made it in the Game.

    Look at my name and tell me if I love it. 🙂

    That makes 2 of us.

  • @nbk-poggio sagte in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    Is the end of alliance servers? In that case is the best update ever. GG guys

    Probably not the end, but definitly harder to achieve

  • @drolikemine512 sagte in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    one day we will be able to switch crew size mid game to actually make it fun to play with friends

    If the actual 16-player-cap stays and doesn't change to a 24-player-cap this won't ever be possible

  • The best part of the update is definitely to see that alliance servers are going to have a hard time to happen. Thanks Rare!

    Now all we need to do is limit alliances to 3 ships, make the gold and rep divide and not the 50% more, make them only be made by equal emissaries and, of course, remove the purple name that gets in the way when we try to invade an alliance .

  • I’m not finding these settings on xbox series-x for Spatial Audio. Is this same for USA settings?

  • @wolfmanbush I also find it quite striking! I love it.

  • @stormbending said in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    @wolfmanbush I also find it quite striking! I love it.

    It's had a pretty significant amount of positive feedback from what I've seen. Many calling it the best in the emporium or shipset entirely.

    Personally I think the people that are involved in these ship designs have been doing a very nice job for a solid year now. Emporium and in game (especially ledger rewards) have brought some beautiful piratical craftsmanship as time goes on.

  • @fou-jackdbird latest patch ruined my connection and routing. Rubber banding everywhere, stuttering, ping at least 70 if not 100 to 250 on the best server (which aren't even in my region anymore). Why am I suddenly routed out of region after this patch and other patches in the past? I can only use open crew or a VPN? to get routing into my region, apparently. game's in an unplayable state.

    That's not getting into the missing sound bugs for ships sinking/taking damage, worsened hit-reg, and etc.

  • Perhaps the 16 player cap was intended to reduce server lag? Yet we still cannot unanimously vote to delete quests from our radial? That would be a major improvement.

    And for the alliance server haters out there - having a 5 brig alliance or 4 brigs and 2 sloops, or any combination of 5 or 6 ships with the 16 player cap is perfectly doable, and if anything helps get more alliance servers up an running! Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's no more or less difficult to get a server alliance, it's just 15-16 people instead of up to 24.

  • @grantsby sagte in Release Notes - 2.4.1:

    Perhaps the 16 player cap was intended to reduce server lag? Yet we still cannot unanimously vote to delete quests from our radial? That would be a major improvement.

    And for the alliance server haters out there - having a 5 brig alliance or 4 brigs and 2 sloops, or any combination of 5 or 6 ships with the 16 player cap is perfectly doable, and if anything helps get more alliance servers up an running! Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's no more or less difficult to get a server alliance, it's just 15-16 people instead of up to 24.

    I didn't say it's not doable, but definitly harder

  • One of the update notes says, "After vanquishing a group of Ocean Crawlers, Phantoms or skeletons, crews should now enjoy a much longer respite period before encountering them again on the same island." This is not the case. Whatever has been done has caused the spawn rate to increase, and often our crew of 3-4 players finds itself fighting multiple groups of enemies at the same time, where a week or two ago we did not. We also believe that these enemies have had their stats and possibly AI changed, so that 'regular' skeletons have more health, ghosts use charged attacks more often, and crawlers use the protective shield ability more as well. These enemies also seem to shoot more accurately and may be doing more damage . I'm not sure how much of this is correct, but there is certainly a massively increased difficulty for these kinds of encounters, especially when they overlap as they now do all the time. Whatever the update did to these enemies should be rolled back because it is making the game far less enjoyable, and in our crew the term, 'game-breaking' is being thrown around.

14 out of 28