Is Captain James Hook the Cap'n?

  • This one apart from my previous theory on Jolly Roger being the Cap'n would be an amazing twist if we get James Hook from that Robin Williams film, "Hook", to actually be the leader of the Dark Brethren Court.

    Why I think it's him.

    James Hook may have drank the same chalice that cursed Flameheart Jr. and made him a Skeleton Lord, which explains why he hates them, even though he's one of them, because he cannot die, and was denied true death, if he were defeated, he'd just come back. Which to him, isn't exactly thrilling. And so he is trapped in a land where pirates die and live again.

    Hook has Davy Jone's Heart?

    Instead of Cutler Beckett, Davy Jones now serves Captain Hook and does his bidding, even though he is imprisoned by the Ferryman, he technically isn't dead since the heart was not in the Dead Man's Chest. Meaning, Hook still has plans for Jones along with the other members of the court.

    Hook wants an Ultimate War? Trapped in the Sea of the Damned?

    Like Davy Jones said in the final chapter, "We are at war!" it could mean that once James Hook sees the veil between the Sea of the Damned and the Land of the Living is broken, he will sail with all haste, like it says in the letter to Jones, possibly with an army of the Dark Brethren at his command to attack both the Pirate Lord, and Flameheart with his son! This could be an all out war Tall Tale.

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  • This would mean that the entire backstory to the Sea of Thieves is an offshoot of a Disney movie from the beginning, before they had the license to use characters in A Pirate's Life. That means that Rare took an extremely risky gamble, or they changed the lore somewhere after getting the Disney partnership in order to sell more copies to Disney fans.

    Both of those scenarios are not good, so I would hope that is not what they did and that "The Cap'n" is actually an original character (with a terribly generic name).

  • @d3adst1ck Though I'm not on either theory that Jolly Roger or Captain Hook are the Cap'n, only speculating that these two fit the mystery character's motives and why they want to wage war in the SoT. But if I have to pick a third, it would be the Cursed Captain (who isn't a Disney character) that helps us in the first chapter of A Pirates Life, which I strongly believe that he's the villain, he manipulated to get himself back on his body and might pull a "Stitcher Jim" betrayal on us in the future and reveal his identity.

  • There's also the hook marks on his chair and the burns on the table that line up with captain hook's double cigar thing. That being said I really hope he's not the Cap'n. The Cap'n is such an interesting mysterious figure and I would really hate it if he ended up just being another crossover instead of an original character.

  • I hope not. I was genuinely Happy to see that the Disney splash screen was gone for this season. It was a nice little addition but in my opinion POTC needed SOT more than SOT needed POTC. I expect we may see a few more Disney characters return in future, but If The Cap'n turns out to be Hook and not an original character I will be dissapointed. This is such an original and unique game, I hope the big baddy is unique and original too.

  • @thegingrprince I would be down for the Cap'n to be the Cursed Captain from the first Tall Tale chapter, but it seems too obvious, but also if its an entirely new villain we never seen before in the game, that would be awesome.

  • @impymidna2303

    Also... Flameheart sent his adopted son to a "safe place" to protect him from his captain. Flamehearts captain was the Cap'n...

    And what is a known thing about James Hook?

    He hates children

    Scrap that. Read the novel.

  • while it certainly would be possible, and might be interesting, i kinda hope that it isn't. mostly because Hook is so tied into the disney Peter Pan material that it could face tone clash if they brought him in. the PotC setting is a grim one with violence and death, so fits well enough into the SoT style. but Disney's version of Hook is generally perceived as more of a melodramatic buffoon than a serious and dangerous threat. even in works like the Hook film and in Return to Neverland where he was used as a more proactive villain than in the first Peter Pan film. he also would be kinda out of place, as a regular mundane human alongside magically powerful and often non-human members of the dark Brethren. the only other mundane human in the group is Duke, and he's basically just the commander of some of the minions. not really high on the totem pole. the others are psychopomps, the undead, sorcerors, and the rulor of a non-human civilization. that a mundane human captain would be able to intimidate and command them seems a little unlikely.

    if it had to be a disney character (which it probably won;t be), i'd rather they took one from disney's unused concepts. Captain Bartholomew Gore. a character that was originally going to be a key part of both the Haunted Mansion and the Pirates of the Caribbean attractions at DisneyLand, but which ultimately went unused. in the haunted mansion (back when it was envisioned as a walk through attraction not a ride) he was going to be the (deceased) owner of the creepy mansion, a sea captain with an interest in the supernatural and the bizzare. Who murdered his wife and thus caused the house to become haunted with the shade of his wife and all those he had ever harmed, leading him to commit suicide. he was also supposed to appear in the PotC attraction main scenes showing that "captain gore" was actually a notoriously brutal pirate, who got his immense wealth through murder and pillage, helping to explain why so many ghosts ended up in his mansion.
    the advantage Captain Gore has over hook is that Captain Gore is effectively a blank slate. Rare can create their own take on the character, building off the disney concept without the character being burdened by over half a century of preconceptions like with Hook. they also could use the disney concept to build up his threat. his interest in the occult and the supernatural would help explain why he can hold authority over so many powerful beings and be such a threat, and they could easily slot plenty of that conceptual backstory from the rides into the SoT lore. (heck, perhaps he could be a Phantom Pirate Lord)

  • @chromeguardsman Or we could just have… less Disney. Rare has demonstrated that they can craft outstanding stories and engaging characters on their own; absolutely no need to reuse anyone else’s stuff (yeah, SoT is full of ocean lore and fantasy/horror tropes, but with boatloads of original spin).

    I am voting for “none of the above”

  • I would probably be happy with Hook or an original character - it matters nought a bit to me.

  • Disney doesn't own Peter Pan.

    SoT could do their own version of Capt. Hook. And Pan for that matter.

  • Although a better suggestion would be that Hook is impersonating the Cap'n, like, caught wind of the Cap'n and Flameheart nonsense and thought there'd be profit, and is manipulating the Dark Brethren by passing himself off as the legendarily mystic and unknown "Cap'n", despite not actually being such. Which then allows for a whole "So that wasn't the real Cap'n" reveal.

  • @cwgttv To add to this, Hook is known for being a manipulator, so passing himself off as some other captain and pulling the strings to take over an entire sector of ocean and its lands is not only possible but it lies within his character.

  • @d3adst1ck just for the record... Captain Hook is not part of Disney. Captain Hook is part of the original play "Peter Pan: The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up", written before there was a Disney. They could, theoretically, put both Captain Hook AND Long John Silver (from the book "Treasure Island") in this game and not have any repercussions, as both are characters in books that are out of copyright. Now... if they want to use the Disney image of Cpt. Hook, then yes, they would have to pay royalties.

    If they're going to do any kind of crossover, I'd love to see Captain Blood from the Eril Flynn movies. There is literally tons of literature they can pull from for Sea of Thieves if they want to do crossovers and add depth to their lore.

  • @shadowmane20 I'm aware of the copyright situation with Captain Hook. However, since they have already used a Disney property I think it muddies the waters slightly by trying to include a property that was also licensed by Disney, since it's reasonable to assume that customers would think it is the Disney version.

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