Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks

  • @wolfmanbush said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    Again, this is a RARE issue, not a player issue.

    Players are deciding to turn on each other over frustrating game play. Frustrations are understandable, accusing people of things because of those frustrations does damage to the environment, doesn't help anything.

    It is an issue when you use a cheat to EXPLOIT IT.

  • This is the worse bout of cheating I have ever seen. These jerks dolphin swimming from across a square teleporting the air dropping on the deck. Worst part is they brag about it and say that Rare won't do anything about it. I am 3k hours in and I am pretty much done with this cheat infested game.

  • Sigh….it’s not hacking. It modding.
    Making my head hurt with people claiming hacks when it’s mods.

    • Mods: Affect only the user who does them. Think of exploits but the user causes them to happen to them. Maybe they fly or swim faster. They unlocked stuff they shouldnt.
    • Hacks: trust me. You know...example? Your pirate loses all resources you were holding, Cannons stop firing? Maybe they have invisible shield.

    Difference, one is more damaging compare to the other. Know difference.

  • @burnbacon said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    Sigh….it’s not hacking. It modding.
    Making my head hurt with people claiming hacks when it’s mods.

    If it gives you an advantage, I don't care what it is, it's cheating.

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @blam320 While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

    While playing xbox, the solution is... "Xbox! record that!"

  • @goldsmen said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @blam320 While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

    While playing xbox, the solution is... "Xbox! record that!"

    Hey, why didn't I think of that... because MS has the recording for the last 2 minutes, and if you get killed without knowing WHO took that shot, or WHO cheated because you CAN'T SEE THEM! What is the use?

    I reported someone stalking my son and I, and I was told "not enough information"... screen shots, and time... what is the use of reporting when they really don't give a damn?

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @goldsmen said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @blam320 While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

    While playing xbox, the solution is... "Xbox! record that!"

    Hey, why didn't I think of that... because MS has the recording for the last 2 minutes, and if you get killed without knowing WHO took that shot, or WHO cheated because you CAN'T SEE THEM! What is the use?

    I reported someone stalking my son and I, and I was told "not enough information"... screen shots, and time... what is the use of reporting when they really don't give a damn?

    Is there no way to set it recording until you say to stop?

  • @goldsmen said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @goldsmen said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @blam320 While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

    While playing xbox, the solution is... "Xbox! record that!"

    Hey, why didn't I think of that... because MS has the recording for the last 2 minutes, and if you get killed without knowing WHO took that shot, or WHO cheated because you CAN'T SEE THEM! What is the use?

    I reported someone stalking my son and I, and I was told "not enough information"... screen shots, and time... what is the use of reporting when they really don't give a damn?

    Is there no way to set it recording until you say to stop?

    Sure, if you have a Tb to spare. Otherwise no.

  • @imperatormorsus From what im reading, you only need 1tb external to store an hour, otherwise it seems you can store 10 minutes of footage.

  • @goldsmen said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus From what im reading, you only need 1tb external to store an hour, otherwise it seems you can store 10 minutes of footage.

    Right, but tell me when a session for SoT has been only 10 minutes? Imagine trying to record for 1 hour for 10 minutes at a shot?

  • @wolfmanbush said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    It's always odd to me how little footage of cheating exists. Considering how many hours people put into this game, all the footage that is collected from gameplay and available to view, the cheating videos are incredibly few considering the time spent playing and the footage gathered while playing.

    The "cheating is everywhere" narrative comes from youtube cheat ads and people saying someone showed them something which isn't supported by the tape from player's point of view.

    It's just odd that I have played so much and seen so little of it, and others that play as much as I do if not more on a daily basis have so few examples of seeing it compared to their overall encounters.

    There are people that pvp in this game and record their gameplay for wild amounts of time per day, all of their encounters on the tape, yet rarely does anything look suspicious and when it does it's almost always crews that are specifically hunting streamers on servers which isn't something most people experience in this game, even then it's a small amount of the encounters.

    People hackusate too much in SoT and if you believed the forums and the Discord pretty much any player using 2 guns is hacking, but the game really does have a cheating problem. Unfortunately the whole situation with FoV and the nature of TDM communities normalized cheating for a nontrivial amount of the playerbase. Most of them are smart enough to not use a speedhack or a flyhack and stick to things like playerlists, ESP and aim lock which are a lot harder to definitively prove. Truth of the matter is the game has no anti-cheat and that's a problem.

    I'm generally suspicious of any days old obvious alt account that plays exceptionally well, which is not uncommon to see on the seas. At minimum these guys usually have >120 FOV, and there's little reason to doubt they're doing more than that.

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @goldsmen said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus From what im reading, you only need 1tb external to store an hour, otherwise it seems you can store 10 minutes of footage.

    Right, but tell me when a session for SoT has been only 10 minutes? Imagine trying to record for 1 hour for 10 minutes at a shot?

    You dont record your whole session, just when you are having an issue.

  • @moogbeard said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    People hackusate too much in SoT and if you believed the forums and the Discord pretty much any player using 2 guns is hacking, but the game really does have a cheating problem. Unfortunately the whole situation with FoV and the nature of TDM communities normalized cheating for a nontrivial amount of the playerbase. Most of them are smart enough to not use a speedhack or a flyhack and stick to things like playerlists, ESP and aim lock which are a lot harder to definitively prove. Truth of the matter is the game has no anti-cheat and that's a problem.

    why? if we know that accusations are widely made without much evidence to support them and we know that people are banned in this game over cheating how do we know that they aren't catching a comparable amount with however they do things vs an anticheat that we would be aware of?

    The alts that cause problems have mostly been banned before, wouldn't that indicate that they are dealt with?

    If anything that would come down repeat offenders (previously banned) which rare has specifically said they are working on

  • @wolfmanbush said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    It's always odd to me how little footage of cheating exists. Considering how many hours people put into this game, all the footage that is collected from gameplay and available

    Little footage exists because publishing it here would run afoul of the forum rules. Expand your search as the OP did as the exploit demonstrations are publicly available on the web (and linking here to them is also verboten).

    There are also tons of bugs in the game that have been deemed exploits that by no one surprise the sweaty teams all use. Stuff easy for Rare to fix if they cared about balancing their PVP and patching the flaws that create the skill gap that is occurring. Everything from silent boarding, to simultaneous supply purchasing, and instant double shots.

    Of course, the skill gap created by those who know and use the exploits versus those that don't could be separated by SBMM if that were to work properly (short of ELO manipulation that will certainly be employed) so DEV priority should focus on that first. Of course, streamers getting 10+ win streaks sinking diaper sail ships gets a lot of views... so we'll see which audience Rare wants to cater to.

  • They definitely are and it’s always odd to me how quick some people are to dismiss it. It’s almost like guilty dogs are barking.

  • Nope, it's definitely people cheating. Chronic zen cheats, fov cheats even on xbox controller. . Then matchmaking is broke and keep putting you with the same people who already sunk you 3 times because of auto aim. I'm g8ving ggs to good players who whork hard and have mad skill, but not cheaters

  • Just played a total of 5 matches, 3 of which had blatant aimbotters in them.

    Sure is fun to play at the higher Elo ratings where all the cheaters gather to ruin the fun.

    We did manage to sink them anyways, as their game sense and sailing skills werea abysmal, but its still not fun to constantly match up againts cheaters, and hear them laugh about how the game has no anticheat and they will not be banned.

  • @artie said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @wolfmanbush said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    It's always odd to me how little footage of cheating exists. Considering how many hours people put into this game, all the footage that is collected from gameplay and available

    Little footage exists because publishing it here would run afoul of the forum rules. Expand your search as the OP did as the exploit demonstrations are publicly available on the web (and linking here to them is also verboten).

    There are also tons of bugs in the game that have been deemed exploits that by no one surprise the sweaty teams all use. Stuff easy for Rare to fix if they cared about balancing their PVP and patching the flaws that create the skill gap that is occurring. Everything from silent boarding, to simultaneous supply purchasing, and instant double shots.

    Of course, the skill gap created by those who know and use the exploits versus those that don't could be separated by SBMM if that were to work properly (short of ELO manipulation that will certainly be employed) so DEV priority should focus on that first. Of course, streamers getting 10+ win streaks sinking diaper sail ships gets a lot of views... so we'll see which audience Rare wants to cater to.

    I'm not talking about posting it on the forums

    What people post around when they push the increase in cheating or mass cheating narrative are cherry picked situations and compilation videos. Compilation videos in general are pretty terrible for serious examination of situations because they can make anything look like anything. It's more manipulation than it is helpful.

    When it comes to how I have the opinion that cheating is minimal in the game and that Rare has done a seemingly competent job of working on it I take my experience and compare it to longer videos with context and videos that have not been edited to make something look like something.

    When I examine my own fights and fights people have on stream I make sure I have not only the context of the situation but I also aim to apply benefit of the doubt in scenarios where the cheating isn't obvious. I also factor in all of the issues of performance within the game that I know to exist, having played through them for years.

    My thousands of hours of experience as a pve/pvper with a organic playstyle matches up with what I see on people's lengthy recordings of their encounters when it comes to this topic. A large majority of gameplay and encounters are in no way suspicious and the fights that include impressive performance aren't often outside of the realm of possibility for a skilled player, the odd moments largely justify benefit of the doubt.

    I am aware of some of what people post around and it often appears to be what I already acknowledge which is there are a people that chase streamers around, and it's edited/cherry picked/compilation video where it's being used to push a narrative beyond the incident.

    "This unusual incident means it happens a lot" type of stuff which I disagree with.

    When people post ad videos for cheats I think that doesn't say much, the internet hasn't changed much since the 90's in some ways and one of those ways is that messing with public cheats is a very very very bad idea. I've seen online environments where they don't kick out cheating and/or spam/experience ruining type of stuff and it looks nothing like the SoT environment.

    When that stuff overruns an environment it is very very clear.

  • @wolfmanbush

    You are still disregarding the fact that while I play with my higher Elo rating crew, we are constantly getting aimbotters.

    Its clear they are cheating when they have no basic understanding of the game and sailing what so ever, but are hitting 100% of eye of the reach shots out of render distance / deep under water constantly.

    Its incredibly hard to record evidence of crews where 1 or 2 players are aimbotting. It is an issue, and I am well able to distinguish between good players with good aim and bad players who are simply blatantly aimbotting.

    I've just had 10 or so matches in the match makign and atleast 3 of them had blatant aimbotters in them.

    To me, that means there is an issue with cheating. The cheaters and people familliar with the cheats also always tell us how theres no anticheat and they will never get banned, which really adds to the frustration of the whole thing.

  • Anyone who takes the time to just simply youtube or google will find that there are plenty of hacks for this game.

  • @i-jusa-i said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:


    You are still disregarding the fact that while I play with my higher Elo rating crew, we are constantly getting aimbotters.

    Its clear they are cheating when they have no basic understanding of the game and sailing what so ever, but are hitting 100% of eye of the reach shots out of render distance / deep under water constantly.

    Its incredibly hard to record evidence of crews where 1 or 2 players are aimbotting. It is an issue, and I am well able to distinguish between good players with good aim and bad players who are simply blatantly aimbotting.

    I've just had 10 or so matches in the match makign and atleast 3 of them had blatant aimbotters in them.

    To me, that means there is an issue with cheating. The cheaters and people familliar with the cheats also always tell us how theres no anticheat and they will never get banned, which really adds to the frustration of the whole thing.

    The season brought back a significant amount of skill for at least the first few weeks. Not only incredibly shooting skill but naval skill as well.

    I've brought it up before and I'll bring it up here, I always think the "deep underwater" detail is odd in these threads. How many situations involve "deep underwater" in a fight? not many, not many at all, yet it's almost always included in these threads.

    That always sticks out to me and seems quite odd given my fight experience and how I see others play during fights.

    I'm confused by so much deep underwater activity happening when it involves people that believe a lot of cheating happens in the game.

  • @wolfmanbush

    Sure thing, try to play at a higher Elo and you'll see where the cheaters end up. No need to tell me when someones good at the game. I am able to recognize between a good player and a blatant aimbotter, thank you.

  • @wolfmanbush

    The "deep underwater" refers to being deep enough below the waves that no human player is in any way with any graphical settings able to spot you from below the waves. This often happens when swiming back to a merm, healing under water near an anchored boat, after landing in the water after a boarding shot from cannon etc etc. There are multiple reasons you could be under the water and out of sight of anyone whos playing the game normally, yet the blatant aimbotters still keep 2 tapping you under the waves.

    Sure a good player can hit a shot like that sometimes when they catch a glimpse of you, but when its 5+ deaths with similar hits out of render distance (not even seeing the bullet, just taking damage) it becomes rather obvious.

  • @i-jusa-i said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:


    The "deep underwater" refers to being deep enough below the waves that no human player is in any way with any graphical settings able to spot you from below the waves. This often happens when swiming back to a merm, healing under water near an anchored boat, after landing in the water after a boarding shot from cannon etc etc. There are multiple reasons you could be under the water and out of sight of anyone whos playing the game normally, yet the blatant aimbotters still keep 2 tapping you under the waves.

    Sure a good player can hit a shot like that sometimes when they catch a glimpse of you, but when its 5+ deaths with similar hits out of render distance (not even seeing the bullet, just taking damage) it becomes rather obvious.

    People get popped all the time in boarding type water scenarios. People hit good shots daily, skilled players hit more of them.

    and I've killed players and hit kegs in crow's nests and had them blow out of render distance, and the same has happened to me.

    If I were a bettin' man I would genuinely bet on a highly skilled legit sot pvper against someone aimbotting every time. I might lose sometimes but the skill in this game that some have is highly impressive and I'd bet on the skill and most importantly the situational awareness.

  • @wolfmanbush

    As I said, no need to explain to me what a player can and cant do. I have no idea why you are so much againts the fact that this game, especially now with the pvp update, has lots of cheaters and very little anticheat. Why is that such a hard thing for you to understand that you have to send 10s of messages "disproving" anyone who sayst they came across cheaters?

    Do you not know how poor the anticheat in this game is?

    I have talked to people who have tried to provide Rare evidence and software from the cheating discords, and Rare support basically ignores it and is not interested at all in gathering the information and potential software so they could reverse engineer it to stop the possible cheats. I have talked to cheaters who say they have been cheating for years and never been banned, as there is no anticheat and they play in a away that they are not "blatant" about it.

    I really dont understand your crusade againts the fact there are cheaters in this game. But please do keep telling everyone "they are just good at the game" like you seem to really love doing.

  • @wolfmanbush

    If I were a bettin' man I would genuinely bet on a highly skilled legit sot pvper against someone aimbotting every time.

    We have won againts many of the cheaters, thats not the issue here. The fact that they can cheat so freely, and the fact that WE THE PLAYERS should have to record hours of evidence, edit all the parts where the cheating is visible as well as their gamer tags, and then send a long report explaining it everything to rare, for a CHANCE they might be banned?? How is that a good system? Why is that the system and not an anticheat?

    I know there is a basic server level anticheat present in the game, but hearing from the cheaters them selves, they keep telling the same story: The anticheat is almost non existent and you are very unlikely to be banned if you arent totally blatant while cheating.

    Fun times.

  • Damn, how do yall see so many blatant cheaters all the time? During all my 3000 hours in sot I have only met 1 crew who MIGHT have been cheating.
    120+ wins in this season and I have yet to see any. shrug

  • @i-jusa-i said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:


    As I said, no need to explain to me what a player can and cant do. I have no idea why you are so much againts the fact that this game, especially now with the pvp update, has lots of cheaters and very little anticheat. Why is that such a hard thing for you to understand that you have to send 10s of messages "disproving" anyone who sayst they came across cheaters?

    Do you not know how poor the anticheat in this game is?

    I have talked to people who have tried to provide Rare evidence and software from the cheating discords, and Rare support basically ignores it and is not interested at all in gathering the information and potential software so they could reverse engineer it to stop the possible cheats. I have talked to cheaters who say they have been cheating for years and never been banned, as there is no anticheat and they play in a away that they are not "blatant" about it.

    I really dont understand your crusade againts the fact there are cheaters in this game. But please do keep telling everyone "they are just good at the game" like you seem to really love doing.

    When a demand or request doesn't have a basis in fact there is no reason to believe that catering to the demand or request will improve the environment.

    The "we need anticheat" and "there is a lot of cheating" opinions are not based in fact, the accusations are made without it being supported by really anything other than people repeating it, the recorded gameplay of the game largely doesn't show clear cheating to any significant degree.

    This means that nothing will change even with anticheat, people will still call each other cheaters based on opinion but pushed as if it's fact. They will still call people sus, some streamers will still push narratives about it to their hundreds of viewers about cheating.

    None of the specifics go away with an anticheat. Some are still going to hit incredible shots with consistency. Combat anomalies will still happen which will still lead to cheating accusations.
    There will still be detectable "undetectable" cheat ads.
    There will still be people that were shown something on discord or somewhere else.
    Everything will still be there, the accusations will still be there.

    The narrative will become that Rare did something wrong and that's why people still are seeing "cheating" even with the anticheat.

    There needs to be a foundation of fact to see positive change from changes to the environment.

    If anything the environment would improve by people taking accusations more seriously and being more responsible about making them.

  • @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @goldsmen said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @imperatormorsus said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @blam320 While playing on XBox... ok? Sorry but some of us don't have those kind of resources to play that way...

    While playing xbox, the solution is... "Xbox! record that!"

    Hey, why didn't I think of that... because MS has the recording for the last 2 minutes, and if you get killed without knowing WHO took that shot, or WHO cheated because you CAN'T SEE THEM! What is the use?

    I reported someone stalking my son and I, and I was told "not enough information"... screen shots, and time... what is the use of reporting when they really don't give a damn?

    If you have a One X or one of the Series S|X consoles, you can change the settings to capture the last 5 minutes of gameplay - you just need to turn down the resolution of the clip to 720p.

    And there is this thing called "Recent Players" that will show you who you've encountered in game (and how long ago), so you can get their 'tags that way.

  • Cheating Is a problem that Just exploded in this season,expecially aimbot with sniper from peoples Who cant see you and from very far distance.

    Literally they try to snipe you even when you being BEHIND a Wall,you can literally ear the projectile NOT WALLBANGING

    They even have the bravery to send hatemails if you hit them with some lucky shots.

  • @wolfmanbush "The "we need anticheat" and "there is a lot of cheating" opinions are not based in fact"

    My god, Yes it is a fact when 3 out of 10 games of mine have cheaters in it. 100% blatant cheaters. Thats a fact. Just because you dont get cheaters in your region and your Elo does not mean there arent many of them. You cant decide whats a fact and whats not my dude, so just quit it.

  • @i-jusa-i said in Dont want to be a downer but SoT is infested again with hacks:

    @wolfmanbush "The "we need anticheat" and "there is a lot of cheating" opinions are not based in fact"

    My god, Yes it is a fact when 3 out of 10 games of mine have cheaters in it. 100% blatant cheaters. Thats a fact. Just because you dont get cheaters in your region and your Elo does not mean there arent many of them. You cant decide whats a fact and whats not my dude, so just quit it.

    Matchmaking thus far has largely been random for people and I have seen people outside of my region during this content on servers I am on. Which is to be expected given the design of the content and how much switching around is happening to keep this content going.

  • The fact there is a very limited and poor anticheat only heightens the issue together with the more competitive game mode of S8. This is exactly why cheating is now an even bigger issue than it was before. There is content that is locked behind winning a pvp fight, that is a very strong driving factor that puts potential cheaters into the cheating.

    Sure people falsily claim someone is cheating at times, but it should not be our job to get rid of cheaters, that is the issue.

    It should be the job of a competent anticheat to weed out the cheaters. It should be the devs who are responsible for the gameplay experience job to weed out cheaters. NOT OURS. Not our job to record evidence, which again is incredibly hard to do when cheaters kill you out of nameplate render distance, and have their accoutns not visible in recent players.

    Now please stop telling me there is no evidence of cheating when I am only here complaining about it because there is clear and very blatant cheaters out there in mm fights at a regular basis.

  • @wolfmanbush Like what do you get out of defending the games poor anticheat out here on the forums? Why cant you just let us complain about issues that we are facing while playing without somehow defending the devs? Its a super weird crusade to be out here defending cheaters and poor anticheat in a thread where multiple people are voicing their concerns about large amounts of cheaters.

    Telling multiple people multiple times a day "maybe they were just good" contributes nothing to the discussion at hand. No matter how hard you want to defend the game and its anticheat problems.

  • @dlchief58

    "And there is this thing called "Recent Players" that will show you who you've encountered in game (and how long ago), so you can get their 'tags that way."

    Players are able to turn this off if they appear offline. You dont see the cheaters in recent players at all.

50 out of 200