(PS5) / Grogswilling Seadogs / New Guild – Looking for mature members

  • Greetings Shipmates.

    As you are aware, the full Sea of Thieves release for PS5 is nearly upon us (though not quite nearly enough!!)

    We are a brand-new guild seeking to offer a home to community members who wish to work together towards a common goal.

    You can be a day one member, grow together and explore the seas with a team of fellow-minded pirates!

    We don’t foresee the guild being strictly PS5 only, initially however, we seek to offer PS5 stragglers a safe haven.

    What can we offer:

    1. A friendly community to assist you with your personal growth and achievements.
    2. The opportunity to piece together an able crew who can regularly play together.
    3. A sounding board for questions and advice on anything SoT related.
    4. Fun experiences on the high seas.

    Guild requirements:

    1. All members follow the pirate code. No trash talking please!
    2. A mic is preferable to enable effective communication, leading to (hopefully!) masses of loot!
    3. Be active. We don’t expect people to live on the game, but a couple of sails a week will help us grow strong.
    4. Have fun!

    If you are interested, please drop me a line and I will add you as soon as the full release hits the waves!

    Happy sailing Swashbucklers!

  • 137
  • Whats your discord?

  • Hi mate. We’ve no Discord set up yet. I’ll task one of the youngsters once the game is released to sort that haha. Way above my technical level of expertise!

  • @captainwilks As an 'older' seadog, this sound like it might be fun. PSN is Ely Stone or can prob add from here. Arrrr4!

  • @ely-stone

    How old are we talking! No spring chicken myself haha!!

  • @captainwilks 48

  • Ill be a new seadog setting sail on PS5 next week. Will be a regular player and would be grateful with all the help i can get. PSN name freakydude0212

  • @ely-stone

    44 here mate! Did you order the premium or standard edition?

  • @freakydude0212

    Sounds great mate, be nice to have another member in the team! When do you get the game?

  • @captainwilks

    I believe it’s next Thursday, I’ve the premium edition. Played the beta so I’ve my sea legs.

  • @captainwilks Premium! Couldn't wait the 5 extra days lol, I'd ordered it withing 10 mins of it going live so beat the price hike too haha. I'm based in UK how about you? Thinking about time zones!

  • @freakydude0212

    Good work - i got the premium too!

  • @ely-stone

    Awesome! I’ll be on on the 25th too. I’m UK along with 2 mates (who aren’t on the premium version so will join later).

    We could have 8-9 members already.

    Unfortunately you can only earn guild points with ships that players have pledged (loaned) to the guild. I only have a sloop so far, but I’m 60k away from a brig also.

  • Additionally my mates aren’t far behind, so I foresee at least 3 sloops, 3 brigs and 3 galleons within a few days of the PS server opening from us 3 alone. Most people pledge and use their own ships also to rank up ship commendations.

  • @captainwilks I got myself a sloop and think at the end of the beta I had like 100-150k so I'll sadly have to play more SoT to make more money to get a brig lol. Am confused tho? Can I sail my own sloop and be pledged to the Guild to level it? Still confused about a lot but it will be fun figuring it all out.

  • @ely-stone

    Have a look under ‘my pirate’ - ‘captaincy’ and you will see exactly how much gold you have left mate.

    Did you manage to get any emissary flags? I have Order of Souls already (L19) and will purchase a Reapers as soon as the server starts (you don’t need L15 for this one). My Gold Hoarders is L12 and Merchant Alliance L9, so will have those emissaries on opening day also. Once the Guild is at L15 we earn a Guild Emissary too.

    Your ship needs to be pledged to the guild in order for you to earn guild XP for sailing it. Yes you can sail it, as can anyone from the guild. Anytime anyone uses it ship commendations can be completed, though you have to be in the crew to earn captain commendations.

  • As I say most people pledge their own ships and use their own ships unless in a crew with faction mates anyway, so you actually lose nothing.

    If you decide the faction isn’t for you, your ship is in-pledged and you keep it anyway.

  • @captainwilks Gold is actually 242k lol didn't realise. Order'o'Souls is 20, GH is 14 and Merch 9. Yeah I got OoS Emissary. Good to know I can sail it for guild lol. So can other members use it if I'm not in game then? That'd be handy!

  • @ely-stone

    Good work! Only if someone with the emissary is in the crew mate. Then they can raise it.

    Though the fact that an emissary flag is present would level those without it up to L15 in no-time on a good run. That’s my plan for the folks without premium access to get the caught up with their own emissaries.

  • @captainwilks Tried to find you to add you on PSN but no go I guess you've disabled it. No prob!

  • @ely-stone

    Haha no that’s not my PSN. That was an accidental name created for this, not realising that I was stuck with it :)

  • DM’d you

  • Yoo, you got a spot left? I'd love to join!
    I've been playing for about 2 years now. I like most voyages and world events, except PvP, I suck at that. I'd say I'm pretty active.


  • @nm-nicoir Greetings! You should be able to show us noobs a thing or two!

  • @nm-nicoir

    Sure do mate. Be good to have you on board!

  • Il join what's ur discord :)

  • @djbadboydj

    Hi. We don’t actually have a Discord set up yet. That’s definitely one for the future though.

  • @captainwilks

    What's ur name on discord il add u

  • I'd like to sign up also, based in Ireland. Gaming since Sonic the hedgehog so similar age group 😂

  • @djbadboydj


  • @irishbaz82

    Hi Baz and welcome. Would be great to have you join us! Are you a PS5 newbie also? :)

  • @captainwilks yep, got 18 whole hours of the beta 💪

  • @irishbaz82

    Good work!

    Yes come join us! Will you be online on the 25th or did you go the non-premium route?

  • Id be interested in joining
    Discord ign is apsyduck

  • @mrbtree4571

    Sent you an invite

26 out of 137