
  • @oldpoopslord said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @voshell I would give anything for bigger bushier/longer beards like Seamark’s. I want my pirate to look ancient and wise. Having hair for the skeleton curse would be a no brainer too. I’m surprised there are no cosmetic options that give hair to your skeleton curse pirate. If Graymarrow can have a big bushy beard why can’t my flesh and bones?

    Maybe that will be a future cosmetic for the skeleton curse. But, I would also like sport Graymarrow's Beard and possibly his Eyepatch for my pirate to though! lol

  • Since so many new mechanics are going to be added I would like to see some additional movement added to the game in both sliding and mantling. Just running and jumping can feel so clunky and basic....

  • @verbalhat260014 said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    Since so many new mechanics are going to be added I would like to see some additional movement added to the game in both sliding and mantling. Just running and jumping can feel so clunky and basic....

    I would love this! Especially when I miss a ledge.......

    I also think sliding would add a less linear style of movement to combat.

  • @hale-spirit68 it just turns your jawbone into a metal one it’s not actually a beard there’s no hair

  • @verbalhat260014 There have been so many times where I feel like my pirate should have just grabbed onto the ledge instead of falling. More movement would be great.

  • @oldpoopslord said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @verbalhat260014 There have been so many times where I feel like my pirate should have just grabbed onto the ledge instead of falling. More movement would be great.

    I honestly would love to mantle ledges and slide in combat or down hills. It would bring a fluidity to a pirates movement.

  • Now that we have daggers added as a new weapon; I would like to see the three daggers stuck in the Pirate Lords back as cosmetic variations.

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  • Missing these cannons from Monkey Island

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  • We also need more random details like this hanging skeleton on various islands through out the Sea of Thieves

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