Hourglass rewards

  • I think we should get more rewards for hourglass levels, maybe reskin version of weapons, jackets, pants etc. from arena? Maybe even some tattoos. I'm not saying that rewards are necessarily "bad" right now, but when I got level 200, I felt bored until I got 1000 because of no rewards in-between.

    Some new cool titles for these levels would be nice as well.

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  • I just want one level of allegiance per win because I have 2000 levels I am trying to earn and 1/3 of a level per win isn’t cutting it for me. Like I have the carrot, it’s the gold curse. Make hourglass progression less of a slog for people who can’t maintain high win streaks. People like Files doing solo PvP yesterday on a 20+ streak he earns like 3/4 of a level for every win. Someone like me who loses like 40% of the time earns 1/3 of a level per win. It’s messed up.

  • @xmiqgod more rewards post 200 would be great, but also adding actual rewards before 100 would keep people in the game a bit more. Even if they only played till level 100, keeping them going would be huge.

    plus I'll take all the extra rewards :)

  • @savvystraw37257 I don't agree with this, level 1000 curses are supposed to be hard to get and nerfing it that much would be slap in the face for all players who grinded for them.

  • @xmiqgod

    2000 wins or thereabouts is still an incredible challenge. You can disagree all you want but it’s the biggest reason why hourglass isn’t popular. Progression is an absolute slog for everyone and it sucks.

  • @savvystraw37257 Hourglass is very popular, I am having 1-2-3min queue times even in the 3AM, only thing that ruins the hourglass is cheaters, not "slow progression". Don't get me wrong, I just say these levels SHOULD be hard to get, since levels before 100 already have a big xp boost and u get them way faster than after 100. Normal Level 100 curses are fairly easily obtainable for average player and I agree with that, would probably make it even easier.

    Also, there is a lot of glory weeks, community weekends, glory weekends and other special events that give x2 - x2.5 multiplier (even higher after 4 streak) and that is good enough.

  • @xmiqgod

    Do you have both gold curses? I guess there’s no reason to add new rewards then. Keep at it.

  • @savvystraw37257 I think u didn't get my point, but that's alright. It's not about me, as @captain-coel from reply above said, more rewards post 200 would be great but adding more rewards before Level 100 would also be great and more people would keep playing hourglass.

  • @xmiqgod

    The gold curses are the goal man but the goalposts are super far out.

    Reduce the requirement to allegiance level 500 which makes more sense when compared to the 5 distinctions available to all of the other companies or rework the progression system so that a win is worth more allegiance.

    Either way progression is painfully slow now unless you’re playing during a special event.

  • @savvystraw37257 LSD was also hard to get in Arena, but rewards (skins, titles, other cosmetics) until u got to LSD were better and more rewarding and that kept people playing. This is not about 1k level curses, it's about progress before them, after level 200 next 800 levels have no rewards.

  • @xmiqgod

    Once again the gold curses are the carrot to keep you playing from 200 on. I don’t need any other carrots I just like to PvP sometimes. I want progression not to suck.

  • @savvystraw37257 I agree with you on some things. I think selling flags should be more rewarding as well, in my opinion selling Reaper/Athena 5 flag should give you 1 whole level. I also agree 3 wins for level and half level for win after 4 streak is also pain, but buffing it to 1 lvl/win would be maybe too much. Perhaps half or a bit more than half the level per win and 1 whole level for win after u get champion streak would be more balanced.

  • @savvystraw37257 said in Hourglass rewards:


    Once again the gold curses are the carrot to keep you playing from 200 on. I don’t need any other carrots I just like to PvP sometimes. I want progression not to suck.

    its a fairly mediocre carrot and without anything in between it made the grind rough and really unfun. Something more in between would help keep more people active in the pool.

  • @captain-coel

    Fairly mediocre? Having a gold PvP curse is like joining an exclusive club for the most part.

  • @captain-coel Only part I don't agree is that they are "mediocre", it's pretty good curses overall, especially golden ghost one. I agree that there should be way more rewards in between so people actually enjoy grinding. Golden curse should be cherry on top of the cake, not the whole cake.

  • @savvystraw37257 said in Hourglass rewards:


    Fairly mediocre? Having a gold PvP curse is like joining an exclusive club for the most part.

    @xmiqgod said in Hourglass rewards:

    @captain-coel Only part I don't agree is that they are "mediocre", it's pretty good curses overall, especially golden ghost one. I agree that there should be way more rewards in between so people actually enjoy grinding. Golden curse should be cherry on top of the cake, not the whole cake.

    I just dont like them. The Gold Ghost would be way better without the sparkles. The Gold bones is okay, but the title for Servants 1000 was nice. But I cant remember the lst time I equiped either of teh curses/titles other than to show someone.

  • @xmiqgod

    I don't think the hourglass is popular, given how PvP in general is one of the most divisive topics and each time I hear about the Hourglass it's almost always about how "improvements should be made".

    I think there are a large number of players who are in HG because there are 2 of the most popular curses locked behind it, because winners need 200+ some wins, and people who don't win... well, they're gonna be there a while.

    HG caters to people who like PvP for the sake of PvP (or really like GoF / SotF trinkets) and that's about it, I'd wager the silent majority of people who play hourglass, only do so because it's the only way to get what they could've been asking years for (skelly curse and ghost 2.0.) and not because they actually enjoy hourglass.

    I do think HG gives PvP players what they want, and I think it is overall a healthy addition, but I feel it caters to a minority that has a bunch of unfortunate souls dragged into it.

  • Some possible rewards are already ready, things that came in the pass like the flameheart hat.

    Ideally, Athena would focus on making clothes and items for Lore characters, like the mysterious stranger. Maybe with one or two new curses, like golden eyes for lv 2000.

    While reaper focuses on skeleton cosmetics, burning blade skins, original silver blade figurehead, reaper masks. but mostly skeletons.

    @savvystraw37257 I have lvs 1350 and 1150, the changes I would make are...

    1. After sinking with one or more streaks you should receive half the xp you would receive if you reset. This encourages players to try for higher streaks without the risk of losing all progress, while also easing the rate of progression a little without rewarding defeats.

    2. As the topic asks, add more cosmetics to increase queue and the variety of players.

    3. Create a system where a player cannot fall twice in a row against the same person, to provide some flow of progress. Sinking repeatedly for the same person delays XP gain

    I would make some other changes to defensive PVP but in general, I only see this as necessary, I also think the grind for lv thousand is too high, but it is possible to achieve.

  • @lleorb Honestly, I wouldn't mind for example reskins of some Arena weapons/Clothes and some new titles for Guardians of Fortune levels (both before 200 and form 200-1000).

    For Reaper (Servants of the flame) there is a lot of things they could do. Why not put the Wandering Reaper title/ship set for specific levels? Don't make them easily obtainable, let it be one of rewards for example from level 300-900

    For people who say they don't want them to bring back cosmetics like this, well a lot of people didn't want legendary curse from S1 / Golden Sailor set to come back either and we still got them.

    I think some really cool rewards like this for each 100 levels until 1000 would keep way more people playing hourglass actively.

    Obviously, some hourglass changes like the zone shrink over time, timer with point system (like in Arena) would be also very good thing to add, it would make fights faster and more enjoyable. I am not saying they should clone Arena and hourglass should become second Arena, I am just saying that they could get some features from Arena that were really good and implement them in hourglass instead of focusing ONLY on bad things that Arena had.

  • @xmiqgod

    I wouldn't mind for example reskins of some Arena weapons/Clothes and some new titles for Guardians of Fortune levels (both before 200 and form 200-1000).

    Well, my only resistance to this is in the Lore sense, the Arena things were provided by the Arena, for the Sea Dogs... it's like getting an Athena skin playing for the reapers, it doesn't make much sense to me. The only aspect in common is pvp, other than that, hourglass has no relation to Arena.

    Why not put the Wandering Reaper title/ship set for specific levels? Don't make them easily obtainable, let it be one of rewards for example from level 300-900

    It's an arbitrary opinion but I think that skins from before season 1 shouldn't return, only those that were released from that period onwards... For some reason, items after season 1 don't bother me coming back, but things at the beginning of SOT do, I think it's a little disrespectful to those who were there at the beginning. if Rare recently said they didn't want FOMO that's ok, but back then it wasn't like that.

    Obviously, some hourglass changes like the zone shrink over time, timer with point system (like in Arena) would be also very good thing to add, it would make fights faster and more enjoyable.

    I don't like the idea of ​​a timer because with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY, troll players would avoid PVP as much as possible to result in a draw.
    But decreasing the area until PVP becomes inevitable is acceptable and good, I think it would make things more competitive.

  • @lleorb Never said to return Arena skins, I only said maybe reskin version of weapons and clothes.

    They already did reskin versions of LSD Pistol/Sniper/Blunder and Sword (for Athena levels). Some other reskins like Victorious, Famed, Prominent, Revered, TSD/GSD weapons would be also nice.

  • @xmiqgod said in Hourglass rewards:

    @lleorb Honestly, I wouldn't mind for example reskins of some Arena weapons/Clothes and some new titles for Guardians of Fortune levels (both before 200 and form 200-1000).

    For Reaper (Servants of the flame) there is a lot of things they could do. Why not put the Wandering Reaper title/ship set for specific levels? Don't make them easily obtainable, let it be one of rewards for example from level 300-900

    For people who say they don't want them to bring back cosmetics like this, well a lot of people didn't want legendary curse from S1 / Golden Sailor set to come back either and we still got them.

    I think some really cool rewards like this for each 100 levels until 1000 would keep way more people playing hourglass actively.

    Obviously, some hourglass changes like the zone shrink over time, timer with point system (like in Arena) would be also very good thing to add, it would make fights faster and more enjoyable. I am not saying they should clone Arena and hourglass should become second Arena, I am just saying that they could get some features from Arena that were really good and implement them in hourglass instead of focusing ONLY on bad things that Arena had.

    The big difference between when the old year 1 cosmetics were time limited and the Legendary Curse is that the Legendary curse was announced to be returning in the future. From the very beginning we knew it was eventually going to come back. Wandering Reaper was for participating in a series of events that happened between Year 1 and Year 2.

  • I think they need to pad out the rewards from 1-100 first, half a dozen variants of the same figurehead thats posed a little different or with some fresher paint really isnt good short term incentive to keep people pushing those levels

    Maby even some simpler cosmetics that can go well with the player since they have like hundreds of bierds and clothing pieces that apparently are in the game but not released rather than more reskins of other stuff we have already. The rewards dont necessarily have to be related to hourglass in any way, just good and gotten through it.

  • Honestly the suggestion of an HG ledger system someone brought up clicks too.
    Yes, HG could use something nice pre 100 and post 200, but a ledger system would see a more even flow of people participating for a longer period of time, too

    Imho, I would just love to see HG get ANY attention at this point. Its been completely abandoned since it was implemented

  • @soulstinger2k20 I actually agree with this matchmaking seriously needs investigating, when you play as servants you get matched against servants and when you play as guardians you get matched against guardians..... thus was done to improve matchmaking times but then you actively play as both factions on the same day it makes you wonder why they can't match servants with guardians! Why am I getting matched with the same faction as I'm playing as 75% of the time and why am I playing submarine simulator fir 20 minutes when the war map tells me less than a minute? There's clearly an active player base within hourglass I believe some resources should be allocated towards improving things overall!

  • @cptclapz yeah they literally havnt even mentioned it since jan/feb of 22

  • Another necessary change that I forgot, since they changed matchmaking it has become much more difficult to complete certain miles and commendations... Sinking a ship from the same faction doesn't count towards the miles, this doesn't make any sense, I have more than a thousand levels in each but only 9 champions sunk for me, as ships from the same faction don't count.

    Since the subject is hourglass rewards, I'll also leave this topic I made about a new way to add cosmetics to skeletons, to make the curse less limited. "add variations of the same cosmetic, specifically talking about the skeleton curse where there are only 4 customization slots, make variations of the same skin, reusing the idea but giving the player more freedom."


  • They actually listened to some of ideas, now only Athena left, can we get something that I mentioned in original post? 😂

    I feel like Athena is way lower on priority list compared to Servants. I get that a lot more people play reaper(servants hg) more but that doesn't mean Athena (guardians hg) rewards should be this limited and kinda forgotten lol.

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