The burning blade is broken as a pvp event.

  • The PVE version of the burning blade should not take only 30 seconds to defeat and get captured by whoever gets to it first without even a chance to fight over it.

    We should be able to steal the burning blade from other players. I am struggling to understand why this isnt an option.

    Requiring 2 chainshots to take down a mast on a 3 mast ship is a bit ridiculous and the ship has a sloop sized anchor. Some balancing would be nice.

    Why are players allowed to vote the burning blade down while there are still rival ships nearby? This just incentivizes running away with the ship and despawning it.

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  • 100% on board with being able to steal the burning blade from others. It sucks having no choice but to sink it when all you want to do is drive it.

  • I think they should have made the BB sink in two stages (as it does in PvE) even when it's run by players.

    You "sink" it, the occupying crew hears the bell sound, they lose ownership. If they die, they re-spawn back with their own ship on some island, as usual.

    Then this gives you the opportunity to hop on the "sinking" BB and vote on the table.

  • The PVE version of the burning blade should not take only 30 seconds to defeat and get captured by whoever gets to it first without even a chance to fight over it.

    Funny I just read someone post how it took 4 alliances, 2 galleon ships 2 hours.

  • @burnbacon I dunno if that's true. Had one spawn on my server, and we had an alliance of a brig and a few sloops, and we all bee-lined to it but it was captured by the time we got there (by one ship). I think the PVE portion seems (maybe overly) easy while the PvP version is far too difficult. I'm guessing people will simply hop servers if they see a player controlled BB because it's so difficult to take down, even with 3 crews.

  • The commendation translation isnt really on point ,did i get it right i need finish four camps before i sink the burning blade ,to unlock the new cosmetics? ,and when i sink it direct i just get the loot and no new cosmetics at all?

  • The PvE skeleton crewed BB is a bit too easy to sink currently, I would have to agree.
    Regular skeleton galleons present more of a challege

  • @soulstinger2k20 Its not supposed to be the challenge tho, its supposed to be a player controlled world event, not a new more difficult pve task.

  • @seanethermore terrible idea. not everything in this game has to be about stealth and relying on it for advantage.

  • @alienmagi so today me and a friend took it over as a sloop. We were constantly attacked by a galleon and a brig at the same time for over 2 hours yet were able to complete 4 rituals before we headed to turn in. To say we barely hung on is an understatement. Yes we are sweaty players but so were the other 2 ships. If the anchor had been any harder, or if the masts had been 1 shot, we wouldnt of stood a fighting chance. At times we would have 4 people board us and we would die yet were eventually able to take the ship back over and get the anchor up just barely multiple times. Im looking fwd to doing it was my galleon crew this week. Yes we will be hard to sink, but its definitely doable. Focus on killing skeletons. Once most skeletons are dead it literally becomes very hard for even 4 people to patch and keep the ship afloat.

  • I agree with being able to take over the ship however, if this is implemented, they need to make the burning blade sword worth just as much as cashing in the burning blade ship otherwise there is no incentive to truly sink it

  • @wallyscag1817 said in The burning blade is broken as a pvp event.:

    @soulstinger2k20 Its not supposed to be the challenge tho, its supposed to be a player controlled world event, not a new more difficult pve task.

    Nobody said it's supposed to be "the challenge". Here's what the issue is:

    @alienmagi said in The burning blade is broken as a pvp event.:

    The PVE version of the burning blade should not take only 30 seconds to defeat and get captured by whoever gets to it first without even a chance to fight over it.

  • @alienmagi No the issue is that its the one thing that players can do that doesn't have them doing all the legwork first for someone else to come along late and try to cash in all the first crew's work. Unlike every other world event in the game. Basically begging for it to take longer is just asking the devs to once again make it so theres no advantage to starting a world event over just attacking someone whos already engaged with it.

  • @burnbacon yeah and those same guys probably spend 2 hours on a skull fort

  • @wallyscag1817 said in The burning blade is broken as a pvp event.:

    @alienmagi No the issue is that its the one thing that players can do that doesn't have them doing all the legwork first for someone else to come along late and try to cash in all the first crew's work. Unlike every other world event in the game. Basically begging for it to take longer is just asking the devs to once again make it so theres no advantage to starting a world event over just attacking someone whos already engaged with it.

    Did you forget the part where the game has PVP in it and the part where the burning blade is supposed to be a pvp event?

    If you want to play without "someone else coming along to cash in your crew's "work" " then go play safer seas.

  • 100% agree. Was about to make a post saying everything you just said. No reason a 4 man burning blade should have sloop masts and anchor. They just made it so you can't lower your flag if your ship has water but for some reason its perfectly fine to return the burning blade when its the most powerful, valuable, sought after ship. Twice now, people have sniped the takeover, ran straight to reapers and started saying things like "haha losers, you get nothing" among other things. I'm trying to have fun, I wanna PvP in the PvP world event and the fact they can do that just sucks the fun right out of it. If you can't dive to another server to avoid a fight, you shouldn't be able to do it with the most sought after PvP event to avoid a fight. On top of that, get rid of that stupid banner that pops up EVERY time you go in and out of the event and when you come back from the ferry. If someone is on my boat and manages to kill me, I come back and have no idea how much health I have if I get hit. Stupid design. I'm fine with a challenge but if I'm on a sloop, I have no chance against a full crew on that thing. The fact I can board, kill everyone and tons of skellies then I die once and they have the anchor and all masts up cruising away is ridiculous. It's designed for people to run. Which is crazy.

  • @alienmagi said in The burning blade is broken as a pvp event.:

    @wallyscag1817 said in The burning blade is broken as a pvp event.:

    @alienmagi No the issue is that its the one thing that players can do that doesn't have them doing all the legwork first for someone else to come along late and try to cash in all the first crew's work. Unlike every other world event in the game. Basically begging for it to take longer is just asking the devs to once again make it so theres no advantage to starting a world event over just attacking someone whos already engaged with it.

    Did you forget the part where the game has PVP in it and the part where the burning blade is supposed to be a pvp event?

    If you want to play without "someone else coming along to cash in your crew's "work" " then go play safer seas.

    Right, and if you want this world event pvp to be not taking it from someone who has it (which is still pvp no?), and instead be about interrupting them while theyve engaged it, well I can understand why anyway, its not like pvp focused players haven't forever and always been spoiled by the horrible risk reward balance between pve and pvp.

  • @furyan313 said in The burning blade is broken as a pvp event.:

    100% agree. Was about to make a post saying everything you just said. No reason a 4 man burning blade should have sloop masts and anchor. They just made it so you can't lower your flag if your ship has water but for some reason its perfectly fine to return the burning blade when its the most powerful, valuable, sought after ship. Twice now, people have sniped the takeover, ran straight to reapers and started saying things like "haha losers, you get nothing" among other things. I'm trying to have fun, I wanna PvP in the PvP world event and the fact they can do that just sucks the fun right out of it. If you can't dive to another server to avoid a fight, you shouldn't be able to do it with the most sought after PvP event to avoid a fight. On top of that, get rid of that stupid banner that pops up EVERY time you go in and out of the event and when you come back from the ferry. If someone is on my boat and manages to kill me, I come back and have no idea how much health I have if I get hit. Stupid design. I'm fine with a challenge but if I'm on a sloop, I have no chance against a full crew on that thing. The fact I can board, kill everyone and tons of skellies then I die once and they have the anchor and all masts up cruising away is ridiculous. It's designed for people to run. Which is crazy.

    This whole thread is just dudes who want to attack someone engaged with taking it instead of trying to take it from them.

  • I wouldn't say it is broken... but I do think some balancing passes will happen over time.

    1: You should not be able to vote up the burning blade if there is another ship in the vicinity... your ship also should be present. Solo sloopers can easily tuck and wait for another crew to finish, and immediately get the vote in.

    2: Anchor should be based off of your original ship type. If you are a brig crew it should behave exactly like a brig anchor, same with Sloop/Galleon.

    3: Voting Down should also only be possible if there aren't any ships in Music Range.

    Regardless of the balances that will undoubedly happen, this is pretty epic event and a great addition to the game.

  • @reverend-toast its a loot item after all so vote down should be allways option, like selling CoF.
    If you can't intercept it's not yours.

  • @ghutar Im not talking about selling the blade, but turning in the ship.

    You can just crash the burning blade into reapers, have your crew jump off and all vote an bam, you win... and based off of the stack, probably a lot more than a COF is worth.

    There should be some sort of method to have there be a climactic end to the event... and it just despawning is a little bit disappointing... especially if they just ran away from the battles.

  • @reverend-toast but im talking about tournig the ship :)

    It's same story for folks who grab [instert hot item] and rush to sell it.

    If they able then ok if you didn't catch them, better luck next time.

  • @wallyscag1817 The only thing that's a terrible idea is having everyone mad-dash for the captain's desk every time the burning blade is defeated and it's first come first serve. If 3 other crews were there as well as you, they should have a fighting chance to claim it after. What's all this about stealth? I didn't mention stealth. I think it should follow the same rules as when it's a PvE event. If a player takes it over, another player has to get them almost sunk in order to claim it.

  • @seanethermore Nah, its fine how it is. It doesn't have to be like every other world event where it doesn't really pay to be the one starting it.

  • The sloop anchor and masts seem out of place, but remember the ship's balance is designed around YOU being the world event and having some things in your favor as multiple player crews are coming for you over and over.

    Honestly the skeleton crew are TERRIBLE on cannons, they inconsistantly crew the guns and have terrible aim unless you've anchored an enemy and have pulled up alongside.

    Sinking a player owned BB is about boarding them, killing the npcs, preventing them from doing a camp to replenish, and if they turn to run for Reaper's, you hound them as even sloops are faster.

  • Burning Blade pvp is mostly people just running to reapers and Instantly turning in. Imagine the most profitable thing in the game being the easiest to run and turn in even while multiple crews are on the island with you. Good Idea on paper, looks good in trailers, but poor implementation and very poor testing. Insiders fail this game over and over, just log in and go afk to get your cosmetics.

    I also do Agree with the post above me that the sloop anchor feels really weird instead of the anchor scaling with your actual crew size. Nonetheless, If it was hard to sink I wouldn't have a problem with that. Its really the ease of running away and successfully turning in even in the face of opposition. If a burning blade player crew chooses not to fight, they certainly do not have to. Its kind of a helpless feeling to watch the strongest ship in the game aggressively avoid conflict with out any punishment nor risk.

    Lastly, the biggest issue with this boat is that its a rubber band fest with all the skeletons and Pirate lord forbid any other boats in the area. This game desperately needs better servers with content like this.

    But hey what does a lowly pirates opinion matter in this game anyways?

  • @alienmagi
    I had no idea it took 2 chainshots cuz yeah that’s wack. I haven’t fought one yet so can you clarify what “sloop sized anchor” means because I get the impression you’re talking about time to raise which, on a ship that size, is absolutely stupid.
    Tbh I think Rare bit off more than they could chew with this season, after all it was only a few months ago that the game was a buggy mess.
    The BB should be closer to a Galleon than an undefeatable warship that is super easy to take in PvE but becomes unstoppable in PvP.
    Also please tell me: does it have 2 ladders per side

  • When you all keep saying "its so easy for the BB to just turn and run to Reapers" you do realize its the slowest ship in the game. A sloop can catch it.

    It is vulnerable to curseballs, the npcs are finite, its slow to turn... it has drawbacks.

    Yes it takes 2 chainshots (3 cannon hits) to drop its masts; but they are galleon sized.

    Yes it has a 2 man sloop anchor; but its located right next to the ladders amd super easy to tap it on your way through

    It is a huge, tanky, scary ship yes, but if you cant stop it from making it to Reapers; thats your fault.

    As for them being able to hand it in while under pressure; the idea of it being a world event with multiple ships coming for them means it would be insanely difficult to sink multiple ships all just circling Reapers to keep them from turning in.

    The devs seemed to have leaned on the side of the crew that has already succesfully claimed the ship, succesfully defended it long enough to do some rituals, and succesfully made it to Reapers in order to let them cash in on the reward theyve been working on. Not impossible to stop them, but not going to make it stupidly easy to cheese them at the finish line.

  • How does it work when the entire player crew boards the enemy ship? Do the skeletons take over completely as if it was not player controlled yet?

    The ship should be usable for 2 player crews as well, so the sloop anchor makes sense. The sails are probably already enough of a bother to manage with small crews.

  • @hoot4565 said in The burning blade is broken as a pvp event.:

    I had no idea it took 2 chainshots cuz yeah that’s wack. I haven’t fought one yet so can you clarify what “sloop sized anchor” means because I get the impression you’re talking about time to raise which, on a ship that size, is absolutely stupid.
    Tbh I think Rare bit off more than they could chew with this season, after all it was only a few months ago that the game was a buggy mess.
    The BB should be closer to a Galleon than an undefeatable warship that is super easy to take in PvE but becomes unstoppable in PvP.
    Also please tell me: does it have 2 ladders per side

    Yes anchor time to raise is about the same as a sloop and yea it has 2 ladders on each side but it almost doesnt matter because its nearly impossible to keep the ship anchored/demasted.

  • @alienmagi

    First off, the Burning Blade isn’t a PvP event. It’s a PvE event that has a higher chance of encounter PvP.

    Sadly for you, it’s first come first serve. If you aren’t fast enough or clever enough to take the Burning Blade with another crew present then you don’t deserve it. I had to fight off a gallon to claim the Burning Blade. My crew focused on the player ship as they were the real threat and claimed it before our opponent could.

    The Burning Blade can be sunk. Even if there is no loot on the ship, it still drops a sword that can be sold as treasure or used as a weapon. This sword is also marked on the map so people can still PvP for it. The sword is literally half the value of the Burning Blade.

    There are plenty of chances for PvP in this event. This game is PvEvP and not just one or the other. If you want pure PvP then join the hourglass battles.

  • @CoffeeLight5545 dam das crazy but let me know if you wanna address any of my arguments instead of doing these condescending jabs about how we're not clever enough and how we dont deserve the event.

  • If it sunk and removed the crew from it to allow a new claim, that would be awesome. As well voting it down so easily while in combat just makes people run because they know they dont need to fight to win, they just need to be fast with the one world event designed near exclusively for pvp attackers to brawl.

  • @alienmagi said in The burning blade is broken as a pvp event.:

    @CoffeeLight5545 dam das crazy but let me know if you wanna address any of my arguments instead of doing these condescending jabs about how we're not clever enough and how we dont deserve the event.

    You have no argument! You are crying because you aren’t fast enough or clever enough to outmaneuver others.

    This event isn’t a PvP event! No Athena crews have EVER showed up to sink me. It is a normal world event just like all the others

  • @coffeelight5545 You realize reapers is the PVP faction, if it was PVE, it wouldn't force you to put up the reaper flag. It's designed to be strong so that people who normally run or aren't as skilled can still win and people still run. If its PVE, why isn't it in safe seas? Its meant to encourage PVP. Idk what servers you play on but almost every BB I've attacked, there's been more than one Athena crew. And if people are already not contesting, its because they know its pointless if the crew of the BB will just run at the sight of another player. I understand its a tough balance, you don't want it so that someone can just hang around the hideout running and not engaging so they can't lower but there needs to be something other than ram and return with no way to stop it outside of camping the turn in while your teammates get the ship away. If you're not a galley crew, it's probably not happening. Even if it was something like how the camps work, you can stop the ritual and you can't lower for a few minutes or something.

    Has nothing to do with being clever or fast, you can only go as fast as your ship allows you. You have to be able to hold down 4 players and 30 skellies and if you die once, anchor and masts are up and its cruising away. Its way too easy to get anchor and masts up especially with 4 players on board. I've seen some of the best players struggle so it's not even a skill issue. Not to mention the lag is unreal and next to unplayable. Don't act like there is skill required to run, ram and return. I've seen twice now where people take it over and run straight to reapers and act like they're good because of it while saying "hahaha you get nothing, losers!" They do this because there is nothing stopping them from doing it. People want PVP in the PVP event and others do it to deny people of that.

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