reaper "comunity"

  • so im willing to be corrected hear but in my experiance, reapers (or rathe rpeople who primerally play for the reapers faction,love flame hearts content etc) are usually the biggest users of cheats and exploits and often focus on thos players who they know for a fact have nothing on them (been hit by a crew after they watched my offload everything on my ship, not abig thing but was annoying) so ive always held that the reapers faction is dedicated to ruining and dstroying the sence of community that SoT socials have been promoting, but ive started having a few people telling me that thats not true so i need to know, do people play this way because they aim for reapers? or do they play this way anyway and are just drawn to reapers? (if this is a stupid question to some people im sorry you feel that way im working on being a better less "shouty" gamer)

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  • Well, many of those that played the reaper content this season definitely cheated without a doubt.

    but in general it's just content, people do all sorts of random and different things in the sandbox when they aren't joining together for the most marked mass cheating event in SoT history, lol.

    Reapers (like any faction) range from organic play to cheesy play to role play, etc. There is no overall reaper community really, just people that focus on some of the content in the game. Some run, some fight, some cheese, some don't. Some take "reaper" seriously and some don't.

  • Counterpoint: veil voyages were breaking it's not just a "Reaper" thing. The exploit this time happened to be Reaper focused. I'm sure a lot of "Non Reaper" types were doing it too.

    In the words of Zangeif "Just because you're a bad guy doesn't mean you're a BAD guy."

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