[Level 91 Guild] Sea of Bruh Recruiting!

  • 19
  • Hey there! I'd love to join. I've been playing since release, 26, my discord is Clinethulu.

  • @m4tyscz Im interested in Joining your guild! Tw1zt3DB3asT is my Gamertag on Xbox. 34 years old.

  • Hello! I would like to join my dc is nebula2137 or Nebula2137 in game

  • @tw1zt3db3ast Hello, do you have a discord? we mostly communicate on our guild discord server

  • @m4tyscz hey cap' i'd love to join too! 24 and prety new but play all weeklong! discord Gamunth

  • @M4tysCz Ahoy there! I would love to join you guys. I mainly play on Xbox my gamer tag is Gulindor and i have discord which is also Gulindor. I'm 33 been solo slooping for a little over a month but i would love some main roles. I play daily for the most part when i get off work around 6pm EST and on the weekends. Thanks for the consideration , Happy sailing!

  • @gulindor sent a friend request on xbox and discord

  • @gamunth hello doesn't matter if you're new or not, we welcome everyone. I sent u a friend request on xbox and discord

  • I'm looking to join a guild as well.

  • @kn1ght-0f-fa1th hello, please send me a dm with your discord username

  • Hey! I'd love to join! My discord is krenular

  • Hi!
    If your time zone is central EU:
    Looking for an active guild play 3h a day min together with crew and more in weekends..
    As a mature pirate legend..

    discord: morde4884

  • @krenular friend request sent

  • @byforce3 friend request sent

  • Hi! I'd love to join

    Discord sleepyeth


  • Gamer tag: TenetTangerine
    Discord: realityorfate

    I am active almost every day
    20 years old

  • @tenettangerine request sent

15 out of 19