Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter

  • We need a dolphin dive fruit like the merm fruit or something. The amount of running in this game is absurd. We need counter plays when a ship is trying to stay in front of you and constantly run. This needs a counter because a majority of players do not have that much time on there hand to sit there and chase ships. We all have jobs we would rather play a different game. Pirate pvp games is something I've wanted for e while now. Hourglass queue times are outrageous and the amount you spend trying to cash in grade 5 flags for reaper commendations are absurd because of the players who are able to run constantly witht no counterplay

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  • @steady-pop-n said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    We need a dolphin dive fruit like the merm fruit or something. The amount of running in this game is absurd. We need counter plays when a ship is trying to stay in front of you and constantly run. This needs a counter because a majority of players do not have that much time on there hand to sit there and chase ships. We all have jobs we would rather play a different game. Pirate pvp games is something I've wanted for e while now. Hourglass queue times are outrageous and the amount you spend trying to cash in grade 5 flags for reaper commendations are absurd because of the players who are able to run constantly witht no counterplay

    Isn't the harpoon gun a possible solution? Turn to aim cannons high, shoot, attempt harpooning on deck.

    This issue shouldn't really be "fixed" per say because sometimes the other team knows it won't win in combat so running is their only option. My suggestion would be that whenever you start a session, get a Horn of Fair Winds and stash it on your ship for these moments.

  • Have you tried Hourglass? This is a sandbox game people are allowed to run.

  • @steady-pop-n running is part of a game just as much as attacking other players is.

    If they are able to stay out of your hands they outplayed you, and the choice is yours, keep chasing or cut them loose.

    Also, maybe cutting them loose is also the way to catch them in another way.

  • They took out red sea running and nerfed set sails for stupid.

    If the counter runs out both crews are server merged to different servers with all loot. Doesn't affect HG.
    How about that?

  • If you can't catch a runner, then that's your problem.
    Why should they be forced to fight if they don't want to fight?

  • @th3-tater said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    They took out red sea running and nerfed set sails for stupid.

    If the counter runs out both crews are server merged to different servers with all loot. Doesn't affect HG.
    How about that?

    I have no problem with someone running but red seaing sucked and did not cause the runners to get better at avoiding sweatlords.

    I like the changes to sailing re removing default sails BUT each class should have a wind direction advantage. That is not currently the case.

    Hard no to the server merge option.

  • Chasing boats hasn't been necessary in SoT for years outside of rare finds. These days that would pretty much just be a high level BB or some extreme HG flag collecting situation, nothing else is rare enough to even justify a long chase, including the box of secrets.

    People that chase would chase a trident and an ammo crate into the red sea and people that run would run a trident and an ammo crate into the red sea. There are seasons of that actually happening and both sides being fully aware about it but doing it anyway.

    Rare gets involved in this stuff somewhat regularly these days so the sandbox point isn't as strong as it once was (it's a tool till it's a rule) but it's an entirely self created issue as chasers and as runners. Both sides have completely reasonable and realistic options to avoid it becoming a long term issue.

    I'd rather people full on run because highly aggressive crews that reset all the time are far more annoying to engage with.

    They patched how the red sea works, they patched how the anchor works, they flooded the game with chainshots. All benefiting a chaser/attacker. Now they even have sanctioned server hopping for people to find boats within the game design.

  • @steady-pop-n if you want on demand ship PvP, hourglass is there, queue times be damned. Trim your sails and keep them in the wind and you’ll eventually catch your target. If players want to run that’s their prerogative but you’re not entitled to a catch up mechanic (as fun as front facing cannons would be).

  • @steady-pop-n said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    The amount of running in this game is absurd.

    Then stop chasing. YOU choose to keep chasing a ship that you apparently can't catch. That is your own choice.

    @steady-pop-n said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    We need counter plays when a ship is trying to stay in front of you and constantly run.

    No we don't. The Chaser is already in an advantage. The runner can't keep running in a straight line and will have to make turns. This creates an opportunity for the chaser to cut that corner or to fire chainshots and demast the runner. If you are never able to do that, that is a skill issue.

    @steady-pop-n said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    This needs a counter because a majority of players do not have that much time on there hand to sit there and chase ships.

    Again: then stop chasing them. That is completely on you. As chaser you are in charge of how long this chasing takes, because you can stop doing it without negative consequences. The runner can't stop running without the negative consequences (they run for a reason!). And just as much you complain about that time, so will the runner. But again: you have the power to stop it, you are deliberately choosing to keep the chase going, while you can stop doing that without negative consequences.

    @steady-pop-n said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    We all have jobs we would rather play a different game.

    If you rather play a different game, then play a different game perhaps? Nobody is forcing you to play SoT if you don't want to...

    @steady-pop-n said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    Pirate pvp games is something I've wanted for e while now.

    But this is a PvPvE game, so there are lots of people who rather focus on the PvE parts and try to stay out of fighting other players. And they have just as much right to try to stay out of fights as you have the right to try an pick them. Don't demand devs force people to fight you if they don't want to, because you didn't approach your prey smart enough.

    @steady-pop-n said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    Hourglass queue times are outrageous and the amount you spend trying to cash in grade 5 flags for reaper commendations are absurd because of the players who are able to run constantly witht no counterplay

    There is counterplay, like i said earlier. You just need to improve your skills.

  • Counter you say.
    Get close enough once and harpoon and run along the line.
    Out plan, out think the running ship. Cause them to turn the direction you want.

    If there needs to be a counter to runners. There needs a counter to chasers. :p

  • There should be a system of weight carried on ships, measured by the amount of treasure on board, perhaps supplies as well. This would add an extra layer of strategy for both those farming treasure and those stealing it.

  • @lleorb said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    There should be a system of weight carried on ships, measured by the amount of treasure on board, perhaps supplies as well. This would add an extra layer of strategy for both those farming treasure and those stealing it.

    This brings the incentive to farm down to zero while the incentive to hop without taking risks remains high.

  • @lleorb said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    There should be a system of weight carried on ships, measured by the amount of treasure on board, perhaps supplies as well. This would add an extra layer of strategy for both those farming treasure and those stealing it.

    Nah. This is just another idea that boils down to 'Force people to fight me so I can take their stuff' and 'Make it easier to catch people with treasure so I can take their stuff'.

  • @steady-pop-n I don't think it makes any sense because it's the choice of the person in the other boat, if they really wanted to fight they would have the hourglass but they're just playing to relax.

  • @wolfmanbush It depends on how the system is implemented, what I gave was a sketch for what it could be... With a minimum treasure level to affect weight and a maximum limit to how much speed would be reduced, this would only encourage the farm size to be reduced, not the farm itself.

    There are other things that need to be implemented alongside this idea, things that shift the focus of combat to naval rather than board, but overall this would make the game more strategic, only players confident in their skills would have the incentive to accumulate treasure beyond the weight limit.

    @Guildar9194 Yes, that's right, encouraging real piracy in a pirate game.

  • @steady-pop-n I think ships that chase should have a timer. If they do not engage before the timer stops then they are force dived to oblivion...

  • @lleorb said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    @wolfmanbush It depends on how the system is implemented, what I gave was a sketch for what it could be... With a minimum treasure level to affect weight and a maximum limit to how much speed would be reduced, this would only encourage the farm size to be reduced, not the farm itself.

    There are other things that need to be implemented alongside this idea, things that shift the focus of combat to naval rather than board, but overall this would make the game more strategic, only players confident in their skills would have the incentive to accumulate treasure beyond the weight limit.

    @Guildar9194 Yes, that's right, encouraging real piracy in a pirate game.

    So, would a certain amount of cannonballs slow the ships down as well ?

  • @lem0n-curry I think that after a certain amount of resources and/or loot the ship starts to get heavier, until it reaches that amount the weight would be the same as the empty ship.

    This way, an empty ship would have no advantage against someone with resources below this minimum value, and also supplying the ship a little would not be a problem.

  • They should not have a counter since if they get away, then that says that they know how to manage their sails and wind well, which is its own skill, or that you are not managing your own sails well enough. There should not be a way to close a gap between some one who might be doing very well, and some one who may not be preforming their best.

    All gaps in this game should be skill based, so if some one catches a runner, then it falls onto the runner who didnt manage their ship that well, and if some one cant catch them, then the person running was preforming very well, and they should not be forced to play how you want them to in a game that is NOT a pvp game, but a pvpve sandbox game.

    If you find your self unable to catch some one who is running, and your concern is that you dont have time to keep chasing, then dont keep chasing, you can find some one else, or stop chasing and wait for them to drop their guard to try again if you really want. It is not on the devs to force others to play how you like.

  • @steady-pop-n if you want pvp I recommend starting a fotd i do this and often it does catch a few people who wont run and often put up a good fight but like everyone else is saying (despite being irritating some times) its a sandbox people can play however they like, running is a viable and effective stat to keep your loot safe. the game is already slightly chaser sideded if you play your cards right anyway.

  • @lleorb said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    @wolfmanbush It depends on how the system is implemented, what I gave was a sketch for what it could be... With a minimum treasure level to affect weight and a maximum limit to how much speed would be reduced, this would only encourage the farm size to be reduced, not the farm itself.

    There are other things that need to be implemented alongside this idea, things that shift the focus of combat to naval rather than board, but overall this would make the game more strategic, only players confident in their skills would have the incentive to accumulate treasure beyond the weight limit.

    @Guildar9194 Yes, that's right, encouraging real piracy in a pirate game.

    Running to keep your loot is also 'real piracy'.
    You just want to make it easier to catch people & force combat on people who don't want to fight at that particular time.

    Essentially it's "Make them do what I want. I want a fight, so they should have to fight me."

    Running is as much a part of the game as fighting.
    It's on players to catch runners, not half-baked mechanics that punish runners because PvP players have bloodlust. Mechanics that get asked every 3 months or so, actually.

  • @guildar9194 If you read what I wrote, you saw that it is not simply about punishing those who have treasures, but creating a scenario where the possibility of conflict can be controlled by how much risk an individual is willing to take. In the proposed idea, taking treasures up to a defined limit does not change the weight of the ship. Going beyond this limit is about risking a possible fight, which may or may not be won.

    Constant speeds without change create distortions such as a chase taking up to an hour, discouraging hunting and stealing in a game about pirates.

    And to be honest, in the current system, the only thing that really happens is the chase takes too long, if a player wants to kill you or take your loot, the clash usually happens sooner or later.

  • @caramelcraft584 Hourglass queues are outragious. I love hourglass however the amount of time spent under the sea looking for matches isn't worth it in my opinion.

  • @steady-pop-n said in Pirates who run in pvp and open world should have a counter:

    We all have jobs

    Exactly, so people who run might be people who have to log off with their real life commitments. And they want to do so with their rewards. You might only have 20 minutes left to go to bed for work tomorrow.....so don't chase that ship. Likewise, that ship may only have those same 20 minutes left to go to bed for work tomorrow, so let them go finish up and let real life do it's thing.

    If you are coming to the end of play, then just don't do certain things.

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