• Back in the day whenever pirates sailed the seven seas. Gambling was peak. I just think gambling would add a new layer of real to the game.

  • 19
  • Gambling would get the game rating changed in the EU, if not just get it blocked from use/sale.
    It also has a negative connotation with games, and fosters gambling addictions.

    So gambling can, and most likely will, stay out of the game.

  • I just think gambling would add a new layer of real to the game.

    Would also change the game rating and cause more problems.

    ATM the only real gambling you are doing is the risk of playing and actually turning a profit or not.

  • @burnbacon I think even something as simple as Liar's Dice or a card game would be nice - doesn't have to have any gambling function added to it - just something to pass the sailing time, or in taverns for RP purposes.

  • As mentioned, it would change the game's rating and get it age-gated or even banned in some territories. It's not worth that hassle.

    That said, adding the sorts of games without any actual mechanics to gamble could be a workaround. Leave it up to the creativity of the players if they want to, say, bet their treasures.

  • @valor-omega

    just something to pass the sailing time, or in taverns for RP purposes.

    Sure. And while you’re busy doing that. Your ship gets sunk because you weren’t paying attention :p

  • @burnbacon I mean that's on the crew LOL! But still, just think it'd be a neat little addition. Maybe at the taverns too.

    I've always found that the rating debacle was quite strange - we can highlight/glorify alcoholism (which literally kills people every day), but playing cards, dice, betting/gambling is a no go? So odd.

  • Why do people keep making this suggestion??? SoT is a pirate fantasy game, thats true. But it is a kids game for the love of god! Games have gotten in trouble for have loot boxes because they were a gamble. Look at EA and battlefront 2. Adding gambling will not only change the game rating to 18+, but it will cause huge public backlash.

    Why does nobody seem to realise intentionally something like gambling, which can lead to addiction, would be verybad for SoT on a number of levels?

  • @valor-omega said in GAMBLING:

    @burnbacon I mean that's on the crew LOL! But still, just think it'd be a neat little addition. Maybe at the taverns too.

    I've always found that the rating debacle was quite strange - we can highlight/glorify alcoholism (which literally kills people every day), but playing cards, dice, betting/gambling is a no go? So odd.

    we can highlight/glorify alcoholism (which literally kills people every day)

    Except drinking in a game is not going to get someone drunk.

    but playing cards, dice, betting/gambling is a no go?

    Because gambling is a game. So by gambling in a game; You are gambling.

    Drinking in a game does not equal drinking IRL. It won't hydrate you or get you drunk or addicted.
    Gambling in a game does equal gambling IRL. Because it's just gambling. This can foster gambling addictions in younger players and people with addictive personalities.

    Plus gambling, due to lootboxes and predatory business practices, has a negative connotation in gaming.

    Think of it this way as well: Sex, as an act between two consenting adults, gets games a higher rating.
    But murder and gore and explosions and ending someone's life in a game is not rated as high.

    It's just the way people think.

  • AFAIK several IRL Pirate codes forbad gambling, so not sure if "Gambling was peak" back in the day.

  • I like the idea purely because it would add to the lacking sorely social side of game.

    @guildar9194 said in GAMBLING:

    Gambling would get the game rating changed in the EU, if not just get it blocked from use/sale.
    It also has a negative connotation with games, and fosters gambling addictions.

    So gambling can, and most likely will, stay out of the game.

    However I also agree with the above, if there was a way to add gamling games like liars dice, five finger fillet and simple card games like blackjack without the gambling aspects I think that would work tbh.

  • They already added the dice emote with no issues. Same can be done about several tavern games without resorting to straight up gambling.

  • @guildar9194 Eh, it's still a weird line of thinking. I really don't think that simply playing cards or dice is going to get someone addicted to gambling, especially if there's not a betting element to it - strictly just playing cards/dice to pass time.

    One could argue that when you boot up SoT in general, you're gambling your time, because you can either make tons of gold, or lose it all in one fell swoop. '

    People's logic are flawed when it comes to these sorts of things.

  • @lem0n-curry No, but games like Liar's Dice and simply playing card games were common on sailing ships - when not performing basic crew activities, sailors often needed fun things to do.

  • Instead of gambling just add some mini games that can be played in taverns or at a special table on larger ships.

  • @lem0n-curry it was, if not no one would bother to forbade it.

  • @ghutar said in GAMBLING:

    @lem0n-curry it was, if not no one would bother to forbade it.

    Not necessarily, the Captain (or majority of the crew) could be against gambling on principle.
    Also, it would probably only take one incident where two pirates get into a heated argument and a fight to add a rule that forbids gambling.

  • Personally, I think the best way around the game rating increase, which would come from gambling mini games, would be the use of emotes. We’ve already seen what a dice roll and card draw emote can do, I’m sure that can be expanded to accommodate games players can create themselves (poker, scabby queen, snap etc.). Plus, it has the added benefit of being mobile while the mini games would force players to play in set locations. It may be pushing the line slightly, but at least this solution isn’t encouraging gambling by nature.

  • @lem0n-curry down te semantic route. Ok.

    OP stated that in XVI and XVII and XVIII century aka "golden age of piracy" gambling was a thing.
    Yes it was like in antquity and it is still now.
    We got overhelming archeological and writen sources eividences for that.

    As for articles of agreement sure thing there are lott of regulations there that differs per crew. In 6 we find regulation limiting or forbading gambling when on sea.

    Again it's literary argument for it "high days" so popular and bring so much emotions that you need to regulate it on semi-warship that is pirate ship.

    So they play much enough on ships to force some regulations. Plus we have atricle of agreements without eny mention of gambling.

    Along with arguments about religion, politices and stuff probably would be wise to ban usage of SoT forum on eny given ship :)

    Still regulations of real life pirates should not have eny impact on video game, as we are players not murderous bunch of thiefs and slavers.

    Simple games would be fine just don't add possibilty to bet in game gold.

5 out of 19