The grapple gun sucks

  • The grapple gun having such short range and limited ammo kills it as a mobility tool. And since its only good for mobility, that makes it almost completely pointless.

    I think the grapple gun range should be DOUBLED at least, and it should have INFINITE ammo. So that way it can actually be good for mobility. The tool itself is already completely unusable in a pvp setting.

    I came to this conclusion because: sword lunge is better for mobility, and its good for pvp as well as pve. Its easy to do, you can do it unlimited times, and you don't have to sacrifice a weapon slot to being solely a tool. Grapple gun DOES offer verticality, but the range is so ungodly short that the verticality it gives is practically worthless. There's next to 0 verticality in pvp and in pve only some islands would even need it. And the ammo being limited means that useless mobility now gets turned into LIMITED useless mobility.

    Overall i'm very disappointed with this, i wasn't expecting it to be this godly boarding tool. But i was expecting to actually do its job well, but it gets 99% outclassed by the cutlass

  • 13
  • @primalz8314

    That's the problem with the grapple, it's either mediocre or extremely OP. If it had longer range and was an actual tool, then it would've been a must have in PvP.

    I do think they can increase the range on it though and probably make it have more charges, infinite I think is a bit much.

  • The grapple gun having such short range and limited ammo kills it as a mobility tool

    Range is meh but it’s not meant to kill. It’s a traveling tool.

    it should have INFINITE ammo

    So everyone will be like Spider-Man. Just zipping around like monkeys and swinging around. Yeah no. Plan your shots and use them wisely.

    The tool itself is already completely unusable in a pvp setting.

    Helps with stealing kegs from players. Traveling across galleon ships. Board ships easier. If you use your head you can come up with clever tactics.

    sword lunge is better for mobility, and its good for pvp as well as pve. Its easy to do, you can do it unlimited times

    Besides the “miss” and exhaustion effect that leaves you vulnerable. Yeah sure.

    but it gets 99% outclassed by the cutlass

    Cutlass can’t be used in the water or even under it. Can’t climb up hills, send your flying higher into the sky after a cannon shot.

  • @itz-majman said in The grapple gun sucks:


    That's the problem with the grapple, it's either mediocre or extremely OP. If it had longer range and was an actual tool, then it would've been a must have in PvP.

    I do think they can increase the range on it though and probably make it have more charges, infinite I think is a bit much.

    I think they could've increased the range a bit since it can't grapple onto masts and other parts of ships to easily get onto the deck.

    The way it was originally demoed in that tease video from a long time ago made it look super OP, with being able to grab onto ship decks for easy boarding and it had a super long range; it made sense to limit the ammo and shorten the range but since you can't board ships with it, and only use it to pull yourself close to the hull, the lower range and ammo count is a bit too much.

    At the very least, it shouldn't waste ammo if you miss or hit something you can't grab. The fact that you can't tell whether something is within range or not grabbable before you fire is a problem with a weapon that will use up ammo.

  • I like it and its not as bad as you claim but some changes that could be good. All or mix and match.

    1. if you miss your shot you can reel in your line by hitting right attack button, it takes 2x longer than standard reload. No loss of ammo occurs.

    1a) Or after every fire you can choose to reel in or hit fire again to disengage and use a reload.

    1. add in an audio cue for things being in range.

    2. bring back deak shots on all ships. Make it hard to pull off but doable.

    3. If you hold the fire button down you don`t disingage after zipping to the end of the line on a successful hit. This way you can hit the side of a ship and get carried along with them waiting the ship to stop at an island or be anchored. Or you can zip up onto a cliff edge, cave roof or other feature and wait for another pirate to walk under you. Then death from above.

    4. in the water, when zipping along, if you hit fire again BEFORE reaching the end you get the sword lunge boost. So now if you hit behind the ladder of a moving ship, a well timed click may get you a board.

    The grapple gun has alot of promise for extra features and providing it takes a weapon slot its fair.

  • @primalz8314 100% agree grapple gun sucks in its current state

  • Agree the range and ammo as well as reload time are awful. Once I get the commendations it's added to all the other new tools for items I wont ever use again. I always default back to my year 1 load out because it simply works. For me cutlass and a gun are mandatory. They really need a 3rd slot and maybe restrict it to blow dart/grapple only or maybe add in the throwing knives.

    I can't see them adding a 3rd weapon slot if it doesn't have some kind of restriction because then double gunners would just become triple gunners or 2 guns + cutlass = op. But having something which is pretty much a mobility tool and mandatory to have on you but you also have 2 mandatory items that are more important than it... That's not meaningful choice as there is no choice. Grapple can continue to not exist. This constant swapping out the grapple to get my precious gun back is annoying as hell.

  • @burnbacon considering you have ti take up a whole weapon slot for it. It should be good at its job. A mobility weapon you have to use incredibly sparingly isn't very good at its job. I did find ONE use for it. Makes clearing out gold hoarder treasure vaults a cakewalk. Otherwise, worthless tool. Waste of a slot

  • @smuntface i don't see how. Sure maybe the double range was a bit much. But the infinite ammo is definitely warranted. You can't really use it on half the surfaces anyway. Ship masts (rightfully) can't be latched on to. You can't even use it for zipping around in mermaid treasuries or even in some shrines as i've seen. And the reload time is so godawful that honestly i could have gotten place to place faster by running or sword lunging usually. Verticality in this game isn't something so abundant that a tool for it was needed. Sure it helps sometimes but i want it to help more. Which it can't really do with current restrictions

  • The blow-dart gun isn't that great either....

    @primalz8314 said in The grapple gun sucks:

    @smuntface i don't see how. Sure maybe the double range was a bit much. But the infinite ammo is definitely warranted. You can't really use it on half the surfaces anyway.

    Infinite ammo and being able to attach anywhere means your pirate getting to places that may not have been planned for.
    They may not be fully rendered. It means finding glitches in the map and walking thru walls. It means considerably more work for the dev's to address.

    Attaching anywhere also means boarding (which is already quite easy) becomes jokingly easy to anchor and sink, or steal from solo players. If you disagree, think about fighting as a solo against a large crew who spam-board you from the edge of cannon range.

    Like you, I think the flying around in Batman games are fun, but SoT is a PvPvE game, so dealing with noobie players & small crew's has to be part of the conversation.

  • @smuntface i never once suggested that we should be sble to board ships with it sooo

  • since its just a shell of it it could have been, I was wondering if they would entertain for selectable ammo like a blowgun, so instead of it being loaded with a harpoon some alternate ammo could be things like fireworks or flares, maybe more if someone has a good imagination. I'm thinking something like a launcher platform, more than just a grappler, I mean not exactly a M79 grenade launcher, but maybe yea something like that?

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