Why do we have to hold the gun steady before aiming and shooting? it not common sence. change the animation. also fix the blunderbuss.

  • Since quick swap is gone, there's always something weird when fighting, why on earth do we have to hold the gun steady before shooting?
    You are in a fight, the common sence is you take out your gun quickly and you shoot quickly, all you need is a take-out gun transition animation and a short holding time.
    Never seen a game like this, you are fighting with someone, very nervous, and suddenly you say: wait a moment, let me place this gun at my chest first. It is so stupid.
    Also, fix the broken blunderbuss, you can't defend with an unstable knockback, and sometimes a bluderbuss plus a eye of reach can't even kill a player, what's wrong with the damage? The best defense is kill quickly, swimming in water is totally garbage time for players, no one enjoy that, I suggest change the knockback to make people shock and shake a little, so they can keep fighting, I believe keep the battle rhythm is very important.

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  • @zdonzai said in Why do we have to hold the gun steady before aiming and shooting? it not common sence. change the animation. also fix the blunderbuss.:

    Since quick swap is gone, there's always something weird when fighting, why on earth do we have to hold the gun steady before shooting?
    You are in a fight, the common sence is you take out your gun quickly and you shoot quickly, all you need is a take-out gun transition animation and a short holding time.
    Never seen a game like this, you are fighting with someone, very nervous, and suddenly you say: wait a moment, let me place this gun at my chest first. It is so stupid.

    Most, if not all shooters use the aim down sight (ADS) to stabilise shots and like all those games different guns are affected more or less by hipfiring.

    In SoT the eye of reach is highly inaccurate while the pistol is mostly accurate when hip firing.

    Also, fix the broken blunderbuss, you can't defend with an unstable knockback, and sometimes a bluderbuss plus a eye of reach can't even kill a player, what's wrong with the damage? The best defense is kill quickly,

    The blunderbuss got one of its superpowers removed, each pellet it shoots only does 9 damage so at max it can only do 90 damage. Also its effective range got reduced (its bullet spread got increased)

    You need to hit st least 8 pellets to be able to kill a player afterward with an eye
    Of reach.

    swimming in water is totally garbage time for players, no one enjoy that, I suggest change the knockback to make people shock and shake a little, so they can keep fighting, I believe keep the battle rhythm is very important.

    So remove knockback and instead stunlock them… yeah nah, get people away from me/the ship not freeze them

  • Never seen a game like this, you are fighting with someone, very nervous, and suddenly you say: wait a moment, let me place this gun at my chest first. It is so stupid.

    Clearly you never played enough FPS or any game that has 'guns' :P

  • @callmebackdraft

    Pretty sure you only need 4 pellets to hit (36 damage) to then finish off with an eor (70 damage)

  • @zdonzai said in Why do we have to hold the gun steady before aiming and shooting? it not common sence. change the animation. also fix the blunderbuss.:

    Since quick swap is gone, there's always something weird when fighting, why on earth do we have to hold the gun steady before shooting?

    To aim. This is literaly how it also works in the real world. On top of that: quick swap never was realy in the game, it was an exploit and people using it were literaly cheaters (using exploits is a form of cheating).

    @zdonzai said in Why do we have to hold the gun steady before aiming and shooting? it not common sence. change the animation. also fix the blunderbuss.:

    You are in a fight, the common sence is you take out your gun quickly and you shoot quickly,

    Ask any police officer or military personal: it's not common sence. Common sence is to find cover, then work out where the shots are comming from, aim and then fire. I am sure that they can even get fired from 'firing quickly' without aiming, since they don't control their shots and therefore can hit innocent people or even their own.

  • @rare-jumbie you are correct i dont know but my maths wasn’t mathing that day

  • @zdonzai

    Holding the gun steady after taking it out is called "aiming". You might consider trying it. If you relied solely on the exploit of switching to a weapon and clicking the fire button before it was even pointed at your enemy to score what is essentially a free hit while bypassing the game's intended mechanics then you deserve to lose your fights.

    There was NO quick fire option with 17th/18th century weaponry, dude. Swords were required for combat for a damn reason.

  • @thegrimpreacher Just wait untill he finds out that back in those days reloading a gun could easily take a minute.....

  • Nobody seems to understand what OP is talking about so I’ll bridge the gap.

    When you draw a weapon there is an animation that must play out in it’s entirety before you can aim down sights or fire it UNLESS you sprint cancel the animation which will BYPASS the animation and enable you to ads or fire immediately.

    Drawing a gun feels clunky because of the length of the animation.

    Sprint bypassing it works as long as you didn’t just fire a gun a moment ago.

    Rare can’t seem to figure out that sprint bypassing the draw animation is an exploit or that the draw animation length and its uninterruptible nature (if not bypassed) makes gunplay feel clunky.

    The sword on the other hand has a much shorter wield animation that plays before you can slash and blocking can be done immediately as it will interrupt the wield animation.

    So to you OP… if you want to be able to ads and fire immediately after drawing a weapon you can do so by briefly sprinting after you draw the weapon.

    Rare will never get the game to be exploit free with everyone on an equal footing it’s just beyond them.

    You can also block before you charge a sword lunge to enable your pirate to be able to move and jump during the charge. If you jump at the right time you can extend the length of a sword lunge by more than 3x the intended length.

    You can also BYPASS the delay for missing a sword lunge by interacting with a ship part such as the wheel, rigging, cannon or ladder as soon as possible before the delay kicks in.

    And not an exploit but the game doesn’t teach you… players can hold block and move in a direction and then jump to sword hop through players to get behind them. This will BYPASS the collision that normally exists and is the most powerful aspect of the sword by far. Make sure to include it in your strategy when using the sword. Having a high sensitivity will help you rotate faster after sword hopping which will give you an advantage.

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