3D Printed Sea of Thieves Belt Buckle

  • Long time listener, first time caller ;-)

    I'm a bit of a retired Tinker and my hobby is Movie Prop Replicas...with a heavy focus on Disney. I do a lot with CNC and especially 3D modeling and printing...but on to the important thing. I do a lot of belt buckles for myself...don't sell anything (I'll get that out early...). Today's item for your possible interest is a "Sea of Thieves Belt Buckle." I'm still tinkering the design but will eventually print one out and post it here for those interested.

    I do my buckles to fit Magzook's MagBelts which I highly recommend. Easy to find with some Google-F*.

    So...without further ado...(hope this pic thing works...):

    This is an example of a finished buckle. A little Pirate's of the Caribbean for you...

    More later after a few more hits with the hammer and some 3D printing.

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  • Insert sigh here...so no pics? Guess I better open that Flickr account. Standby to standby...

  • @specialadvisor
    pics are specialadvisors not mine
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  • @specialadvisor Nice! Those came out really cool :) Thank you for sharing! Your hobby sounds like a lot of fun. What is one of your favorite things you have created?

    For the future, uploading your images to imgur is usually the quickest and easiest way to share images.

  • @specialadvisor working now. looks awesome!
    P.S ever tried Blender for modeling?

  • @triheadedmonkey ha! I'm completely rum-headed ;-) Not sure what happened, but I appreciate the help! They actually showed up in my initial post plus your extra post. Either way it's all good shipmate!

    I looked at Blender...too user unfriendly. Too be honest I use TinkerCAD a lot, also MeshMixer and am just now teaching myself zBrush. I started in Aspire which is for CNCs but does a lot of amazing things for 3D. It's all fun when it's a hobby.

  • @specialadvisor haha I started using and quit using Blender within about 5 mins the first time, but after watching a few tutorials and finally making a bit of headway, I'm now obsessed! (plus i can't argue with the $0 price tag :D)

  • @ionei-falcon said in 3D Printed Sea of Thieves Belt Buckle:

    @specialadvisor Nice! Those came out really cool :) Thank you for sharing! Your hobby sounds like a lot of fun. What is one of your favorite things you have created?

    For the future, uploading your images to imgur is usually the quickest and easiest way to share images.

    Favorite creation. Too hard to say! One of my very favorites is my prop replica of the Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean entry plaque. I've made jewelry, a pipe display (for my Davy Jones pipe), and a few other odd bits from it. It's another 3D model.

  • I want one! 6.99 Plus shipping

  • @specialadvisor wow these look amazing!

  • @specialadvisor

    Those are fabulous - so much detail on the Sea of Thieves one too!

  • Nicely done, @SpecialAdvisor! How do you paint them like that?

  • @dutchtrooper95 said in 3D Printed Sea of Thieves Belt Buckle:

    Nicely done, @SpecialAdvisor! How do you paint them like that?

    With teeny, tiny brushes and a set of jeweler's glasses...believe it or not!

    I also use liquid leaf paints in various precious metals shades. I also have used ModernMasters Metallics for this type of print. Thinking of those for this buckle. They make a paint that has real iron power in it and you spray it with a reagent and it really rusts! They have another that has real bronze and can be given a verdigris. Want this to look like it was laying on the ocean floor awhile. Cool stuff. I have a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea themed Man-Cave and have used them pretty extensively there.

  • @specialadvisor said in 3D Printed Sea of Thieves Belt Buckle:

    @dutchtrooper95 said in 3D Printed Sea of Thieves Belt Buckle:

    Nicely done, @SpecialAdvisor! How do you paint them like that?

    With teeny, tiny brushes and a set of jeweler's glasses...believe it or not!

    I also use liquid leaf paints in various precious metals shades. I also have used ModernMasters Metallics for this type of print. Thinking of those for this buckle. They make a paint that has real iron power in it and you spray it with a reagent and it really rusts! They have another that has real bronze and can be given a verdigris. Want this to look like it was laying on the ocean floor awhile. Cool stuff. I have a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea themed Man-Cave and have used them pretty extensively there.

    @SpecialAdvisor, Impressive! And I was hoping for a quick 'n dirty solution..

    @Mordimeir, I guess they would cost a bit more than 6,99 ;)

  • @dutchtrooper95 $10.99 plus shipping!

  • @dutchtrooper95 1,000,000,000.99 plus shipping ( if i had that much )

  • @specialadvisor Keep up with the fine work!

    Soon-to-be Captain Andrew Valiant

  • @mordimeir said in 3D Printed Sea of Thieves Belt Buckle:

    @dutchtrooper95 1,000,000,000.99 plus shipping ( if i had that much )

    Well...even at that price I could not sell it ;-) I respect Rare's intellectual property rights too much. But it's sure fun to do this kind of thing for myself, family, and friends.

  • @dutchtrooper95 the quick and dirty solution is to try and change out filament colors on the fly and not paint at all...but of course that is very limiting depending on the 3D model's levels and what filament colors one has. Though my mer-muse has just tapped me on the head with her trident and given me a thought... :-D

  • In line with what I just mentioned to @DutchTrooper95 ...I've re-worked the files a bit to attempt a filament change for colors for the prototype so as not to paint it. I already had some cutlass steel colored filament and some organic green filament, but had to order some semi-transparent sea blue, and some sand-tan. As we speak the steel backplate is printing. Should be interesting to say the least.

    Let's see if I have more luck with adding an image this time :-)

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  • I'm pretty sure all images are there. I find that when you initially post, sometimes the image doesn't show. Sometimes it doesn't show when you first visit the post of someone else.

    Refresh the page. You can easily get back to your post by going to your profile and scrolling down to where your posts are listed.

    Nice looking buckles. I prefer pin and hole buckles but the old motorcycle guy in me also likes double D-rings. But double Ds don't support ornamental covers usually.

  • @specialadvisor Those buckles look mighty fine! Love the work matey!

  • @orcbutt when I first posted I tried to use a Dropbox link. Don't think it flew. Then @triheadedmonkey boarded the thread to assist. In the end it's all good. I have set up an imgur account so it's smooth sailing from here on in...I hope.

    Since I am 3D printing these I'm limited by strength and such on a pin and hole type buckle. I have recently looked at some pre-made buckle backs that one could use and attach one of my designs to. Certainly a possibility. As I wear MagBelts almost exclusively I pretty much do the backplate as shown above.

  • @specialadvisor I've done some pewter and soapstone casting. I get what you mean by the 3D printing not working for some stuff. Even in hot metal casting people will go to multipiece moulds and if that doesn't work they use rubber moulds.

  • Backplate prototype done. Got an interesting Damascus Steel thing going on...and apparently a hidden treasure map on the inset...looks like a shoreline...but from where? :-D

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  • I definitely spy a pirate cove there.

  • Oh man, these look awesome. It took me a few moments to pick out all the detail on the Sea of Thieves one, but when I did it looked fantastic. Can't wait to see how these develop!

  • Course I could not wait till the appropriate color filaments I ordered came in so I'm trying it with what I have that's closest. It is a prototype after all! The dome is a 'natural' colored filament...kinda looks like sand. Maybe a little light.

    The sea and islands portion of the logo is printing off now. Have one on the fly switch from royal blue to organic green. Anchors away!!!

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  • Well...sometimes my ole Ultimaker 2E+ surprises even me...and this is not even the highest quality setting! That is a heck of a lot of detail for a print that is all of two inches tall (the logo itself that is). Oh yes...and this was just pulled off the printer...no sanding or smoothing done.

    Bear in mind this is the first prototype. I am planning on the next one having a semi-transparent blue sea layer and a slightly darker brown for the sand dome.

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    A little closer look at just the logo.
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  • These are actually really cool! You should think of opening an Etsy shop!

  • @eklypze said in 3D Printed Sea of Thieves Belt Buckle:

    These are actually really cool! You should think of opening an Etsy shop!

    Thanks shipmate!

    But at the end of the day this is Rare's intellectual property...and I respect that.

    Course at some point I need to figure out how to send one to the folks at Rare and the Sea of Thieves team :-)

    Either way I'm just a retired Tinker who does this stuff for fun!

  • Nice job those look really cool

  • Well shipmates...I'm going to call the maiden prototype voyage complete. Next time I set sail on this hull will be when my other colors of filament arrive.

    That having been said I probably should have entitled this thread 3D Modeled and Printed Sea of Thieves "Buckles" ...heavy emphasis on the 's' ;-) ...two more designs already being hammered on in the shipyards...so feel free to visit this port of call often.

    Bring me that horizon!!!
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  • @specialadvisor Best buckle down and get some of these made :P They will be in high demand!

    Don't waist any more time!

    Seriously though I would wear a SoT buckle any day!

  • @musicmee Ha! Puns thoroughly enjoyed! ...and that having been said 'I'll' be wearing one today! :-)

    Maybe our talented Sea of Thieves team will make one some day and it'll be in the store. Even though I have one I'd buy an official model in a heartbeat...even now. Can't wait till the store resurfaces again as I missed it first time around. I need some 'official' swag!

    Now...what bell do I need to pull to reach someone on the Sea of Thieves team so I can send them one of these things? :-D

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