Christmas sails partners

  • Ahoy !
    Do you impose conditions on partners who display Christmas sails ? We met a streamer who asked that we have to sink her to get gifts (of course, she said this when our boat was already sunk). Problem : how can “casual” players sink streamers with thousands of hours of play, level + 1000 in allegiance? This same streamer who after sinking us, stops by another boat to offer gifts... In short, I don't see the spirit of Christmas if we are sunk by "professional" players with toxic behavior ... I don't think there's much you can do about it, but it makes me feel good to write you this message.

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  • The partner/streamer thing in SoT has always been a jump through hoops situation when it comes to rewards. It's just another form of fomo without a whole lot of accountability to it.

    This event is literally encouraging metagaming in a game with an extreme metagaming issue.

    Sounds like someone was power trippin' in your case, which is pretty common in SoT.

    On paper it's some wholesome christmas event but it exists to farm content and engagement, not to benefit the organic experience for players.

    Should be 1 main goal with an event like this. Try to create a quality and memorable experience for players that are just out there playing organically, but that's not what this is.

  • @lemorbackdu59

    Rare fumbled this as usual. They should have instructed their partners and all of their free labor volunteers that are doing the gift giving to offer a gift to any player they encounter if they want to participate ie use the gift sails.

    Instead they left it Wild West style (just like adventure mode matchmaking) so partners and volunteers can choose who they want to offer gifts to and Rare limited how many gifts can be given.

    It doesn’t matter what it is… Rare will find a way to make it worse than what it could’ve been.

    Now instead of this being a happy and joyous event for everybody some players will see it the complete opposite and be angry and spiteful that they didn’t get to pick out a gift even though they encountered a ship with the gift sails.

    This entire event by the way is to make streamers real money as in currency. Unbelievable how these “partners” are treating players concerning cosmetic gift giving while they make bank from players subbing to them for the Obsidian capstan.

  • I totally agree with you
    Precisely, through this event, they gain subscribers (and therefore money) but some of them continue to act like spoiled and pretentious childrens...
    This is the worst event I have experienced so far, just to give views to toxic people.

  • @eastthread51441 said in Christmas sails partners:

    concerning cosmetic gift giving while they make bank from players subbing to them for the Obsidian capstan.

    This part is quite relevant. The category is getting a hard carry this month specifically because of people buying the capstan through twitch subs. The more viewed channels in SoT are around the same as usual for views or less. People are buying and bouncing. Sot twitch in general has been struggling for interest even during events.

    Should be humility in that and generosity extended to the people they encounter as long as the encounters are not unkind.

  • @lemorbackdu59 each partner gets a set amount of items to give away afaik for the emote bundle its 30 sets per partner

    Each partner can impose there own ways of giving them away.

    Asking someone to be able to sink them is not toxic, is as fighting is simply part of the game.

    Some do a quiz like thing, others impose a challenge (like sinking them) and even others do it another way. To each their own.

    You are not entitled to anything when you meet them or anybody else on the servers.

  • @callmebackdraft

    And that’s why the event sucks. Because people are under the assumption that if they interact with a crew with gift sails they will get to select a gift or at least get a gift of some sort.

    I’m so glad I’m done with this game entirely with absolutely no desire to complete cosmetic sets anymore.

    I play for fun on occasion when I miss sailing around on a pirate ship with a random crew mate.

  • @eastthread51441 so the event sucks… because people have a sense of entitlement?!? Yep that is definitely rare’s fault… omg people these days

  • @callmebackdraft a dit dans Christmas sails partners :

    @lemorbackdu59 each partner gets a set amount of items to give away afaik for the emote bundle its 30 sets per partner

    Each partner can impose there own ways of giving them away.

    Asking someone to be able to sink them is not toxic, is as fighting is simply part of the game.

    Some do a quiz like thing, others impose a challenge (like sinking them) and even others do it another way. To each their own.

    You are not entitled to anything when you meet them or anybody else on the servers.

    Explain to me how to sink 2 players allegiance 1000+ when you don't spend your life on the game in this case. I'm not going to teach Messi how to play football. Why not offer “attainable” challenges like some streamers do? For example, a guy was asking to send out a certain type of fireworks. It's fun and everyone can do it.

  • @callmebackdraft

    Absolutely it sucks. You don’t selectively give out gifts. Is that how it works for your family at Christmas? Some members get gifts and others don’t? Your sense of reason and morals is questionable.

  • Holiday Hauls – Friday, December 6th – Sunday, December 22nd

    Gift giving for all some! Sea of Thieves Partners, Affiliate Alliance leaders and Deckhands will be setting sail under the Generous Gift Sails during this period, spreading holiday cheer and delivering a delightful array of gifts to those fortunate enough to cross their path!*

    *Receiving a gift is not guaranteed.

  • @eastthread51441

    I'm still looking for my chance after being sunk by a duo of progamers ! 🤣

  • @lemorbackdu59

    Like I said before Rare will find a way to ruin everything. I promise you.

  • @eastthread51441 said in Christmas sails partners:


    Like I said before Rare will find a way to ruin everything. I promise you.

    They aren't really ruining it.

    They've always had a dreamer's view of the organic experience in SoT which is overly optimistic about how it actually is.

    That's why they've created so many cooperation activities and why they've all been criticized at the time they happen (then people put a more positive spin on the activities later on as history is re-written in SoT)

    They aren't ruining it, one of their ways of approaching events just doesn't work very well. The organic experience always clashes with the contrived content experience. Always has and always will.

  • @wolfmanbush

    They ruined their game the moment they thought it was best to force people who don’t enjoy PvP to sail the high seas.

    They ruined PvE difficulty by over nerfing bosses hp and their attacks.

    They ruined voyages by over simplifying them and removing rng.

    They ruined Arena by removing it.

    They ruined adventure mode by enabling crews to dive to a different server on demand.

    They ruined the rarity of pineapples by allowing players to buy them or find them like they are just mangos.

    They ruined the blunderbuss by removing the one shot and simultaneously widening its spread.

    They ruined the grapple gun.

    They ruined the Skull of Siren Song by making it so you can’t opt in to the voyage after a certain point.

    They are quite good at ruining things. I could probably think of more things but I choose not to.

  • did you try to negotiate? Like offer to sing some holiday songs or anything? Usually by default streamers will sink you unless you talk to them and charm them a little bit. But yeah for something like this putting up the holiday sails they should be more lenient with the gifts.

  • @eastthread51441 said in Christmas sails partners:

    They are quite good at ruining things. I could probably think of more things but I choose not to.

    This thing specifically was designed by Rare but conflict will be more because of the history between -just playing the game- and non-organic networking and brand building. Aka content creation.

    This event gives off the vibe of "Our partners/chosen players will grace the servers with their presence and presents"

    In reality a large amount of players have been subjected to false cheating/sniping/wrongdoing accusations for years by content creators. Being used as pawns for content, etc. Not a good relationship between organic play and content creation.

    Trying to turn the seas into even more of a twitch chat vibe during gameplay just isn't gonna be fun for some people this month.

  • @karkona
    Impossible cuz they sunk us really fast

  • @eastthread51441 said in Christmas sails partners:


    Absolutely it sucks. You don’t selectively give out gifts. Is that how it works for your family at Christmas? Some members get gifts and others don’t? Your sense of reason and morals is questionable.

    So if i walk into a strangers home i should expect gifts ? Because seemingly you do…. Because you are not expecting a gift from a family member here but from a random stranger you meet on the seas

    As stated by rare in your own post gift giving is not guaranteed.

  • @callmebackdraft
    If I'm walking around in a Santa outfit, people expect something other than getting hit, right?

  • @lemorbackdu59 no, i wouldn't expect to get a gift, again its a sense of entitlement some/alot of people seem to have nowadays, including you.

    Just when you go into a mall and the kid can sit on santa’s lap for a bit, they dont get anything but they get te give santa their list/tell santa what they want.

  • @callmebackdraft What you don't seem to understand is that we were directly sunk, without even being able to discuss with these players...
    Where's the fun ? And when these same players sinks ship while other players are questing nearby, where's the fun?
    If the goal is to sink everything that wanders around, you might as well not wear these sails.

  • @lemorbackdu59 and that changes exactly nothing to the situation, they have their own communities to which they cater more which in my opinion is understandable, the community that said partner has created and fostered is what makes them able to do content creation as a job, maybe said partner had a challenge going on for their community: “come find me and sink me to get said cosmetic”

    I know for a fact that Phuzzybond has some hoops people have to jump trough to get the gift UNLESS they fire a chicken firework to them they instantly are given the cosmetics upon contact (in his case i don't believe it has anything to do with fighting but something else)

    Again you weren’t entitled to the cosmetics once you ran into them, as per rare itself receiving gifts is NOT a guarantee and if you sunk that quickly and their challenge was to sink them i don't think the speed of sinking changes anything in eligibility or your chances of winning their specific challenge even if you knew the challenge was to sink them

  • @callmebackdraft

    Read the event description you fool.

    Original News with no edits for sarcasm

    “Holiday Hauls – Friday, December 6th – Sunday, December 22nd

    Gift giving for all! Sea of Thieves Partners, Affiliate Alliance leaders and Deckhands will be setting sail under the Generous Gift Sails during this period, spreading holiday cheer and delivering a delightful array of gifts to those fortunate enough to cross their path!”

    Rare just straight up lies.

  • Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • From what I've seen, every Partner is doing it differently, and usually within the usual style of their stream.

    If you feel you were unfairly treated by them, or you think they were actually toxic, you can provide feedback to Rare via Rare Support.

  • @realstyli

    It says all you have to do is cross their path not fulfill their individual requirements. It’s false advertising aka a lie.

  • @eastthread51441 said in Christmas sails partners:


    It says all you have to do is cross their path not fulfill their individual requirements. It’s false advertising aka a lie.

    While I think their announcement could have been phrased better, the "poster" artwork used to promote the event says "for a chance to acquire a delightful array of gifts".

    alt text

  • @realstyli

    And that’s stupid. You don’t discriminate during a holiday gift giving event. You don’t allow your people to pick and choose who get gifts. That’s so [mod edit]. People that cross their path and ask for a gift and get denied will rightfully be upset.

    Which goes back to my OG point that Rare will ruin everything. They have a proven track record.


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  • @eastthread51441 no need to devolve into name calling. It doesn’t strengthen but rather weakens your argument.

    you don’t seem to understand the basic premise of: nobody, not you, not me, not even santa clause and/or his elves are entitled to receive any sort of gift.

    Gift giving is not guaranteed, you get a chance, otherwise they also had to give partners WAY more then 30 sets per partner as in a period of 2.5 weeks each of them run into WAY more then 30 crews.

    So just to clarify, none of us have a right to receive anything no matter how entitled some of us might feel that we should get anything.

  • @eastthread51441 how is it poorly advertised as the main advertisement advertises a chance to get a gift ?

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