Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!

  • I'm going to be working on a Spreadsheet that can be updated Fast with new Data. I just start complying the data, but need your help, I'm looking for Close up screenshots of your Treasure maps! I will Photoshop them to be used. The Map will be best used with a 2nd Monitor once done.

    Things Planned

    • Animal Locations
    • Links to Maps with Notable Landmarks
    • Large Detailed Map for 2nd Monitor

    16 out of 66+ Maps Done (Not all Photoshoped Perfect yet)
    11 out of 66 Islands put on Map

    The Info

  • 57
  • @daphonic from my experience doing a lot of merchant quests, the animal spawns are completely random. I went to the same island 4 times in a row, first time there were only chickens, 2nd time there was nothing, 3rd time just chickens again, 4th time just pigs.

    I've noticed this with other islands aswell, once I got a quest I go to islands that I've gotten said animal from before, only to find there are no animals there or a different type.

    I could also force spawn animals by sailing away from the island then coming back to find a different lot.

  • @melarn

    They have a LARGE respawn Timer. They always spawn same island, you can Clean them out, and they wont respawn for 30+ min.

  • @daphonic but the first island I spoke about, the chickens were on the island, I didn't have coops, so left for the closest outpost and came back (took less than 5 mins as they were really close) and when I came back chickens were gone, sailed away for about 30 seconds then turned around and came back, chickens were there, I took 2 (still had about 7 left on the beach), dropped them off at the merchant, picked up another quest requiring chickens, went back to that island and there were no chickens but pigs were in their place, all done within 20 minutes.

    Animals have random spawns I've been a witness to too much evidence of that lol

  • @melarn

    Were all lvl 15 now, and the animals all spawn in the same islands I've marked. If you wait around the other animals will spawn. Shipwreck Cove for instance, always has pigs and chickens all the time, if you just wait a bit, they do spawn. We had to wait a few min for some chickens once, but every island we've gone to always have same type of animals spawn at it.

  • @daphonic
    The animal locations are random!
    It appears different from session to session. My 1st play through with the MA, there were no animals at all on Devils Ridge or Snake Island. The 2nd time, there were pigs on Snake Island & Devils Ridge was packed with both chickens & pigs.

  • @logansdadtoo

    Every session we've played have all been the same so far.

  • thank you for your work to creating that list

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!:

    thank you for your work to creating that list

    No problem, love doing stuff like this, Will be adding more and more info.

  • 7 out of 66 Maps Done.

  • @daphonic
    Then you must've been lucky.
    Have checked again today & now Lone Cove was totally devoid of wildlife! Spawned in, sailed straight there & there were no animals at all. Spent 20mins there & absolutely nothing at all!! So they definitely aren't the same from session to session!
    I don't think Rare would make it so they spawn in the same place to prevent people from making maps & guides, therefore taking all the fun out of the quests.

  • @logansdadtoo

    just because it's devoid doesn't mean they don't spawn there. We reset our game multi times, and all the same animals do indeed spawn on the same islands. Depending if they have been farmed already who knows.

  • 16 out of 66+ Maps Done (Not all Photoshoped Perfect yet)
    11 out of 66 Islands put on Map

    Updated what I have done so far.

  • @Daphonic Even maps are created randomly. Didnt you notice that? All animals are spawning randomly. Its a great effort to do a list like this but dont spend your time for nothing dude.

    here are some screanshots if you look at these you'll see what i'm saying. :)

    alt text
    alt text
    alt text
    alt text

  • @daphonic is this really working?

  • @aspr7n

    HAHAHAH no they arent' The Islands are always the same in my 50+ game plays they are always same location.

  • @consularwand133 said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!:

    @daphonic is this really working?

    yes it was. The Animals are not Random. We played 12+ hours and verified, they are always on the same island. They just might be dead or farmed out, and they always come back.

  • I started writing down what animals I came across when doing quests, but I was finding it was different every time id go back to the same islands so decided not to bother.

    Maybe i was lucky/unlucky with spawns or what but did seem random to me and another negative towards doing merchant quests which I thought was a shame

  • @uvg-reign said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!:

    I started writing down what animals I came across when doing quests, but I was finding it was different every time id go back to the same islands so decided not to bother.

    Maybe i was lucky/unlucky with spawns or what but did seem random to me and another negative towards doing merchant quests which I thought was a shame

    yea, we thought so too, but it seems like you can farm out the animals, or they just despawn when no ship is near, and respawn when a ship gets close. We found if you leave and come back after a few min, the spawns change. But the Islands will always have the same type of Animals on them.

  • @daphonic how can you say "no it's not"? didnt you check the screenshots? just compare the coordinates devil's ridge for example.

  • @daphonic
    The islands have moved & the animal spawns are random, but you won't listen, so i don't know why i'm even bothering!

  • @daphonic
    Just out of curiosity, how many times in your 12+ hours did you quit the server & restart??

  • @daphonic i also experienced it myself. dagger tooth outpost was left top corner of the map but after i restart the game it was bottom center of the map. It's not a fact because you were inobservant or lucky. just check some screenshots and videos on the internet.

    for those who really care; i believe that islands are placed in groups and group's coordinates can change server by server.

  • @logansdadtoo said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!:

    Just out of curiosity, how many times in your 12+ hours did you quit the server & restart??

    at least 6 or so, when we drop crew and gain crew, we try to never get caught with randoms.

  • @aspr7n said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!:

    @daphonic i also experienced it myself. dagger tooth outpost was left top corner of the map but after i restart the game it was bottom center of the map. It's not a fact because you were inobservant or lucky. just check some screenshots and videos on the internet.

    for those who really care; i believe that islands are placed in groups and group's coordinates can change server by server.

    if that's true that is nuts..... I'm also curious if they maybe have 2-3 sets of maps then? In every beta i've played, we played 10-20 hours each one, and I've always had the same map. Even the wiki has the Same cords as i do.

  • @aspr7n Ahoy there!

    Island locations ARE fixed and do not change per server or randomly. They have however over the course of development moved a few times while the map has grown and developed over time.

  • @logansdadtoo said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!:

    The islands have moved & the animal spawns are random, but you won't listen, so i don't know why i'm even bothering!

    I'm just very hesitant to agree with you, as I've never seen the islands in an different alignment, accept those 2 screenshots.

  • This may or may not be accurate. If it is, it might help with your animal locations.

  • the screenshots are from the technical alpha ...

  • @bimmerphile1 said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!:

    This may or may not be accurate. If it is, it might help with your animal locations.

    Thank you, yea we verified everything during this beta so far.

  • @madscallion said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!:

    the screenshots are from the technical alpha ...

    That's what I was thinking, because Everyone single person I talked to in our Discord all said the islands NEVER changed once. in the last 5 betas.

  • @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!:

    @aspr7n Ahoy there!

    Island locations ARE fixed and do not change per server or randomly. They have however over the course of development moved a few times while the map has grown and developed over time.

    Thank you for confirming, I was starting to think i was crazy.

  • @daphonic said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requestingt Community Help!:

    @musicmee said in Sea of Thieves Map and Animal Info - Requesting Community Help!:

    @aspr7n Ahoy there!

    Island locations ARE fixed and do not change per server or randomly. They have however over the course of development moved a few times while the map has grown and developed over time.

    Thank you for confirming, I was starting to think i was crazy.

    The islands are fixed but a few have been moved over time. Marauders Arch used to be nearer the bottom of the map and is now situated in a more northerly positions and new islands have been added. From the screenshots in this thread it does seem to appear that Devils Ridge has been moved too. It used to be the most southerly island, underneath Ancient Spire and it seems to have been turned slightly on its axis.

  • Animal spawns are still randomly though, spent almost 3 hours looking for a black plumed chicken yesterday, and I kept sailing between 3 islands that I knew had chickens because I've had chickens from them before...

    Sometimes there'd be pigs but no chickens, sometimes chickens with now pigs but no black ones, and other times there'd be nothing at all.....I eventually found a black plumed chicken on one of the islands.

    I think that's proof enough that the animal spawns are random

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