Hard numbers on weapon damage.

  • Has anyone actually found any hard numbers on weapon damage? I know the blunderbuss damage feels variable because of the pellet spread (assuming each pellet actually matters, not seen anything to confirm or deny this), but even the pistol seems to vary wildly in damage.

    Is there falloff damage? Is the damage randomized? Does anybody actually have these answers yet? I've tried a few different search term variations and haven't seen so much as a theory as to how damage works.

  • 59
  • I'd like to have a look at this too.
    The sniper rifle feels far too underpowered. The pistol is about perfect. The BB, is well. A shotgun. Deadly if you barrel stuff. Useless at more than 3 paces.

  • I would like the ability to toggle on and off floating number damage or whatever its called, they normally have it in MMOs ect..

  • @knifelife said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    I would like the ability to toggle on and off floating number damage or whatever its called, they normally have it in MMOs ect..

    This would be fantastic

  • I am not sure that there are any numbers outside of Rare themselves giving them. This game touts itself as a game that allows all players to be equal. IF they gave this people would evaluate it and turn it into.....Well Gun X does this much damage so I am only going to equip this gun so that when I am in a battle I should always win. This is my secondary because it does this much damage... That makes me have the most powerful combo in the game.

    Sorry, but anyone who wants a competitive advantage immediately looks for this information so I doubt Rare will comment.

  • There was some posts a long time ago showing the sword, and pistols damage. The blunderbuss is every pellet does damage, guessing all pellets = 100dmg.
    The sword lunge does 50
    Normal strike is 20, 3 hit combo = 60
    pistol shot is 50, so it takes 2 shots to kill.
    Havn't tested the sniper but would assume its the same as the pistol

    These numbers still seem to be the same

  • @nightmare247365 said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    I am not sure that there are any numbers outside of Rare themselves giving them. This game touts itself as a game that allows all players to be equal. IF they gave this people would evaluate it and turn it into.....Well Gun X does this much damage so I am only going to equip this gun so that when I am in a battle I should always win. This is my secondary because it does this much damage... That makes me have the most powerful combo in the game.

    Sorry, but anyone who wants a competitive advantage immediately looks for this information so I doubt Rare will comment.

    Each gun is situational so there isnt a default powerful combo lol but 99% of everyone uses the blunderbuss becuase they know for a fact at close range its one hit kill. IDK why you think knowing how much damage something does is a bad thing l**o

  • Eye of Reach: 65
    Flintlock: 55
    Blunderbuss: 15 per projectile, 10 projectiles
    Rapier: 20 per slash, 50 for lunge.

  • @uvg-reign Because it establishes a meta, which a lot of players like to take as "this is the right way to play, and anyone who doesn't is playing the game wrong" when really, any weapon combo in this game is just as situational as the next. Except Eye of Reach. Eye of Reach is hot garbage no matter how you look at it.

    @Nightmare247365, devs rarely give out this type of info themselves. It usually comes from dataminers or savvy mathematicians.

  • @uvg-reign unless you come across certain forts. We need health bar and damage indicator

  • @naamar1 said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    Eye of Reach: 65
    Flintlock: 55
    Blunderbuss: 15 per projectile, 10 projectiles
    Rapier: 20 per slash, 50 for lunge.

    These number SEEM about right, but I've also shot someone 4 times with a pistol (and no they didn't eat a banana) so either the hit registration marker is sometimes in error OR there is something else going on with damage values.

  • @james-dinh Cutlass = Tiny cut
    Pistol = Small hole
    Blunderbuss = Many small holes
    Sniper Rifle = High powered hole
    Gunpowder = Explode your face

    Those are the numbers!

  • @james-dinh said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    These number SEEM about right, but I've also shot someone 4 times with a pistol (and no they didn't eat a banana) so either the hit registration marker is sometimes in error OR there is something else going on with damage values.

    Definitely. There's something off in hit registration and ping might play a role, too. I've had a few instances where I sneak behind someone, Blunderbuss'd them in the back only to have them turn around and onehitkill ME even though I've already backed up a few meters.

  • @deliciouspack said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @uvg-reign Because it establishes a meta, which a lot of players like to take as "this is the right way to play, and anyone who doesn't is playing the game wrong" when really, any weapon combo in this game is just as situational as the next. Except Eye of Reach. Eye of Reach is hot garbage no matter how you look at it.

    @Nightmare247365, devs rarely give out this type of info themselves. It usually comes from dataminers or savvy mathematicians.

    Already is a meta anyway, sword and blunderbuss, sometime pistol and blunderbuss. Knowing numbers and fall off (if there is, pretty sure there is) adds strategy to a certain extent. Whereas the meta at the moment is run up and shoot their face with a bb

    I agree eye of reach is hot garbage, actually pretty accurate hipfire though

  • @uvg-reign said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @deliciouspack said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @uvg-reign Because it establishes a meta, which a lot of players like to take as "this is the right way to play, and anyone who doesn't is playing the game wrong" when really, any weapon combo in this game is just as situational as the next. Except Eye of Reach. Eye of Reach is hot garbage no matter how you look at it.

    @Nightmare247365, devs rarely give out this type of info themselves. It usually comes from dataminers or savvy mathematicians.

    Already is a meta anyway, sword and blunderbuss, sometime pistol and blunderbuss. Knowing numbers and fall off (if there is, pretty sure there is) adds strategy to a certain extent. Whereas the meta at the moment is run up and shoot their face with a bb

    I agree eye of reach is hot garbage, actually pretty accurate hipfire though

    I'm a pistol/blunder man myself. I consider it the PvP loadout as the only times I wish I had a sword is when the leaf-skellies show up. With the majority using blunder/sword I find under the sea PvP to be laughably to my advantage... or really any PvP that takes place more than a few feet apart.

  • @uvg-reign There are 4 weapons in the game. The Sword/Blunderbuss or Pistol/Blunderbuss are the norms for people to play, but that is because they are limited to the selection choices.

    I agree that the "Eye of Reach" is a hot mess, but that is not as much that the gun is terrible, it is about the mechanics in place to slow scoped side scrolling. If you get rid of this I bet the gun is quite decent, but when the Devs have limited it they way they have, it feels like p**p.

    I agree with exactly what @DeliciousPack said is that it establishes a meta. So IF the game gets more weapons then the options dwindle because there is a "must" way to play. At least without numbers, there is a guesstimated way to play and you don't have that, "Well by the numbers this is the ONLY way you should be playing" which is not what this game is intended for. This game is a create your own pirate legend. If that means you build it on sword alone, you should be capable of doing that, but not because it has "XXX" power rating on DPI.

  • @nightmare247365 said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    I agree with exactly what @DeliciousPack said is that it establishes a meta. So IF the game gets more weapons then the options dwindle because there is a "must" way to play. At least without numbers, there is a guesstimated way to play and you don't have that, "Well by the numbers this is the ONLY way you should be playing" which is not what this game is intended for. This game is a create your own pirate legend. If that means you build it on sword alone, you should be capable of doing that, but not because it has "XXX" power rating on DPI.

    I really don't understand why seeing the numbers would change things much. The weapons still do what they do at the ranges/situations they do them. I'm just wondering why it is so hard to know how much damage it will take to kill a player. Every once in a while a player feels "unkillable" as I sink (what would appear to be) tons of damage into them.

    I just want to know if it is a bug, if the damage numbers are random, if maybe I am too far away to do max damage with my pistol, etc.

  • Anyone know if that damage is equal all over the body? Like head shots vs torso.

  • @james-dinh See there should be your real response. Not "How much/Hard numbers on weapons" but why didn't the player die.

    This is simple without the need for actual numbers: put a health bar without numbers up. This can tie to the pirates' actual health in a battle. So then you know how much was left and have a visual gauge.

    The thing is you are looking for a reason as to why you lost. A health gauge would provide that too.

  • @nightmare247365 said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    The thing is you are looking for a reason as to why you lost. A health gauge would provide that too.

    If they die and I don't, I wouldn't consider it a loss.

    A health gauge would NOT give me the information I need. The health gauge isn't much better than the current system where I can see them die and count how many shots I hit them with.

    It still won't tell me how damage works in this game fully. It doesn't answer questions of randomization, locational damage, falloff (though it might hint at bugs?).

  • I guess the game isn't popular enough for someone to have figured this all out and posted the info somewhere?

  • @deliciouspack said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @uvg-reign Because it establishes a meta, which a lot of players like to take as "this is the right way to play, and anyone who doesn't is playing the game wrong" when really, any weapon combo in this game is just as situational as the next. Except Eye of Reach. Eye of Reach is hot garbage no matter how you look at it.

    @Nightmare247365, devs rarely give out this type of info themselves. It usually comes from dataminers or savvy mathematicians.

    If you're running an aimbot it's excellent =》

  • @nanach thanks the info

  • metas exist regardless of anyone’s personal sentiment. folks should have confidence in battle #strikevalues

    edit: no health bars ever... it’s not like folks can get overshield #+strikevalues

  • @naamar1
    These seem right, but non headshot/crit?
    A single eye of reach hit when I was at the helm took me down to just a fraction, probably 10hp.

  • It's a little amusing that some don't want to see numbers so a meta doesn't emerge. Let me be the 500th person to tell you, it has already emerged. If you aren't using sword/blunderbuss, you're doing it wrong.

  • Blunder buss close range is a 1 shot kill. All other weapons require two from full health.

  • @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    It's a little amusing that some don't want to see numbers so a meta doesn't emerge. Let me be the 500th person to tell you, it has already emerged. If you aren't using sword/blunderbuss, you're doing it wrong.

    Pistol Blunder is pretty gnarly too actually. Can't tell you how many times I've done a quick swap off a bad blunder and finished the job.

    Or how many times I've shot people in the back after they missed a lunge.

  • @chud-stuffens said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    It's a little amusing that some don't want to see numbers so a meta doesn't emerge. Let me be the 500th person to tell you, it has already emerged. If you aren't using sword/blunderbuss, you're doing it wrong.

    Pistol Blunder is pretty gnarly too actually. Can't tell you how many times I've done a quick swap off a bad blunder and finished the job.

    Or how many times I've shot people in the back after they missed a lunge.

    I ran like this for a bit too, but the mechanical exploits available to the cutlass are too advantageous to give up, at least in my opinion.

  • @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @chud-stuffens said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    It's a little amusing that some don't want to see numbers so a meta doesn't emerge. Let me be the 500th person to tell you, it has already emerged. If you aren't using sword/blunderbuss, you're doing it wrong.

    Pistol Blunder is pretty gnarly too actually. Can't tell you how many times I've done a quick swap off a bad blunder and finished the job.

    Or how many times I've shot people in the back after they missed a lunge.

    I ran like this for a bit too, but the mechanical exploits available to the cutlass are too advantageous to give up, at least in my opinion.

    If you can avoid getting struck it's not too strong. But I agree the stun effect on the sword is pretty OP.

  • @boomstickband1t Yeah, the sniper definitely needs a boost. i feel like if it did around 45-60% damage? that sounds like a little too much in my head, but i'm pretty sure the pistols do around 40% damage so it seems rounded enough.

  • @chud-stuffens said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @chud-stuffens said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    It's a little amusing that some don't want to see numbers so a meta doesn't emerge. Let me be the 500th person to tell you, it has already emerged. If you aren't using sword/blunderbuss, you're doing it wrong.

    Pistol Blunder is pretty gnarly too actually. Can't tell you how many times I've done a quick swap off a bad blunder and finished the job.

    Or how many times I've shot people in the back after they missed a lunge.

    I ran like this for a bit too, but the mechanical exploits available to the cutlass are too advantageous to give up, at least in my opinion.

    If you can avoid getting struck it's not too strong. But I agree the stun effect on the sword is pretty OP.

    Not just that, but the movement through the water after dashing, among other things which I have not seen mentioned publicly.

  • @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @chud-stuffens said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @chud-stuffens said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    It's a little amusing that some don't want to see numbers so a meta doesn't emerge. Let me be the 500th person to tell you, it has already emerged. If you aren't using sword/blunderbuss, you're doing it wrong.

    Pistol Blunder is pretty gnarly too actually. Can't tell you how many times I've done a quick swap off a bad blunder and finished the job.

    Or how many times I've shot people in the back after they missed a lunge.

    I ran like this for a bit too, but the mechanical exploits available to the cutlass are too advantageous to give up, at least in my opinion.

    If you can avoid getting struck it's not too strong. But I agree the stun effect on the sword is pretty OP.

    Not just that, but the movement through the water after dashing, among other things which I have not seen mentioned publicly.

    @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @chud-stuffens said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @chud-stuffens said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @ttargetpractice said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    It's a little amusing that some don't want to see numbers so a meta doesn't emerge. Let me be the 500th person to tell you, it has already emerged. If you aren't using sword/blunderbuss, you're doing it wrong.

    Pistol Blunder is pretty gnarly too actually. Can't tell you how many times I've done a quick swap off a bad blunder and finished the job.

    Or how many times I've shot people in the back after they missed a lunge.

    I ran like this for a bit too, but the mechanical exploits available to the cutlass are too advantageous to give up, at least in my opinion.

    If you can avoid getting struck it's not too strong. But I agree the stun effect on the sword is pretty OP.

    Not just that, but the movement through the water after dashing, among other things which I have not seen mentioned publicly.

    The water dash is nice for questing on islands but I much prefer the extra fire power in water combat.

    A well placed self cannon or the right angle will get you to an enemy ship efficiently.

  • Why would anyone want to add health bars and floating damages to this beaitiful game? Less UI is clearly what they wanted.

    I'm all for knowing the numbers, but they really don't need to be in the game. Even as a toggle, as this would give a pretty big advantage to those who would use it. This isn't a traditional mmo, and it isn't borderlands either.

  • @james-dinh said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @nightmare247365 said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    I agree with exactly what @DeliciousPack said is that it establishes a meta. So IF the game gets more weapons then the options dwindle because there is a "must" way to play. At least without numbers, there is a guesstimated way to play and you don't have that, "Well by the numbers this is the ONLY way you should be playing" which is not what this game is intended for. This game is a create your own pirate legend. If that means you build it on sword alone, you should be capable of doing that, but not because it has "XXX" power rating on DPI.

    I really don't understand why seeing the numbers would change things much. The weapons still do what they do at the ranges/situations they do them. I'm just wondering why it is so hard to know how much damage it will take to kill a player. Every once in a while a player feels "unkillable" as I sink (what would appear to be) tons of damage into them.

    I just want to know if it is a bug, if the damage numbers are random, if maybe I am too far away to do max damage with my pistol, etc.

    There are currently invulnerability and double health cheats going around atm so thats probably what you are experiencing.

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