Sword Lunge Water Momentum Exploit Makes Boarding Too Easy

  • At first I loved it because it made swimming to shore less painful. But despite that it actually breaks several things in my opinion.

    A: It is way too silent. This makes it too easy to sneak up on people/ships super fast in an unintended way.

    B: It makes boarding way too easy both due to moving faster than a full wind Galeon and being silent. Makes it hard for solo or duo crews to stand a chance when they can get easily boarded and killed or distracted while a Galeon is still firing on them.

    C: Makes launching yourself out of a cannon nearly obsolete. This fun mechanic that was suppose to be the risk reward way of boarding an enemy ship is almost never used. It is easier to accurately, easily, swiftly and silently sword dash through the water.

    D: It speeds up processes that were suppose to be slow or risky.

    The actual solution is to add a better way to get to shore and back, especially from the large boat. One that doesn't break immersion and physics.

    At the moment I completely avoid PvP despite enjoying the sea battles. Because every sea battle is instant boarding then blunderbus one shotting. Especially when sailing with 1-2 people vs 3-4 people. It only takes one boarder to disrupt the entire operation of a ship, which is fine, if they earned getting on your ship through legitimate means such as... the cannons, ramming, sailing beside/by your ship, stealth, risking sharks and swimming. I feel it should not be removed, but that the water should drastically dampen the momentum compared to what it currently does.

    I never really experience fun cannon battles or high risk ship maneuvers. Almost every PvP fight is just a couple shots fired, then people start sword dashing.

    EDIT: For those who don't believe it was a community discovered bug.
    https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/84vzkj/its_rare_ltd_developers_of_sea_of_thieves_ask/dvsu0p7/?context=3 Credit finding this to @Raigagogyou

    There is a dev video too where it is mentioned, still looking for that.

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  • @miles-traveler Nah.

  • Absolutely not. This mechanic is perfectly balanced the way it is, just because someone in your crew isn't paying attention to their surroundings doesn't mean you should limit the already limited tactics available in this game.

    Also 1-2 vs. 3-4 crew sizes isn't a viable argument. You know the risk of being outnumbered, no way to fix that unless they get rid of sloops and force you into 4 player crews, and we all know that would suck.

  • @miles-traveler said in

    The actual solution is to add a better way to get to shore and back, especially from the large boat. One that doesn't break immersion and physics.

    It's almost like it would be a completely stupid idea to not have rowboats and swing-ropes in a pirate game.

  • @capn-daxio A 2 man sloop does fine against a 4 man galeon. It can spin circles around it's cannon arks if you play better. What you cannot do is fight a Galeon while being boarded.

  • @natsu-v2 Tru story

  • I disagree. It's no more useful for boarding most of the time than just hopping off the back of your ship or using the cannon. In fact, I'd say the cannon is MORE effective because yuo can land directly ON the ship and not be at the mercy of whoever is camping the ladder. Yeah, lesser skilled players may not use it much. But the skilled ones do, to great effect.

  • @miles-traveler Of course it does, the issue sloops have with galleon is crew size. Don't blame a valid tactic for their ability to have extra hands to board your ship. Be more vigilant.

  • It be an AYE from me.

    Unless ye can show that t'is actually possible to sword lunge while in the water... take it out. It be a mechanic meant for the land, in the drink it be naught but an exploit.

  • @capn-daxio "Valid tactic" it has been a bug due to the physics since day 1

  • It indeed can make boarding easy.

    Can, being the operative term.

    So too, can, simply firing oneself into a cannon. Or luring a ship into a chase and falling over the rear, or several other variables.

    I feel the real issue here is that the sword lunge exists.

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but this isn't a feature, it's a bug isn't it?

    Much like how the chest of sorrows won't fill a cabin with water if you hang off the side ladder. Though I SWEAR that was patched - we verified it still exists as a 'feature' just last night.

  • @miles-traveler said in Sword Lunge Water Trick Makes Boarding Too Easy:

    @capn-daxio "Valid tactic" it has been a bug due to the physics since day 1

    Bug be a bit harsh, exploit aye. But if ye be defending it, it's cause ye be using it. An that be fine, t'is in the game an' no be cheating.

    Point is, it should no be in the game.

  • its a glitch, not a mechanic. i doubt it will be around much longer.

  • @squallycircle7 Sure hope not, tired of it. I've gotten to the point where I entirely avoid PvP and just let them bore themselves to death while my first mate jumps at ports to turn in loot. Boring sure, but denies them using the sword dash and ruining PvP.

  • @squallycircle7 said in Sword Lunge Water Trick Makes Boarding Too Easy:

    its a glitch, not a mechanic. i doubt it will be around much longer.

    I mean, it's been known since before the game launched. Looking at the other things they've addressed since launch, I would think that if they intended to, it would have been fixed already.

    Only time will tell, though.

  • @drunkpunk138 Likely due to it being a complex fix, as it is an exploit of the physics engine they worked on for years.

  • It's often "glitches" that turn into mechanics. I'd say keep it because removing it will make the game less fun. Like the rocket jump in unreal tournament, it was not intended but became one of the definitive features of the franchise...

  • @gm2-meat-muppet More fun is debatable, it really messes with ship PvP. becoming the #1 tactic due to how much easier it is than any other form of boarding.

  • maybe the solution is to mimic bf1's bayonet charge. a quick burst followed by a period of sluggish stamina regen time.

  • @miles-traveler Nah, I think it's fine as is. The extremely audible splash when someone grabs your ladder is more than enough for any experienced player to know what is happening.

  • @miles-traveler if its a boarding technique that you're aware of, use countermeasures to combat it. For instance avoiding being directly behind a ship, or within dash range, or camp ladders to prevent boarders...IMHO it really doesn't break PVP, its just another available layer to the PVP meta.

  • I think the rowboats should be introduced if this mechanic is gone. In my opinion I believe touching the water should destroy your horizontal speed, but keep the vertical one. Next is the introduction of rowboat, the galleon would have one on deck and the sloop could have it attached to the back when they are not in use and with the use of some ropes you can deploy it and grab it again once you are done. Just my opinion. I agree that it is more used than firing yourself from the cannon.

  • The sword dash in itself is fine, and there are still cool things you can do with it. The specific part I feel needs to be fixed is the sheer amount of momentum you carry into the water.

    It's certainly a complex fix that will take time for their physics engine due to the water not really actually having a 'water physics' model. So I don't expect it fixed soon.

    Personally, I think it's too easy to board people's ships as it currently is in the game, even ramming someone's ship to board it isn't punished very hard. Plus trying to swing onto someone's ship on a rope sounds way more fun.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in Sword Lunge Water Trick Makes Boarding Too Easy:

    I disagree. It's no more useful for boarding most of the time than just hopping off the back of your ship or using the cannon. In fact, I'd say the cannon is MORE effective because yuo can land directly ON the ship and not be at the mercy of whoever is camping the ladder. Yeah, lesser skilled players may not use it much. But the skilled ones do, to great effect.

    exactly. The only time I use it is to get back on my own ship or to the island I'm parked at. It's too unreliable for pvp.

  • @aelis-du-nochd said in Sword Lunge Water Trick Makes Boarding Too Easy:

    The sword dash in itself is fine, and there are still cool things you can do with it. The specific part I feel needs to be fixed is the sheer amount of momentum you carry into the water.

    It's certainly a complex fix that will take time for their physics engine due to the water not really actually having a 'water physics' model. So I don't expect it fixed soon.

    Personally, I think it's too easy to board people's ships as it currently is in the game, even ramming someone's ship to board it isn't punished very hard. Plus trying to swing onto someone's ship on a rope sounds way more fun.

    I don't think it's actually that complex to fix at all, really. Especially when you consider lunging in the water keeps you stationary, it's evident they have the ability to limit movement. Flagging specific movement to be a part of a lunge, and limit speed once you come into contact with water, would not be particularly difficult to implement regardless of the engine, especially when it is already proven to be possible. Given the server side nature of water, this is especially true for this game.

  • The mobility the sword gives, is one of THE main reasons that it should be a default weapon (coupled with two others). And let's not forget the way too scarce ammunition and how you can literally run out of ways to attack someone.

  • I can't believe people are actively defending the existance of an unintentional glitch.

    I can't wait for RARE to fix it. It's the very definition of an exloite.

    Now, it's not a terrible one. But it's quite immersion breaking, removes most threats of sharks, and as OP mentionne, puts an even greater focus on quick boarding.

    While it's not a huge priority, I really hope it ends up going away.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in Sword Lunge Water Trick Makes Boarding Too Easy:

    I don't think it's actually that complex to fix at all, really. Especially when you consider lunging in the water keeps you stationary, it's evident they have the ability to limit movement. Flagging specific movement to be a part of a lunge, and limit speed once you come into contact with water, would not be particularly difficult to implement regardless of the engine, especially when it is already proven to be possible. Given the server side nature of water, this is especially true for this game.

    Then you also have to consider the ramifications of changing the code for the water could have on floating barrels, cannon balls (I've shot a ship through a wave before), player swimming, ship movement itself, shark swimming. Programming isn't as simple as 'let me just change this value here' like you can do to tweak many options in many games. You fix one thing, chances are the code breaks somewhere else, this is why a bug-free game does not exist.

    @lenny2k3 said in Sword Lunge Water Trick Makes Boarding Too Easy:

    The mobility the sword gives, is one of THE main reasons that it should be a default weapon (coupled with two others). And let's not forget the way too scarce ammunition and how you can literally run out of ways to attack someone.

    The sword has great mobility outside of water too, no need to make it also an additional way of boarding on top of all the other methods of boarding that we already have.

  • @aelis-du-nochd
    Additional methods of boarding we already have.... As in... Shooting with the cannons? That's pretty much it, and is a dead giveaway.

    Removing depth, in an already extremely shallow game, is not the way to go. The sword gives more than mobility outside of water, which is a good thing. The jumping lunge, if that is what you are aiming at though, is completely worthless in pvp either way, so it doesn't matter at all.

    If anything, players needs more ways of boarding, not less. Climbing up the boat is a dead giveaway and is always rewarded with an instant death/push into water, which is equally punishing.

  • @aelis-du-nochd said in Sword Lunge Water Trick Makes Boarding Too Easy:

    @drunkpunk138 said in Sword Lunge Water Trick Makes Boarding Too Easy:

    I don't think it's actually that complex to fix at all, really. Especially when you consider lunging in the water keeps you stationary, it's evident they have the ability to limit movement. Flagging specific movement to be a part of a lunge, and limit speed once you come into contact with water, would not be particularly difficult to implement regardless of the engine, especially when it is already proven to be possible. Given the server side nature of water, this is especially true for this game.

    Then you also have to consider the ramifications of changing the code for the water could have on floating barrels, cannon balls (I've shot a ship through a wave before), player swimming, ship movement itself, shark swimming. Programming isn't as simple as 'let me just change this value here' like you can do to tweak many options in many games. You fix one thing, chances are the code breaks somewhere else, this is why a bug-free game does not exist.

    I know all about programming, I worked in this industry for a solid 10 years and continue to work in the software industry. I wouldn't just spout that kinda BS if I didn't know what I was talking about. You wouldn't need to re-code all of those things, the functionality already exists to halt movement upon a sword lunge in water as it is. The difference is extending the mechanism that flags this to occur before you enter water, and once you lunge into water you would simply halt movement. All of the logic to address this exists already. I suspect Rare has no actual intention of fixing it.

  • @drunkpunk138 Right, that is why every time a game dev patches one thing other things break... in like every game ever.

  • Do you realize if you get the sword lung taken away you are gonna be the most hated pirate on the seas?

  • @lenny2k3 Meanwhile boarding is the #1 tactic and boarding then spawn killing is one of the #1 complaints, because boarding is impossible... That is why constant suggestions to reduce the ease of boarding are made.

    It is a dumb, immersion breaking exploit, that makes silent movement through water as fast as a cannon shot possible. And is far more reliable than cannon aim. Or else it wouldn't be used so often.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in Sword Lunge Water Trick Makes Boarding Too Easy:

    I know all about programming, I worked in this industry for a solid 10 years and continue to work in the software industry. I wouldn't just spout that kinda BS if I didn't know what I was talking about. You wouldn't need to re-code all of those things, the functionality already exists to halt movement upon a sword lunge in water as it is. The difference is extending the mechanism that flags this to occur before you enter water, and once you lunge into water you would simply halt movement. All of the logic to address this exists already. I suspect Rare has no actual intention of fixing it.

    Or they're working on a more elaborate solution so that you don't just grind to a halt or a certain speed upon hitting the water but decelerate instead of gliding along and then stopping like it currently does.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Sword Lunge Water Trick Makes Boarding Too Easy:

    Do you realize if you get the sword lung taken away you are gonna be the most hated pirate on the seas?

    Aye that be the risks o' the voyage.

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