Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!

  • There are basically three ways to park your Ship at an Island or Outpost:
    1.) using the Anchor (the "easy" way):
    Releasing the Anchor and catching the handles before it drops all the way, then walking backwards to lower it to the last tip: This allows you do drop it almost instantly, giving you very high precision to park your ship where you want it.
    While it is not recommended to park a Galleon using the Anchor, this method does work with both Galleons and Sloops.

    2.) The Sails Method (experienced players): On a Galleon this requires coordination as the Helmsman should never leave the wheel during this maneuver, so the other crew members need to raise the sails in time.
    Between one and two ship lengths worth of distance, rais all the sails all the way, your ship will come to a complete stop after aprox. 1.5 ship lengths. You can go off and do your voyage thing once all sails are up and the wheel is in neutral position.
    If you raised the sails too early, you can drop one sail by 10% for 2-3 seconds to give you an additional push.
    Works on Sloops but mostly useful on Galleons.
    Benefit: Not dropping the Anchor allows you to move quickly in case of an attack!

    3.) the Crash-method (sometimes none of the others are available :)
    Just crash into where ever you need to stop, drop the Anchor, repair the holes and you're good to go.
    Remember that the Anchor DOES NOT CONNECT while your ship is considered "beached"! It will connect once your ship has slit off whatever sand bank you beached it on.
    Also note that while being beached the holes in your hull do not cause water to flow into your boat, but the Game still considers your ship "sinking" and after a certain time it WILL despawn, even when beached!
    So repair all holes when you do this stunt!

    [UPDATE]: Any ship will de-spawn after a few minutes when beached regardless of repairs if it is not able to slide back into deep water (e.g. when beached on a lagoon like Lagoon of Whispers).

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  • Method 2 all the way, but you have put that the galleon will stop in 1-2 ships length, which is not necessarily true. It all depends on the speed you are travelling before you raise the sails, so could be much more than 2 boat lengths

  • Method 2 is a flaw in the game (which I also exploit)

    But IMO it should be that if you don't drop anchor, your ship can drift. So you need someone to stay on board.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @mmountain No.

    Very eloquent argument there.

  • @personalc0ffee I do love method 3.... Timing the anchor at peak of your ship being beached is just fun.
    100 planks, ending session, and boredom requires method 3 in my book.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    Method 2 is the only method anyone whom calls theirself a seasoned crew, should be using.

    Right, but: Sometimes you want to go back the way you came, then the Anchor-turn is the way to go. Other times you are near a storm, then you really should use your anchor.

  • @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @personalc0ffee said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @mmountain No.

    Very eloquent argument there.

    Once it came to a complete stop with all sails raised, the ship will not move.
    In a Storm it will turn wildly (unless anchored), but it wont move.
    Sometimes it takes a while to come to a complete stop (more than 2 ship lengths), but once it stopped it wont move.

    The only way your ship moves is when it is beached (either sitting on a sandbar or colliding with structures): it will move until it is clear.

  • @mmountain
    It's not a flaw.
    If you're on a boat and stow away the sails and turn into the wind, you will stay more or less in place.

  • @nebenkuh A real ship? Near the beach - for 5 mins maybe, but not for 30.

  • @mmountain
    Guess I've sailed on fake ships all my life then :D

  • @nebenkuh said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    Guess I've sailed on fake ships all my life then :D

    current and tide move boats pretty quickly around our shorelines. Ymmv.

  • @mmountain He's a troll. Just look at his first comment.

  • There’s no noob or experienced way of parking a ship. It doesn’t matter

  • Park your ship? I don't know about you but I dock my ship. xD

  • @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @nebenkuh said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    Guess I've sailed on fake ships all my life then :D

    current and tide move boats pretty quickly around our shorelines. Ymmv.

    But there is no tide in this fictional world.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @fatbeardedguy42 Crank the wheel to turn and immediately and quickly raise all sails. This is faster than anchor turn and with less hassle and more controlled turning, IMO.

    Needs a good crew to do that on a Galleon. Anchor-turn for a full 180 is still faster when three people immediately raise the anchor again.

    You are absolutely right for sloops, though.

  • @fatbeardedguy42 said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @nebenkuh said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    Guess I've sailed on fake ships all my life then :D

    current and tide move boats pretty quickly around our shorelines. Ymmv.

    But there is no tide in this fictional world.


    So why have an anchor at all?

    But "it is a pirate game" as everyone keeps saying.

    The anchor is there for a reason, seems odd to have a system that doesn't need it. A very slow drift would keep people on thier toes.

  • @fatbeardedguy42 said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    Also note that while being beached the holes in your hull do not cause water to flow into your boat, but the Game still considers your ship "sinking" and after a certain time it WILL despawn, even when beached!
    So repair all holes when you do this stunt!

    Important Update: Any ship will de-spawn after a few minutes when beached regardless of repairs if it is not able to slide back into deep water (e.g. when beached on a lagoon like Lagoon of Whispers).

  • @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @fatbeardedguy42 said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @nebenkuh said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    Guess I've sailed on fake ships all my life then :D

    current and tide move boats pretty quickly around our shorelines. Ymmv.

    But there is no tide in this fictional world.


    So why have an anchor at all?

    I see three perfectly valid reasons:

    To stop without raising the sails.
    To stop at an exact location (aligning the planks with the pier).

    But "it is a pirate game" as everyone keeps saying.

    With an emphasis on both "pirate" and "game".

    The anchor is there for a reason, seems odd to have a system that doesn't need it. A very slow drift would keep people on thier toes.

    Why is there a Bell?
    Why is there a Bed inside the captains cabin?

  • @fatbeardedguy42 said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @fatbeardedguy42 said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @nebenkuh said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    Guess I've sailed on fake ships all my life then :D

    current and tide move boats pretty quickly around our shorelines. Ymmv.

    But there is no tide in this fictional world.


    So why have an anchor at all?

    I see three perfectly valid reasons:

    To stop without raising the sails.
    To stop at an exact location (aligning the planks with the pier).

    But "it is a pirate game" as everyone keeps saying.

    With an emphasis on both "pirate" and "game".

    The anchor is there for a reason, seems odd to have a system that doesn't need it. A very slow drift would keep people on thier toes.

    Why is there a Bell?
    Why is there a Bed inside the captains cabin?

    The bell is there to ring. It does its job.
    It can serve as an alarm. The bed is decoration. The anchor definitely isn't decoration.

    Ok. So why not be able to set the sail length and angle in one control?

    Why not have waypoints on the compass?

    Why have to lean over to check a map and not have it on the HUD?

    ...because Rare wanted it to have the realism and challenges of sailing a ship.

    Being able to park without the anchor isn't that

  • @fatbeardedguy42 I don't see how way 1 is the noob way?

    On a Galleon, we always, always use option 2. Just so we don't have to raise the anchor all the time.

    But when on a 2-man sloop? Drop the anchor all the way! And as close to the island as possible! Raise the sails at the speed of sound, raise the anchor at the speed of light and you're good to go! This takes less time than raising sails and drifting in most cases.

  • A good captain / pirate will realise that all methods are viable depending on the situation and circumstances.

  • @yacantdutchthis said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @fatbeardedguy42 I don't see how way 1 is the noob way?

    It's the easy way, everyone can do it.
    Option 2 requires proper coordination and at least a bit of experience.

    On a Galleon, we always, always use option 2. Just so we don't have to raise the anchor all the time.

    Yes. Though raising the anchor with 4 people is almost as fast as on a Sloop.

    But when on a 2-man sloop? Drop the anchor all the way! And as close to the island as possible! Raise the sails at the speed of sound, raise the anchor at the speed of light and you're good to go! This takes less time than raising sails and drifting in most cases.


  • @fatbeardedguy42 said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @yacantdutchthis said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @fatbeardedguy42 I don't see how way 1 is the noob way?

    It's the easy way, everyone can do it.*
    Yes. Though raising the anchor with 4 people is almost as fast as on a Sloop.**

    *If something is easy and everything can do it, I personally wouldn't call it noob immediately. :p But oh well.

    **Yeah it may be almost as fast as on a sloop.... If all 4 your crew members immediately come over to you to help out. And if you didn't have to also raise every sail before you pick up the anchor.
    Since a big ammount of people are still busy doing other things, raising the anchor with 4 people usually doesn't even happen. :P So that's really why the second option IMO is the fastest with Galleon.

  • @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    Ok. So why not be able to set the sail length and angle in one control?

    Have you ever sailed on a real boat? That's not how it works.

    Why not have waypoints on the compass?

    That would ruin the mood. Pirates did not have cyberneuronal implants or retina projection head up gear, their eye patches did not contain high-resolution displays....

    Why have to lean over to check a map and not have it on the HUD?

    Because it's not a cyborg-pirate game set in a distant future?

    ...because Rare wanted it to have the realism and challenges of sailing a ship.


    Being able to park without the anchor isn't that

    On real sail ships you do not use the anchor to stop the ship from significant movement (it would just break the anchor, chains and settings). You use it only once the ship stopped because you raised all sails and water friction!

  • @fatbeardedguy42 said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    Ok. So why not be able to set the sail length and angle in one control?

    Have you ever sailed on a real boat? That's not how it works.

    Why not have waypoints on the compass?

    That would ruin the mood. Pirates did not have cyberneuronal implants or retina projection head up gear, their eye patches did not contain high-resolution displays....

    Why have to lean over to check a map and not have it on the HUD?

    Because it's not a cyborg-pirate game set in a distant future?

    ...because Rare wanted it to have the realism and challenges of sailing a ship.


    Being able to park without the anchor isn't that

    On real sail ships you do not use the anchor to stop the ship from significant movement (it would just break the anchor, chains and settings). You use it only once the ship stopped because you raised all sails and water friction!

    You seem to be agreeing with me...
    And the reason you drop the anchor is?

    To stop the boat drifting.

  • Method 1 isn't really all that nooby tho, realistically it's the better method of the three because you save time because you aren't waiting for your ship to slow, which roughly translates to "less time for someone to roll up on you, having said that, if you've played the game for more than half hour you know to check horizons before you drop anchor and half mast when on approach, method two is only really useful for galleons but even then with everyone on it the anchor doesn't take long to pull up, and if in that tine someone manages to attack you, your spotter hasn't been doing his job and should probs be thrown overboard... still though, props for the maths on method 2 :)

  • I consider a sub-par #parkjob to be one that you cannot walk/jump off the dock/ship without touching a ladder or water. I like my ship to practically touch the dock.

  • @personalc0ffee method 3 is tried and true. I always go with method 2 95 percent of the time but sometimes I feel like beaching my whale and just flooring it right into a beach. It's sometimes faster than method 2 but especially useful when u have less than 4 competent pirates

  • @yacantdutchthis I agree Method 1 on a Galley is noobish and method 2 on a sloop will backfire so method 1 on a sloop is ideal

  • @evasive-envy exactly, I consider myself a great captain and I like to implement option 1, 2 and 3 depending on circumstance. I would say I probably end up using them about a third of the time each. Each island is build differently and shipwrecks i like to be directly over so I anchor for them. For crooked masts I like to squeeze into the rocks right next to the island and for devil's ridge i just like to get close and park. Cannon cove and smugglers bay I like to get inside the nooks and crannies and dock when I see docks. If I'm at galleon's grave outpost I'll dock up. At the one in the Ancient Isles I think it's sanctuary or golden sands especially If I'm logging off for the night with tons of loot I'll try and blast my way onto the beach and unload all the loot while 1 guy does repairs. Different situations call for different measures

  • here's some pics of my #parkjobs.

  • Not sure if they've patched it or not, but last night we kept drifting unless we put the anchor down even with sails fully up. Tested it a few times.

  • @mmountain said in Sailing Tip: How to park your ship!:

    Not sure if they've patched it or not, but last night we kept drifting unless we put the anchor down even with sails fully up. Tested it a few times.

    I thought I noticed some drift the other night, I chalked it up to not raising the sails as quickly as I thought I did. Next time I get on I'm going to specifically check for drift.

  • @d4u2s0t I've found that the your ship will not drift if you drop anchor then raise again(with sails up)... I know its a hassle, and I hope they fix it, but it works for now.

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