SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them

  • The new event/content updates continue to be antithetical to previously stated design concepts. Yesterday's update brought us static statues that do not move (and furthermore do not even function as intended). At the most core level I do not understand how farming randomly spawning statues adds to a multiplayer experience that was largely built around designing a game that was fun to stream and play with friends. Nobody wants to watch groups of 1-4 players whack randomly spawning small objects. Even if farming non-moving randomly spawned objects is your thing, they don't even function as intended. It's entirely possible to kill all three statue types as a single or duo player. This is largely due to the fact that the statue's damage radius doesn't work properly. You can be out of range of that radius and still make constant contact with your sword. In general, they feel really cheaply made from a design standpoint. The way that the statues interact with player weapons feel like interacting with a glitch. There is no sense of blunt force impact or anything outside of the "expansion/explosion" animation that the statues progress through as they lose health.

    It still blows my mind that a game development studio would think this is a fun thing to add to the game. It feels like Rare is simply adding "things to do" arbitrarily, or rather they are simply rolling out the easiest possible types of weekly events (the type that require minimal development time).

    Because Rare continues to ignore larger deficiencies in the SoT sandbox, the late-game meta has essentially devolved into commendation farming. Which is even more frustrating because commendations themselves have a host of glitches and UI/UX issues. We are coming off of a two-week event where the most significant (albeit also arbitrary) commendation didn't function properly throughout the event's 2-week duration. Now for some reason, the legendary gunpowder exploder title, from last week shows up as locked (incomplete) even if you completed it last week and purchased the 0 doubloon title.

    This commendation-based meta game is truly antithetical to the core experience of SoT. It's fine if these things hidden bonuses scattered throughout the world in addition to more significant updates, but these cannot and should not be the focus of post-launch development going forward. They're dictating player behavior in a completely uninteresting way, and a good chunk of players are now simply doing things to make horizontal progression or check-off that they've completed a given commendation. This is encouraging late-game players to grind for the sake of it, and very likely making this game far less accessible and friendly to new players. Very frequently I see LFG crews who are essentially mining horizontal progression, and have essentially de-emphasized the social elements of this game entirely. This game needs the sandbox itself to be more fleshed out, not one-off events to be farmed.

    To make matters even worse, the commendation-based gameplay is encouraging players to exploit the game's mechanics. Last week's primary strategy involved exploiting skeleton AI to aggro a single player (because they are glorified homing missiles) and drawing them all into the shoreline to group them together. I still do not understand why Rare would create a weekly event that essentially placed further emphasis on the AI deficiencies that exist in this game.

    Meanwhile the game is still filled with significant bugs and performance issues. Last week's build had significant issues with crashing (especially during galleon vs galleon scenarios). Each new update seems to introduce new bugs, and largely ignore a significant chunk of bugs that have been in the game since alpha. Draw distance and performance continues to be (optimized/downgraded) with no mention in patch notes.

    A lot of the folks I played with extensively in the alpha are minimally interested in this game now. I believe this is largely due to the fact that Rare has lost sight of the direction that made this game so promising in the first place, and are now simply trying to fill the game with "content" instead of giving players meaningful and fun things to do in the sandbox.

    We can hold out hope that Cursed Sails will change course and begin to add more layers to the sandbox, but it seems entirely likely that beyond new canon ball types the update will simply introduce more things to farm in a largely empty world. Even though I'm not a streamer myself, I continue to maintain that the original concept to design a game that was fun to stream and share with friends was a great idea and spawned some wonderful mechanics. Rare has lost sight of that with these recent updates.

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  • @williamherschel I agree with most of what you said. I was actually happy with last weeks event minus all of the bugs. I thought gunpowder skeletons did a decent job helping people work towards Pirate Legend through the weekly event. We already agree the AI is lackluster but I think the aggro mechanic is actually a good thing. Sure, it could be expanded upon and polished but I hope it stays in some way in the future.

    Onto this week's event... When I read the patch notes my initial thought was "Oh... just find statues underwater? So it's underwater thrones then?" Then I read that we would have to destroy them and I was super excited. I thought, "Okay, this will be cool. Let's see what the mechanics of the 'fight' look like. If they are super big and poke out of the water maybe we can use cannon fire from a distance as well. Gunpowder barrels maybe?" Then I hopped in game and was bored out of my mind destroying these things.

    It's another thing they have added that I think was a cool idea but they dropped the ball with implementation. I will say though that being able to find treasure on the sea floor now is cool. Only found like 2 thinks in my 4 hour session yesterday but I'll take it.

  • At best it's a distraction for a little while away from the normal grind and what i call grind+ aka Athena which doesn't work properly right now but won't go there. I was hoping for more interaction where mer man/women defend the statues or the statues themselves after being hit release an evil mer creature that was in stasis under a spell. Said mer creature could summon others for protection such as other sea life. But alas swim around find the statue, hit said type of statue x amount of times, or shoot it, or boom barrel it until said statue explodes. I am really hoping they bring it with cursed sails but so far with the exception of the boom barrel skellies the weekly events have been a let down.

  • @xcalypt0x said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    @williamherschel I agree with most of what you said. I was actually happy with last weeks event minus all of the bugs. I thought gunpowder skeletons did a decent job helping people work towards Pirate Legend through the weekly event. We already agree the AI is lackluster but I think the aggro mechanic is actually a good thing. Sure, it could be expanded upon and polished but I hope it stays in some way in the future.

    Onto this week's event... When I read the patch notes my initial thought was "Oh... just find statues underwater? So it's underwater thrones then?" Then I read that we would have to destroy them and I was super excited. I thought, "Okay, this will be cool. Let's see what the mechanics of the 'fight' look like. If they are super big and poke out of the water maybe we can use cannon fire from a distance as well. Gunpowder barrels maybe?" Then I hopped in game and was bored out of my mind destroying these things.

    It's another thing they have added that I think was a cool idea but they dropped the ball with implementation. I will say though that being able to find treasure on the sea floor now is cool. Only found like 2 thinks in my 4 hour session yesterday but I'll take it.

    I have no issue with the "letters of recommendation." When I'm talking about aggro, I'm not really talking about anything new in last week's update. I'm talking about how skeleton AI can only focus on one player point (which has been this way since the alpha), and how they basically behave like ghosts in Pac Man and pursue endlessly until out of range. The gunpowder skeletons themselves behave in the same way, except they are faster and have additional issues with getting stuck on the world geometry because they are carrying an object.

  • I think it would be nice if the community presented Rare with a few fleshed out weekly event concepts and then vote on the ideas Rare should bring into the game.

    And then Rare can decide if they are feasible and fit well within the game's vision and development schedule or not.

  • I was really hoping Rare would introduce merfolk in this update and have them defending these statues. I thought that would make it more interesting having a new enemy type at least.

    But I agree it is a bit of a let down. Go find an item and destroy it... Do it again... Again... Is like to see more meaningful content that isn't so dreary.

  • @williamherschel said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    It's fine if these things hidden bonuses scattered throughout the world in addition to more significant updates, but these cannot and should not be the focus of post-launch development going forward.

    These little bi-weekly events are just that.. little, events.
    Something extra between their "significant updates".
    They have 4 teams "focused" on the significant updates.

    You just said it's fine. So why isn't it?

  • @williamherschel Most of what you have said I agree with. But I think right now these bi-weekly events are designed to try and hold interest until the bigger updates.

    Wrong strategy I agree. Game should have stayed in development I think another year.

  • I completely agree. I played the latest update for one hour. Bored, have not logged back in. I actually got a lazy beard as I got so bored I forgot to move for awhile.
    Constantly thinking to myself, with all of the ideas on the forums, how did this happen? Who sat down at the table and said, " no, no hold off on better ships or ship customization. No, don't worry about that cannon bug. Forget about everything the players are asking for. I have this awesome idea about underwater statues. " I would love to see the notes on that meeting. I have been offered a job by at least one major game producer to be in these meetings. I would have chewed up this idea and force fed it back to its originator. I only hope that in the future we see Rare's resources used in a manner more in tune with what players are actually asking for.

  • I absolutely agree with your points.
    Also what made this update even worse is that it broke Athena quests, for me as a PL it was the only reason to keep coming back since there isn't much else meaningful enough left to do.
    Out of all weekly events the explosive skellies challenge was of top quality, everything else was boring waste of time.

  • I feel the OP is a tad off the mark... but pretty close overall. This is a symptom of the game being more "early-release" than AAA final product. Sure, it had a AAA budget... but the value for AAA has yet to surface in anything other than waves and pretty art.

    This creates a real problem for SoT: They're stuck developing and drip feeding content that were it all present at launch would have made this a truly AAA experience.

    So what's the solve? If they continue to leave the seas dry of substantial content releases (even if the releases themselves are small) then it feels abandoned and will hemorrhage it's player base faster than someone could load a toilet after taco night and 4 cases of red bull.

    But if they drip feed content, as they are, it feels arbitrary and uninspired, perhaps even boring and bland. (I mean seriously... thrones... we waited a few months to sit in high chairs?)

    If we take example of ALL of the content we've been given, however it was presented once it arrived, in a year this game will be what it should have been at launch.

    Imagine the launch day having odd thrones and lore connection to the thrones foreshadowing skeleton captains and NPC ships and forsaken shores, strange mermaid statues - again with lore expression in game - also foreshadowing adventures to be experienced once you've ranked up. The Gun powder skellies helping maintain a sense of comedic variety in the enemies we face (Versus the several months of nothing but firing squad skeletons we've had to date). Imagine Merricks quest remaining in the game as a gateway 'boss' you might need to face before continuing into deeper waters of expanded seas. All the while you have voyages you can take for higher coin than you get while finding random loot in the world instead of the voyages being the literal focal point of the game.

    This is the fundamental issue SoT will continue to face for a long time.

    SoT was never a finished product, and to solve it ... well... the plan on how to solve it is already in place. We've got teams working on the upcoming content, we've got distraction based content adds such as thrones, barrels, and statues.

    The real killer here is none of this stuff has been finalized in it's development yet, we're still waiting for it all to even be finished let alone added into the game in a stable manner.

    That continues to kill us....

    So we're left with a choice:

    We enjoy the game as it grows, perhaps justifying it by choosing to view the game as Early Access, taking comfort in having a view of where it's going to end up.

    Or we can walk it off and come back next year (end of this year) when things are finally where they should have been at launch.

    The choice is ours. I am pretty sure Fallout76 is going to yank my attention hard and that will be my personal break. But, I enjoy what the SoT offers it will be and I enjoy my social commitments I've got from the game... so until then I personally choose to remain for now.

    Trust me, your OP complaints are valid... but I think if you look at the silly weeklies as a misnomer for content adds that should have been in at launch and weren't which are now added in a regular cycle.... things might make more sense as to how and why we get such weird random and disconnected junk in these weeklies.

    It's because they aren't weeklies... they're late coming content that needs be introduced in a way that at least provides and excuse to care for or understand the late coming arrival.

  • I think they’re trying to remedy this, if you look at their hiring page it looks like they’re trying to assemble another small creative team and more people to help with game stability.

    I’m glad that there will be consistent updates, but I think one more team for weekly events would be good.

    At least now the event group will have around a month to devise and implement the next event as Cursed Sails will be up for a couple weeks. Hopefully the skeleton crews provide a refresher like the GP skeletons did.

  • @williamherschel said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    @xcalypt0x said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    @williamherschel I agree with most of what you said. I was actually happy with last weeks event minus all of the bugs. I thought gunpowder skeletons did a decent job helping people work towards Pirate Legend through the weekly event. We already agree the AI is lackluster but I think the aggro mechanic is actually a good thing. Sure, it could be expanded upon and polished but I hope it stays in some way in the future.

    Onto this week's event... When I read the patch notes my initial thought was "Oh... just find statues underwater? So it's underwater thrones then?" Then I read that we would have to destroy them and I was super excited. I thought, "Okay, this will be cool. Let's see what the mechanics of the 'fight' look like. If they are super big and poke out of the water maybe we can use cannon fire from a distance as well. Gunpowder barrels maybe?" Then I hopped in game and was bored out of my mind destroying these things.

    It's another thing they have added that I think was a cool idea but they dropped the ball with implementation. I will say though that being able to find treasure on the sea floor now is cool. Only found like 2 thinks in my 4 hour session yesterday but I'll take it.

    I have no issue with the "letters of recommendation." When I'm talking about aggro, I'm not really talking about anything new in last week's update. I'm talking about how skeleton AI can only focus on one player point (which has been this way since the alpha), and how they basically behave like ghosts in Pac Man and pursue endlessly until out of range. The gunpowder skeletons themselves behave in the same way, except they are faster and have additional issues with getting stuck on the world geometry because they are carrying an object.

    Uh, I never mentioned the letters. And I am fine with the aggro mechanic. I think it is beneficial to players if there is a mechanic in the game where a crew that communicates can get the skeletons to focus on a single enemy. I'm not saying it couldn't be improved a bit though.

  • I think you have brought up alot of great points and feedback that needed to be brought to light. I really loved the game when it first came out, then started to lose some of that love over time. There is no real end game content in my opinion since all it consists of is Athena Voyages which are more of same what you have already spent 200+ hours doing.

    The only reason I still put in 2-3 hours a day is because I love the ship combat and the fact that it is a completely skill based game. Once I adjusted my exceptions that helped but I don't feel like I should have had to do that in the first place. I felt like we were promised a lot more then we had been delivered.

    For now I will continue to enjoy my item gathering and boat combat simulator. I hope they can grow the game to more then just fetch or destroy voyages!

  • @williamherschel well put. i just wanna give a shout out to the thrones. those were actually fun. gun powder skellies? ehh. easy OoS grind. this one? i hopped on for about half an hour and haven't come back. lame lol

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    @williamherschel Commendation farming is fine. It gives you something to work towards while you're doing other things. All the bugs fall on Rare, I think they bit off more than they can chew with continuous delivery. These constant updates need to be monitored and pioneers need to be better utilized.

    What are these other things though? As someone who has been playing the game since the Alpha I feel like the last meaningful addition to the world of SoT was the introduction of Skull Forts. For lots of folks, Skull Forts is all they do (see LFG and Discord). Even though I have my issues with AI, I feel like these were at least something to do that had a significant impact on the overall sandbox and how players interact with each other. Outside of skull forts, the only other minor improvements that I truly believe have been net gains are things like the speaking trumpet, introduction of the drum, and adding a fuse to the gunpowder. All of the other commendation based updates, have only fueled this climate of creating a meta game around unlocking titles, and I truly believe that this design decision has made the game less fun and more in-line with other titles like Destiny where a handful of hardcore players are dumping endless hours into maximizing their progress speed. SoT was supposed to be a different type of game, but instead these updates have been largely focused giving players a checklist of arbitrary tasks (some of which like Gunpowder plot didn't even work).

    @iceman-0007 said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    At best it's a distraction for a little while away from the normal grind and what i call grind+ aka Athena which doesn't work properly right now but won't go there. I was hoping for more interaction where mer man/women defend the statues or the statues themselves after being hit release an evil mer creature that was in stasis under a spell. Said mer creature could summon others for protection such as other sea life. But alas swim around find the statue, hit said type of statue x amount of times, or shoot it, or boom barrel it until said statue explodes. I am really hoping they bring it with cursed sails but so far with the exception of the boom barrel skellies the weekly events have been a let down.

    I think the community is largely downplaying how bad Athena's voyages are. At least in part because a lot of folks still are not pirate legend. The fact most people now are "tapping and go" is pretty indicative of larger problems in this game and the quest structure. When I say tapping and go I mean, hitting x marks the spots but not digging them up. It's yet another mechanic that emphasizes the grind for the grinds sake instead of giving the player something meaningful to do or encouraging them to interact with other ships, NPCs, or AI in the server.

    @dyfrin said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    @williamherschel said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    It's fine if these things hidden bonuses scattered throughout the world in addition to more significant updates, but these cannot and should not be the focus of post-launch development going forward.

    These little bi-weekly events are just that.. little, events.
    Something extra between their "significant updates".
    They have 4 teams "focused" on the significant updates.

    You just said it's fine. So why isn't it?

    It's fine if all of these things were in the release build of the game from Day 1 as little easter eggs and things to unlock. For example, think of the skulls in Halo titles. However, I do not like that these events are largely dictating the game experience on a week-to-week basis. They can be things that exist, but they should not be the focus of a given week. My opinion is that Rare's resources would be better utilized if they first fixed the game that they already have (see AI across the board + pervasive bugs and performance issues), instead of adding meaningless objectives for players to do over a two week span.

  • Funny enough, SoT saw it's biggest jump in twitch viewership yesterday in almost if not more than a month's time, so people are actually intrigued by these new updates or constantly weekly events. However, I say "Saw" because it was only momentary. Two things played a factor. One, it had a supported Charity Stream and two, people got bored relatively quickly.

    So, let's recap the events since THD. You got a shark in THD and it has become a new threat, then you got chairs to sit in and people found it fun. You added a new skeleton type that is actually challenging for reasons consisting of suicidal tendencies and then you sat around the table and all looked at one another and said "What's next?" One of you is obviously the odd one out and said "Underwater-creepy music statues!" However, the fact you listened to this is even more questioning...

    I dunno, it is kind of seeming like RARE is losing its touch like you said and Cursed Sails is gonna make or break this game.

  • All the events were fine. SoT has a ton of other mistakes, but the events are delivering.

  • A criticism about the forums being more critical?

    Trippy. =P

    I don't know; I think if the community was any more "vocal" on either side, my ears would be bleeding.

  • @lobofh said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    All the events were fine. SoT has a ton of other mistakes, but the events are delivering.

    I'd like to understand your perspective. What specifically did you enjoy about the skeleton thrones? Did you complete them? Did you discover them organically, or look up their locations on the internet? Do you think you will ever visit them again?

    What was your experience with gunpowder skeletons? Did you complete those commendations? What was your primary strategy for getting those commendations. Did you experience the gunpowder commendation bug? How do you feel about that bug?

    How much time have you spent destroying statues? What specifically do you find enjoyable about the experience?

  • @v**a-hombre said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    A criticism about the forums being more critical?

    Trippy. =P

    I don't know; I think if the community was any more "vocal" on either side, my ears would be bleeding.

    To clarify, I think the community needs to be more specific about the types of bugs/mechanical issues that plague this game.

    The community talks a lot about buffs and nerfs, but doesn't consider that lack AI branching behaviors, tracking, geometry clipping is the core of the game's AI issues.

    The community talks a lot about "content" but largely doesn't talk about improving overall sandbox.

    Yes, I think that the community certainly has a vocal contingent, but frequently the way the criticisms are expressed are misguided and could actually impact the game in negative ways. If Rare thinks the community demands content for content's sake, I doubt there will ever be much of a focus to look back at the current sandbox and consider the improvements that could be made.

    Instead we will continue to get weekly collect-a-thons, where a subset of devoted players will dedicate a ridiculous amount of time to exploit the game's mechanics to unlock titles as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  • If only I had the energy to still offer feedback and try to improve this game... I agree with everything @WilliamHerschel is saying. There's just too many other shortcomings that need attention (and aren't getting it in a timely manner) to bother nitpicking about this stuff anymore. These events don't interest me at all, I'd usually love to play during events for exclusive content and cool new features. I'm basically done with the game until a year or two down the line I can check in and meaningful improvements have been made and there's an appropriate amount of content in the world.
    Edit: Somewhat sad that I'll have missed out on so many exclusive bits here and there, but then again I haven't cared about any of it so far and a lot of it was content that was finished before the game released and was held back.

  • @soulless-rager said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    If only I had the energy to still offer feedback and try to improve this game... I agree with everything @WilliamHerschel is saying. There's just too many other shortcomings that need attention (and aren't getting it in a timely manner) to bother nitpicking about this stuff anymore. These events don't interest me at all, I'd usually love to play during events for exclusive content and cool new features. I'm basically done with the game until a year or two down the line I can check in and meaningful improvements have been made and there's an appropriate amount of content in the world.

    Exactly, I think a lot of folks feel this way. There's a ton of old alpha users that barely play this game anymore for these exact reasons.

    Even though I'm not a streamer myself, I continue to maintain that the original concept to design a game that was fun to stream and share with friends was a great idea and spawned some wonderful mechanics. Rare has lost sight of that with these recent updates.

    Give us more events like Skeleton Forts to create emergent gameplay with other ships in the server. Consider streaming/sharing and what could be done to fix the voyage structure of the alliances. It's not a good thing that people pretty much across the board hate Merchant fetch quests (if they didn't already cheese it), only do OoS if there are 4 captains (and cancel the rest), and completely ignore riddle quests. All of this is broken. We need the focus of this game to return to concepts that create fun shareable moments.

    Why is the banjo/ukelele still not in the game despite being in the Legendary hideout? Why are there so few songs in this game (only two additions post launch)? Why are there still very few interactive switches/elements on ships and islands. Why does the game world continue to feel so empty? Why are the vast majority of forts unoccupied? Why do fort structures on non-forts islands exist?

    All of these questions are much more pertinent, than continuing to give us meaningless checklists of things to farm and exploit week after week.

  • Additional questions.

    Why do Rare employees (non Deckhand) rarely utilize the official forums anymore? Why is Reddit (a place where you cannot follow specific users without gold the primary place for Rare to player interaction)? Why is the status page so infrequently updated? Why is there no in-game status/update page?

  • @williamherschel

    Well, if yer talking about more productive discussions, then I'm always up for that. Though I think that's more of a patience and respect issue than a critical one.

    I'd be more apt to say, "the community should be more clear with it's criticism and.... "



    Eh, none of those sound right, but you get what I mean.

  • @williamherschel brilliant write up and i have to agree. This event is weak and shallow and i have no desire to farm "static statues" as i was under the impression that we were getting a new enemy type.. mermaids.

  • @v**a-hombre

    I think the vast majority of players who like this game and have thoughtful criticisms have been respectful. This was certainly not the case post-release during the "No Man's Sea" meme craziness, but it has been a lot more thoughtful recently.

    While I understand game development takes time, I also think people need to recognize that Microsoft does not have a good track record with fixing bugs or sticking to development roadmaps. The fact of the matter is that this is a Microsoft first party game (and probably their biggest new IP in years) and they should support it as such.

    I'd also highlight the point that Rare was not able to fix the Gunpowder plot commendation throughout the entirety of the last event. And numerous users of the (other vocal community that you mentioned earlier) repeatedly said "Rare said they're working on it." Even though the only major admission that it was broken was a vague tweet during the first two days of that event's run.

  • @messiahxxxx said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    @williamherschel brilliant write up and i have to agree. This event is weak and shallow and i have no desire to farm "static statues" as i was under the impression that we were getting a new enemy type.. mermaids.

    This may be unpopular, but I think Rare needs to take a break from introducing new enemy types until things like Skeletons, Sharks, Kraken, and Meg are actually fun to fight. I would much rather see improvements to the core branching behaviors of the current AI, than see yet another new AI that behaves on the same old simplistic behavior loop (spawn - track - attack - buffer - attack).

    Unfortunately I think a lot of folks thought Mermaids were coming after that community created video about Wanda circulated last week. Perhaps some of it was accurate, but I think it says something sad about the state of the game that lore is being developed around what was quite possibly a bug (Wanda's name reverting to her placeholder merchant title).

  • @kashaarafall said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:
    and then you sat around the table and all looked at one another and said "What's next?" One of you is obviously the odd one out and said "Underwater-creepy music statues!" However, the fact you listened to this is even more questioning...

    I dunno, it is kind of seeming like RARE is losing its touch like you said and Cursed Sails is gonna make or break this game.

    seriously, who thought this sounded fun? would making the statue come to life and physically fight back be so hard? if so we may have hitched our wagon to the wrong team.

  • I agree with everything you said, as I stated in the Patch Notes thread. I don't see what is entertaining in smashing a couple statues here and there. It just seems like one more commendation grind for the sake of it, and it feels as if this is merely 'filler content'.

    I'd rather have more tools and ways to have fun in the game. Constantly grinding in a repetitive manner doesn't seem the way, in my opinion.

  • @squallycircle7 said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:

    @kashaarafall said in SoT Has Significant Problems and the Community Needs to Be More Vocal About Them:
    and then you sat around the table and all looked at one another and said "What's next?" One of you is obviously the odd one out and said "Underwater-creepy music statues!" However, the fact you listened to this is even more questioning...

    I dunno, it is kind of seeming like RARE is losing its touch like you said and Cursed Sails is gonna make or break this game.

    seriously, who thought this sounded fun? would making the statue come to life and physically fight back be so hard? if so we may have hitched our wagon to the wrong team.

    Exactly. I was playing with @RonFromBurbank @Natsu-v2 @A-Cranky-Eskimo, and all of us were jokingly speculating what that team meeting looked like. Is there a whiteboard somewhere at Rare that says "new content: bullet sponge statues; farm 100."

    This latest update seems so incredibly antithetical to the original game concept.

  • I think we are expecting more from the Bilge rat weeklies then we should. A couple things should be thought about.

    -They stay in the game
    -They are the most recent group yet were placed at the front before gold hoarders.
    -They are simple tasks.

    To get these commendations you must, visit skull forts, blast yourself out of cannons, do fancy ship parking, sword lunge, jump around rocks, explore the ocean floor, communicate with other crews, play on a full galleon, be reasonably accurate with a pistol or eye of reach etc etc

    One major missing part at launch was a tutorial. They have placed this at the front of the mix for a reason. It gives new players a checklist of things to learn, and things to ask others how to do. This is a distraction and minor content update I agree, but mostly it’s a quiet way of enabling new players to learn the required tools.

  • I completely agree. Though I thought the skelly barrels were pretty decent as a weekly event, generally, the events are quick fillers. The fact that they are just that, fillers, is absolutely fine, but they will always stand in the contentless shadow of the games current state.

    With regard to the community, the problem remains that there is not a single place to write objective critiques outside of maybe a pioneer build. Each post on the forum is filled with heavily emotional rhetoric that seems to be entirely contingent upon whether or not you were/are happy with how much content there is in the game. I'd like to see a better system in place for being critical/constructive, similar to the surveys from the alpha. Otherwise, forum posts amount to taking a position and digging in until it becomes personal. There is too much noise and tribalism to have objective data on what the community wants from forums. Not helpful for the community and surely doesn't help Rare.

    Rare absolutely, in some form, are aware of the issues they face. It was clear in their last Dev video that they are looking for additional perspectives. Understanding SOT as a game concept sort of requires a player to deconstruct how they've played games previously. Adding content that is meaningful and fluffless, while remaining true to the concept is a unique challenge. I don't think the future of the game is doomed, but there NEEDS to be an objective way to be constructive that Rare can easily access.

  • I have some concerns regarding the events as well.

    Some of the comments here mention the grind involved with these events, and I can understand that. For those of us who have a limited amount of time to spend on gaming, it seems as though all of your time goes into doing these events. This can take away from other elements in the game.

    Further, given that there's little/no time in between events, the events themselves may no longer be perceived as something special, whereas quarterly events may be something to look forward to. This (coupled with the grind involved in completing events) may eventually garner a "meh" response from the bulk of the community whenever a new event is released, and they may lose interest in completing the event.

    Players may also refuse to participate in the event if they do not think the event is engaging enough. This is troubling for those players that do want to complete the event, especially if some of the commendations require multiple crews (it's difficult enough as it is).

    I do really enjoy the game, and Rare has certainly developed a gem. However, I get the sense that these events are being pushed out to answer the cries for content, but Rare should tread carefully. Personally, I would prefer to have larger/better quality updates less frequently, rather than smaller/dicey updates more frequently.

18 out of 127