[Request] Add a few new sharks with Cursed Sails in honor of Shark Week 2018

  • Hello fellow forum-goers :)

    As many of you know, we are expecting the Cursed Sails update to drop after the conclusion of the Sunken Curse bi-weekly event (or shortly after). What many of you might not know is that Shark Week 2018 will begin on July 22nd (7 days from now).

    As an avid shark fan and Shark Week viewer, I was hoping we could get some some new sharks added to Sea of Thieves when the Cursed Sails update drops in honor of the best week of the year :) To keep things simple, Rare could simply add in 2 new models + textures. Leave the shark behavior and animations the same for now (although various behaviors in the future like Meg would be cool). I've said many times that variety adds life to the world of SoT.

    Probably the most distinct and easily recognizable would be the Hammerhead Shark.


    Not much needs to be said about the hammerhead. Their distinct nose makes them easy for pretty much everyone to identify.

    And another shark that I think that could be added to the game is the Sand Tiger Shark


    The Sand Tiger shark is distinguished by its narrow nose, long and narrow curved teeth, and the spots on their sides.

    Of course, Rare should add their own style to each shark. Whether that be exaggerating some of their features or adding in some new ones.

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  • @xcalypt0x

    I'll second this, it'd be a lovely way to show love for our toothy underwater friends.

  • @xcalypt0x Ooooooh I like this idea a lot... I'm surprised they haven't started to skin the sharks already... having different styles of shark would just mix it up that little bit more.

    Thanks for the heads up on shark week BTW! Will get the cake in!

  • Oooo, Hammerheads! My favorite! I'll third the suggestion just to see a small school of these swimming around.

    I'll suggest a couple more. The White Tip could be easy to add, you could use the current shark asset and simply make the fin tips white. alt text

    Sand Tigers are a bit shy, how about the Tiger Shark which has a reputation of being extremely vicious and eats anything in the water? Plus look at all those 'Go fasta' stripes! alt text
    Great thread, I love constructive brainstorming posts such as this!

  • @conal-cuan I was actually going to list the Tiger Shark originally but was worried people would think it's just a White Shark with a pattern since their body shape is somewhat similar so that's why I changed it to the Sand Tiger shark. But really I would love to see a whole host of sharks in the waters, especially the two you listed because they are consistently in the top 5 most dangerous sharks to humans.

    @KattTruewalker @Musicmee Thanks guys :) I think adding some variety to the types of sharks we see in the ocean will make the ocean feel a bit more alive without requiring as much development effort as filling it with new fish. I think it makes a lot of sense as a short term solution.

    Perhaps it would also be cool to see the different seas be host to different shark types? So maybe the shores of plenty host white sharks and the ancient isles are home to hammerheads, etc, etc?

  • @xcalypt0x
    I was hoping to eventually have 4 different types of sharks in the future.

    Reef Sharks:
    Would be relatively weak and stay only around reefs. Their attacks would damage about 1/5 of health bar, and only takes 2 shots to kill, but common to see in groups of 2 or 3. They also wouldn't be any faster than you, so you could swim away from it.

    Mako Sharks:
    Similar to Reef Sharks in damage and toughness, but they aren't limited to reefs, are typically solitary, and swim faster than you.

    Tiger Shark:
    Like the current Great White, takes 4 shots to kill, their attacks damage half of life bar, but are slow so you could out swim them.

    Great White:
    Leave as they are now. Takes 4 shots to kill, damage will take half of life bar, and can reach quick bursts of speed to attack.

  • Great idea, I think the hammerhead and tiger sharks would be distinct and interesting. Hopefully, they don’t just double shark spawns like they did to hype(didn’t) THD.

  • I love the Hammerhead idea... and perhaps someday we could encounter the deadlier and much larger cousin of these new Sea threats...

    Can imagine trying to kill a giant meg size hammerhead? Watch some YT videos or Shark Week coming up on the Hammerhead. That odd shaped dome allows them to turn on a dime...


    @xCALYPT0x P.S. Thank you for some fresh content on the forums to discuss!

  • @private-ramb0 Oh yeah, definitely don't want that. I love sharks but the increased spawn rate was crazy lol.

    @SHIBBY-544 Those are some great ideas. I would love to see something like that in the long term. For the White sharks though, I would suggest making them attack from under the player, charging at extreme speeds and launching the player into the air. Sort of like how they attack seals in real life except in game they won't hold you in their jaws and therefore you go airborn :)

  • @xcalypt0x
    Ha, that would certainly be entertaining.

  • I think sharks are great and have been around for 420 million years. They get a bad press as blood thirsty but they are just doing what they see as natural. Anyway these are a few of my favourites.

    Whale shark

    Great White Shark

    Tiger Shark

    Although not a shark I would like to see one of these in SoT.


  • @alphacenturion2 Yes they certainly get a bad rep! With the exception of the bull shark and tiger shark who are usually more aggressive in nature, it is quite unlikely for a shark to attack you :)

  • @xcalypt0x said in [Request] Add a few new sharks with Cursed Sails in honor of Shark Week 2018:

    @conal-cuan I was actually going to list the Tiger Shark originally but was worried people would think it's just a White Shark with a pattern since their body shape is somewhat similar so that's why I changed it to the Sand Tiger shark. But really I would love to see a whole host of sharks in the waters, especially the two you listed because they are consistently in the top 5 most dangerous sharks to humans.

    Yeh, I can understand that look-a-like concern. Though the art team could take some liberties with reality and really make those stripes stand out. Tigers always seem to me to have a bit more of a bulldog snout, not coming to quite such a sharp point as others of it's species, but yes, very akin to what the shark model is (if the model is based on Great White).

    @shibby-544 said in [Request] Add a few new sharks with Cursed Sails in honor of Shark Week 2018:

    Mako Sharks:
    Similar to Reef Sharks in damage and toughness, but they aren't limited to reefs, are typically solitary, and swim faster than you.

    I like the Mako idea as well. Similar to what I was thinking with the White Tip, smaller and faster with a penchant for frenzy, though not as durable. If Mako would be chosen, I'd suggest a shinier silver-ish skin to make them stand out visually.

    @PRIVATE-RAMB0 I think Calypto's idea to have different species more prevalent in certain zones could allay any worries about over population. This could be world zones or even environmental zones as SHIBBY-544 hints about limiting them to water depth. I'd even toss in time as another limiting factor, perhaps not so much for spawning, but the Hammerhead is usually docile during the day and hunts at night.

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