Female pirates


    WE STILL NEED MORE hair styles for female pirates. Would also like to change hair color. I'd love to have a red headed pirate ponytail or pig tails

  • 42
  • @crimson-aa

    Ahhh the Poor female pirates in this game.
    I think a Character customisation needs to be implemented into the game.

  • @crimson-aa said in Female pirates:


    WE STILL NEED MORE hair styles for female pirates. Would also like to change hair color. I'd love to have a red headed pirate ponytail or pig tails

    Do the females have hair styles to choose from like the males in the vanity chest?

  • We need more male and female hair options.

  • @businessjjj the selection of hairstyles are the same regardless of gender. However, the hairstyles people would consider "feminine" are not so many.

    Additionally the catagory of beards is a decidedly masculine cosmetic. Although I have been known to wear a false beard from time to time, something equivalent for the ladies would be nice.

  • @jacqui-o-blades
    Oh ok they should probably add some more girl hair then lol.

    You just gave me a funny idea you should try some time. After you sink someone’s boat you should put a beard on and when they come back to go after you, you will be in disguise!! You could be like “me?” I think it was a girl that sunk you im a guy. Haha

  • More Sexist nonsense!!!

    There is no girl hair or guy hair there is only Hair!!!!

    I am so offended right now.

    All characters regardless of gender should have the same items available to them!!!!!!

  • Is it sexist of me to want more brassiere options for both men and women?

    I think it fits the pirate theme.

  • @crimson-aa Yeah I totally agree, especially with the hair color. There should be an opportunity to change the hair color after choosing the character.

  • @glannigan Whatever additional customization options they add in the future will be, I'm certain, available to everyone. No one is asking for clothes or hairstyles to be exclusive to a specific gender.

  • @ooooriddleroooo Truth be told at the first mention of a galley all I could think of was our "resident" fat pirate (our friend who chose a fat male pirate as his character) making sandwich's. The running joke we have is that if some piece of treasure went missing, or if the animals disappeared, he probably ate it. That being said cooking would be a fun addition. Certainly would give more of a use for the pigs and chickens along with an alternative way for getting health.

  • @OoOoRiDDLERoOoO @BusinessJjj @Gdb071 your posts have been deleted for the following rule:

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please consider this an official warning.

  • This thread escalated quickly. No need for sexism.... I think more options all around are wanted, I like that there is no sex when it comes to cosmetics. You can have a man with flowing locks and a dress and a girl with burly beard and jacket. You get to decide who your pirate is.

  • So many deleted post here.... just give us long hair that's goes down to our assessment's please

  • @Capn-Clegg Really, right after the warning? Your post has been deleted too.

  • @kenji-salk said in Female pirates:

    @Capn-Clegg Really, right after the warning? Your post has been deleted too.

    That’s what he said

  • @khaleesibot said in Female pirates:

    @OoOoRiDDLERoOoO @BusinessJjj @Gdb071 your posts have been deleted for the following rule:

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please consider this an official warning.

    Excuse me? What did I say that was “derogatory”? I said ya... add a chocolate milk dispenser.... harmless joke.... I’m so sick of these forums. I get slated by you “deckhands” all the time for harmless jokes. Yet you allow all these whiny little a*****s talk c**p to each other all day long. W*f? My comment had no intention of harm or slander in it. Just a fun joke.

  • Going back over this thread and, my, there is quite a lot of deleted posts.
    Someone suggests adding more female-oriented cosmestics and everyone loses their minds, apparently.

  • @jacqui-o-blades said in Female pirates:

    Going back over this thread and, my, there is quite a lot of deleted posts.
    Someone suggests adding more female-oriented cosmestics and everyone loses their minds, apparently.

    Well it started with someone saying “have a sandwich making station in the bottom deck.” I get it that can be taken as a sexiest comment. I said ya and “add a chocolate milk dispenser”. Apparently that is a personal attack and a derogatory statement. Some other person said to the sandwich comment “hey I hope you know that comes off as sexiest” that was also deleted.... (shrug shoulders”)

  • I agree, I would especially like to see dreadlocks introduced!

  • @crimson-aa I agree. There should be more options for colors and style for both female and male players.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Female pirates:

    Is it sexist of me to want more brassiere options for both men and women?

    I think it fits the pirate theme.

    That's not a bad idea, I'd love to see brassiere options, or even just different colors of the current existing one. Just the other day I fell in love with the new tattoo set and spent a few minutes trying to find a sleeveless outfit that showed it off the best. Didn't end up finding one and decided going t*****s (gasp~ the indecency!) was the best option to show of the cool mermaid scales. More top options beyond the bandages or even just different colored underwear wouldn't be a bad thing!

    As many have already mentioned, your pirate is just that: yours. Every cosmetic present and future will be available for all players, so that wouldn't be the issue.

  • Im backing up the request for longer hair or more "feminine" hair choices.

    I chose a larger female character that's broad and muscular, but since all the hair styles are barely shoulder length or shorter, unless she's in a dress she doesn't t look like a female.

  • i would love to see that female pirates can have about the same amount of clothing choices as we ,male pirates ,have...i mean i can wear a trouser of the Sovereign and can wear a shirt of a scurvy pirate , the female pirate can only wear a dress in one piece or can start wearing man clothes...

    Something i would love to see that if their is hair that isn't unisex hair , that they would make a description that makes clear you either wear man or womanly hair....It's sometimes not so clear for me as wich hair is female or male hair...

  • @crimson-aa said in Female pirates:


    WE STILL NEED MORE hair styles for female pirates. Would also like to change hair color. I'd love to have a red headed pirate ponytail or pig tails

    This^ My wife recently started playing the game after watching me play a lot. She loves the PVP and cosmetic features. By FAR her biggest complaint is the lack of customization for female pirates, particularly hair styles. Every time we stop at an outpost she checks the shop for new hairstyles.

  • You just trying to make a waifu aren't you?

34 out of 42