No man's Sky hands on NEXT experience, PC gamer. (Long read)

  • Game Looks to be amazing in my opinion. I can't wait for Tuesday.

  • 18
  • @kashaarafall said in No man's Sky hands on NEXT experience, PC gamer. (Long read):

    Game Looks to be amazing in my opinion. I can't wait for Tuesday.

    Thanks for this, just started reading through it and shocked by some of the features. Especially being able to jump in and out of single player mode. Loving everything about this update. Can't wait to build a new base!!

  • @kashaarafall said in No man's Sky hands on NEXT experience, PC gamer. (Long read):

    I can't wait for Tuesday.

    Ditto! I pre-ordered mine yesterday. Gonna be a busy couple of weeks with this coming out and the cursed sails a week later.

  • @lifewcoke said in No man's Sky hands on NEXT experience, PC gamer. (Long read):

    @kashaarafall said in No man's Sky hands on NEXT experience, PC gamer. (Long read):

    I can't wait for Tuesday.

    Ditto! I pre-ordered mine yesterday. Gonna be a busy couple of weeks with this coming out and the cursed sails a week later.

    I bought it release day...never regretted it, had moments where I felt the game was lacking, but Sean was passionate about the game and I hoped things would get better...and they have, this new update, wow...just can't wait.

  • It's a questionable choice allowing people to use their old saves in the multiplayer. However, I am glad they can't use modded saves as they will be broken ^.^. I am gonna be a gek! Always wanted to be a smell frog alien.

  • @kashaarafall said in No man's Sky hands on NEXT experience, PC gamer. (Long read):

    It's a questionable choice allowing people to use their old saves in the multiplayer. However, I am glad they can't use modded saves as they will be broken ^.^. I am gonna be a gek! Always wanted to be a smell frog alien.

    Yah it could be abused...pc anyway, but the amount of stuff they have added is pretty amazing, custom freighters and landing on them, sending them to do missions, multiple bases anywhere, 100+ new objects, underwater bases, toggle multiplayer etc ...give them credit its looking like a very positive update...and they are still promising'm excited.

  • @dragonsire2016 The co-op multiplayer is what I am most excited about. It seemed like it would be really boring single player but I think MP is going to be a ton of fun.

  • @lifewcoke said in No man's Sky hands on NEXT experience, PC gamer. (Long read):

    @dragonsire2016 The co-op multiplayer is what I am most excited about. It seemed like it would be really boring single player but I think MP is going to be a ton of fun.

    Nah, it was a hoot. But long gets a bit stale without goals etc. Multiplayer will add a lot of life to the game for sure.

  • @dragonsire2016 Also the weekly updates and player market for cosmetics etc with ingame currency, so the worry people had of the "In-game store." being microtransactions, was put to bed.

  • @kashaarafall said in No man's Sky hands on NEXT experience, PC gamer. (Long read):

    @dragonsire2016 Also the weekly updates and player market for cosmetics etc with ingame currency, so the worry people had of the "In-game store." being microtransactions, was put to bed.

    I can't wait to build roads to various bases on a planet :)

  • A little quote from the Euro gamer article, apparently Hello Games is really trying to build hype for this game and the new generation system was something I was most excited about and skeptical at the same time. Skepticism abolished.

    "The first, most striking aspect of NEXT is, unsurprisingly, its visual overhaul - and, as the recent trailer will attest, it's genuinely remarkable just how different No Man's Sky looks. Its massively improved lighting, better atmospheric effects, and increased draw distances, alongside a gorgeous new cloud rendering system, improved textures, better water, an optional new third-person camera, and more, combine to create a much more subtle aesthetic.

    Perhaps more than anything though, it's the newfound sense of scale that impresses, with the game now sporting a more "earth-like" planetary generation system. Mountains tower above undulating valleys, populated by looming trees, larger architectural "props", and notably improved fauna. Creatures feature more nuanced animations, improved AI, and a broader range of sounds, all of which help sell the illusion of life just that little bit harder."

  • @kashaarafall Another interesting little article here:

    The quote that caught my eye was this, “Post launch, we’re going gonna start doing weekly updates with content and community missions and things like that,” he said. “There’s a website that we’re launching that will show people where hubs and factions are, and how much they’ve explored the game and stuff like that. That’s mainly if you are interested in that side of the game. We’re supporting that loads more.”

  • @lifewcoke said in No man's Sky hands on NEXT experience, PC gamer. (Long read):

    @kashaarafall Another interesting little article here:

    The quote that caught my eye was this, “Post launch, we’re going gonna start doing weekly updates with content and community missions and things like that,” he said. “There’s a website that we’re launching that will show people where hubs and factions are, and how much they’ve explored the game and stuff like that. That’s mainly if you are interested in that side of the game. We’re supporting that loads more.”

    Awesome thanks for that.

  • anyone folling the ARG Waking Titan, the next twitch tonight in 4 hours ...21:00 UTC I believe.

  • @dragonsire2016 Look actual gameplay =P.

    ARG event (Titan Awoken) is over and with that, we have a new community based website known as the Galactic Atlas and confirmation of weekly events sometime after NEXT's official launch. Hope to see you all in the universe sometime.

  • @kashaarafall awesome thx

11 out of 18