Hey all,
with the banana sails and clothing surfacing now (congrats to winners btw), we're once again drawn to the discussion about exclusive items in here, reddit, discord and other places.
If you've somehow missed these topics, the issue discussed is, whether items, that have been available only for certain periods of time, in-game events or tied to some irl events/giveaways, should come back in some way and be available for all of us.
There are basically two points of views on this. Yes or No. I believe that Rare already stated, that at least some of them will be coming back. And I'd like to know your general point of view on this, since as of now, all the reactions to this are scattered inside many threads and usualy discussing only specific sets of items. Like the infamous ebon flintlock.
From what I've seen so far, my opinion might be unpopular. I don't want any of those items back for us to get in-game. They are exclusives and should remain to be so. I don't have everything. To tell you the truth, I am a bit sad, that I've missed a few of the items, but that's the way it should be. I'm all for exclusivity, especially for those items earned in-game. The only exception with my "#stayexclusive" set of mind I'd make, are those items tied to buying something. If you had to spend money, to get something, I wouldn't have a problem to see it as an item you can buy. No, not in-game, have an opportunity to buy it with microtransactions.
So there you have it. Agree, disagree or have a different way on dealing with this? I'm looking forward to reading your posts. I know it's a bit controversial topic, so please try to keep it civil as always. :)