Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.2

  • Patch Notes - 1.2.2

    Ahoy pirates!

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    Thank you to everyone who reported an issue with The Fleet Protector of the Ancient Isles Commendation during Week 2 of Cursed Sails. We’ve issued a fix for this and from now on there’ll be no issue in receiving the Commendation after completing the battle in Week 3.

    Those of you who met the requirements for the Commendation during Week 2 of Cursed Sails but didn’t receive it, we’ve got your data logged and we’re working on a system to deliver you your rewards!

    So that you can use those rewards towards the exclusive cosmetics, we’ll be extending Cursed Sails for one more week! Pirates everywhere now have one more week to make their mark on the skeleton ships and reap the rewards.


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    • Cursed Sails Battle Times - Players who can only play during fixed times will be able to battle for a different region each week.
      This change was made in response to community feedback.

    Performance Improvements

    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.
      Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Fixed Issues

    • Fleet Protectors of the Ancient Isles Commendation now unlocks correctly.

    Known Issues

    • The Kraken has been temporarily disabled due to performance issues.
      We are working to enable this feature as quickly as possible.
    • Items placed behind the barrels at the bow of the Brigantine cannot be picked back up.
    • Merchant Alliance crates on board a ship which sinks will not float to the surface and cannot be picked up.
    • Skeletons killed underwater do not display the death explosion VFX.

    Download size:

    Xbox One: 1.41GB
    Xbox One X: 1.41GB
    Windows 10: 1.03GB

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.

    Looking For Crew?

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    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • :) yay yay

  • It looks like a small update, but I'll take it. Bring on the next waves!


    • Kraken is still disabled.
    • The Cursed Sails Event is extended by one week.
    • Skeleton Ships will spawn as an event after the Cursed Sails Campaign (much like Skeleton Forts)
    • Next Bilge Rat adventure will introduce Cursed Cannonballs to players.
    • The Forsaken Shores will be teased at Gamescom in Colonge, Germany (August 21-25).
  • Can’t wait can’t believe this is our last week time goes fast

  • @fpsrussia70 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.2:

    Can’t wait can’t believe this is our last week time goes fast

    This isn't the last week! We're extending Cursed Sails for an extra week to allow players who couldn't get the Fleet Protector of the Ancient Isles Commendation another opportunity to get them!

  • @fpsrussia70 khaleesibot said: ^this
    >So that you can use those rewards towards the exclusive cosmetics, we’ll be extending Cursed Sails for one more week! Pirates everywhere now have one more week to make their mark on the skeleton ships and reap the rewards.

  • You forgot the "Looking for a crew" links and advises under the skeleton picture at the end of your post, @khaleesibot!

  • No fix for the instantly sinking barrels of plenty?

  • nice! :D I hope I can get the alliance commendation now properly with another crew :D otherwise I have to hope to get the doubloons for week 2 ;)

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.2:

    @fpsrussia70 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.2:

    Can’t wait can’t believe this is our last week time goes fast

    This isn't the last week! We're extending Cursed Sails for an extra week to allow players who couldn't get the Fleet Protector of the Ancient Isles Commendation another opportunity to get them!

    So how will this work @khaleesibot ? what Ships will be in week 4 or will they rotate?

  • @khaleesibot I think you should implement all cursed cannonballs into next week so players won't know what they're gonna be up against ;)

  • I like the idea about the skelly ships being like the skull forts when they are introduced into the world. This is gonna be fun!

  • @khaleesibot Extending the Cursed Sails by one week is welcome news indeed! Especially for those working their way to the cosmetics.

  • @personalc0ffee Well, if they were paying attention, they’ll redo the first week’s crews with a shifted schedule. That was the one where the scheduling issue was at its worst and people couldn’t do specific crews.

  • I love the Cursed Sails skeleton ships and many of the new features but I have not enjoyed the event over the past 2 weeks

    We struggled to find other ships willing to take on the Battles which made it very hard being the only ship fighting... If we did find someone, it was rare you could trust them.

    Even to the point of dropping your ow gunpowder barrel on your ship to ruin your preparation entirely...

    This has been nowhere near as enjoyable as the Hungering Deep DLC.

  • @bran-the-ent You still can't if you want to do all of the crew battles... near impossible to complete all the commendations... I've all but given up.

  • @dreamingnomad said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.2:

    I love the Cursed Sails skeleton ships and many of the new features but I have not enjoyed the event over the past 2 weeks

    We struggled to find other ships willing to take on the Battles which made it very hard being the only ship fighting... If we did find someone, it was rare you could trust them.

    Even to the point of dropping your ow gunpowder barrel on your ship to ruin your preparation entirely...

    This has been nowhere near as enjoyable as the Hungering Deep DLC.

    it's been a bear to do. The constant bailing and fixing. It looks cool, but solo it's really tough and alliances have been a soar spot. members betraying the alliance, people joining last minutes after the big fight and reaping rewards etc... Agreed a little long to finish would be nice.

  • @dreamingnomad i think the 4th week was not for the individual crews but for the limited items you can only get (ship customization) for doing all 3 regions...

    but maybe they suprise us next week :)

  • So how does the 1 week extension work? I still needed to finish the Marauder's arch fight in week 2. We're onto Week 3 with 3 new skellie ship battles, so will week 2 or 1 ships come back into rotation?

  • @khaleesibot I'm excited to see the Skeleton Ships out on the seas after the event is over. I love how the large DLC drops, and the fortnightly Bilge Rat quests are being used to introduce permanent additions to the world.

    Also, I'm probably going against the grain here, but I actually enjoyed having the time and week specific elements within the Cursed Sails. I think as long as it is on rotation (allowing all users the chance the get the commendation), then it adds something quite unique to the game.

  • "bilge rat adventure will introduce cursed cannoballs for players to use"

    It's happening fellas, can't wait to dance lock every one in the server, fear me.

  • @urihamrayne tbh hopefully they decrease the timing on this dancing XD I can deal with everything except this stunlocking :P

    Does anybody already know or has a suggestion what the last 3 curses will be? :D

  • @shikia-caeleaum judging by the name I think its sleep and poison, but not sure about last one.

  • @urihamrayne oh no....then hopefully the sleeping won't take so long XD but thank you :D

  • Seems to me they should have offset the times by maybe 3 hour cycles instead of 4. It would give smaller windows, but more chances at the crew you needed. Having 2 chances at precisely the same time of day doesn't help you if you can't make that time at all. A sliding scale so that each day the cycle is an hour earlier would have been a far better setup and they could post the times on the website since all servers are synced. And coding the website with a dropdown menu for timezone would be very easy.

  • @slave2thesave Thank you for this.

  • Can't wait to get back on the seas!!!

  • Another 1.4gb update that contains almost nothing? Crazy.

  • I'm about ready to be done with cursed sails. Kind of want whatevers next to start being the focus, idk if I'm feeling a fourth week.

    I hope this doesn't mean the next bilgerats is another 2 weeks off, or that Forsaken Shores is being pushed.

  • @tre-oni I just wish they'd fix the commendation requirements. AND have events that actually contribute to the existing requirements. I mean shipwrecked chests that you get from the skeleton ships, don't actually count towards the commendation.

  • @british-legends Skeleton Captain Skulls count towards the Fort skulls commendation.

  • @slave2thesave said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.2:

    Not sure if that's correct for central time...I think the Shores of Plenty is supposed to be in the 11-3 slot

  • No mention of the new audio cue when the name plate of an island or sunken ship pops up.

    Not really sure how I feel about it quite yet. Seems a little to ominous when approaching an island. I could understand it for the forts, but just seems a bit much for regular islands.

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