Pirate legend baby!

  • Whoo lets go! Finally I'm the pirate legend! Albeit "cheating" 8 or so levels, but I got it. Felt like it took forever. I bought this game a few days after release. I'm pumped now I can start grinding Athena woohoo!!!

  • 22
  • @socialkira sagte in Pirate legend baby!:

    Whoo lets go! Finally I'm the pirate legend! Albeit "cheating" 8 or so levels, but I got it. Felt like it took forever. I bought this game a few days after release. I'm pumped now I can start grinding Athena woohoo!!!

    Congrats I’m playing since release and I’m 40/40/46/4 i startet the Athena Grind before Pirate Legend:D

  • @socialkira congrats!!! :D I am 42/40/36/(athena 2 no voyage completed just happened to be in an alliance where they cashed them in ;) )
    Still have a long way to go and I hope with devils roar I can get to legend without using the doubloons :D

  • @king-deka
    Thanks dude. The way it felt like it was taking so long I started to assume I was the slowest lots of friends list already PL.

  • @shikia-caeleaum
    Thank you. It was hard for me to not use dabloons they were right there, and I had so many. It would probably be a couple months still if I hadn't bought the level commendations.

  • @socialkira said in Pirate legend baby!:

    Whoo lets go! Finally I'm the pirate legend! Albeit "cheating" 8 or so levels, but I got it. Felt like it took forever. I bought this game a few days after release. I'm pumped now I can start grinding Athena woohoo!!!

    Congratz on reaching Pirate Legend, I hope you had a nice journey getting there! I wouldn't worry about your so called "cheating" btw, it's your journey don't let other peoples opinion devalue anything about that. Seeing that you felt it took forever, finally being Pirate Legend might lift that pressure from the game, maybe allowing you to have a more relaxed experience from now on.

    I've also been playing since release and am still quite a bit off from reaching PL (45/43/40/3) with 400 doubloons burning in my pocket. I have no intention of rushing it though as there isn't anything I need to be Pirate Legend for that I'd want to do now. I'm sure I'll join you eventually though :)

    See you around on the seas Mr. Pirate Legend!

  • @socialkira said in Pirate legend baby!:

    Whoo lets go! Finally I'm the pirate legend! Albeit "cheating" 8 or so levels, but I got it. Felt like it took forever. I bought this game a few days after release. I'm pumped now I can start grinding Athena woohoo!!!

    Now is when the game truely begins! Time to grind those 3 voyage types all at once and/or join a alliance & farm that sweet sweet athena rep so you can unlock the glowing green clothes!

  • congrats, dont do yourself down you earned it whether by trading companies or event doubloons for letters of commendation.
    i hope you enjoy the athenas 👍

  • @socialkira
    Congratulations SocialKira on becoming Legend . But there is one word that you used and that makes me afraid, Grind. Please don't set Pirate Legend Level 10 as the main goal of this game...Because setting goals and achieving it at long last is the perfect way to just feels that you have reached the end.

    You will rank up but don't forget to approach this game with a wider mindview. look beyond the horizon and stay to see and "feel" the game grow into something you would never imagined that a game could do this to you...This may sound all nonsense to you but believe me, SOT is much More than just Pirate Legend 10...But enjoy now your Legendary Status but the game is not over...

  • Congrats! I became a Pirate Legend about a week ago (yes, I bought the notorious Letters of Recommendation) and me timbers still be shiverin'. Accessing Athena's Fortune never gets old for me, and I often find myself just hanging out down there in case I get the chance to murdermeet another Pirate Legend. Cheers!

  • @socialkira Congratulations!!!

  • @mr-dragon-raaar hey there dragon, yeah what a session that was right ?!

    It wouldn’t have been possible withou my crews dedicated and experienced helmsman @Nessiroj, fellow fighter and together with me part of our crews boarding party @DarkMage613 and of course not to forget our jack of all trades @mark147258.

    On behalve of me and my full regular crew i can say nothing less then congratz on the well deserved PL status, even though you are a quiet partner you are a reliable factor on a ship and even though none of us ever heard you you used text chat like no other keeping us informed whenever needed.

  • @socialkira Congrats! :) Welcome to our club xD

  • @socialkira


  • @socialkira congrats

  • Thanks allot everybody.

  • @socialkira Keep a legend tavern stool warm for me I’m on my way! Slowly but surely xD

  • @knifelife I bought you a grog but its gone warm...

  • @musicmee I’m the worst for getting distracted I just start one thing an.......

  • @knifelife Hahahaha! Darn... there he goes again....

    How is the quest for Legend going?

  • @musicmee In all honestly I’m just taking my time. I tried rushing it early at launch and it took the fun out of the game so I am just going slow and steady and enjoying the ride.

    I’ve got doubloons if I want to buy some levels but I’m just hoarding them. I’m happy to take it slow as I know there’s not much content for them yet and don’t want to burn the game out by grinding.

    I preferred my time in the TA and when I compared the difference between that and launch it was because there wasn’t really progression, just good laughs and happy times. So that’s my main objective. PL will come eventually.

    My only concern is if that’s what’s holding me back from pioneering but I don’t believe it is. But if that captaincy update gets announced I’ll be all aboard with no distractions at all! xD

  • @mr-dragon-raaar hahaha cool, i hope to meet you on the seas agaain my no linger mute but very communicative friend

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