How much would you pay for a pet?

  • With the recent news on March 20th we will finally have a date and new information on when Pets will be added.

    My question to the SoT community is how much do you think pets, the first MTX in game, should be priced at? How much do you think is fair? Should they be earnable in game, maybe not all but at least 1?

    4 common prices; $4.99, $9.99, $14.99 & $19.99.

    I would pay $4.99 for a “common”
    Parrot and up to $9.99 for a “special” Parrot (Ghost or Skeleton for example).

    I am going to be buying a pet day one to show support for Rare and all the awesome free DLC updates they have given us over a year.

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  • It really depends on what they look like and what they can do. Theoretically any of those prices would be acceptable if the pet was good enough, especially if I can get either (or both) a black and white cat or a ginger cat (so that my cat family is represented in my game).

  • I'm hoping they'll be on the lower end of your options. Maybe $2-5 for each pet. A reasonable price if you'd like to buy multiple options.

    $15-20 for a single pet would be ridiculous and make a lot of people unhappy. You can buy large expansions for that price in many games. Sure, we get our expansions for free, but that won't make people accept it much easier.

    I'd be fine if they don't make them earnable in game. Makes people more likely to show a little support for Rare instead of settling for the free one.

  • @quicksilver7723 An interesting question. I think it would be nice if Rare allowed players to earn a generic version of one of the pets in game. For instance you could go to the shop and buy one generic monkey, parrot, cat, etc. Then I think it would be neat to have one special pet available locked behind a challenging commendation. At that point the rest of them could be tossed up for sale in the cash shop. I'd be willing to pay a reasonable price for a cool pet. My weakness is ship customization though, that....ohh that I'll end up spending too much on.

  • To be honest I think it really depends on who is willing to pay what, I will be even down to pay 100$ for like rare pet or maybe ship customization and for regular pet from 10-25$.

  • I already have the chickens en snakes but ill buy a crab or goldfish i guess

    Depends how funny they are how much i pay..

  • I would not be prepared to pay for anything.

  • I guess 4,99€ is ok. There will be 3-4 Pets i guess, so Rare can get 15-20€ out of it. Thats 1/3 of the Game Price, which is huge.

  • I think 4.99 is where they should be at. And you should be able to choose from many different colors and name them.

  • @new-world-clogs said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    €60 for an unfinished game was more than enough. Rare have fleshed the game out since then. So I'm willing to consider my €60 money well spent... and leave it at that.

    So it's safe to say you will be paying for a pet then.

  • Knowing that they will do 1$ = 1€...

    Lol, 20€ is what many good games cost in Steam.

    Free & 1€ common
    3,5€ special
    7€ super nice pet
    12€ Ultra unique gold best of the bests pet special edition

  • @bundui said in How much would you pay for a pet?:

    To be honest I think it really depends on who is willing to pay what, I will be even down to pay 100$ for like rare pet or maybe ship customization and for regular pet from 10-25$.

    Ow wauw! That, sir, is a lot! I don't think they got a big audience with that amount of money to spend.

    When i was done with WoW, i started GuildWars and since i was used to the monthly costs for WoW, i spend each month € 10 on in game items.
    I know that is 120 in a year, but im not willing to pay that at once, or for just one item.

    A reasonable price for 1 item / pet would be 1 - 5 Euro / Dollar (prefer dollar since the exchange rate xD) for me.
    If the item / pet would actually bring some functionality into the game, i think 5-10 is reasonable. But I dont think (and really hope!) there won't be any pay to win items..

  • I'm not sure I would put any cash in pets.
    Maybe if they did something interesting I would contemplate it.
    Otherwise its just cosmetic and theres legions of stuff to get as it is.

    As far as what I would want them to do I have know idea

    Maybe a snapping turtle as a chest or anchor trap?

  • What? Why a pet? Where would it be? On the ship? Wouldn't it get killed if the ship goes down? On you? It dies with you in that case?
    I see no point in pets.
    I would not buy a pet.
    I would however like to buy the rest of the onyx gear that I don't have but that won't happen understandably

  • @quicksilver7723

    I don't really want to pay any real world money for an item such as a pet, so I'm hoping there will be a way to earn in game currency to purchase one - it just creates an unequal balance between those who have disposable income and those who don't, for parents it would set up that 'pester factor', it splits us into the 'haves and have nots' via something we might have no control over (yes i know earlier cosmetics aren't available to all as well).

    Saying that, I'm all for a dodo please or a baby turtle!

  • @katttruewalker I’m in a similar boat there, and agree with you. Although I have a tendency to give in if I see something I like which is shiney.

    Also they haven’t specified the size of pets and I for one would definitely be willing to fork out for a dragon 😂

    O.T, it would be a push at anything more than £5 for me personally.

  • I'm still amazed i have played so many hours on this game this past 10 months and not had to pay a single penny extra.

    I don't mind if there has to be micro transactions for SOT. As long as they don't give any player an advantage other the other and are purely cosmetic. That would be awesome and very unique as no other game goes down that route with micro's.

  • I think (and hope with all my soul for some people of my crew that dont have income for virtual pets) that the common animals (the more boring parrots, pigs and chickens of the MA quest, etc) are going to be free for in game gold, and some of the coolest companions like the cat, the monkeys, the boar, the macaws, etc, are going to cost between 5 and 10€/$.

    I want the jacket monkey and a goat so badly that if they cost 20€ I'll consider buying them anyway

  • For a skelly parrot, I would throw my wallet at Rare

  • I hope it will have cool features such as having different expressions depending on which chest you dig up

  • £3.99 is what I’m hoping to pay and would be more than happy doing so. I can’t imagine them having gameplay implications so that price seems fair for a fun animated decoration for our ships.

  • @katttruewalker dijo en How much would you pay for a pet?:


    I don't really want to pay any real world money for an item such as a pet, so I'm hoping there will be a way to earn in game currency to purchase one - it just creates an unequal balance between those who have disposable income and those who don't, for parents it would set up that 'pester factor', it splits us into the 'haves and have nots' via something we might have no control over (yes i know earlier cosmetics aren't available to all as well).

    Saying that, I'm all for a dodo please or a baby turtle!

    Then the best would be a way to buy "shop money" to other users using your "game money". Like in Perfect World.

  • I would be willing to pay up to $20 for a pet if it had a wide variety of behaviors and interesting interactions with myself, other pirates, the boat, and other pets.

  • It would be great also if they added an option so we could buy these items for friends too.

  • Great post. I would probs pay upwards of about £10 for a high quality pet. It'll be intersting how they price the pets.

  • I'm the only one who think pay for an game item are a waste of time/money?

  • @britishtwin-one

    About a tenner (£10) seems about in the right range if there are higher tiered ones.
    And up to £5 & onwards for a standard furry friend.

    If they are cheaper than that... bonus!!!

  • @piratecraggy What would you consider to be worth £10? I think a parrot would be worth £10 with customizable feathers(Colours).

  • @targasbr Thats why they are MTX. Its completely up to you if you buy them or not, no one is forcing you. Games such as Elder Scrolls Online, Fortnite etc make massive amounts of money through selling cosmetics and pets and its up to the individual if you want one or not. If something takes your fancy, then you buy the fluff as thats all it is, fluff.

    After a year of having free updates from Rare for SoT (we even got a whole expansion for free which I think they were entitled to charge maybe 20 pounds each for), I think the community is starting to take Rare for granted. The introduction of pets or even cosmetics as MTX's will be a way to continue to fund Rare for more future content.

    As for pets, I love fluff pets that follow you around, I would certainly spend money on these. Also, maybe we should spend real money on ingame 'pieces of eight' which would be the currency to spend.

  • @captain-fet At no time did I say that I'm being forced. I just think it's wrong for games to sell exclusive items for money. I also find it nonsensical to pay for something that in some ways will not be yours.

    Not everyone in the world can buy things from a game with real money, there are several factors, such as the coin value, the type of payment accepted, etc. What can be a derisory value to one, to another may be a high value. All should be achieved with effort, anyone who wants to take shortcuts, can buy. But nothing should be exclusive only to those who have money.

  • @targasbr Then dont buy one.

  • @captain-fet I will not buy. No need to cry because I said I think time/money wasted on it. I did not mean to offend, I just wanted to understand the advantages.

  • I’ll look at it like a Kickstarter or Patreon campaign to continue support for the game. They will receive additional funds to justify continued development, and I’ll receive an in-game pet as a reward for that donation.

  • Maybe this makes me sound like a fanboy, but, I look forward to be able to throw more money at my favorite game... I mean, so far we've all spent only $60 (or less) and that's it - yet the game is being run as a full-service... service! Free content updates, community content, etc. But, pets will be optional and completely cosmetic from what we know, so that puts the choice in the hands of the player.

    With that in mind, I think all pets should be one price (not tiers, or "better" ones, etc) and $10 seems fair. It's not that high that it will completely put people off, and not so low that there is no perceived value to them.

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