My son wants to be a pirate.

  • My son watches me play Sea of Thieves, and he wants to play with me. Thankfully I have the ability, but he is 5.

    I start him out with a character of his choosing, because "he has a gun."

    I start him off with the intro-mission, and he gets used to the control somewhat, he has an issue where he is still getting used to using both sticks at the same time. So sometimes he is looking up and down.

    I have him run around the island a while, he finds the chest, and digs it up, he wants to go on the ship and kill things.

    I keep him from doing so for a while until he gets used to how things act and react. He is getting the hang of it, he is still getting used to the action and item wheels, but he wants to go sailing.

    So I join him once he leaves the island.

    I go on his sloop, and we talk about what to do, he wants to kill skeletons. So I have him do one of my Order of the Souls missions with me.

    He picks out the color scheme, etc for the ship. Mostly Reaper sails, the PotC body, and the nose art. Reaper cistern, and guns, and Kraken wheel.

    We get on the ship to get going to the island, and I tell him "everything out here will kill you if you aren't careful. So keep an eye out for ships, etc.

    Just as I finish saying that, we get attacked by the Kraken, now he is still having issues with the guns, so we are fighting for our lives, we lose our ship.

    He says "We lost our ship."

    I nodded, and said once the ferry of the damned door opens up go through, we will get another.

    So we do. and we are put into a storm. I am sailing the ship, he is bailing water and repairing the holes as they come through like a champ.

    Then I hear a lightning strike and I find myself dying...

    I then come back, my son is pouring water on where the lighting killed me and torched our ship... then another one hits our mast, it is on fire, and fall.

    I am thinking, "He's not going to want to go out with me again if this keeps up."

    I have him repair the mast, I am bailing out water, repairing the ship underneath, and then get out of the mind you we haven't even gotten to the island yet.

    We get to the island with no more mishaps, I have the ship with white and friendship flags up... so people know we mean no harm. (even though we look like we do)

    We kill the skeleton captain, we go out and we see a golden spiral coming from the water. I get the reaper chest, and a few skulls to boot, and guess what? The reaper island isn't on the bloody map!

    I look all over the map, island to island and no reaper island. We go to the closet trade island, we take the skulls and sell them.

    I leave the chest at the tavern, and he asks why don't we sell it?

    I said two reasons.

    • It's your bedtime.

    • A gift for any pirate that joins the server.

    Hopefully he will remember that, and realize that sometimes it's good to be nice.

  • 14
    just for funstory & lore
  • Sounds like he had a good time and you have a new way to bond with him! I try and get out on the Sea with my daughter but sadly she prefers Halo, at least we're killing stuff together anyway

  • @reedski Oh, we will probably be playing halo soon, but I wanted him to use to get to the controller before putting him into a game that is more fast passed.

    For now, I am hoping that the SoT crews will be "nice"... because I don't want my son to get jaded to people just being rude for the "fun" of being it.

  • @imperatormorsus oh yeah man, I should have pointed out my daughter is 12,it was Minecraft when she was that age and she used to have to put the controller on her lap because it was too heavy

  • @reedski My son played Minecraft, he finds it boring, lol.

  • @imperatormorsus sagte in My son wants to be a pirate.:

    I start him out with a character of his choosing, because "he has a gun."

    My childhood, I can relate so much lol.
    Wholesome story.

  • When we first started my youngest son (then 7) used to hide below deck if we got krakened! He's 9 now and recently got PL (he plays far more fortnite). My oldest son is 12 and he is our resident boarder/spawn killer when we get attacked.. It's mighty good fun playing this with your kids, just don't bank on other crews being 'nice'!

  • @wagstr Regretfully, I don't expect anyone to be nice, but I can hope.

  • @imperatormorsus

    Don't get me wrong, we find nice crews, just not very often!

  • i truely enjoyed reading this story. It must be a great feeling if your child likes to play a game that you as well like to play. It must be great to glance sideways and see that smile or joy or amazement on that young face ..And you know what, when they are older they will think back with Good nostalgical feels about" that Pirate Game i played with me dad"

  • @wagstr It's rare... no pun intended.

  • @clumsy-george Thanks, and yeah he wants to play with me on my games all the time, I just worry that sometimes you get kids with mouths that would make drunken sailors blush sailing the seas...

    I really wish there was a way to keep that kind of stuff away... but it is what it is I guess.

    I'm hoping if he gets good at it, he will become a PL... but that is a long time coming, once we get him efficient in actually doing things then we can work on everything else.

  • @imperatormorsus

    You should be able to mute other crews, we normally have party chat or discord so don't have to listen to the potty mouths!

  • It'll be an honor to be sunk and robbed by your son someday

just for funstory & lore
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