• Hello sailors,

    I'm opening this thread after testing in insiders the season eight and also a couple of hours of grind in the official release.
    That was not a secret, everybody knew that supplies would be a real topic of debate before the official release.
    Rare staff did a great job with cursed balls in my opinion, which are rare to find and also precious now.

    But now let's talk about regular supplies (canon balls, blunderbombs and firebombs)

    We talked a lot with other players, experienced or not, new or old, and supplies in this gamemode are pretty much okay, it is part of the adventure and it depends on how you want to prepare for battle. But blunderbombs should be nerfed (since a long time) on their behavior with ships physics and impacts on the hull.

    • At hight MMR or even lower, fights are turning in a weird way because when somebody starts to fire some blunder bombs, everybody knows how powerfull it is and will do the same.
    • For those who doesn't know : depending on the speed, maneuver and salis placement the blunderbombs will completely spin the ship. If you shoot it to the front, the ship will nose dive in your cannons, and conversely be ejected of the fight if you aim for the rear of the hull. Adding the fact that it is dealing damage throught the surfaces, bumping sailors in the water, canceling interaction with objects..

    In arena mode, it was not a big deal, we had not much blunderbombs (15 if I remember correctly), often we were keeping them for dangerous situations or for the endgame to create an opportunity. But now we can have 100, 200, 300 blunderbombs easily.

    I'm not saying that blunderbombs should be caped, but maybe reworked/nerfed on their physics.
    Two days ago, we have been spammed so much with blunders, that we were in broadsight while moving backwards, at the same speed of the enemy ship with two sails. It ended after 2 long minutes. It was hilarious, but let's be honnest this should not happen.

    Please give some visibility to the thread if you agree with that.

    In all cases, thanks Rare for this amazing update

  • 28
  • blunderbombs have been around so long now but I think with this update we will see the following nerfs
    damage reduced to 25 down from 50
    knockback reduced by 50%
    time to load in canon increased by 50%
    fresh spawned ships no longer start with firebombs or blunderbombs

  • @magus104 Hi ! are they already working on it ? I was checking the insiders forums earlier. If it is the case can you dm me ?

    Ty per advance

  • @lys-raph
    I totally agree! The meta is really bad in my opinion because of these blunderbombs

  • @lys-raph have you tried using blunderbombs back at them?

  • @lys-raph stop crying and use them to your advantage. You’re going to ruin the supplies for everyone!! I’m so sick of players crying all the time!! Stock them and use them to your advantage while in battle! For those of us that use them should not have to suffer because you can’t figure it out

  • @vito1700 You need to calm down sir. Read the topic again, it's not about caping supplies it's about blunder bomb meta wich is not really funny. Blunder bombs physics are broken for a long time now. We are forced to use a lot of them to counter that and the fights are really weird.

  • @cpt-skinnyp Sure, but the fights always turn into a blunder bomb fest on both ships.

  • Hi !

    A good idea that was given to me was that blunderbombs should be as rare to find as the chainshots even in Pirate's life tall tale.
    Fixing the shipwright glitch would be a good start but people have creative way to acquire what they desire so it won't really change the meta that much. It will just make it more rare to happen.
    But still, nerfing them like Magus told earlier could be a good beginning.

  • @vito1700 Here is a time code were you can see exactly what I am talking about :

    I'm sure if I turn your ship into a spinning top by shooting 40 blunderbombs, you will understand what we are talking about.

  • @lys-raph if they were I wouldn't know I don't follow the notes there's as often any more since all the feedback I have given in the past seems to go unheard or ignored it kinda took the wind out of my sails in terms of following insiders. So hopefully none of it was. As it would be under NDA. I am just speculating because it seems to be the meta to just blunder bomb people to prevent canon shots, they also don't do any damage to your ship so enough hits they could just kill you with blunders, board your ship, then sail you out of bounds so you get a loss with no progress which is a real jerk move. It's sad they cared more about preventing people from cheesing in this way than they did about how trolls would win matches this way in order to insure that they get a win while the loser gets a deserter punishment of - progress all around.

  • @magus104 Alright ty for your answer :)
    It seems they are taking our feedbacks in account now. We see features implemented that have been asked for a long time now. e.g. PVP on demand, SBMM, bounty system, supplies etc.

  • @lys-raph

    The problem is not with blunderbombs themselves. The issue is with the sheer quantity people bring into fights. Blunder spam is especially a problem with galleon/brigintine due to multiple cannons. High MMR fights on gally/brig have resorted to who spams blunderbombs first. There was a reason there were only 6 available in arena and competitive leagues. I think the quantity of them available needs to be reduced, or make them actual throwables not to be shot out of cannons. For now, I am just staying on sloop only, as I do not find it fun or skillful to spam blunderbombs for the win or loss.

    Thanks Rare for everything you have put together for season 8.

  • I'm totally OK with it, the blunder meta is the most toxic I've ever seen in every game I played this gotta stop

  • @flickero Yes exactly it was 6, two per barrel !

    I don't think caping supplies would be great for the game, but rework the blunder would be ok.

    I mean don't mind if we have 200 blunder bombs on board but if they make them less effective on the hull, the ships will stop to spin like crazy. For now we just start to spam it at the second we see them starting to send them, because we have no choice.

    If they nerf it players will have to make the difference with their canon pressure, and the fights will be much smoother.

    Except that (and the mushrooms of crates on the anchor) everything is crazy good in this update. I hope we will see improvements on this.

  • @vito1700 Damn you sound like à really nice and smart guy. Are you crying about the fact that for you he is crying ? :) If that question's too high for your IQ level, and you don't get what I mean, I can't do anything for you.
    That's why, if you don't share the same opinions and are not aware of how to debate with other people so that you find solutions together calmly as adults, you can just get the **** out frome here.
    An advice just for you, barking in the face of someone else doesn't help being understood. Just reminds the human you're an animal he feeds cause you can't do it yourself.


    @flickero Yes exactly it was 6, two per barrel !

    I don't think caping supplies would be great for the game, but rework the blunder would be ok.

    If anything, that battle that Mino had absolutely proves that the supply meta is annoying for everyone including the highly skilled crews. Resetting a fight infinitely just makes this content an eyeroll. The number of times Mino sarcastically said "yay resetting again" or similar was comical.

    Imagine that same battle if each crew only had ~80 planks or less. It probably would have been just as fun (if not more fun) for both sides, but would have been over in a fraction of the time and Mino and his crew could have been onto their 500th win or whatever 😂

  • Nerfing blunderbombs bear in mind will also affect quite significantly solo sloopers in the wider adventure. They are a god send when combating larger ships. I'm fine with a nerf but they still need to retain the ability to damage at 50%, knock people off ladders and knock sailors off cannons. Without these abilities you are effectively nerfing small crews fighting large crews into the ground.

  • It's not as bad on Sloop Vs Sloop fights as you usually have the opportunity to either have them turn you onto a broadside where you can give them a load of your own blunderbombs, or they push you away where you can straighten out and repair. I would imagine it's much worse when there are 2-4 cannons firing 10-20 blunderbombs at you but I've not been in that position.

    From my POV as a Sloop player, they seem fairly balanced and I always murder my teammate with them at the end of a session :)

  • @scurvywoof Yes on sloops it is fine.

  • @sweetsandman We are experiencing the same, we have a high MMR now and we came across old crew we were fighting with during scrims for NAL or other community competitions like SOC, high skilled crews don't need to spam blunder bombs to capitalize on a broadsight or reset the fight because they anticipate that (and we use mostly regular canon balls as well).

    But a lot of other crews are completely spamming it at the second something is going wrong, as you said the fight is reseting again and again and there is nothing you can do except spamming it on your side as well .. And pray because even if you are aiming for the weak spots with blunders (front, rear, canon line) physics are broken and it is not consistent even random.

    From my experience, Brig is the worst in this situation, due to her shape, if you spam it you will kill everybody on the ship and bump the others. On sloops it is playable because one canon is not sufficient to do the same.

    I would suggest to :

    • Reduce their effect on the ship physics (smoother fights and good capitalization on a winning broad sight)
    • That will also bring back a stable defensive position in the game, for crews that have been demasted
    • Reduce the knock back effect or the blast radius

    Damages are balanced in my opinion. Supplies limitations would be a down grade on the game mode

    To clarify :

    If blunder bombs are nerfed on their impact on the ship physics, players in trouble will have to make difference with accurate shots on the canon line and fight for a kill or use eye of reach, their defensive position will be more stable but they will have to work on killing people on canons instead of blunder spam. Players in winning position will not see hard resets and be ejected at the other side of the map, fights should become shorter at this point and obviously way more satisfying for everybody.

  • Am I the only pirate who kills himself with blunderbombs more often than gets killed by others throwing them at me?

  • @magus104 there are 10 pellets in bombs so either has to be reduced to 30 or 20 damage. I'd like to see it reduced to 20 damage keep the kb but also reduce how many bombs can be held from 5 to 3. We carry way too much stuff at once.

  • @lys-raph We're probably going to disagree on a solution, and that's fine.

    IMO, nerfing the blunderbomb would be yet another buff to defense and will only draw out battles longer and longer. I most definitely don't want to see that.

    The problem that everyone is experiencing results from a disregard for inventory management because you can literally go get 90+ blunderbombs in about 10 minutes if you know what you're doing...and fun fact...most highly skilled crews know what they're doing and know exactly where to get insane amounts of blunderbombs. On top of that, you can have 693+ cannonballs, 99+ firebombs, 99+ chainshots, etc...there's virtually no supply caps. The result is that you can spam with minimal regard for your inventory management.

    Instead of nerfing power, I would propose supply caps across all ships and drastically nerfing storage crates.

    I'll throw out some rough numbers, but...

    Imagine the artillery barrels on ships combined could only hold 150 cannonballs, 20 blunderbombs, 20 firebombs, 20 chainshots, 20 curses (might need to tweak it a bit by ship type).

    And imagine Storage Crates could only hold cannonballs, food, and planks (no throwables, no curses, etc.)...and they were capped at 80 total items instead of the 1,584 item capacity.

    Again...rough numbers, but imagine if you actually had to be strategic with your battle instead of spamming everything when you feel like it. I feel like that would result in much better fights all around.

  • @sweetsandman I understand your idea, unfortunately this is not arena anymore and it is integrated in the adventure mode, which is not limited for any fight. I don't think developpers or even players want that for multiple reasons :

    • What about if you are caped and you come across 2-3 ships in your zone (traps or just third party) ?

    • The third party will not be caped, you won't be able to face an alliance (small or big)

    • Caped supplies were designed for a game mode with a time limit and points (with respawns)

    • There is no time limit in this game mode so long fights would end to spawnkill or ship hijacking

    • Add to this the complexity and the bugs bound to a system which completely turns your supplies into different ones for a period of time, without loading transition, and the storage crates in the game.

    This is not a buff to defense, we can already hard reset the fight with blunderbombs when we are in big trouble. I mean that the defense will be more skill based instead of spam based :)

    Players will have to land accurate canon balls to turn the pressure at their advantage

    The only advantage I see in caping supplies, is that it will be faster to jump in a battle, because you don't have to worry about supplying your ship anymore. But basiccaly it is nerfing the players, not the tools, again if you go across another ship during the fight you are screwed. At this moment you have the responsability of preparing the battle

    To be honnest blunder bombs are just completely killing the skill gap, and the flow of the fights ^^

  • @sweetsandman

    By the way thank you for being constructive with your ideas it's a pleasure to exchange with people like you. Others can be really disrespectfull sometimes on this forums :)

  • @lys-raph

    I wasn't referring to a supply cap specific to these fights, I was more referring to a general supply cap across the game whether participating in these faction wars or not. It would make supply management a key to any battle regardless of the elements you're fighting in. Barrels 1.0 was probably the better capacity for the game.

    That said, there is one "nerf" to blunderbombs that I do believe would prevent the spamming that you see (more so) in brig and galleon battles while still leaving the effectiveness of the blunderbomb unchanged.

    What if, regardless of ship type, a ship (yes ship...not cannon) could only fire 5 blunderbombs every 20 seconds? Leave the rate of fire at 1 per 1.5 seconds, but if your crew rifles off all 5 for your ship in 7.5 seconds, nobody on your ship can shoot another one out of any cannon for another 12.5 seconds.

    That would leave small vs large ship battles balanced and eliminate same-ship-size battles from being spammable. It would force strategy and also force better communication amongst larger crews. Right now, in galleon battles, you can here the elite crews calling out "blunder spam" and you have a rain of at least 20 going out in under 10 seconds

    That same timing logic could (should) have been applied to chainshots instead of buffing the defense of the sloop mast...but that's a different topic.

  • @sweetsandman

    Yesterday evening we came across the same crew that you can see on Mino's stream. We got demasted early, arround the center of the map.

    Our ship was completely desabled, and they were starting to rotate arround us with two sails (classic maneuver).

    They spammed so much blunder bombs on us, that our ship started again to move backwards, at a very high speed, until we reached the end of the zone !! We managed to sink them with a double board and a strong defense.

    In any cases they need to do something about theses special canon balls

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