Daffodil Beard

  • I have been trying for over 9 hours on both Xbox and pc to only have the client lockup at loading supplies, then followed by a daffodilbeard error. Still waiting on any response from rare. Anybody having this issue? Itd be nice to atleast play the bugged game.

  • 6
  • @cftc-kratos I also have this issue, don't know what do to anymore. Have tried everything i possibly could find on "fixes". No response from Rare at all...

  • I have the same error as well and there is barely any information on how to properly fix it.

  • @slodour
    I found that it was my router security settings were to high and was denying sot. I don't know why it's this way, no problem with any other game. Basically went into its IP ex: login and change ip4 settings to low. It fixed my problem instantly. Hope this helps any some way.

  • DaffodilBeard
    Something has happened on our side that we're working to fix. Please check the status of the game at seaofthieves.com for more information

    Something I would say is that this can be caused by your NAT Settings being either Moderate / Closed to where you can't communicate with the SoT Servers.

    So be sure to check your Network Settings (Windows Settings > Gaming > Xbox Networking or Xbox Settings > Network Status)

    If you get a Teredo error on Windows, hit "Fix It" and check again... should work, or could need a reboot to fix.
    If you have a Closed NAT, then go to your Router; you can either setup a specific Port Forward / Trigger Rule (I'm not sure what Ports SoT uses, but you can see the Xbox Live ports here > https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/networking/network-ports-used-xbox-live)

    Alternatively although I don't recommend this for PC, you can set the Console / PC as the DMZ Device. This essentially disables all Firewall (DO NOT use as well as Port Forwarding / Triggering, as this can cause issues) and provides an Open NAT.

    As a note, the DMZ only works for a Single Device.

  • same issue here

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