Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0

  • I already feel like rage quitting after a big several hour treasure hunt just to be killed and have it stolen. If someone kills me, takes my treasure, wastes my TIME and then at the end I'm punished for it by losing gold... I might just rage an uninstall. How unfun

  • @zalavaaris Greed breaks the sack.

    You must manage the risk to avoid that situation. This is a pirate world!

  • @zalavaaris

    The problem may be that you are holding your treasure for too long. Keep it to like 4-5 chests and return them!

  • And ... refunded ... there all my problems are solved. I am disappointed Rare has not been listening to allot of feedback from alpha to beta to final release, With the high price of the game, launch issues.. upcoming death tax, planed microtransactions after paying already 90 $ ... Na i am happy i got my 90 $ back... I will buy it once rare has ether lowered the price extremly or they decide to listen to feedback and to the old feedback that has been given a long time already

  • Meh. I'll just post my same thoughts on that here as well.

    @tre-oni said in So rare is going to be adding a gold fee for when you die increasing the cost at the stupidity of your death:

    GG skeleton forts.

    Hope you like firing from cannons forever at the fort playing rock, paper, scissors, to see who draws short straw and has to go on land to lead skeletons back out in range, because no one wants to reduce their rewards for getting 360 no scoped by skeletons.

  • @w-ii-n-k-s-o said in Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0:


    The problem may be that you are holding your treasure for too long. Keep it to like 4-5 chests and return them!

    I don't mind losing the treasure, it's a pirate game after all! What I don't want is to be artificially punished by the game for already losing. Like... I already lost everything why take more from me?

  • @zalavaaris

    Understandable. I imagine the cost wont be much... I think its going to add skill to the game. It will make people re think tactics and stratergies.

  • @hasandil you are the first player i have come across that enjoys merchants, its such a long grind and most hate it.

  • I think for the guys who are complaining, who doesn't want to pay for there deaths or even
    the guys who doesn't have gold, must wait much much longer to get alive again.
    So when your on the ghost ship you have to wait say 30 seconds then you can pay gold to go back or if you have no gold or rather wait without paying gold, the door will open for you for example in 2 minutes, so people can talk to each other on the ghost ship having fun or try making peace to each other if some of the other crew is also dead.

  • @khaleesibot

    I thought you enlighten people of Britain got rid of the death penalty in 1965...

  • @zalavaaris I would seriously recommend not holding on to "several hours" of loot in a PvP focused risk/reward game. Whatever you want to complain about, that certainly isn't something I agree with.

    In terms of this "death cost", I want to throw in my disagreement. With the current state of combat and death, there is definitely not enough punishment for death, but in a situation such as camping, it could negatively impact someone who is already having a bad time.

    I see two parts of death that currently are not great elements of PvP from the time my crew have spent in game. Player death during combat doesn't impact a crew enough, the time to respawn is too short and they can be back and fixing the ship very quickly. The other is that Ship death also has no downside, they can quickly get back to where they were, and scuttling your ship repeatedly is something being seen to attempt simultaneous camping of all outposts, trying prevent someone from handing in. That's horrible gameplay for both sides, nobody would want to do that, and can't imagine the mindset of players who are doing this.

    Our suggestion in terms of the player death cost, would be do double the respawn time, and introduce some kind of bribary of the captain of the ferry to half that back down to what it currently is. (I also saw someone mention above doing tasks onboard the ship, this is also a great idea). This would provide a pretty happy medium, and the cost remains a choice.

  • @sweltering-nick ok man, i honestly don't care what the reason is. only thing i want to know is if it's fixed or not. So i know what to do when i get ingame, thanks for the reply tho!

  • @captain-arrarat i just love this idea :D

  • The death toll seems antithetical to the spirit of the game. It's definitely not a feature as it's being promoted here.

  • @Rare-Employee It would be very unwise to implement the death-cost before you alleviate players' existing concerns with spawn camping. You are going to make them even angrier.

  • @xcalypt0x My fear is that they thought the death toll was a way to address the griefing by punishing the risk of failiure, unaware that that's going to affect the griefed way more.

  • @drachmul

    "ok man, i honestly don't care what the reason is."

    That is why you are frustrated... if you take the time to care about it and learn what is causing problems, you will find it easier to be patient about it.

    Take it from someone who has deep experience with frustration. xD

    "only thing i want to know is if it's fixed or not."

    They're trying, as soon as they can find the core issues, they will push out a fix as soon as possible. Keep an eye out on developer posts and news, they should be writing down all the fixes in the patch notes.

  • One question... there is any new ship customization added today?
    or this note is from day 20th :D

  • @rakke83 I didn't complain about losing my hours of work. I understand that was on me. I don't have to be happy about it but I get it. What I DONT want is further gold punishment pouring salt on the wound.

  • Worst case scenario: the death toll is a way to artificially extend the longevity of the game by making gold harder to keep. The gold system is already tipped heavily (unfairly maybe) in that direction.

    Best case scenario The amount of gold lost is so nominal that it doesn't actually affect anything dramatically, like two gold pieces.

    I can't figure out what is positive or constructive about it. It's still boggling me. We already are disinsentivized from dying, because when we do, our ships and loot are up for grabs. That's a high enough risk. People who just want to grief don't care about gold.

  • @hammy-hamstar I am not sure why you tag me in this .... but ... fine i guess. But don't forget, different people have different views.
    "then get taxed for the privilege of me doing it". That doesn't make much sense in my view.
    I won't get taxed for the privilege?! of you doing it. I am getting penalized, for not being a good PVP player. Huge difference.

    Anyway, as i said, everybody has different opinion.

  • So what I foresee myself doing if I'm totally honest. If I'm going to lose my treasure anyway and I know for a fact the other player will kill me and take my stuff I'll feel forced to alt-f4 to at least keep my money. If that's the experience you want for your players rare then by all means... add this dumb idea

  • @khaleesibot a dit dans Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0 :

    Coming Updates

    Death Cost - This new feature has the Captain of the Ferry of the Damned deduct a small gold fee when you die. Rates are dependant on the cause of death, so the more avoidable the death, the less patience the Captain will have when we enable this feature!

    Additional incentive for being a coward?
    You got me there. Sure didn't see that one coming,

  • So I know the game has only been out a couple of days, and that we have been told the game will evolve overtime.
    BUT, hear me out here... you already have the concept down, map showing an island, sail to the island, get the treasure, take to an outpost and sell. This grind as such will ultimately become very tedious and quick. With lack of other crews in the servers and only skeletons as enemies and the odd appearance of the Kraken. I have an idea for a game mode that should be simple for you guys to implement. So how about this, have a number of ships and their crews start out at an equal distance from an island that holds a secret treasure. Crews then will receive a map to this island from solving a simple riddle, all crews will ultimately be sailing to the same island leading to epic sea battles, last crew standing gathers the treasure and gains the reward as the fiercest pirates on the open Sea! I think this will add more excitement and interaction, have a think!

  • S**t at least add a banking system before we go out to sea so we can deposit what little gold most newbie players have. I've been spawn killed several times on my own damn boat and now you guys are adding a tax for each death. What you guys don't see is that your giving more reason for trolls to abuse more S**t SMH

  • @keepitlowkee I think, for avoid that camping. He just need to reajust the spawn of death. and not just near their precedent death.

  • Death cost seems a good start but ultimately it won't fix the god awful spawn system. I suggest after a ship has been sunk twice they should be migrated to another server. This gives them a chance to return and fight again while not allowing them to continually spawn and return over and over and over again.

  • @rakke83 said in Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0:

    @zalavaaris I would seriously recommend not holding on to "several hours" of loot in a PvP focused risk/reward game. Whatever you want to complain about, that certainly isn't something I agree with.

    In terms of this "death cost", I want to throw in my disagreement. With the current state of combat and death, there is definitely not enough punishment for death, but in a situation such as camping, it could negatively impact someone who is already having a bad time.

    I see two parts of death that currently are not great elements of PvP from the time my crew have spent in game. Player death during combat doesn't impact a crew enough, the time to respawn is too short and they can be back and fixing the ship very quickly. The other is that Ship death also has no downside, they can quickly get back to where they were, and scuttling your ship repeatedly is something being seen to attempt simultaneous camping of all outposts, trying prevent someone from handing in. That's horrible gameplay for both sides, nobody would want to do that, and can't imagine the mindset of players who are doing this.

    Our suggestion in terms of the player death cost, would be do double the respawn time, and introduce some kind of bribary of the captain of the ferry to half that back down to what it currently is. (I also saw someone mention above doing tasks onboard the ship, this is also a great idea). This would provide a pretty happy medium, and the cost remains a choice.

    This right here makes more sense longer respawn time and bribery to get out faster. But what needs to be addressed as well is the spawn camping by trolls that stay on your ship shooting you with the damn blunderbust on arrival thats the main reason why I don't agree about the death tax. You can easily abuse the death tax to troll players and Rare needs to realize that

  • @duvelske said in Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0:

    Some discussion i had was also with some others and they had the same thing. Also some of us would like to see some merchant ships too to plunder and sink ;)

    There are Merchant ships in the game, other plays control them. They are full of spices, tea and creatures you can plunder and sell

  • Death tax is a terrible idea. You do realize you can lock someone in the brig and deliberately drown them right? Idc if it's only 5 coins per death. That will add up and just be annoying.

  • @cloudedmonkey said in Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0:

    Also if you penalize me for dieing I'll just go back to GTA, no worries.

    Which had no issues on launch

  • @zZ-Emerz-Zz

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summon the Live Events! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  • @sweltering-nick i'm very patient and i'm not frustrated at all , you kinda missunderstood me here man. I just wanted to know if it was fixed or not that's it, because i didn't see it mentioned in the post . Do you honestly think after we've tested this game for so long i would be frustrated over this small thing? :D i'm not new around here you know. Thanks for the second reply once again.

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