Factions and Faction Wars? {Game Suggestion}

  • So, I've had this idea for a while, but how does the implementation of factions sound? There are already plenty of cosmetics in-game to be able to designate these factions. In my head, I already have four: The Pirates' Code, Blackshroud Bounty Hunters, The Marines, and Merchants. The first two are obvious, Pirates going around doing what they do best, plunder and pillage, while the bounty hunters are hired and rewarded for hunting down the most active Pirates on the server. The Marines would be a bit complicated though, they would have to have a constant flow of supplies coming in and that's where the Mercahnts come in. The Merchants would be a neutral faction that may side with any other faction of their choosing. However, The Navy would need them more than most. The Merchants would be in charge of trade routes between outposts and maybe DELIEVER the cosmetics we all purchase. Of course, this would be a dangerous faction since Pirates are always drawn to Merchant ships. Because of this, they would be one the most rewarding factions to join. Merchants would want to side with a faction that actually protect them from enemy raids and attacks, so they would be sort of an escort mission, however the rewards would be plentiful in gold and maybe special cosmetics? The Marines, now, are in charge of keeping peace in the Sea of Thieves and are tasked with hunting down pirate ships and purging the seas of these bottle-nosed miscreants. This would then open the way for Faction Wars. The Marines having one large HQ, the Pirates having a hidden fort, the Merchants having a well defended bay, and the Bounty Hunters again having a Hideaway. These wars would not only create more incentive to those who don't play as much, but will increase player communication and interaction. The idea is very young but I am open to discussion and fine tuning the idea with anyone who is interested. I've always wanted to play a Pirate game like this and having factions, I believe, would only increase player count and playtime. I know I'd be playing SOT a lot more if I were in a faction.

  • 14
  • I want faction wars so bad.

  • @chief-beef-dsp Faction wars would be a welcome update for me, honestly. This would add much more player interactions.

  • All of the ideas are solid but in keeping with the "level playing field" motto why not just have two opposing pirate factions? Both needing said merchants equally adds to the stresses of being a merchant and adds to the necessity of escorting them. Just my thoughts.

  • I want this. Two factions. Maybe also an optional event that would signal players in the game world to one of the big islands which would be no mans land.

    Around this island ship battles would be everywhere, but the objective is to get to the middle to raise your factions flag. If your faction has that flag raised for maybe 10-20 minutes...maybe longer, your faction wins. Obviously lowering and raising the flag would take a moment so if you're defending and an enemy gets to the flag pole, you have time to stop them. Winning would result in the white flags change to your factions flag.

    It's like king of the hill. There should definitely be a reward for winning this event, but it would have to be something that everyone in that faction would benefit from. Maybe a 2% increase on gold and reputation for a week until the event starts again. New factions should also come with their own progression tree as well in my opinion, like how the base game has progression towards Pirate Legend. So even the legends would have a reason to fight.

    Also maybe the way we land a server, it would matchmake us into servers that even the odds of both factions.

  • @snake4507 Yes, this would definitely add to it. Just the idea alone is already getting me pumped. I believe Rare should consider implementing this soon.

  • @wizensquire1113 This would definitely add more incentive to actually joining a faction and participating in the game more. Not to mention pull in those that are more into competitive gameplay. Perhaps, along with the Open and Closed Crew option, they should add the option to join a Faction Server and collect loot and fight for your own faction?

  • @hyperrez6229
    They rumored faction conflict with the mysterious journal on Devils Ridge (in the caves)

  • @chief-beef-dsp I'll have to check that out! Thanks for the heads-up!

  • The way the game places you in a server.

    I would just like to be assigned a faction when you login to a server - the game roughly has 3 1/2 factions when you login into a server -

    You are assigned as to British / Spanish / French faction to balance out the server - a fourth faction is created when you attack a ship in your faction - you are moved to a pirate faction (in other words to belong to no faction)

    Of course it can be more complicated than that - but as a simple start off solution - I think this would be interesting...

  • @endosku11 The idea alone is interesting, but to name the factions in such a way wouldn't make sense. The devs, as far as I know, haven't said anything about this game taking place on Mother Earth. And AIs such as skeletons and the Kraken would lead me to believe, this is not the case. But to start off with something simple, there'd be: Marines, Merchants, and Pirates. Each assigned their respected tasks, protecting, shipping, and plundering. However, the more I think of this, the more I start to realize that the only reason the Marine faction would care so much about taking down pirates would be if there was a plan of colonization on these islands. This COULD open up some lore ideas for Rare to branch off the whole immersion aspect of the game.

  • There are 3 Local areas in the game right now... so three factions one for each area, Then when the cursed shores adds the fourth area add one for that... or its possible the cursed shores dont add territory permanently im not sure what they are doing but something to do with islands or temporary islands used for special missions perhaps? lots of skeles but lots of loot maybe

  • @blappo-spawn Oooh, if you're right on this assumption of yours, a new faction could come in and spin the world on its head. Maybe some sort of supernatural faction? Perhaps a Skele Crew faction that turns your pirate into an actual skele? Kinda like the Curse of Cortes from PotC?

  • Bumping this

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