Character Creation: Filters!

  • I've heard all the "We want pirates to be unique" discussion and I understand, though I have a suggestion that would make it a slightly less repetitious task of finding a character you like. Filters
    And they don't have to be elaborate at all, literally 3 filters:

    (Male or Female)
    (Black or white) - Skin tone
    (Fat or Skinny)

    The third filter isn't even as necessary, you could make-do with the other two alone
    You still have all the randomness of RNG to generate the rest
    But when creating a character and having to continue rolling because the characters generated aren't a certain skin tone or it isn't even the right gender is extremely tedious

    If you want Pirates to still have their "uniqueness" at least give us options to narrow down the RNG even by a little bit.
    Filters would make this possible and you'd still be able to keep the fact that you want everyone to be unique from the rest
    I feel like players who've already made their characters should be allowed at least 1 reset in their time playing seeing as you can't ever predict how something is gonna look until you buy the items/ clothing.

    This coming from a player who's deleted my character twice already and have actually spent over 2 hours in creation menu

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  • I agree there should be at least some kind of options that stop you from getting the wrong gender
    And make it so that people can reset their characters at least once. I'm Pirate Legend and reached Athena Lv. 8 so I'm definitely not deleting for the sake of looks though I really do hate my character and hope they introduce something like this

  • I agree, there needs to be some filtering. The following you mentioned are good, because no matter what, I'm going to pick a character that is similar to what I am. For example I'm a male, therefore I never will think about playing a female character. It's just not going to happen unless a game forces me to, which isn't cool.

  • @Trenix90
    Exactly, it only makes sense to have filters like that especially gender. And I mean if you want to play as either gender you can easily toggle it on/off to suit

  • @swagbowl What about red and yellow, small and tall? How about the third gender.

  • @goedecke-michel have you not watched TV or read the news recently? If you had you would realise that there are no genders ;)

  • @goedecke-michel
    Asking for any character customization past what they've given is already too much, let's not make it too complicated for them

  • @swagbowl a male/female filter would be more than enough

  • @schwammlgott
    'More than enough' is generous, it'd be a start if anything

  • @schwammlgott If I were Asian and would like to have a pirate that matches my character, I would have to try for a very long time. That's not fair.

  • Two questions:
    Why is skin tone more important than girth or age?
    And are Asians white or black?

  • I don't mind the random pirate generator as it is. It's actually kind of fun. Like gambling. "Do I hit or hold?"
    I just wish that there was some way to change your character in the game. Maybe pay 1.000.000 Gold? Or better yet, have a time limited Bilge Rat adventure to find "The Mirror of Change".

  • I would not mind being able to change your character.

  • @crimsonraziel Let me guess: you are of a pale skin.
    But I think this is why there is no filtering: Who dares answering those questions?

  • I think skin colour and body type are too fluid. There are so many colours between black and white, and so many types between fat and skinny.

    But I agree that a gender filter would be very nice.

  • Great suggestion! I’d say add sliders for more character. Such as clean-rough or nice-menacing. So you can dial in a better look your after. I spent close to an hour selecting my pirate this would have drastically cut down that time.

    Or to make it even more simple just lock progression to the account. You can make up to 3 pirates. You can redo the pirates anytime you want. This way a family can all play with their pirate.

    On a side note with only having two genders in a character selection I’d hate to be a game company in today’s society.

  • @k1lroyw4sh3r3 said in Character Creation: Filters!:

    All gold is shared however each pirate can only spend the gold they contributed same with doubloons.

    Makes no sense. Either the gold is shared or I can only spend the gold I contributed.

    @goedecke-michel said in Character Creation: Filters!:

    @crimsonraziel Let me guess: you are of a pale skin.

    As pale as Meghan Markle. Why?

  • @swagbowl I just hope they add a character creator for the game

  • @crimsonraziel sagte in Character Creation: Filters!:

    @goedecke-michel said in Character Creation: Filters!:

    @crimsonraziel Let me guess: you are of a pale skin.

    As pale as Meghan Markle. Why?

    White people usually claim that the skin colour was not important. The coloured usually see it differently. According to your words, I assumed you were more of a lighter skin type.

    I don't want to start an argument here, especially I have no reason to start one with you. I am of the opinion that this game could and should offer all kind of skin colors.

  • Quick tip for myself don’t write up a post when you first wake up. I knew what I wanted to say there but I typed it out wrong. I meant to say that each pirate has there own gold earned and for all pirates there would be a total of gold earned between them. Like a high score

  • @swagbowl What's funny is in other games I played where you can customize your character, uniqueness was never a problem.

  • The easy fix for this is to have say, 3 pirate slots and then have time limited cosmetics account bound (like mounts with WoW) and anything you can buy from a regular vendor be reset. This way you can start a pirate from scratch, still have access to cosmetics you worked towards and not feel like you're losing out.

    still lock pirate legend/athena cosmetics to non pirate legends though. At least until that avatar is also Legend.

    More customizing would be nice but wouldn't be as needed if there were more slots and you could roll indefinitely.

  • I Totally agree with this. I created my pirate as a really fat and ugly one because I got the game from gamepass and decided I want going to play it seriously and just wanted to be silly. I regret this now because I can't do any stealth missions and hide from other pirates, I get called "fatty" whenever I join a boat, and even if the hitboxes are the same for all pirates, I have a major disadvantage because I am super easy to spot considering the size of my character. I am a Pirate Legend 10 and I am not willing to start all over again just because of my character looks

  • I agree completely there should be a customization menu to build your own pirate like most role.playing games I hate all the load out options and I noticed its mainly white pirates I am a white person but I dont think this load out thing is very diverse

  • @k1lroyw4sh3r3
    Sliders would be a great idea actually, sounds perfect for what they're tryna do.
    Can still have and random generator but generating a specific type instead of all looks under the sun

  • I spent well over 2 hours just trying to decide what my pirate was going to look like, much like I do with every game creation tool, and am very happy with the results, because I got exactly what I wanted. If you were going to put any serious time into the game, and knowing how the system works once you're there, why wouldn't you do the same? Everyone that's having this issue honestly boggles my mind.

    That said, if something happened after the fact that you didn't notice prior, such as how fat pirates work or stretch clothes, or how female pirate's clothes don't exactly match from 1st to 3rd person, that I can somewhat understand.

    I'm not against allowing players to make changes to their character, but for now, I am against making changes to the generator, particularly in the way many people have been suggesting as of late. I just happen to think this is not a "game" problem, but rather a "you" problem. It doesn't matter what you're doing - you should always go into things with careful planning and foresight; be prepared! Or the Sea of Thieves will gobble you up!

  • @galactic-geek I have a real disadvantage in the game because I was stupid and made my character fat, I didn't know I was going to put many hours into the game but look at me now, I'm PL10! I just really want to change my character to a skinny one because I can't hide on ships so that ruins the whole sneaky part of the game. I cant even join some posts for pvp cause they say "Must be able to tuck, no fat pirates".

  • I've noticed five skin tones and eighteen body types.

    I like the idea of a filter or two (maybe just gender), just not the OP's idea of filters.

    I look at the head shape and face, the body type and gender, and racial attribute/skin tone.

    For Insiders I spent an hour or so on the IPG, but still sacked two pirates before making a decent choice. In retail I sacked my pirate two days after launch and never regretted it.

    At least Rare implemented a save pirate feature before launch.

  • @swagbowl After 2 years, there is still no such update

  • Male or female should be a thing but nothing else, especially not fat/skinny because then every tucker and double gunner would make the smallest character possible

  • This all Day. Jeez At least Work with us here. It would at least be nice to be able to filter out Gender or Age.

    I love how all the trailer pirates look great, but meanwhile in the character generator all I see are potatoes. Play by your own rules Rare!

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