Private Servers

  • I think it would be cool if rare added private servers for just you and friends. Like a sever full of just friends and just be in the same server doing whatever. Or have it so you and your friends can hop in a private server and do the shroudbreaker story. Or just so you don’t lose your mind when every 10 sec you get killed when trying to look for chests

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  • @kilo3396 the only way this could happen is to eliminate progression entirely from the server. In other words, no gold, doubloons, commendation, etc that carry ovrr. Even with that I dont really support the idea. The adventure mode is pvpve for a reason and I feel like this goes against the world rare has/is creating.

  • @kilo3396 if you search the forums you will see alit of reasons why this wont be a thing any time soon. Also the dev team has stated if they do this it will be for events and shenanigans, so progression will be removed.

  • @kilo3396
    The devs do want to do this, but theyre going to remove progression and most likely tall tales if they do. Otherwise, why would pveers play in adventure if they had easy mode?

  • I want private servers. Let us create our own games and be innovative. The possibility of all the mini games to play....

    They can take progression, tall tales and any stat out. It is just about the imagination and gameplay for me.
    Something that does not need a long load time like arena and let's me play a few quick games.

  • @kilo3396 @facehuggybear said in Idea for system similar to the “mental health rating” in GTA V:

    This is going down the, "PVE only server, PVP only server argument again.

    Anyone want popcorn?

  • Those of you saying they won’t i know but like many of you said I would like it but by playing it’s just to have fun not actually progres so like you all suggested yes it would be good if they added this then to take away progression from that game mode

  • When I was a kid you’d get a game and play it for like 4 months to a year. Cause you only got like 2 games a year but man even if they sucked you played the hell out of them cause it’s all you had.

    Then came cheat codes...and we’ll when you used them...all the sudden you didn’t play the game as much or for as long. You’d lose interest much faster. It wasn’t the same. It kinda ruined it.

    That’s what Private Servers/PVE servers would do to SOT’s

  • @glannigan I get that but also it would help the people that would just want to have fun with friends with no progress

  • Just take your comeuppance and move on. That’s what everyone else did.

  • This is a common thread, but at least the OP is compromising and agreeing to the no progress argument.

    I would enjoy fighting friends or getting groups of players together for fleet battles. Or just practicing combat (sword/gun) and testing new techniques.

    I think instead of private servers, we should call this a practice server. Gets the point across better

  • @glannigan lul GameShark.

  • it doednt nessesarly need to be NO PROGRESSION, look at other online games that do similar things, mainly GTA V.

    there is are several server options that allow for invite only or friends only ect, HOWEVER they remove the large public events.

    Still let players start voyages/tales but remove the skul forts and reaper chests. decrease the drops from krakerns/megladons/skelly ships so people wont just grind them

    Maybe even increase the spawn of NPC threats and chance of megladon/kraken/skelly ship attack

  • @delta14-pro
    Those world events are mostly pvpve, so it wouldn't matter to pure pveers. And the threats are a joke, it would just make people get more money. So they'd still probably leave adventure for easy mode(who wouldn't?), causing adventure to shift to more pvp. Also, isn't gta supposed to only have pvp interactions anyways?

  • Honestly it would just be nice if you could join with up to 2 ships. This way it's not enough to cause an entire server balance change and you could get some friends to sail around with. Highly unlikely, I know, but I feel a 2 ship max could still work.

  • @glannigan minecraft must be the only exception. Going on 10 years with a new found resurgence.

  • @delta14-pro they would have to increase meg/kraken/skelly ship spawns just to keep up the interaction rate. I might be ok with progression but only one that stuck to the private servers with no transfer over to adventure. Even then its really slippery dividing kunda slope with it.

  • @d-jaguar said in Private Servers:

    @glannigan minecraft must be the only exception. Going on 10 years with a new found resurgence.

    Yes and No. Minecraft at its core is digital LEGO’s so it really isn’t a fair comparison. It’s 90% about what your building.

    Also as you can see they are implementing story and dungeon modes to make it more like a “Real” ...well real is a bad word choice. Lets say “Traditional” game experience.

  • @glannigan
    Those aren't modes, they're seperate games using the ip to increase popularity.

  • @glannigan there are many private and public servers in minecraft. The community built minigames using the in game logic and since then they have added more. Originally there was only survival. There was not a creative mode. We created worlds in survival and invited others to play mini games such as hunger games.

    We have the same thing happening on sea of thieves. Players want a duel so they take over the server in order to have open duels and other mini games. Why not make it easier for the player base to play the mini games we are inventing.
    Creators could invite their community for events and we can have better rivalry events between the many sea of thieves fleets we have on the forum.

    I don't see a difference only one is in its infancy. Players here want brewing( in minecraft), crafting(in minecraft), more fish and sea life (in minecraft), and bigger maps. With the community already creating events, it is only a matter of time.

  • This is a terrible idea mainly because that the game is meant for multiple people sailing around stealing other peoples loot.

  • You might as well play realms on minecraft

  • @alexzav1er if we could sail ships, I would gladly play it on minecraft!
    The map changes anytime we create a new world and we can create our own lore in the realm.

    But private servers should disable any gain. Creative mode in minecraft disables it too.

  • @d-jaguar said in Private Servers:

    @glannigan there are many private and public servers in minecraft. The community built minigames using the in game logic and since then they have added more. Originally there was only survival. There was not a creative mode. We created worlds in survival and invited others to play mini games such as hunger games.

    We have the same thing happening on sea of thieves. Players want a duel so they take over the server in order to have open duels and other mini games. Why not make it easier for the player base to play the mini games we are inventing.
    Creators could invite their community for events and we can have better rivalry events between the many sea of thieves fleets we have on the forum.

    I don't see a difference only one is in its infancy. Players here want brewing( in minecraft), crafting(in minecraft), more fish and sea life (in minecraft), and bigger maps. With the community already creating events, it is only a matter of time.

    I just can’t agree sorry. You can’t just compare tomatoes 🍅 to oranges 🍊

    These games Minecraft and SOT’s are so Fundamentally, conceptually and uniquely different they just can’t be compared.

  • @glannigan minecraft today to sea of thieves today can not be compared, but compare minecraft shortly after its release to Sea of Thieves. It has gone through many changes. Don't let a world full of blocks disrupt your view. It was originally not Legos as there was no creative mode.

    Claims of no content, no end, no playerbase.
    Minecraft at release did not have a crafting menu. Players had to learn while playing. They recorded and shared on a wiki similar to this community. They requested changes and Mojang listened, just like this community.
    Before release, Rare said they visited Mojang to learn what it will take to have a game that lasts as long.
    If the community is doing it already, why not help the community. There should not be any advancement, but letting the playerbase to be more creative can only be good for the game.

    They are not the same game, but they have many similarities. A passionate fan base that wants to play the game and do more with the tools already in the game.

    Have you seen the current in game challenge? Parkour the Sea Dog Course and beat his time. What if we could do it at the same time while dodging cannon balls from our ships?

  • Just caught up on today's skull ball event.
    At 20 min in they discuss what it took to be able to host this event. Private servers can help further build our community.

  • @glannigan said in Private Servers:

    Just take your comeuppance and move on. That’s what everyone else did.

    Yes they did. There’s hardly anyone left.

  • @alexzav1er said in Private Servers:

    This is a terrible idea mainly because that the game is meant for multiple people sailing around stealing other peoples loot.

    First and foremost, the game is meant to be played.

    Concept and mode aren’t cast in stone and both must evolve if the game is to retain players for a decade. To say private servers are wrong and shouldn’t be created is to not understand the challenge Rare face. The current game is not good at retaining players. There is a demand for private/offline/campaign servers and there is quite steady criticism of the way in which PvP and PvE come together within Adventure.

    A co-op mode may be just what the game needs. Degrees of difficulty could be added together with XP and commendations unique to the mode.

    If Rare want to emulate the success of other games they must also accept that they will need to emulate the quality, depth and diversity of these games. What we have now with endless identical grindy voyages isn’t anywhere near enough.

  • please don't do that. much of the game feeling is based on the knowledge that you can lose your hard-earned loot at any time when another team attacks you. private servers break this.

  • @dadiodude said in Private Servers:

    @glannigan said in Private Servers:

    Just take your comeuppance and move on. That’s what everyone else did.

    Yes they did. There’s hardly anyone left.

    I used to think the same thing until I started using the LFG tool on XBOX.

    There are more active players than I ever expected!

    Every time I post an LFG regardless of what I’m doing that evening I get about 10 requests in 30 seconds!

  • @muzackmann why would it matter if it progressed over to adventure mode? the whole game is based off of cosmetic changes ?

  • @delta14-pro honestly I think having the private servers as is would split up the player base further. So this game that is pvpve by design would ultimately be harmed by allowing the same voyage progression on a server by oneself. It may be horizontal but its still progression. Its one thing to get a server to play skull ball. Its a whole other issue when most of the players in adventure mode are playing by themselves.

  • @muzackmann i still dont see why its an issue though ? a pirate legend and a new player have the same health, same equipment and same ships, the only difference is the colour and their title?

    surely if someone just sat in privet only servers it wouldnt effect thouse in public ? and if and when they did go in public servers they would be out of practice with fighting players ?

    TBH im just a little fed up with having to hunt around for other players and help them with their voyage or give them a chest so i can get all my mates in one place

    i just want all 10 of us to play together like in every other game

  • Ya know what, at this point I just wish they would add a private option with no gold or xp rewarded. No tall tales or bilge rat progression either. You can do them, they just won’t count.

    Who am I kidding, people will still complain and say they want rewards for the time they spend.

    Rare can’t win so just stick to your guns and PvPvE for life!

  • @delta14-pro because there are parts of this game that require progression. Athena's for one and tall tales for another. The other part is like a mentioned before. How many people do you think are gonna be playing in the open servers once privates are available?

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