[Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]

  • @thickishjester said in [Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]:

    For those complaining about the 8 person requirement, trust me, we insiders constantly fed back that this was a BAD move but Rare decided to go against our feedback.

    Aye, i was one of them....im still irritaited how they diden't listen to us.

  • I loved the hunt of the diaries, but the last part is so hard to get for people that don't know more players. If anyone wants to get it too, i'm on board

  • Literally never going to get it or hear the ending because of the requirements great thats really upsetting. Well I hope its good and the rewards fun. But for me a solo player on xbox guess I miss out.

  • As predicted...finding 8 people to do this has been a nightmare. Unless you’re in an alliance server (which I refuse to do and don’t respect) your average crew isn’t going to be able to do this. This will eventually turn into a spawn camping site. Please @Musicmee this needs to be experienced by just the crew. I sat for 3 hours with reapers mark up and nothing. Hopped servers and same thing. Just like on insiders I don’t get to experience the finale Bc no one will help :(.

  • Hello everyone please can i have the island where i find treehouse in mp please ? Sorry for my bad english.

  • I played this in Insider, but wasn't able to finish because it was just myself.
    Well yesterday I was able to steer my alliance there (none of them had heard of it), and with some help from the forums, we opened the door.
    It was very moving and all of these hardened salty pirates all said this was the coolest thing in the game. Well done Rare.
    Although 8 seems like a lot, it truly is more moving having all these pirates from different crews working together....something we need more of in the world.

  • Hey folks, I have a quick question. Recently I made a quick video in regard to Glitterbeard in game content in honor and tribute for JW. I'm being told by folks here and there that the Devs. specifically said not to post anything relating to the secret tree and ritual, yet I cannot find a thread stating so. Can someone please clarify that and tell me if that is accurate? Thanks

  • The execution of this is terrible how do I get 8 people to help me in a pirate game???

  • I need to vent about how stupid rare was for the 8 person requirement in a f****** pirate game

  • @dz-the-gamer They stated it out on the Insider forum and according to RareThief they still want to preserve the secret of the last journal so I recommend you not to upload any content about this.

  • @blaizent I agree! This is a bad idea. How does Rare think people will be able to do this. Why make something most people will never see?

  • @musicmee I was told(May not be true, but worth a try, I have not done it yet) that the 30 seconds or so after sundown, that you be around the tree with your companions

  • @manicowl88
    what do you mean 8 people? to get to the treehouse or to open it?

  • Day 2 of being unable to complete Glitterbeard with my crew. Did all the journals. Found the treehouse. No one comes and everyone avoids you on the seas. Really hate that we need 8 people. The journals talk about it’s the friends you make along the way. I’ve been with my crew for 3 years now and I can’t complete this because finding other ships is impossible unless you’re in a server alliance which I refuse to do.

  • I think it was a poor decision to make it 8 people, I understand fully why it is, but it is so hard to actually get 8 people together let alone to actually do what you want them to do. As someone who plays mainly duo sloop I'm starting to think I may not even try anymore and I would love to see this amazing tribute with my own eyes. Happy sailing!!

  • @makoshark159 said in [Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]:

    @blaizent I agree! This is a bad idea. How does Rare think people will be able to do this. Why make something most people will never see?

    Because to feed alliance servers basically.
    Dumb thing having 8 people

  • @musicmee

    Hey can you clarify if the rewards for this are time limited or not?? Please and thank you.

  • @musicmee It takes too many people, I tried to assemble a team of random people, in most cases they are beginners who immediately run to lower the sail and take the helm. They do not care what I offer them, after I was bombarded with bombs, I gave up this idea.
    I agree to find another hundred magazines, just reduce the number of people to two

  • Does anyone know the chronological order of the journals? Would love to read them in order.

  • This experience was really a shame. I was super excited to do this with my brother, but its super upsetting that you need 8 people to get into it. I really like the sentiment behind this easter egg, and I really appreciate the efforts Rare went to create this, but the simple fact is that so many people will be unable to experience it because the requirements are so steep. I hope they make changes and bring the minimum number of people down, because I know that so long as this is kept at 8, few will be able to properly finish this. Great thought and effort behind it, but poor execution.

  • @weetabix-lord said in [Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]:

    This experience was really a shame. I was super excited to do this with my brother, but its super upsetting that you need 8 people to get into it. I really like the sentiment behind this easter egg, and I really appreciate the efforts Rare went to create this, but the simple fact is that so many people will be unable to experience it because the requirements are so steep. I hope they make changes and bring the minimum number of people down, because I know that so long as this is kept at 8, few will be able to properly finish this. Great thought and effort behind it, but poor execution.

    I think it should be 4 but even 5 would be more algorithmically sound and still deliver the same effect without souring or preventing the experience for many.

    5 would still require people to interact but it would keep pleasant interactions far more likely and realistic which still lines up with the sentiment and spirit of the intent.

    Personally I really don't like 8 because it pushes people into alliance servers and server hopping. 5 would lead to far more organic situations and special moments between them while they experience something that outside of the player requirement was beautifully and touchingly put together

  • @agelesshealer44 said in [Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]:

    The execution of this is terrible how do I get 8 people to help me in a pirate game???

    I think many of you are making this harder than it needs to be. First, start with a galleon of trusted friends. That's 4 right there. Then, go searching for another galleon of 4 (or equivalent). And don't just sit at the final location with the Reaper's Mark flag either. Most pirates are too busy to care, are afraid that your flag means that you're looking for a fight, or simply don't know about Glitterbeard well enough to understand the significance of your positioning. Even if someone comes, it'll be likely to ruin your experience. Instead, go searching for them. Travel through the middle of the map to maximize your viewing distance. Use your speaking trumpet to get their attention. You can even use your recent players list on Xbox Live, or Steam's equivalent, to message them. Offer them payment to entice them! Let them know of the event rewards too if they've never done it before. Once you recruit a ship, but don't yet have enough pirates, enlist them into the search for others so that you can cover twice the map 2x as fast. Invite everyone to an alliance and/or party and talk them through the necessary steps.

    When I did it, it took me about 6 hours to find 21 of the journals solo. Once I figured the final part, I recruited 4 of my friends onto a galleon, and we searched for 2 hours to get others involved. We found a duo sloop of new pirates that were interested, and recruited a solo slooper who graciously opened up his crew for us. Once the solo slooper was a duo slooper, we all set it up - getting it right, took us 3 tries (roughly an hour). Everybody agreed that the payout was worth it in the end.

    That's me, 3rd from the left. 😉

  • we cool to post screenshots of us achieving this or nah?

  • This was such a great experience and I would recommend that you do this special event if you have not done so.

    Yes it wasn't easy finding 8 people, but I believe Rare did not want it to be too easily achievable.

    A very touching tribute and I will say it did give me goosebumps and not too mention listening to grown men crying.

    Great job Rare and wonderful tribute to a friend and employee.

  • hey can some one tell me where the tree house is

  • @limend idk if we could but do you know where the tree house is

  • @yoda0508 said in [Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]:

    @limend idk if we could but do you know where the tree house is

    if you have time read the glitter beard books they'll tell you this is sort of spoiler free

  • @solarlunar34168 8 people to open. Very hard to do even on a full galleon crew. Gotta roam the seas and hope you can find other people who are willing to drop what they’re doing to go with you to the treehouse

  • In the spirit of glitterbeard I set my mind on taking a completely random and organic open crew brig, representing reapers, and then taking it to grade 5 and then finding another grade 5 reapers and convincing them to join me and then find a 3rd ship to also join. Not the type of thing I want to do or enjoy doing but I felt it necessary for a proper tribute.

    This would be 50% uncontrollable luck and 50% determination to get the dang thang done. I knew it could take a long time but I knew how I wanted to do it and once the mind is set I'm in tunnel vision

    First 2 random servers and opportunities went as expected. Blood and guts and mayhem. Even Quentin Tarantino would look at how it played out and be like "man, that's messed up"

    3rd time is the charm. I Captain a random crew to victory over a fleet with reapers. We achieve our grade 5 and over the previous 20 minutes I had been tracking a grade 5 reaper brig acting in a way where I knew that they feared the reaper. This was my chance. I can convince sheep to flock more efficiently than wolves.

    In the spirit of Glitterbeard I cannot use force and intimidation I have to remain friendly. After a short battle I have convinced them to hear me out. Nobody in the situation has heard of Glitterbeard so I take some time explaining to my crew and theirs what we need to do.

    As we are talking a sloop sails by and I shoot over and anchor the guy and get him on board. 1 problem, he is solo. That leaves us at 3 ships and 7 people. Another 30 minutes of communication in the spirit of glitterbeard and I get my fleet of misfits to where we need to be. (I got sloop guy to open his crew and we lucked out and got someone that wasn't an issue)

    Time for the first try. Of course it fails and some are not consistent in their performance.

    Second try. A reaper grade 1 galleon comes over not to participate but to attempt to aggressively acquire 2 grade 5 flags and 2 ships full of loot. This interferes with our peaceful ritual. (sorry glitterbeard) but these 4 had to die.

    3rd time is a charm again. My rag tag group of pain in the booty isle did what we needed to do.

    Next to What Remains of Edith Finch and playing through the first Last of Us this moment in SOT lore was my favorite video game experience. Not because of the pirates that accompanied me (sorry glitterbeard) but just how beautiful the content/tribute was put together.

    I think that moment would be even better with a 4 requirement where 1 crew of close friends could really take in that moment for what it is but in the spirit of Glitterbeard I did it his way. Thanks for the experience

  • anyone want do it with me

  • @yoda0508 said in [Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]:

    anyone want do it with me

    sure i'll set up a brig around 3 o'clock est or a galley if you have a friend and i have one if he has done it he can help

  • @closinghare208 I live in cali so I would be free around 4 pdt

  • @yoda0508 said in [Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]:

    @closinghare208 I live in cali so I would be free around 4 pdt

    dm me what time that would be in est go to my pic click or press on it and go to new chat and then tell me what that would be in est

  • @yoda0508 said in [Mega Thread] Glitterbeard Discussion and Community Help Thread [Spoilers Ahead]:

    anyone want do it with me

    For a fellow Star Wars fan? Absolutely! 😁

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