What is considered bannable?

  • @lem0n-curry said in What is considered bannable?:

    Does it say in the Arena rules that TDM'ers have to be left alone ?

    Some long shots that happen to land on ships of TDM players are reportable in your opinion ?

    Trying to make a far-fetched point somewhere somehow ?

    Yes, point is.... record your TDm games, and report griefers to XBOX services. Keep recordings in case somebody comes back, or atleast you get message from XBOX.

  • @jadescissors32
    I'm starting to think you just have a problem with authority. from two threads now what i get from you is "i can do whatever i want, and i won't let any company bully me" and then "just let me do what i want or I'll have you banned"

    lets just calm down and respect the rules of the road here. This is a game with set rules and guidelines. In arena you cant get upset when someone shoots at you, its literally what you signed up for.

    and before you say it, no else is saying anything like "I'll have you banned" we are saying "you could get banned for that" to a few points you and others have made.

  • @xultanis-dragon You can check reputation here


    and yes its does work
    XBOX services will push those accounts away from you and I haven't seen accounts I reported.
    It pushes them from all games and all services. Its a real banhammer. If they are kids their parents get message too.
    Works like a charm, personally I dont care where they are or what they end up with, as long as they not joining my games.

  • @shifty189 said in What is considered bannable?:

    I'm starting to think you just have a problem with authority. from two threads now what i get from you is "i can do whatever i want, and i won't let any company bully me" and then "just let me do what i want or I'll have you banned"

    lets just calm down and respect the rules of the road here. This is a game with set rules and guidelines. In arena you cant get upset when someone shoots at you, its literally what you signed up for.

    and before you say it, no else is saying anything like "I'll have you banned" we are saying "you could get banned for that" to a few points you and others have made.

    I have problem with bullies, any kind any size.

    I will see your blunderbombs and raise you my mega keg

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @xultanis-dragon You can check reputation here


    and yes its does work

    Oh dear god you are talking about their reputation enforcement?? Do you have any ACTUAL understanding on anything that you are talking about??

    XBOX services will push those accounts away from you and I haven't seen accounts I reported.

    They will NOT push the accounts from you. You haven't seen any because its VERY RARE to run into the same player names in Sea of Thieves. Plus I doubt you remember EVERY single person you've ever reported. Not to mention the chances of running into the same player frequently in the same lobby for games like Halo, CoD, or any of the other games that have millions of players is RARE.

    "I met this one person out of like 2million and I never ran into him again, it must mean that xbox is punishing them" - No. Just no.

    It pushes them from all games and all services. Its a real banhammer. If they are kids their parents get message too.

    Its not a ban hammer. They are still playing those games, they are still able to use those services. You have no idea how the enforcement rule works do you??

    Works like a charm, personally I dont care where they are or what they end up with, as long as they not joining my games.

    4. If I rack up many reports in a short period of time, will my reputation automatically go down? No, your reputation will not go down until someone from the Xbox Live Policy Enforcement Team reviews the reports. If the reports are false, they will have no impact on your reputation.

    Just because you reported someone doesn't mean they automatically get a mark on their reputation. It has to be legitimate and even then if you make a ton of false reports, your reports get less priority.

    Broski, I think you believe things will go your way because you either (A) Believe your own views to be "fair" or (B) Just don't actually understand what you are talking about, because NONE of what you say makes sense.

    Just because you are making reports doesn't mean jack. The reports have to be clarified as legitimate and judging by your demeanor about this whole situation I am going to assume that a lot of your reports have come back as false.

  • @xultanis-dragon Whatever you think, I get updates on my support requests and I am happy with them.
    getting much less interruptions of TDM lately.

    Also let me quote from Enforcement types because you seem to think this is only wannabe enforcement I really like this one....

    We may permanently suspend your profile if we can no longer trust it due to a severe violation or if our attempts to correct repeated negative behaviors are unsuccessful. A permanent account suspension blocks your profile from accessing Xbox Live in any way.
    To see more info and examples of what can cause a permanent account suspension, see the Community Standards for Xbox page."

    So get reported by many people, play board games later..

    So whoever plays TDM, record interrupters, and report them to XBOX.

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @xultanis-dragon Whatever you think, I get updates on my support requests and I am happy with them.
    getting much less interruptions of TDM lately.

    Not getting interruptions lately because no one cares lol not because you won your reports.

    Also I would like to see those reports for the TDM's you made, since you said they give you updates on them.

    I want to know the actual words they used because at this moment I can't trust you, no offense but you have been misinterpreting stuff.

    Also let me quote from Enforcement types because you seem to think this is only wannabe enforcement I really like this one....

    Lets go over that quote then.

    We may permanently suspend your profile if we can no longer trust it due to a severe violation or if our attempts to correct repeated negative behaviors are unsuccessful. A permanent account suspension blocks your profile from accessing Xbox Live in any way.

    No one is arguing on what gets people banned, we are all in agreement except you. Also I like how you put in bold which doesn't mean anything.

    My stipulation is you make repeated reports isn't going to get anyone banned. No one gets banned for repeated reports because like I mentioned before, I say it again, REPORTS HAVE TO BE CLARIFIED. You can make 100 reports on the same person, if the reports are deemed false or even excessively malicious from the reporter's stand point then the accused is left innocent and unpunished.

    To see more info and examples of what can cause a permanent account suspension, see the Community Standards for Xbox page."

    So get reported by many people, play board games later..

    Nope, getting reported by many people does absolutely nothing. Like I said, I get reported all the time. Almost every PvP'er gets reported, guess what, NOTHING HAPPENS. Just because you are reporting doesn't mean something is happening. The reports have to be confirmed as legitimate and I have serious doubts that you have ANYTHING that says you were successful in reporting people for interrupting your TDM.

    I'm pretty sure what you got was "we handled the situation".

    So whoever plays TDM, record interrupters, and report them to XBOX.

    If anything I'm pretty sure everyone is more than welcome to attack anyone who is TDM'ing. If you see TDM'ers you are more than welcome to attack them. Arena is not the TDM mode.

    You can not and will not be punished for attacking TDM'ers.

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @shifty189 said in What is considered bannable?:

    I'm starting to think you just have a problem with authority. from two threads now what i get from you is "i can do whatever i want, and i won't let any company bully me" and then "just let me do what i want or I'll have you banned"

    lets just calm down and respect the rules of the road here. This is a game with set rules and guidelines. In arena you cant get upset when someone shoots at you, its literally what you signed up for.

    and before you say it, no else is saying anything like "I'll have you banned" we are saying "you could get banned for that" to a few points you and others have made.

    I have problem with bullies, any kind any size.

    I will see your blunderbombs and raise you my mega keg

    Bullies? UH I ALMOST FORGOT you think companies enforcing the rules that all customers agreed to is bullying. Your funny kid. Also about your mega keg comment. Slam dunk man, I mean really wow that was impressive lol

  • Jade is a troll. Come on, you lot know better.

  • @xultanis-dragon I wrote this before and I will repeat this again. You are neither Rare or Microsoft, and have no authority to say whats "intended" or what is for.
    We could be having a tea party at the fort and that's still none of your or anybody else business. If you sail across map just to attack ships sitting at the Fort that is called griefing and trolling and it is form harassment and yeah people will report you for that.
    Considering how much content that serves as advertisement for the game is created in those TDM matches, I doubt it will stop.
    In fact servers are becoming TDM dominant. For few days straight we did end up with server to ourselves.

    If you think I am the only person reporting than you are mistaking. In fact I am reporting because I was told others are doing and this was suggested on Discord. So I am following TDM best practice. I am just spreading the information.
    Now I can imagine when XBOX gets a user reported by 6-12 people at the same time for harassment they will be inclined to look into it even just to see what is going on here.

    And it must be working because Arena is small and I play with a lot of the same people, in fact I recognize a lot of ID's on this forum and we had played together, but the offenders seem to be all gone.

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @xultanis-dragon I wrote this before and I will repeat this again. You are neither Rare or Microsoft, and have no authority to say whats "intended" or what is for.
    We could be having a tea party at the fort and that's still none of your or anybody else business. If you sail across map just to attack ships sitting at the Fort that is called griefing and trolling and it is form harassment and yeah people will report you for that.
    Considering how much content that serves as advertisement for the game is created in those TDM matches, I doubt it will stop.
    In fact servers are becoming TDM dominant. For few days straight we did end up with server to ourselves.

    If you think I am the only person reporting than you are mistaking. In fact I am reporting because I was told others are doing and this was suggested on Discord. So I am following TDM best practice. I am just spreading the information.
    Now I can imagine when XBOX gets a user reported by 6-12 people at the same time for harassment they will be inclined to look into it even just to see what is going on here.

    And it must be working because Arena is small and I play with a lot of the same people, in fact I recognize a lot of ID's on this forum and we had played together, but the offenders seem to be all gone.

    Let me get Thai strait. If I see you having your little tea party and I sail across the map and attach you I’m griefing? So you playing the game in a way that was never intended is ok, but me play as intended is bannable? Lol seriously are you even thinking any more?

    Simply put in well within my rite to attack anyone on any sever for any reason or no reason at all. THAT IS THE PIINT OF THIS GAME. How in the world do you not know this? And I don’t care how many people report someone for attacking another ship, it’s how this game is played BY DEAIGN

  • A player complaining about naval in a naval game? He has to be trolling. There can be no other explanation.

  • @shifty189 As said before you are neither Microsoft or Rare to state whats intended what is not. And Nobody made you SoT police. This is no different than in other games. Example:
    Somebody driving against traffic in car racing game just to bump other cars, or like those stupid folks who will put their car on the jump ramp because they think everybody should be racing not doing jump tricks.

    Strange if you think that's not the issue why you are suddenly worry about getting reported.
    Interrupt TDM and you will be in one of the spawn camping videos and get reported too. Sounds like win win to me.

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @shifty189 As said before you are neither Microsoft or Rare to state whats intended what is not. And Nobody made you SoT police. This is no different than in other games. Example:
    Somebody driving against traffic in car racing game just to bump other cars, or like those stupid folks who will put their car on the jump ramp because they think everybody should be racing not doing jump tricks.

    Strange if you think that's not the issue why you are suddenly worry about getting reported.
    Interrupt TDM and you will be in one of the spawn camping videos and get reported too. Sounds like win win to me.

    I just can't with you anymore. you go ahead and think people are getting banned for sinking ships, but not the galleon launch bug. that's cool bro.

    you know what, no i won't leave it there. you sir are the rudest most ignorant troll i have ever met. people try to inform you about your incorrect assumptions and you want to fight them. you consistently willingly provide incorrect information, and worst of all (your a TDMer sorry couldn't help myself) you tell people they are spreading unfounded fear when in fact it is you trying to scare people into leaving you alone. i can't believe anyone is taking to time to reply to you as you are clearly a troll

    P.S. spawn camping is 100% fine in this game, but you already know that since we have told you that many times.

  • @shifty189 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @shifty189 As said before you are neither Microsoft or Rare to state whats intended what is not. And Nobody made you SoT police. This is no different than in other games. Example:
    Somebody driving against traffic in car racing game just to bump other cars, or like those stupid folks who will put their car on the jump ramp because they think everybody should be racing not doing jump tricks.

    Strange if you think that's not the issue why you are suddenly worry about getting reported.
    Interrupt TDM and you will be in one of the spawn camping videos and get reported too. Sounds like win win to me.

    I just can't with you anymore. you go ahead and think people are getting banned for sinking ships, but not the galleon launch bug. that's cool bro.

    you know what, no i won't leave it there. you sir are the rudest most ignorant troll i have ever met. people try to inform you about your incorrect assumptions and you want to fight them. you consistently willingly provide incorrect information, and worst of all (your a TDMer sorry couldn't help myself) you tell people they are spreading unfounded fear when in fact it is you trying to scare people into leaving you alone. i can't believe anyone is taking to time to reply to you as you are clearly a troll

    P.S. spawn camping is 100% fine in this game, but you already know that since we have told you that many times.

    Wow, you calling me rudest, while it is you constantly name calling, and its you who pretends to be Microsoft employee (which is bannable offense by the way) unless of course you are employee, than I am pretty sure you broke internal policy of your employer.

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @shifty189 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @shifty189 As said before you are neither Microsoft or Rare to state whats intended what is not. And Nobody made you SoT police. This is no different than in other games. Example:
    Somebody driving against traffic in car racing game just to bump other cars, or like those stupid folks who will put their car on the jump ramp because they think everybody should be racing not doing jump tricks.

    Strange if you think that's not the issue why you are suddenly worry about getting reported.
    Interrupt TDM and you will be in one of the spawn camping videos and get reported too. Sounds like win win to me.

    I just can't with you anymore. you go ahead and think people are getting banned for sinking ships, but not the galleon launch bug. that's cool bro.

    you know what, no i won't leave it there. you sir are the rudest most ignorant troll i have ever met. people try to inform you about your incorrect assumptions and you want to fight them. you consistently willingly provide incorrect information, and worst of all (your a TDMer sorry couldn't help myself) you tell people they are spreading unfounded fear when in fact it is you trying to scare people into leaving you alone. i can't believe anyone is taking to time to reply to you as you are clearly a troll

    P.S. spawn camping is 100% fine in this game, but you already know that since we have told you that many times.

    Wow, you calling me rudest, while it is you constantly name calling, and its you who pretends to be Microsoft employee (which is bannable offense by the way) unless of course you are employee, than I am pretty sure you broke internal policy of your employer.

    so why is it you think I'm not getting banned? maybe because everything i have said is true, maybe its because no one reads this post anymore, maybe its because calling a troll a troll isn't actually against the rules. yes i read the rules and abide by them. i don't try to make things up as i go along, i have been around for long enough.

    so back on point, why is it that you think someone sinking you is a problem? the difference between this and other games is that thinks like hunting people down and spawn camping them is not only allowed but is a key part of the game.

  • @jadescissors32 What you're saying is incorrect, whether or not you believe it to be true.

    I TDM often & not once have I reported an interfering crew. Because they are not breaking the rules of Arena. There is one objective in Arena. It is to earn silver. Just because their way of earning silver ruins your fun, doesn't make it griefing.

    If you are not trolling and you are truly reporting those crews, you are wasting your own time, as well as Microsoft's.

    If a crew messes with your TDM, camp them. You can emote dance on their ship; give them a few * Rolls on deck laughing*s; bucket their souls; clip the whole thing. But reporting them? For griefing? That's hella weak.

  • @theblackbellamy said in What is considered bannable?:

    @jadescissors32 What you're saying is incorrect, whether or not you believe it to be true.

    I TDM often & not once have I reported an interfering crew. Because they are not breaking the rules of Arena. There is one objective in Arena. It is to earn silver. Just because their way of earning silver ruins your fun, doesn't make it griefing.

    If you are not trolling and you are truly reporting those crews, you are wasting your own time, as well as Microsoft's.

    If a crew messes with your TDM, camp them. You can emote dance on their ship; give them a few * Rolls on deck laughing*s; bucket their souls; clip the whole thing. But reporting them? For griefing? That's hella weak.

    Oh I know not everybody reports interrupters, which is mistake but that's whole another problem. I don't think anybody had expected that everybody will do it. The strength is in numbers.
    Oh spawn camping is given. And the bucket and the * Rolls on deck laughing*s
    It all started because people were clipping last few seconds of being spawn camped than reporting to Rare.

    It was equivalent of starting a fight than playing a victim card.
    So those that I know record full match now, and since you have a video you may as well report little complainers for griefing.

  • @jadescissors32 said in What is considered bannable?:

    @xultanis-dragon I wrote this before and I will repeat this again. You are neither Rare or Microsoft, and have no authority to say whats "intended" or what is for.

    I wrote this before and I will repeat it again. I know full well wants intended and what isn't because of the ToS and because of what Rare stipulated.

    Arena is not for TDM'ing. Its not intended for TDM'ing. You want to set up a TDM thats fine. You can not get banned for attacking TDM'ers and the fact that you call it greifing is what surprises me the most lol.

    I think you are legitimately trolling or at least you are now doing the fearmongering, trying to make sure that players can't interrupt your TDM because know you are afraid of players knowing that they can ban you for teaming.

    Either or you have no idea what you are talking about.

    We could be having a tea party at the fort and that's still none of your or anybody else business. If you sail across map just to attack ships sitting at the Fort that is called griefing and trolling and it is form harassment and yeah people will report you for that.

    You can do whatever you want at the fort, its not greifing to attack you and its not griefing to keep attacking you.

    Its not a form of harassment and actually now that I think about it, because they removed all communication there is no way for players to even harass you outside of using their pets.

    So you can report all day every day won't do anything.

    Considering how much content that serves as advertisement for the game is created in those TDM matches, I doubt it will stop.

    Considering the content?? Really?? Hey let me ask you something, didn't a WHOLE bunch of TDM'ers get banned a while back?? Like a huge number of TDM'ers?? Gee, What must have happened to them that they got banned?? I mean they are creating content and advertisement but still got banned??

    Maybe you don't know as much as you think you do??

    In fact servers are becoming TDM dominant. For few days straight we did end up with server to ourselves.

    No they are not. I play Arena with crewmates because Adventure just takes to long to find anyone and I don't have the time to chill out 4 hours for a session. Guess what, no TDM'ers and even if there are we sink them. I usually try to leave them alone but I figured might as well sink them too since they are taking up spots that could be used for a full lobby. Only issue is that there aren't that many TDM'ers anymore.

    Makes me wonder what region you play in to get such conflicting information.

    If you think I am the only person reporting than you are mistaking. In fact I am reporting because I was told others are doing and this was suggested on Discord. So I am following TDM best practice. I am just spreading the information.
    Now I can imagine when XBOX gets a user reported by 6-12 people at the same time for harassment they will be inclined to look into it even just to see what is going on here.

    You are probably not the only person reporting and probably not the only person who believes they are actually doing something.

    You can report all you want, but it won't do you any good. I've been reported multiple times, still here. Pace, Summit, Box, etc etc etc, get reported DAILY and still around. Players who get reported by probably more than 6 or 12 players and its probably at this point that those reports are in the ignore pile or the "close immediately as false" pile.

    You can follow TDM best practice all you want broski, I'm telling you right now that Arena is NOT FOR TDM.

    I have no issues with you TDM'ing. I really don't. Get the friends, create the servers and have fun, knock yourself out. I do not care at all.

    The only reason I'm having this argument is because you think that players attacking you is greifing or that them attacking you can get them banned. It can not.

    I doubt you have ever gotten anyone banned for TDM'ing as I'm pretty sure xbox doesn't actually tell you the outcome of the actual report, they just tell you that they took the appropriate actions??

    You do realize that 100% of the replies for reports is to placate players don't you?? They don't actually tell you that it was successful. They just tell you they are handling it because heaven forbid they tell anyone that they deemed their report as illegitimate because then they would get 100's of more reports and angry customers that think that just because they got their feelings hurt they deserve to be hugged and coddled.

    Scratch that, some companies do tell the outcome but that is usually only within the first 6months or even at most a year after the games release. When they think its better to tell the player until they start realizing that everyone they tell no too just won't shut up and keeps pestering them.

    And it must be working because Arena is small and I play with a lot of the same people, in fact I recognize a lot of ID's on this forum and we had played together, but the offenders seem to be all gone.

    Arena is small, ever wonder if those players in general just started playing in a different region with different friends?? Maybe they started playing in adventure again because update?? How about the fact that you don't actual recognize any ID's you just think you do??

    I would also like to confirm that I'm pretty sure that you play Arena with a group of players which means that you guys locked down the server with about 3 or more crews which again lowers the amount of players you'll run into.

    Attacking you is not greifing

    Attacking you is not Harassment.

    Arena's intent is for a short session of Sea of Thieves, does not mean you can TDM with some kind of saftey net from Rare, you can be attacked.

    One of the ONLY things outside of the normal stuff that you can get banned for is teaming.

    Interrupt TDM and you will be in one of the spawn camping videos and get reported too. Sounds like win win to me.

    If someone interrupts and they TDM'ers team to spawn camp, they are the ones getting banned.

    Strange if you think that's not the issue why you are suddenly worry about getting reported.

    No one here is worried about getting reported. The only one worried is you after realizing that players will finally know that TDM'ers can get banned for teaming and you are afraid of players attacking you and then reporting you for teaming.

    Just don't team.

    Again Attacking TDM'ers is not greifing, Attacking TDM'ers is not harassment.

    Record your full matches, not gonna save you.

  • Hey this post got a little out of hand, could we just get a mod like @musicmee to give us an answer to the tdm issue and close this post please?

  • @xultanis-dragon said in What is considered bannable?:

    No one here is worried about getting reported. The only one worried is you after realizing that players will finally know that TDM'ers can get banned for teaming and you are afraid of players attacking you and then reporting you for teaming.

    Just don't team.

    Again Attacking TDM'ers is not greifing, Attacking TDM'ers is not harassment.

    Record your full matches, not gonna save you.

    If you think I am trying to to convince anybody to not interrupt TDM matches you are mistaking.
    Its too much fun to spawn camp folks.

    All I am saying..
    Interrupt TDM and :

    1. Get spawn camped
    2. Immortalized in one of the videos
    3. Get reported.

    and Have fun

  • There is no defined list of what is bannable as every case is decided by Rare.

    Everyone has their own idea of what is or should be reportable/bannable but at the end of the day, it is ultimately decided by Rare.

    If you think someone has been toxic or suspect foul play, you can submit a Support Ticket.

    Going to be dropping anchor here.

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