Saying Goodbye to The Arena

  • @elieeleye Ahoy matey!

    I think the team really wanted to thank those players that had engaged in Arena... And having a cut off point of today was the best call to make sure non of them pesky pirates hopped on and stole that Sea Dog glory ;D

  • Will there be any possibility to at least earn the Sea Dog commendations by making them count towards progress in Adventure instead? Unless there is a part about this that I missed while reading through.

    RIP Arena. You will be both missed and not missed. Godspeed.

  • But wait what about the Tavern in Adventure mode at least let us still go and pay tribute to them.

  • Aww man, i dont think its possible for me to get the pirate legend arena items in a few days bruh

  • 10 ranks from 50 as of today.
    ...rude cutoff.

  • @ty3dy3-x No news on that just yet... but like the Creator Crew commendations they could just get hidden... maybe?!

  • Really not ok with the decision to just say goodbye to all the items behind this, well, forgotten gamemode and not bring them to Adventure behind new commendations. Please rethink this part!

  • Well, looks like my dreams of getting the Glorious Sea Dog Clothing, Glorious/Triumphant Sea Dog Flintlock, and Skilled Swashbuckling and Skilled Sharpshooting Sea Dog Titles. I will both miss and be happy the Arena is gone because it was a pain to play due to multi-ship teamers and Arena Gods. Now every time I see someone with the 5 items, I wanted I will just be more jealous of them.

  • @frostygreshsnip Grogs at the Sea Dogs Tavern on you?

  • What about the people that are level 49 and want to grind out Sea Dogs 50? What happens if they get 50 during the month before closing?

  • Any mode support the Arena?

  • I'm literally a quarter off sea dogs 50 i think they should delay the point where it decides if you get good boy. R.I.P arena.

  • It's disappointing how little attention Arena was given, despite having the potential to be so incredible.

  • “ Everyone who has already reached or passed Sea Dogs rank 5 will be rewarded with the following Arena ship cosmetics to use in Adventure mode:

    The Azure Scout
    The Flaming Jackal
    The Golden Chaser
    The Lucky Rover
    The Regal Hound
    Those super-dedicated Arena players who have already reached Sea Dogs rank 50 will receive The Good Boy ship cosmetics as a rare bonus in addition to the sets listed above.

    All six of these cosmetic sets consist of four items: hull, figurehead, sails and flag.”

    This is fantastic! Thank you for not leaving these cosmetics to waste!

    Excited to see the new PL weapons set but I hope it’s looks distinct enough from the LSD weapons. Don’t want to make those players feel like they wasted their time.

  • Please extend the time to earn the Shipsets! Specifically the 'Goodboy'. I'm rank 46 and this is just a pain to bear. PLEASE!!!

  • The Midnight Prowl Cosmetics

    I'm ecstatic to see that the Arena Ship cosmetics will be awarded. However, as many may or may not know, there are 7 teams in the Arena, while you've only listed 6. The Midnight Prowl was a scrapped Black and White arena team whose logo was that of a crescent moon. This team color was never playable in-game, except for a rare bug when Arena was first released where the Midnight Prowl ship would spawn in, and repeatedly sink hundreds of times. Please, for our lack of Black and White ship cosmetics, can you allow us to get the cosmetics of the Midnight Prowl? Make it a reward for those who got all the Sea Dog Commendations, perhaps? I spent a lot of time getting all the commendations for Triumphant Sea Dog, and there's a handful of commendations not tied for the Triumphant set which have never had a reward, such as getting Iron Sea Dog, the 200 cannon kill commendation which rewards nothing. Please don't trashcan the Midnight Prowl.

    This aside, you never did mention what you will be doing with The Sea Dogs as a Trading Company. Will their Tavern remain? What about the faction? The characters?
    The Sea Dog Emporium Vendor, will he go for good? He's not stationed at the Adventure location of the tavern, he's ONLY inside. What about his glowing green eyes? All the Sea Dog vendors and NPC characters for turning in the chests have really pretty "spiced up" versions of cosmetics we can earn, will those never see the light of day? Hmm.

  • at least let some of the guys at Notorious Arena League to have some arena style private servers or something 😢

  • @majorvibez01 you still have the option to buy a level at an outpost :)

  • I suffered through arena to get level 50, but knew that 250 wins was never going to happen. The arena community wouldnt let the legendary sea-dog achievement go to 100 wins where it should have been and this is the result. Too many pirate legends were forced to give up on getting their basic gear from this mode and that was deeply unfair. Not to mention all the TDM players who would camp the chest and force out players trying to play the mode normally, even if they didnt interfered with the TDM itself.

    Arena players killed arena by making adventure players deeply unwelcome.

  • So because I haven't got to level 50 yet on the Arena, I won't get The Good Boy cosmetic set!? That is kinda unfair...

  • I totally understand this decision... I only play Arena to get the commendations (rip them as I am not close to finish) but I know that after I would have completed them I would stop playing Arena and gone back to Adventure.. So I understand why it's been decided to shut it down as I bet others are like me. It's still super sad that I will not get the items and cosmetics I have been working towards getting..

  • It would be nice to keep arena as a form of private servers for partners.

  • @lizalaroo said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    @majorvibez01 you still have the option to buy a level at an outpost :)

    That's how I did it..back in the day :)

  • I hope you change your decision to let people who make it to level 50 before the cut off earn the "good boy" ship set. I've been slowly grinding up to level 50 and it would be a shame to hit 50 before you close arena and be unable to earn it.

    I hope you can find a way to incorporate the Sea Dogs faction and commendations into adventure.

  • Level 49 yay :/

  • It’s a shame that Arena was only actively played by a very small portion of the community.

    I had a lot of awesome sessions and met a good few great people in the Arena as well, and got a lot of practice in combat.

    The decision was one we all knew was coming soon, and I’m sure all of us who still decently actively played Arena can understand this decision.

    Hoping to see some really awesome stuff in Adventure this year! (:

  • It is kind of sad, that the matchmaking was soo poor in the last period of arena that even if you wanted to play to earn the cosmetics, you couldn't.... Because matches would just not start.

  • I'd like to see the Sea Dogs faction stick around, and maybe be used in the open world in the future.

    Also, can we enter the tavern?? :)

  • 250 wins to get the PL weapons, I only have one win, lol.
    Given the fact of how lucky you really need to be to win, I think I got no chance of other getting them, shame cause the PL weapons look amazing but I am curious as to what the new weapons will be.

  • @feenixfire90 You'll still get the other 5 ship sets

  • @piratecraggy Me too :D

  • 200 wins. Nearly got there 🤬

  • Will the new Pirate Legend weapons be a different color/skin? I would prefer they stay the same, but I understand they might need to be different to distinguish those that completed the Arena challenges.

    Personally, I never finished the Pirate Legend weapon unlocks because asking for that many 1st place wins was too much for me.

  • @meroviel пишет в Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    we will not tolerate any attacks or aggression towards the hugely passionate Sea of Thieves team who continue to give it everything they’ve got.

    Got nothing to say then.
    Will there be any refunds for people who bought the game only for Arena? Not that I'm the one, but there are such players.

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